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"This feels like a modded character!!!" (A General Character Discussion)

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2 hours ago, Theukon-dos said:

                     WIGFRID                                                            WALTER                                                                  EYEBOLL

Has 25% increased damage and resistance                   Has a portable tent                                                     Is fast but weak

Has 2 craftable items to aid her in battle                     Has a custom slingshot,                               Gains extra damage when below 50 san.
                                                                       7 custom ammo types, and a custom tent                           Cries when below 25 san.      

                   Only eats meat                                        Is immune to insanity auras,                                Is weak to Stale, Spoiled,

                                                                                                                                                                        and monster foods

                                                                              But looses sanity when hit and hurt                         Doesn't loose sanity from raw meat

                                                                            Doesn't Gain sanity from dapperness                         Gains sanity from Fish and Sushi

                                                                               Looses less hunger from sleeping                                   Is immune to charlie

                                                                                     Gains sanity from trees                                      Less effected by darkness insanity

                                                                                             cooks faster                                                               Can dodge           
                                                                                           Allergic to bees                                                    has 5 Custom bandaids               

                                                                                         Has a free chester 
                                                                     Can feed Woby monster meat for a free beefalo
                                                                                   Can tell campfire stories

I'm honestly baffled here are you trying to say when you read all 3 of these characters wigfrid is the one that sounds the most interesting ignoring the fact she is one of the original survivors.

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List of Walter's abilities which had been copied from other characters:

  • Willow:
    • Cooks food twice as fast (Has been introduced with Warly)
    • Gains sanity near a Campfire or Fire Pit
    • Looses sanity if freezing
    • His follower has a wimpy and a mighty form (Also part from Wolfgang)
  • Wendy:
    • Has a follower who can follow him all the time
    • Doesn't loose sanity from ghosts
  • Wes:
    • Pretty low stats
    • Hard to survive character
  • Warly:
    • Comes with his own portable gear (An upgraded Fur Roll which has been designed they way that it can't be used by other characters)
    • Cooks food twice as fast
    • (kinda look the same)

Like if somebody would make his fav character by mixing the abilities of different characters.

He feels like a DST-Version of Wheeler (Explorer character, has a ranged weapon), has a feature which has been suggested by the community (Doesn't need to rely on a Backpack), and has abilities which had been suggested for Wurt long time ago when Wurt was introduced (Doesn't loose sanity when holding wet items or using Wormholes).

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12 minutes ago, Viktor234 said:

List of Walter's abilities which had been copied from other characters:

  • Willow:
    • Cooks food twice as fast (Has been introduced with Warly)
    • Gains sanity near a Campfire or Fire Pit
    • Looses sanity if freezing
    • His follower has a wimpy and a mighty form (Also part from Wolfgang)
  • Wendy:
    • Has a follower who can follow him all the time
    • Doesn't loose sanity from ghosts
  • Wes:
    • Pretty low stats
    • Hard to survive character
  • Warly:
    • Comes with his own portable gear (An upgraded Fur Roll which has been designed they way that it can't be used by other characters)
    • Cooks food twice as fast
    • (kinda look the same)

Like if somebody would make his fav character by mixing the abilities of different characters.

He feels like a DST-Version of Wheeler (Explorer character, has a ranged weapon), has a feature which has been suggested by the community (Doesn't need to rely on a Backpack), and has abilities which had been suggested for Wurt long time ago when Wurt was introduced (Doesn't loose sanity when holding wet items or using Wormholes).

- cooking faster: is a scout, willow idk why and wsrly for even more obv reasons

-willow gain sanity with all fires so is not the same

- willow loose sanity because of freezing, walter with all damage fount

- more than wolfgang perk on woby is more like pigs mechanic with monster meat becausw you cant fed woby with regular meat

- wendy doesnt loose sanity for gosht because she has a death gosht sister. Walter doesnt loose sanity for any aura

- wendy and willow has followe, so what? The 3 followers are completely different (wow abi is a copy of chester because he follows you........)

- low stats... nothing to say here. What do you want? All characters with 150 of each stat? If you want to make a range and "difficult" character you must to low their stats

- hard to surive? I dont see walter having any problem

- warly has a kitchen and warly a tent. Yea, is completly the same


Some of you need to know how to add facts to your hate. Is like you look what do you want to have reason

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7 hours ago, Chris1448 said:

Why does everyone persist on using "[character] feels like a modded character, change them!" as an argument? I don't get it.

