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Bottomless fire pit

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6 minutes ago, MilesUpshore said:

inb4 thread gets locked sooner or later, y'all need to not devolve this into a slapfight over an old beta tester's skin reward

True but still baffles me how much people care about the status of an old skin.

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Is having something 'limited' or 'rare' neat? Yes.
Is not having something 'limited' or 'rare' unfortunate? Yes.

I'm lucky to be in the first camp for DST, but I've been in the second for countless other games—and it bothers me each and every time. For that reason, I'm glad it's available. The joy of many easily outclasses the 'prideful joy' of few. I've managed to stay on top of all Loyals EXCEPT THE TREEHOUSE. Why? Wrong place. Wrong time. I got unlucky. The Bottomless Fire Pit isn't all the different. I happened to see a video on the game, and I ended up getting it. I got lucky. Am I proud to be 'an OG'? Absolutely. I can take pride in that without needing to lord it over with an inaccessible skin though.

If you want to flex, flex because its Timeless rarity. Not because people want it, and can't get it. That's just inconsiderate.

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2 hours ago, Cheggf said:

Would love to see a jury rigged background and portrait given to EA players. Then everyone can get the firepit skin and EA players can still show they're EA players.

What EA background and portrait are you talking about?

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Not EA or anything  as a matter of fact i never spent a cent on any skin in any game nor am i ever going to but i do understand why this bothers people and they are right.


The value of an item is derived from the meaning and rarity of that item.

Skins given from events should stay that way or at the very least be only droppable ingame at extremely low drop rates.


Or they could use the skin itself but color it some other way, so that the initial item retains its rarity and special status but also new players can get the skin if they like it so much. Even a small color change can make the difference.


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1 hour ago, 00petar00 said:

It was a simple skin in the game that should've stayed exclusive, it is not a collection as it was given as early access award and it was said that it was given for that.

If you are going to get upset over that, shouldn't you be more upset that the two skins promised as preorder exclusives for the WeGame release of the game as a token of appreciation to players who helped kickstart the far more profitable Chinese version of the game are now available for everyone (with enough klei points)?

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3 hours ago, flyingfishlyl said:

Yeah EA thought "being around in the early days" means something, but apparently not everyone think the same, for example, "doing the hardest boss/challenge on the hardest setting like the Ghost of Tsushima Legends wooden sword skin for beating "hell" mode perfectly" is valued more by you. 

Yeah 100%.

3 hours ago, Ohan said:
3 hours ago, GelatinousCube said:


Now flip the situation. Why were people so upset there was 1 skin they couldnt get? 

Console has always been shafted. Whether you own hamlet and shipwrecked or not you don't get those skins. Regardless of when you started no EA skins. Tons of rare skins that cannot be bought or weaved and you can only get as a miracle daily/weekly drop. PS is the worst as we aren't even being included in this whole skins transfer thing. There are many rare or near unobtainable skins on console. Anything that reduces this is in my eyes a good thing. I'm not a fan of locked cosmetics. Everything should be available to eventually obtain or unlock for everyone. Preorder skins are also super dumb especially given these days they're generally obtainable any way or are not and either suck (if they include actual stats etc) at a certain point or are too good and are pay to win items.

It's more than 1 skin. 

3 hours ago, Cheggf said:

Why are you so upset over skins in a videogame?

Wow troll bait much? I was shocked that others are upset about the skin now being available and even specifically said "chill out" in regards to it. 

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29 minutes ago, lakhnish said:

This thread is essentially class warfare in a nutshell.

Right cuz non EA players really are a systematically oppressed group of people who have the surplus value of their labour stolen by the minority EA players. Very clever. 

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5 hours ago, Ohan said:

Because those ‘some’ people were there to support the game when it mattered the most in the beginning. Thats how exclusive EA bonuses/perks work. 

I mean I don't have the skin and played the OG DS since it dropped on playstation and the same for DST..never knew I had the option to get the skin..but because I don't have it, does that mean I haven't been supporting the game since the beginning?


Let me make it clear I like skins, and understand the gatekeeping associated with having rare ones but idc if It's available or not. It would be nice but that's about it.

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1 minute ago, Dr. Safety said:

They need to release the Proof of Purchase skins on the point store. It's not fair to gatekeep them and everyone is entitled to get them /s

tbh some of them require rarer and rarer funkos :C

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Maybe Klei could make the the original Skins have a colored text when you hover your mouse over them. It's a small detail, but i think it would be enough to distinguish the two without changing too much.

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9 minutes ago, Dr. Safety said:

They need to release the Proof of Purchase skins on the point store. It's not fair to gatekeep them and everyone is entitled to get them /s

Honestly what would be so wrong about that? Especially if they were pretty expensive in Klei points. Sure they’d no longer be exclusive to the Beta or Funko Pop doll or whatever that you bought- but the REWARD you get is saving the 5000 Klei points you would’ve redeemed on that skin to redeem on other skins you don’t own.

It’s unlikely that the Proof of Purchase or Funko Doll skins will ever be added to Klei Rewards, but I’m just giving an example of why it’s possible.

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53 minutes ago, Ohan said:

Right cuz non EA players really are a systematically oppressed group of people who have the surplus value of their labour stolen by the minority EA players. Very clever. 

I was more so referring to how people like yourselves are gatekeeping others from having something you probably have.

It was more so a joke rather than a serious remark, but also a little bit of a jab too :>

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is just a skin, how cares who or when you got it?

and people saying "we supported the game back in the day blablabla" you arent heroes, you just bought a 5€ game because you wanted to play it. I have the skin and i didn't even knew it was cuz beta testing, am i a hero too? i want my nobel prize, if Obama got one i deserve it too

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Been around since the beta and accordingly had the skin forever, and...
Honestly, it'll just be nice to see people using it again. Bit of nostalgia's nice.

6 hours ago, Cheggf said:

Would love to see a jury rigged background and portrait given to EA players. Then everyone can get the firepit skin and EA players can still show they're EA players.

That would be cool though! Any sort of reference to the old portal, really. I think stuff like that's more reasonable since backdrops and icons aren't like...usable in base designs.





Don't mind if I do...

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6 hours ago, Sapientis said:

I'm surprised there are people seriously upset about others being able to get some beta bottomless pit skin, when you can get those master race Stone Kiln and Carved Stone Torch skins.image.png.ec91471125b5405513f420a808201a1f.png

My reaction. I'm not Chinese, so all I could do was draw these in my art for the longest time. I love how classy they look. Very grateful to Klei on this decision.

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Ah the good ol' "If I have got something, I don't want anyone else to have it so I am special" that has always advanced our society as a whole to a great deal.

I understand that some people might feel something they have loses value if other people suddenly get access, while you had to do be present somewhere at a specific time or whatever to obtain it in the first place. But then again, look at it like this, you've had access for it for all this time, and got enjoyment out of if for potential years, while the ones that get it now, only get the enjoyment from now on. 

And I am saying this as someone who has all the skins I care about and obtained everything when it was initially available for a short period of time.

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