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Funny DST misspells

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I've heard many funny examples in the Let's Plays I watch  on YouTube--my favourite being how GuudeBoulderFist CONSISTENTLY calls the Bearger the "Burger".  Just burger.  LIke the food.  He at one point did figure out how the name is probably pronounced, but he sticks with "Burger".

Prestihatitator and Fling-o-matic are of course other fun ones for people to go nuts with, including "Flinga-matta-mater!" and "Prestithilitater", but those being hard to say/spell and also made up words to begin with, I kinda understand those ones.

If I think of other funny ones I'll write them, but for now all I can think of is "IT'S THE BURGER!  HE'S IN OUR BASE, DUDE!"  XD




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1 hour ago, minespatch said:

I sometimes pronounce Wigfrid's name as Weegfrid. I think it has to do with Mind My Gap's Virgil and youtuber Tvee stuck in a  bit of my dialect.

It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the W in her name should be pronounced as V since it's germanic. I've been calling her a wig this entire time :wilson_ecstatic:


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I used to pronounce Bearger like "Beer-ger". And in my head I often pronounce WX as "Wix" (which is partly a German insult).

Also I constantly tell people to meet at protal.

Edit: I like to say "Alcohol engine" and my sister just calls gobblers a "Hoo-too-too-too-too".

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12 hours ago, CaptainChaotica said:


I - damn I say that too ! :wilson_laugh: I'm French and I don't really have the chance to actively talk in English except to pronounce names so I've never really practised a different accent and a lot of things sounds just so wrong from me, I could easy make a hole page of mispronunciations here but the Burger is really my favorite, or the one I'm the most ashamed of !

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57 minutes ago, ADM said:

I - damn I say that too ! :wilson_laugh: I'm French and I don't really have the chance to actively talk in English except to pronounce names so I've never really practised a different accent and a lot of things sounds just so wrong from me, I could easy make a hole page of mispronunciations here but the Burger is really my favorite, or the one I'm the most ashamed of !

Well, I doubt I could even say "(Anything) is in our base!" in French, so you're ahead of me.   Actually you have better English than many native speakers I know.  (GuudeBoulderFist is American.  He's from...somewhere in the south, I forget where.  But some of his mis-names are on purpose, like how he always calls the swamp "the Taint".  I think he's referring to Terarria, not the body part.)

But he also came up with the "I CAME IN LIKE A DEEEER-CLOOPS!" song, so he gets a pass.  XD

The flingomatic gets a lot of these too, such as "flingamatamater" and "flingamathinger". Flinga...you know...the ice thing! 

I'm also now thinking about how Markiplier (these examples are all from older Let's Plays, but I didn't intend that) called Wigfrid "VEEEG-ferrrrd!" in an attempt to "properly" say her name, or how he at first thought she was _Scottish_ despite all the "Valhalla awaits!" stuff and kept giving her an atrocious Scottish accent.  XD  "Ehf you culd chaaaange yerr feeeet..."

Why are none of these MY examples?  Well for one thing I don't have a microphone, so nobody can HEAR my pronounciations, good _or_ bad. (I have a pretty generic American accent.)  And I'm a real stickler for spelling and always have been, so if I spell something wrong it's because I was typing in a hurry or legit didn't _know_.  That's not to say I don't get things wrong when it comes to DS/DST.  It's just that my mistakes usually don't involve words. : P


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