Y'all have been saying the exact same thing about almost everyone since Wormwood was released for Hamlet, but you guys came to like him over time when he got normalized in a standard DST world. Some people even said "Wormwood feels like a modded character, but in a good way." It's just too broad and generic of a claim. 

What I'm saying is, if you guys are going to persist on criticizing Walter's perks, or anyone's, could you explain why?
Cause I like him! And I don't understand anybody's points when they say he feels modded. His campfire stories and dog companion feel like small add-ons, but I think it's fitting. All the little perks come together to help Walter feel like a true boy scout character. It's not simple like how the DS characters were before, but I think that's fine. Personally, I think Walter fits in well with how Klei's been handling the current character rebalances for DST.

(That's not to say he's perfect, he's still got some on-release annoyances like not being able to refuel a large Woby, and the Cursed Pellets not always spawning tentacles, but that could always be fixed and doesn't take away from his character.)

I got off-track: What do you guys mean when you say "This feels modded." about the recent characters?


The original characters had a distinct and surreal art style to them; their complexion was very pale and unnatural, moreso than any typical real world human. Walter's skin color doesn't look surreal at all, and more natural (like a slap-on color from a user made mod).

He has a plethora of abilities, which does not provide any clever synergy (like people already mentioned, Woby is like a Chester / Beefalo hybrid, which is conceptually just something that makes logistics easier, and many (boring) mods tend to address the inability of players to learn how to manage their inventory space by providing easy storage solution (like a backpack with 40 slots) and similar things that are not interesting at all.

And speaking of Woby, let us now address the elephant in the room, because it is both big and ugly:



From a technical aspect Walter's implementation is lackluster. This animation feels crazy low-effort. If you don't think that this screams 'modded character' then I don't know what does. Damn it, people, the projectile is literally appearing far away from the slingshot, in front of Woby's eye (the coordinates and clipping are terrible wrong). How this made its way through any quality approval before the release is beyond comprehension (do you remember The Forge at this point?? the weapons and particle effects and animations were amazing, and satisfying to watch, while this is an eyesore).

The frames captured from a video recording are not completely representative of the game, but for all intents and purposes it shows how horrible it looks like.


No, Walter might as well have been another modded character (a negative thing, coming from me, mind you), and this time I have to say that I have no idea what Klei was going for. The overall disappointment is substantial.



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8 minutes ago, Captain_Rage said:


The original characters had a distinct and surreal art style to them; their complexion was very pale and unnatural, moreso than any typical real world human. Walter's skin color doesn't look surreal at all, and more natural (like a slap-on color from a user made mod).

He has a plethora of abilities, which does not provide any clever synergy (like people already mentioned, Woby is like a Chester / Beefalo hybrid, which is conceptually just something that makes logistics easier, and many (boring) mods tend to address the inability of players to learn how to manage their inventory space by providing easy storage solution (like a backpack with 40 slots) and similar things that are not interesting at all.

And speaking of Woby, let us now address the elephant in the room, because it is both big and ugly:

  Hide contents


From a technical aspect Walter's implementation is lackluster. This animation feels crazy low-effort. If you don't think that this screams 'modded character' then I don't know what does. Damn it, people, the projectile is literally appearing far away from the slingshot, in front of Woby's eye (the coordinates and clipping are terrible wrong). How this made its way through any quality approval before the release is beyond comprehension (do you remember The Forge at this point?? the weapons and particle effects and animations were amazing, and satisfying to watch, while this is an eyesore).

The frames captured from a video recording are not completely representative of the game, but for all intents and purposes it shows how horrible it looks like.


No, Walter might as well have been another modded character (a negative thing, coming from me, mind you), and this time I have to say that I have no idea what Klei was going for. The overall disappointment is substantial.



Video source:


I agree with you that the technical issues related to the animation effect of the slingshot and the actual application in the game are really disappointing.It seems that they need to repair or change the slingshot related aspects in the next few days.They should make a new change to the long-range weapon system, at least for now, the effect is not very good.

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While I do concur Walter "feels like a modded character" by the sheer amount of things/traits he has going for him (see comparative features chart from Theukon-dos post), as a whole his execution isn't that off as some people tend to exaggerate. There are aspects eligible for addressing in future tweak updates (a nerf to his campfire stories sanity perk, allergy to bees more flashed out, possibility to feed Big Woby etc), still I for one fancy Walter's design. Also times change, old characters get more complex refreshes and for all intends and purposes it's good. As there will always be purists, conservatives of "the old ways".

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2 hours ago, Raeku said:

Because modded characters are, in the majority, poorly designed.

