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Are people that don't use backpacks weirdos?

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I use backpacks at the start when there aren't chests to put my things, and the insulated pack in long trips in the caves/ruins because slow the food spoilage, but I don't really use backpacks usually, I mean more slots for my things are great, and I like to use Chester, Hutch and Woby to carry my stuff, but I prefer to use my Body Slot for armor, magic stuff, and the seasonal clothes "I really love to use the rain coat".

In one occasion someone asked me why I don't use backpack? And I said that I don't like to use backpacks, and he told me that I'm weird. The second one when someone said that he really wants to get the Krampus Sack and I said Krampus Sack is just a backpack but with more slots.

And now I'm here to know if I'm the only one, or if it's weird to don't use a backpack.

Thanks to all. :love_heart:

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well backpacks are good like REALLY good but are you the only person who doesnt use them?the answer is no i personally use backpacks nowadays but there was a time where i wouldnt use them.but of course there are people who dont use backpacks youre not the only one. to answer your second question is it weird to not use a backpack?the answer is hell no just because you dont use a certain item doesnt make you weird and whoever said that youre weird because you dont use a backpack well then they are just rude  

well thats all i really have to say hope you all have a good day or night wherever you are 

k bye

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I dont know how you play, but I always have like 8 slots ocuppied by my necessities (Grass, twigs, gold, logs, lamp, miner hat, weapon, bundle with food, etc) and have trouble letting go of items because I may need them later, so a big pack is a must for me (I usually rush piggyback)

And I usually equip a helmet/Eyebrella/Beffalo Hat/Tamo in my head

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I think some characters and playstyles work better than others with the #noBackpackLife

As Woodie I always wear a backpack, since the wereforms let you carry them equipped with you, so the insulated pack or the krampus sack are a huge plus for Woodie (all wereform skills + all your items stored) and anything else in the chest slot would be dropped when transforming.

For Maxwell, if I'm not gathering, I like wearing thulecite armor in the chest slot and a utility hat in the head slot (miner's hat, insulation, eyebrella, etc).
Same goes with Walter, Walter actually gets a strong passive sanity regen with a thul armor (+3 permanent, independent of day/night and auras) and Woby let's you compensate pretty well with the inventory issues.
I've had some runs as Wigfrid wearing a hibearnation vest all winter and switching to Magi during fights, which ended up being a great combo since Wigfrid doesn't really need to carry much.

But I'd say most of the other times I go with backpacks, and only use the chest slot during fights (I really like chest armors), or if I need to dry quickly and didn't get the eyebrella yet.

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1 hour ago, Memetan said:

The second one when someone said that he really wants to get the Krampus Sack and I said Krampus Sack is just a backpack but with more slots.

It does have 2 more slots than a Piggyback, and no speed penalty. Sounds pretty sweet, though I've never been lucky enough to use one. The wiki says it's a 1% drop rate, but it seems like the decimal point needs to be moved to the left 2 or 3 spaces.

Anyway, I wouldn't say not using a pack is weird. I've always kinda wished I could break my addiction to packs. There are so many cool items I'm missing out on. 

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Im on #TeamBackpack but pubs have taught me to play without them just fine(specially during spring when chances of getting an eyebrella are reduced).

Obviously some characters may need a backpack more than others but personally, the more space i get, the more of a hoarder i become.

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Nobody's a "weirdo" for having a different playstyle in a game that actively encourages playing the way you like. Personally the way I play (picking up everything and focusing on megabasing) means that I have to have a backpack and eventually a krampus sack 24/7, but that doesn't make my playstyle more or less normal or valid than anyone else's, it's just how I get the most enjoyment out of the game. Same goes for playing without a backpack. Or always kiting. Or always tanking. Or using lightbugs 24/7. Or constantly sailing. Or spending 90% of the game in the ruins. Or never going to the ruins. Or etc etc etc.

DST's a sandbox with tons and tons of options for how to play it, so play however you like and don't worry about how other people feel about that.

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I would never call anybody who doesn't use a backpack _weird_...

I'd call them WAY better at inventory management than me.  : P

It's kind of a shame that you can't wear chest clothing and a backpack at the same time, however, 'cos there ARE some clothing items I'd wear if it was practical...  (Yes I know, mods--I refuse to use that kind.  Or the one that allows stacks of up to 99.  Just seems a hair too definitely-cheaty to me.)


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Overreliance on backpacks is a sign of an inexperienced player. They're extremely useful in some situations such as the start of the game when you're brushing up on cartography and exploration, but you don't need them 24/7 and can be replaced in many (most) situations with better inventory management.

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Geesh, I didn't think this would turn around to insult the OTHER side, in the same thread...

Backpacks are for people who like having a lot of stuff conveniently and who travel a lot.  I do that.  I do a whole lot of exploring, gathering unpicked stuff in the winter, etc.  At over 1,023 hours I'm HARDLY inexperienced.  I just prefer to play the way I play.


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Well I played Single Player Don’t Starves Adventures Mode and during that there will be tough decision making times of: Do I use a backpack & probably die immediately? Or Do I drop my pack & wear some armor to deal with the deadly threat?

in Solo DS you had NO CHOICE there would be up to 10-16 Pig Warriors holding a very strong choke hold on a bridge you needed to bypass, a bridge that could only be crossed by dropping your stash and instead of attempting to fight them, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE while wearing some heavy protections.

