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Guys, what music is your favorite in DST? or what music do you listen to when playing DST

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  Most of the time I play dst, I listen to the soundtrack. My favorite background music is played in winter and in caves,sometimes when I play dst, I also listen to some of my favorite music,once I was playing dst and I was listening to 《All I Want For Christmas Is You》Mariah Carey. I listened for two hours in a row,Then I sang along with this song for half an hour and my throat hurt XD.  so if you want, you can share your favorite background music in DST or the music you like to listen to while playing DST~

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I usually turn off any game music no matter what game I'm playing.  Recently I've been on a trek with Rolling Stones, The Doors, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, and whatever else Youtube / Pandora puts in with them.

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RoG: Summer showdown, Summer work theme.

Shipwrecked: Dry and Hurricane season work`s themes

Hamlet: Temperate Work (beta), Main theme

Together: Crab king, Moon island work theme, Antlion battle theme and finally, second Ancient Fuelweaver theme

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I usually play with the dusk/night music mod aswell as autumn music restoration in DST, I even ended up merging the two together in a personal use mod and updated it to not break the crab king theme. So that's what I usually end up listening to when playing DST.

I like the majority of the DST soundtrack, can't really think of any I don't like.


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I think Summer Jobs is my favourite, next to the Deerclops fight music. Summer Jobs really makes it feel like you're in the middle of summer under the relentless sun. It's fantastic. Also the SW main theme, I really love how ominous and almost scary the steel drums are. 

As for non DST music, I typically leave the music on and don't add my own, but I have been debating on using the dusk/night music mod because I don't like how quiet DST is sometimes. 

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Definitely: Spring Cleaning! This is the best! I listen to it frequently, and it’s just amazing! Have any of you heard the acoustic version? Amazing! It’s also the music I would play while playing dst, but I don’t really play music while playing sooooo....


Oh also, ragtime and hoedown are very cool too! The 3 versions of hoedown are great.

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