People are trying to say they don't like Walter's design, or don't think  he fits in with the cast

Fits in with the rest of the games cast.. when there’s 8+ of that cast who haven’t been refreshed yet.

You should be comparing Walter to the more recently released refreshes and characters, Wurt.. Wendy..

ANYONE Not Refreshed yet should be automatically disqualified.

Why? I’ll give you one example and just let you think about the rest on your own- Wigfrid is only PRETENDING to be a mighty Viking Warrior, she is not in actuality a REAL Viking Warrior.. she’s only a stage performer who took who role in the spotlight a little too seriously and lost her real self within it. 

As such there should be traces of and hints of that in her Refresh... it’s a HUGE change I know... but When Klei announced they would be doing these reworks they also stated the following-



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7 hours ago, Mysterious box said:

I'm honestly baffled here are you trying to say when you read all 3 of these characters wigfrid is the one that sounds the most interesting ignoring the fact she is one of the original survivors.

First of All, Wigfrid was added in RoG, not the base game.

Secondly, Even if she's not the most interesting per se, She is much more coherent than the other two characters. She has a specific goal in mind, and she achieves that goal well. Walter and Eyeboll Are both hodge-podges of perks and downsides that are loosely tied together with a specific theme.

Just now, Mike23Ua said:

Fits in with the rest of the games cast.. when there’s 8+ of that cast who haven’t been refreshed yet.

You should be comparing Walter to the more recently released refreshes and characters, Wurt.. Wendy..

ANYONE Not Refreshed yet should be automatically disqualified.

Why? I’ll give you one example and just let you think about the rest on your own- Wigfrid is only PRETENDING to be a mighty Viking Warrior, she is not in actuality a REAL Viking Warrior.. she’s only a stage performer who took who role in the spotlight a little too seriously and lost her real self within it. 

As such there should be traces of and hints of that in her Refresh... it’s a HUGE change I know... but When Klei announced they would be doing these reworks they also stated the following-



Wurt is considered one of the worst-designed characters in the game, The Woodie rework Stabbed the reason people liked playing him in the back, Willow's rework almost entirely forgot the fact that she's a pyromaniac; With the couple perks still related to fire only being there for Obligation as opposed for being an interesting fire-based character, and Winona's rework... well, I think we all know how that one went.


while not as over-inflated as Wurt or Walter, The only re-works that arn't, for a lack of a better term, Disasters, Are Warly's and Wendy's. And both of those are much closer to the classic don't starve character design than the other re-freshes

All Wendy got was the ability to make Wendy more than a punching back when not fighting spiders and a way to get her up to snuff faster.


Warly, Despite his rework massively overhauling him, Is still fairly simple all things considered

>He can cook unique foods to buff him and his allies
>He can craft and apply seasonings to further buff him and his allies
>He's penalized for eating the same food multiple times in a certain time frame


So, Comparing Walter to recent character re-freshes still doesn't look good for him, regardless of which ones you look at.

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It heavily depends on how you feel about a character.. I main Wendy, but no one who played Wendy in the Original DS expected to have their own personal version of a divining Rod mini-game in DST..

These changes are changing ALL Characters (Including Wendy) further branching DST away from DS Solo.. finally officially setting it up to be the sequel it should’ve been years ago.

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This divide of opinion reminded me of how Winona was first introduced. People literally called her Wilson 2.0 and that she is everything like Wilson, but with extra technology. This is until Klei gave her a reasonable debuff that resonated with her interest in machinery and she no longer became the "HA HA I can take one free hit from Charlie". The reason I am bringing this out is that if a community is split in opinion there is some truth to both sides. I only hope that Klei will find an optimal solution to making the character less "mod like", but keeping his mechanics as interesting. I noticed that Klei seem to go out of their own way to create unique characters, but it sometimes comes with an added complexity, which was the opposite from when they were creating their first characters. 

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From what I've seen so far, I do agree with this thread, Walter does seem like an amalgamation of perks instead of a character based around a theme.

Other characters are focused on a single theme, and their perks/traits revolve around said theme.

For example, Warly is all about food, and his disadvantages are about food. Pretty simple, but the character . WX-78 is a robot, his advantages/disadvantages highlight this fact, wormwood is a similar thing.

The issue with some of the new characters (and some refreshes you could argue), is that it goes against the single theme type of many other characters.

Going with Walter, he's a boy scout who can tell stories at night time, has a slingshot, likes trees and nature, has its own tent, all is well and good, but then other perks such as him being fearless and alergic to bees... While I have nothing against it, they don't scream "boy scout" to me, also...