Dont Starve Together needs more moments where players need to know when to fight and when to take flight.

My motto for other survival games “Don’t draw attention to yourself unless it’s absolutely required, you gotta learn when to fight, and when to live to fight another day.”

DST currently doesn’t really have that-

But the whole dropping the backpack thing to put on armor concept worked in Solo DS because other players couldn’t just snatch up your backpack, in DST however you have to be cautious as to when to drop your stash due to other players thinking the second you drop your backpack it’s for them.

Now lastly depending on what CHARACTER you play will probably determine if you need a pack or not, As Wendy you’ll carry around potions that take up a lot of inventory slots now, so for her a pack is an obvious choice, as Wortox who can hold 20 souls in one storage slot- the dude doesn’t really even need body armor and can tank most threats in sheer self healing alone.

Also as per @CaptainChaotica depending on how you set your worlds up (mine are set to random season start times & random season lengths) you may want to use a backpack more often.. because you need to always have gear IN YOUR INVENTORY should the need for said gear randomly arise.

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Hear hear!  I do random seasons too...and for one example, people who know when their seasons are gonna start and end, do _not_ need to carry nitre on them at all times.  I kinda do...  An umbrella is a good thing to have on you too, and a thermal stone (I use a mod that makes it so they don't break, like in solo DS, which I started from and was more used to). 

Wood and grass are NECESSITIES; you don't want to be caught out without the ability to make a fire, and then twigs and flint for when your tools break (if you're using gold tools, then you might want to carry a hair of gold to replace those.  They take longer, but they do break). And then there's slots needed for food, and it's nice to have at least a couple blank slots for new stuff you might find along the way.  Found a gear in the desert, from a tumbleweed?  Man it'd be a shame to have to leave THAT behind...  I also tend to have rocks on me because more than once, in one of those seasons where grass is hard to come by, I've had to throw down a firePIT or die to darkness.  And then the next person who comes by there has a pleasant surprise.

I don't consider people who don't use backpacks to be weird..._or_ better/more experienced players than me.  I just consider them to have more restraint than I do/be better at planning.  Or, they never played public servers where you need to keep your stuff on you or someone takes it.  I also like to make a point of making backpacks in different colors for different people, so when everyone throws their backpacks off to fight hounds, you'll be able to tell whose is whose at a glance afterwards.


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i usually use a backpack/krampus sack for the first year or so, when i do a lot of all materials gathering, but after that i tend to ditch it for good; grab a krampus sack whenever i go to ruins or when i want to collect lots of stuff. After that point i have bone armor/magi on my chest slot most of the time, and hibernation vest in winter sometimes, using chester to store food and materials for tools and wraps.


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It really just means you got used to gathering only what is necessary. You are asking the majority backpack users, and ofcourse they will say it is their most used item.

Don't starve is a playstyle that is only limited how you play. This isn't a competitive game where someone would flame you for picking a different playstyle.

Another example of a popular item is canes. I find it tedious to kill Walrus, but I had instances where I didn't have the item for many seasons and was perfectly fine without it. Other players will call this kind of behavior weird (not playing as Wortox).

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Using a backpack or armor/insulation for your chest gear is purely up to preference, but the backpack's extra inventory slots do a lot for organization or enabling hoarding habits. Its common for players to always have inventory slots dedicated to basic materials (twigs, grass, flint/gold, etc.) along with tools, and a backpack essentially gives those slots back for what you constantly carry around. I personally only use a backpack and rely on headgear for protection and insulation, since chest gear can carry out the same function and I really like the inventory slots. It doesn't matter if you use it or not, play how you want and look fashionable in your floral shirts, rain coats, and chest armor skins. Seriously, they are extremely underrated for how cool some of them look and unfortunately nobody wears them.

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I almost never use a backpack. I used to use one all the time, but I kept leaving it places after switching to a log suit, or having to choose between a tam and an eyebrella when it started to rain, and never using anything else in the body slot. But once I decided to try not using a backpack, the game felt like it opened up a lot of new possibilities. The raincoat used to seem utterly useless. Now, when playing with a group, other people will debate who "deserves" to get the first eyebrella, while I just say, "I'm good with the raincoat, thanks." I love the raincoat. Full rain protection while also wearing a tam or miner hat is great. Getting the extra temperature protection and sanity boost from a dapper vest also feels great, and same for the summer frest.

I'll sometimes craft a backpack on the fly if I wind up someplace where there's unexpectedly a ton of great loot to carry, but once I get my stuff back to camp, I usually take a torch to the empty backpack afterwards so that I don't even have to think about whether to wear it or not.

Plus, my default chest slot item now is the log suit, and it's saved my life more than once, where I might have been suddenly attacked unarmored if I wasn't already always wearing a log suit.

The backpack is obviously still a super useful item,  though, so do whatever you like, as long as you're having fun. :wilson_smile:

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Imo inventory management is one of if not the most relevant skill in dst. I can tell from a screenshot how experienced a player is by looking at his inventory, ofc it's subjective and maybe there are some who thrive in chaos, but it's not generally the case.

I think trying to live without a backpack could be a good challenge to improve that part of the game if you're struggling with it; other that that is more of a case of preference and playstyle i'd say, i prefer to use chest slot for speed/light/armor.


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