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1 minute ago, Fridgetty said:

Do nightmare creatures have this mob mentality when you hit one they'll all aggro onto you?


Do moslings eat planted seeds in a farm plot?


What are the benefits of a stone fruit bush in your base?

1. No, but: 

-nightmare creatures spawned by your insanity will target you regardless

-if you come close to attack a nightmare creature from the ruins you're probably close enough to attract all the nearby ones

2. No idea, my bet is no. There's no reason for them to ba able to.

3. Food and rocks. Because they don't stay grown but cycle between growing fruits and losing them it's good to have them in sight so you can pick them early enough. Just make sure you plant the seeds, not dig up and replant bushes. The replanted ones need fertilizer, the seed ones don't. 

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7 minutes ago, BezKa said:

1. No, but: 

-nightmare creatures spawned by your insanity will target you regardless

-if you come close to attack a nightmare creature from the ruins you're probably close enough to attract all the nearby ones

2. No idea, my bet is no. There's no reason for them to ba able to.

3. Food and rocks. Because they don't stay grown but cycle between growing fruits and losing them it's good to have them in sight so you can pick them early enough. Just make sure you plant the seeds, not dig up and replant bushes. The replanted ones need fertilizer, the seed ones don't. 

1. Yes, if you hit one and others are in range  they will aggro to you

2. They don't

3. Regularily picking them up to stack and crack open whenever you need rocks/food/more bushes


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37 minutes ago, Fridgetty said:

What are the benefits of a stone fruit bush in your base?

It generates rocks, but more importantly it's a food source. Each bush will give about 2 fruits & 1 rock, and the fruits are just a standard vegetable that rots quickly and restores a small amount of health. It's a good vegetable filler, or alright on its own. The real strength comes from the fact that it never spoils until you first break it open, so you can easily have a full chest or more of ready to harvest stone fruits that'll last forever and guarantee you have food, so long as you're able to break them open. They rot in 2 or 3 days after you break them open so maybe you could turn them into rot if you're a bit lazy, too.

They can be broken open more quickly with Maxwell's miners, explosives, or the weather pain.

Edited by Cheggf
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51 minutes ago, BezKa said:

-nightmare creatures spawned by your insanity will target you regardless

Regular shadow creatures from low sanity will:

Come for you if you hit either a nightmare creature or a regular one.

They have decided to go a little easy on you and your friends. Hitting a nightmare creature will NOT anger the regular shadow creatures.
Hitting regulars will also not draw unwanted attention from nightmares.
Hitting a type will only provoke its kind.

1 hour ago, Cheggf said:

My friend says they give rotten eggs regardless of what you feed them.


Also, just pointing this out: They can probably die. And leave rot in the cage, since murdering them gives you.. rot.

Edited by Baguettes
typo whoops
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9 hours ago, BezKa said:

1. No, but: 

-nightmare creatures spawned by your insanity will target you regardless

-if you come close to attack a nightmare creature from the ruins you're probably close enough to attract all the nearby ones


actually, they do. If you hit a nightmare creature while wearing the skeleton hat, all nearby shadows will attack you too

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1 minute ago, Mike23Ua said:

I thought we were supposed to get an info drop and official release date for Eye of The Storm today..?

yeah idk, maybe its better if we dont pressure Klei, this update is a big one and if they force themselves into making it fast itll not be at its full potential

so im fine with waiting a little longer


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Why can't rock lobsters come to the surface anymore?

If I try to sink bundled supplies, will it?

Do tree guards smolder? 

Am I able to fill my entire ocean with boats?

 If possible am I able to fill the surface with Cobblestones?

And is there a faster way to gain lots of batilisk wings than just killing them slowly?


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5 minutes ago, JeezSorry said:

Why can't rock lobsters come to the surface anymore?

If I try to sink bundled supplies, will it?

Do tree guards smolder? 

Am I able to fill my entire ocean with boats?

 If possible am I able to fill the surface with Cobblestones?

And is there a faster way to gain lots of batilisk wings than just killing them slowly?


- no, only in DS and was removed in dst because, i guess, they were a problematic plage

- yes, for that is important to keep them in the backpack when sailing

- yes, even they can start smoldering if they are near other fire and the game lets you extinguish them with right click to preven them catching on fire

- as long as your computer can handle it...

- as long as you patience can handle it...

- killing them is the only way. You can build bunnymen houses in cave entrance and go every X time to gather the wings, you can visit the guano biome in the caves and gather a good amount of them

Edited by ArubaroBeefalo
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Let's say you got a hound wave and you're now getting chased by hounds, you left your world and turned off hound waves and hounds in world settings, would the hounds currently chasing you disappear or will the world setting change only take effect once that said set of hounds are killed.

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8 minutes ago, Fridgetty said:

Let's say you got a hound wave and you're now getting chased by hounds, you left your world and turned off hound waves and hounds in world settings, would the hounds currently chasing you disappear or will the world setting change only take effect once that said set of hounds are killed.

i think they don't despawn but after you kill them no more hound waves in your map

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On 4/30/2021 at 8:38 AM, JeezSorry said:

Why can't rock lobsters come to the surface anymore?

Because Together has completely severed the bond of surface and underground. They have replaced Chester with Hutch in the caverns, for they have deemed that ne'er again shall anything traverse between the bounds of the surface and caverns! Except for players... And Woby... And beefalo... But that's it! Nothing else!

Edited by Cheggf
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4 hours ago, SinancoTheBest said:

Do Gestalts' names and concepts come from gestalt psychology?

  1. an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.
    Ge·stalt psy·chol·o·gy
    /ɡəˈSHtält sīˈkäləjē/
    1. a movement in psychology founded in Germany in 1912, seeking to explain perceptions in terms of gestalts rather than by analyzing their constituents.
      Confirmation that the moon and gestalts are a hive mind? They are more then their perceived whole... Well the newest short certainly showed us that there is more to the moon than what we can see with the naked eye and it ain't no cheese.
      Its not 'cho cheese. Lmao
Edited by HowlVoid
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On 5/1/2021 at 9:04 PM, SinancoTheBest said:

Do Gestalts' names and concepts come from gestalt psychology?

A gestalt in German can mean a lot of things but in a creepy context it is a shape that you see which you can’t definitely identify. For example, out walking at night, other people appear as black shapes. You can’t recognize them so it is up to your brain to identify them. They are a gestalt. You would say to yourself, or ask your friend walking next to you, who is this gestalt over there? They could be a stalker, a neighbor you know or just a box or something that looks like a person. Your brain can make up all sorts of things about them and define their reality in your mind. This is a gestalt. Only if you go closer and closer, then you see ah that is what it really is, as it resolves. It stops being a gestalt and becomes something definite. This is what I think of when I see the name gestalt in don’t starve together. Something which could be good or bad but you are afraid to go closer because you don’t know what it is, and you imagine it could be something about to snack on your face. It’s not something real but a story your mind has created because it can’t identify what you are seeing.

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about the lunar island:

how did all that life populate the island so quickly? the piece of the moon fell by the time the survivors were there and in the turn of tides trailer, when they got on, it was already full of plants and animals

evolution exists in ds/t-- maxwell comments about how the dangling depth dwellers evolved in the constant, but that process usually takes a very long time

did evolution on the moon just.... speed up at mach rates? or was all that life already INSIDE the moon or something and it just fell out? the moon's crack looks hollow in future trailers, but that might be just the art style

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