He has a pet dog that acts as chester and a mount? Why?

If for some reason you were to give him a pet, make it reinforce his theme. For example, have Woby bark at small enemies like spiders and pigs to scare them at keep them away (with limitations) from both of them. Small dogs tend to bark more than big dogs, and it also reinforces the theme of "staying at a safe distance from enemies" that Walter has going for him. I would also make you able to animation cancel the slingshot while riding Woby, but you "miss" due to the dog shaking, and the pellet you were about to shoot disappears. Maybe add a flavor quote to indicate it like "Stay still Woby!"


Another way that may be interesting, make the dog help clean the forest. When you chop trees or go around the world, have the dog collect twigs, flint and the like and once it reaches a certain amount, bury those in the dirt like a dog (or moleworm) would. This would synergize great with the other canadian that likes to chop entire forests but is too lazy to pick up the hundreds of logs and pinecones it leaves behind. Imagine using a shovel to collect 10 stacks of wood already packed instead of going log by log across an entire area. The drawback would be to always clean your base if you don't want the local dog to take a liking to it and bury it somewhere. This encourages you to keep your base in order, and Boy Scouts should keep the forest clean in the first place.



36 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

While not as over-inflated as Wurt or Walter, The only re-works that arn't, for a lack of a better term, Disasters, Are Warly's and Wendy's. And both of those are much closer to the classic don't starve character design than the other re-freshes

All Wendy got was the ability to make Wendy more than a punching back when not fighting spiders and a way to get her up to snuff faster.

They did completely revamp the mechanics of Abigail with the theme of "as Wendy gets weaker, Abigail grows stronger to protect her" making Wendy a glass cannon character. But it was later reverted after feedback because "this makes a deal of Abigail or Wendy fighting on their own" and the mechanic was revamped to actually encourage keeping Abigail alive and fight together.

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I can definitely see the argument for Woby feeling tacked on, when she could have been a much more integral part of a character's playstyle (not necessarily Walter's).

But I don't think Walter's perk are as random as people think they are. Most of his perks seem to focus on one of two themes: anti-tanking (not the best name but whatever) and nomadic playstyle.

His slingshot and his sanity mechanics belong in the former: Walter is punished for tanking pretty much anything and his slingshot provides the option of augmenting his melee attacks or outright forgoing them.

Most of the other stuff fits into the latter; faster cooking on a campfire (can't bring a crock pot with ya), sanity from trees, a portable tent and more efficient sleeping, a free and indestructible chester and a discount beefalo.

Also, another thing: In general, not every perk needs to be have some huge impact. Adding some minor perks here and there for flavor can go a long way in breathing life into a character.

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13 hours ago, Chris1448 said:

That's the thing though! His unique sanity isn't exactly a downside that could be ignored at all (unlike Wickerbottom). Like it or not, you're gonna get hit in DST, and if you're not wearing Walter's scout hat, you lose like half your sanity in a single hard hit.

Why would you wear a hat that reduces half the sanity hit and no hp hit rather than wearing footbal helmet that reduces both by 80%?

13 hours ago, sudoku said:

Yes but he gets a cheap craftable tent to heal both his sanity and health while losing less hunger while doing so, not to mention he gets sanity regen from trees and campfire stories. So his downside is easily solved with his abundance of perks.

And thus making the second quirk: "has no interest in fashion" completely negated.

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I think some people are also forgetting that although Walters original skin is a Boyscout, he also has other skins like being a Detective...

Wurts the same exact way.. she can be fully Merm, Fully fish.

And their perks feel all over the place to YOU but to someone playing as Wurt using her Goldfish skin.. holding onto a pet fish fits in with that specific skin.

The TL:DR- Theres a logical REASON Not ALL of Walters design is based solely Upon being a Boyscout.

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5 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

I think some people are also forgetting that although Walters original skin is a Boyscout, he also has other skins like being a Detective...

What is his detective perk though? I think if you watch the animated short all his perks makes sense and he feels fully fledged. Though i got him and his personality only from the animation, not the gameplay. I feel like he misses something - gameplay wise. Like his gameplay doesn't center around anything. Anything new.


