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Now it's really confirned which will be the drops after the overhaul.

19 hours ago, sudoku said:

Wurt Poseidon, Hermes Walter, Hephestus Winona or Wilson, Medusa Webber, Athena Wickerbottom, Helios Willow, Ares Wigfrid. 

What bout Wormwood? Q.Q

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1 hour ago, ShakerGER said:

Now it's really confirned which will be the drops after the overhaul.

What bout Wormwood? Q.Q


7 minutes ago, CaptainChaotica said:

Demeter?  Goddess of the harvest/growing plants, so that works.


Id say persephone is better, since Wormwood blossoms in spring, when persephone goes to earth

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8 minutes ago, Wardin25 said:


Id say persephone is better, since Wormwood blossoms in spring, when persephone goes to earth

That's the same story. Spring comes bc mother of Persephone (or Kora) dresses up for her daughter's return (Demeter). 

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Yes!  Somebody already said Medusa (because he has multiple creepy-crawly things coming out of his head, I'm guessing) but that would work too.  Ooh!  Ooh!  I know!  One of the Fates!  Because they _spin_ everyone's destiny...?  (Not sure which one he would be--Clothos, Lachesis or Atropos.  Probably the first one, since he physically _makes_ the silk.)

No, Wigfrid, I'm not talking about the Norns.  Wrong mythology.  No, the Norns are totally _not_ the Fates moonlighting as an extra gig on the side.  Whatever gave you that idea?  ;)

(psst there's an episode of "Hercules: The Animated Series" with exactly that.  : P)

(The Norns aren't helping run all of reality from a giant tree-computer and messing with people's love lives in modernish Tokyo, either (with a little light world-destroying on the side, occasionally), as far as I know.)


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In Hercules (the Disney series) there's an episode that crosses over with Norse mythology, and at one point Hercules meets the Norns and he's like "I know you guys!  You're the Fates!"  "No, no, we're not, silly boy, whatever gave you that idea, ha ha..." (similarly for Hermod vs. Hermes.)  Then Hercules accidentally helps Loki cause Ragnarok, because of course he does.

The series where the Norns are messing with peoples' love lives in Tokyo is "Oh My Goddess" and...

(spoilered so it doesn't bug people, as I've gone definitely off the topic by now)


Well, the anime is okay, and really pretty, but it seems to take the story way more _seriously_ than the original manga, which is all full of goofy side-gags and undertone snark.  But yeah--it starts with our main character trying to call for pizza and accidentally getting the Goddess Helpline, which cause Belldandy (the Japanese pronunciation of "Verdandi") to show up at his dorm and it goes from there. The other two Norns eventually move in and romantic/fish-out-of-water/magical/reality-bending hijinks ensue. Sometimes more than one of those categories at once!

Also as the Norn representing the Future, Skuld is the inventor/engineer one...and also an absolute geek.  For example--if you look carefully in the manga, you can see a freaking Enterprise D model hanging from her ceiling!  XD

So yeah there is an animated series featuring the Norns as characters, although they come from a modern-day*, computerised version of Yggdrasil.  Oh and they have business cards.

As for more DST characters as various Greek gods...hmmm...do we have any even remotely party-down-ish characters?  I'm thinking it might be fun to get Dionysus up in here...

We could also maybe have the kid characters as the Fates:  Webber as Clothos (the spinner) Walter as Lachesis (the measurer) and Wendy, of course, as Atropos, who CUTS OFF THE THREAD OF YOUR LIFE. It sounds like a job she'd enjoy.  (Wurt is too busy being Poseidon to get in on this, and Wilba is too busy being from another branch of the franchise.)


*Weeeellll...for certain definitions of "modern".  Way more modern than actual Viking times, but the series starts in, what, the early '90s?  Late '80s even? Modern enough to have computers, CDs and some form of the internet, anyway.

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