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Hallowed Nights Suggestions

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On 2019-10-01 at 12:11 PM, minespatch said:

Skeletons of dead players returning to life at full moon, just random skeletons wandering the world.

I save skeletons with any type of funny death on my world. I have a starvation skeleton between all of my crockpots. That one was on purpose though. 

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I'm torn on Maxwell being Dracula or a puppet for the metaphor. If he's a puppet, they need to reference Billy from Saw with the swirly cheeks.

Klaus for Wortox's second costume would be fine, but for the other Halloween costume, I'd love him to be a priest(especially if there's a strawhat and Chest skins for fedora and suitcase to reference the exorcist).:wilson_ecstatic:

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On 10/5/2019 at 5:18 PM, CarlZalph said:

I need to meet more of your acquaintances; too many of mine find Hallowe'en to be not a jolly time period.

Actually come to think of it it's also more of an American/Western (?) thing, too.  I remember back during the first Hallowed Nights, when people who lived in countries who don't celebrate it were sad, I told them to get their cooler friends together and have a private costume party, or at least buy a lot of your favourite candy at the store and then tuck in to watch your fave spooky movie.  You CAN do Halloweenish stuff even if your country doesn't celebrate it...

I don't know where you live, so maybe you just have stick-in-the-mud friends?  In general I think of Halloween as quite popular because not only locally, but all over the 'net, everybody goes NUTS with spooky-themed temporary avatars, orange and black schemes on their social media, etc.  And YouTube channels get in on the act, even if only tangentially.  Linkara does his whole "Longbox of the Damned!" thing once a day for the whole month of October, vampire/ghost/witch/zombie/etc. themed movies, books and TV shows start getting reviewed a lot more, and even freaking EDUCATIONAL channels get in on it, although in a way that still fits them.  (For example, SciShow just came out with an episode called "Things that go bump in your brain--4 Scientific Explanations for Ghosts".  That timing was NOT coincidental.)  Stores have decorations all over the place, my neighbors across the street go crazygonuts with their stuff and put up a giant plastic skeleton on the last day of September...

A LOT of this, of course, is the fact that the holiday is _profitable_ (in America), but it's also a time when you get to be creative, show your other side, be a little gothy, read scary stories and even adults are socially allowed to participate, as long as they don't trick-or-treat.  Halloween parties, with our without drunken debauchery, and showing up to work in costume on the day/the closest day your work is open, are common.  By the way my other favourite part of Halloween is how I always end up buying more candy than I actually need for the trick or treaters, and well whaddya know, said candies happen to be my favourite kinds!  Welp, guess I gotta take care of these leftovers now!  ;)

...I have absolutely NO idea what I'm dressing up as this year, by the way.  : P


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Actually here’s what I want to see in Don’t Starve Together on Hallowed Nights, the Entire map is temporarily replaced with nothing but cemetery setting with that Erie fog, the only enemy types that spawn are-

Spiders, Bats, Ghosts, Walking Skeletons & Zombies (yes I want actual Zombies crawling up out the ground because...)

Well for one this ISNT  really designed to be a “children’s” game and TWO-

Minecraft which actually IS A children’s game has Zombies... surely you more grown up mature gamers have the stomach for them to temporarily invade DST? 

What I DO KNOW is that Red Dead Redemption 2, Warframe, Destiny 2 And Apex Legends will all be raising the dead with special Halloween themed events.. So yeah.

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By the way the glowing eyes would not be like a torch or lantern or provide any type of light source- they would be purely cosmetic only.

Even in game if you stand by a totally normal tree at nightfall it doesn’t provide you with any actual light source so why should his eyes?

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Frankly I don't want zombies to invade Don't Starve because I'm FREAKING SICK OF THEM.  They're _so_ overused.  They're everywhere.  So many TV shows, comics, movies, if you want a jumpscare in an even slightly horror-themed game AAA! zombie! from behind the wall...  I was over them several years ago.  Actually I never liked them.

Well, that is to say, TYPICAL zombies.  Zombies who happen to be smelly ugly shambling undead but still have their own personality and are a seperate _character_, I'm down with.  This would include the likes of Reg Shoe from Discworld ("UNDEAD YES!  UNPERSON NO!") or Zora Zombie from Xanth.

Anyway the only games I play with zombies in them are Plague Inc., Organ Trail, and the Rebuild trilogy, and that's because they all have gameplay styles/mechanics that I enjoy and just HAPPEN to have zombies in the theming.  (I _like_ strategically plotting how to destroy the world, having a nice road trip with my family across post-apocalyptic America, or slowly reclaiming a ruined city from a wasteland into a living community again, building by building.)   Yeah I guess that'd become true of Don't Starve as well if it had zombies in it, but...no.  Just no.  It's never needed them before.  No.

(we also already have zombie hounds who are made entirely out of mouth)

By the way if you're interested in any of those games keep an eye out for the Steam Halloween sale; that's how I got my copies.  : P


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