Wendy's gamplay is all about using her sister.
Wortox's gameplay is all about managing souls and strategizing their best use in many situations.
Wickerbottoms gameplay is about managing your sanity and health through food, since she can't sleep and has many recipes already unlocked + uses a ton of sanity for her other major gameplay thing - using her very unique powers to help the team.
Wormwood is all about planting stuff, whether it is to manage your sanity or plant food for others.
Woodie is mainly about getting wood - a ton of wood.
Warly's gameplay is IMO the most well made - but also the hardest - it all centers around his perks but his quirks as well - cooking and managing his apetite, whether it is for yourself or for others.
Wes's gameplay centers around survival.
Wx's gameplay centers around getting upgraded.
Wolfgang's and Wigfrid's gameplay centers around a bit more difficult management of hunger and a lot of fighting - while both characters do it very differently.
Webber's gameplay centers around spiders.
Winona's gameplay centers around building.
Wurt's gameplay centers around the swamp, whether she is creating her own swamp, or she bases in the real swamp.

Two exceptions:
Wilson is just DS basic character, so you can get to know the Constant without any clutter. And Willow, while a bit more interesting than Wilson, she is still beginner friendly with her sanity managements and light at night and is only mildly harder in winter and mildly easier in summer.

Now Walter, while not particulary bad or particularly badly balanced, or out of character doesn't get anything "his". He has things that already exist.
He has chester.
He has beefalo.
He has darts - with abilities like freeze and occasionaly spawn tentacle. The slowing one is interesting, but too costly for me.
He has tent.
He likes trees.

And the quirks doesn't affect his general gameplay in any way. He has his own sanity management, so the fashion thing doesn't take away anything. And the bees are just too circumstance-based.

I don't want Klei to change him in any big way, I think many players would find the more easily aquired things that already exist in game very appealing. But i personally miss a gameplay changing mechanics (especally around his quirks).

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3 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Fits in with the rest of the games cast.. when there’s 8+ of that cast who haven’t been refreshed yet.

You should be comparing Walter to the more recently released refreshes and characters, Wurt.. Wendy..

ANYONE Not Refreshed yet should be automatically disqualified.

Why? I’ll give you one example and just let you think about the rest on your own- Wigfrid is only PRETENDING to be a mighty Viking Warrior, she is not in actuality a REAL Viking Warrior.. she’s only a stage performer who took who role in the spotlight a little too seriously and lost her real self within it. 

As such there should be traces of and hints of that in her Refresh... it’s a HUGE change I know... but When Klei announced they would be doing these reworks they also stated the following-



This is so true.

I honestly feel like the people who worked on Hamlet and Shipwrecked must be a different team than the people working on DST. The design of Shipwrecked and Hamlet content feels so organic and in tune with the original game.

I still can't let go of how shockingly bad Winona was when original released and is still currently not much better. 

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5 minutes ago, Cr4zyFl4mes said:

What is his detective perk though? I think if you watch the animated short all his perks makes sense and he feels fully fledged. Though i got him and his personality only from the animation, not the gameplay. I feel like he misses something - gameplay wise. Like his gameplay doesn't center around anything. Anything new.


Wendy's gamplay is all about using her sister.
Wortox's gameplay is all about managing souls and strategizing their best use in many situations.
Wickerbottoms gameplay is about managing your sanity and health through food, since she can't sleep and has many recipes already unlocked + uses a ton of sanity for her other major gameplay thing - using her very unique powers to help the team.
Wormwood is all about planting stuff, whether it is to manage your sanity or plant food for others.
Woodie is mainly about getting wood - a ton of wood.
Warly's gameplay is IMO the most well made - but also the hardest - it all centers around his perks but his quirks as well - cooking and managing his apetite, whether it is for yourself or for others.
Wes's gameplay centers around survival.
Wx's gameplay centers around getting upgraded.
Wolfgang's and Wigfrid's gameplay centers around a bit more difficult management of hunger and a lot of fighting - while both characters do it very differently.
Webber's gameplay centers around spiders.
Winona's gameplay centers around building.
Wurt's gameplay centers around the swamp, whether she is creating her own swamp, or she bases in the real swamp.

Two exceptions:
Wilson is just DS basic character, so you can get to know the Constant without any clutter. And Willow, while a bit more interesting than Wilson, she is still beginner friendly with her sanity managements and light at night and is only mildly harder in winter and mildly easier in summer.

Now Walter, while not particulary bad or particularly badly balanced, or out of character doesn't get anything "his". He has things that already exist.
He has chester.
He has beefalo.
He has darts - with abilities like freeze and occasionaly spawn tentacle. The slowing one is interesting, but too costly for me.
He has tent.
He likes trees.

And the quirks doesn't affect his general gameplay in any way. He has his own sanity management, so the fashion thing doesn't take away anything. And the bees are just too circumstance-based.

I don't want Klei to change him in any big way, I think many players would find the more easily aquired things that already exist in game very appealing. But i personally miss a gameplay changing mechanics (especally around his quirks).

The "you get bruised and your sanity goes into oblivion" pretty significant. As well as having a ranged weapon that you can have realible ammunition for centers the character in the ranged position, as well as "shots not drawing aggro" makes him great at the support role.

Slowing down enemies and having range would actually make a nice distraction if someone else in the team needs to heal, as he can "delay" the enemy with more ease thanks to his slow ammunition.

I would agree everything else feels a bit more random.

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7 minutes ago, CremeLover said:

The "you get bruised and your sanity goes into oblivion" pretty significant.

My issue with the don't get hit playstyle is that imo it's not a unique playstyle as no matter which character you are playing you are already trying to not get hit. Itd be like if a new character revolved around not starving.

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4 minutes ago, sudoku said:

My issue with the don't get hit playstyle is that imo it's not a unique playstyle as no matter which character you are playing you are already trying to not get hit.

Yes, but many players, specially new ones, will find difficult to kite and learn the patterns, for which a ranged attack provides a much safe method to avoid damage than going into the enemy, dropping 2 or 3 hits, then dodging the attack, and repeat.

My point was that his gameplay discourages melee combat and encourages just "pew pew" the enemy at it at a distance, since he gets a more drastic punishement for being damaged, and is provided an alternative to kiting not available to other characters.

So it does have a certain gameplay style he is being encouraged to do by his perks, though unlike other characters, he's not overcoming any downside, as you could play normally without using the slingshot and still not get hit, making him even more OP since he has no sanity lost.

If you can avoid getting hit that is.

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3 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Fits in with the rest of the games cast.. when there’s 8+ of that cast who haven’t been refreshed yet.

You should be comparing Walter to the more recently released refreshes and characters, Wurt.. Wendy..

ANYONE Not Refreshed yet should be automatically disqualified.

Why? I’ll give you one example and just let you think about the rest on your own- Wigfrid is only PRETENDING to be a mighty Viking Warrior, she is not in actuality a REAL Viking Warrior.. she’s only a stage performer who took who role in the spotlight a little too seriously and lost her real self within it. 

As such there should be traces of and hints of that in her Refresh... it’s a HUGE change I know... but When Klei announced they would be doing these reworks they also stated the following-



Yea man, I agree. I was explaining why others keep saying that. I like the design concept behind Walter, myself.

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The main reason he feels like a modded character to me is that his perks are all over the place. Has too many perks centered around his theme of being a boy scout, but none of them seem to be very cohesive together.

  • General perks:
    • Has a ranged weapon (slingshot). Probably the most important and unique "perk" he has.
    • Does not lose sanity from darkness or monsters (fearless). This is an infinitely stronger version of Wendy's perk, but according to his title ("The Fearless"), it should be the core of his design (while in Wendy's it is just a secondary part of her design), and yet, he has 1 other perk related to it that contradicts it.
    • Is afraid of being hurt. This perk is the worst perk he has because it makes no sense with him being The Fearless. If you are afraid of being hurt, then you for sure have to be afraid of monsters that can hurt you, or the darkness that does not let you see whatever may hurt you (plus in DS and DST, darkness itself hurts you, so...). It is completely contradictory to the whole motif of the character, even if it makes sense mechanic-wise.
    • Is allergic to bees. Weird, but I like it. Of course, I would have added maybe a few more allergies, like pollen (butterflies), spores, etc. just to make it more interesting.
    • Has no interest in fashion. It makes just a bit of sense with his love for the outdoors, but this feels like a perk that makes more sense on other characters, for example: Winona and her disdain of snobby and fancy things.
  • Boy scout perks:
    • Likes trees. Makes sense with his boy scout theme, but this definitely seems more like a perk for Wormwood or Woody.
    • Sleeps better and has a portable tent. Honestly, the weirdest perk he has, and I only count it as a boy scout perk because I believe it is related to his portable tent. You could make an entirely new character based on the sleeping mechanic to be honest. And it has a problem, he will not be exploring much if he is sleeping, which seems to be what the "fearless perk" is for.
    • Cooks faster over a campfire. This is already covered by Willow and Warly that make more sense for the perk (Warly more than Willow).
    • Can tell stories over a campfire. Cool extra feature, but has the same problem as sleeping: you are not exploring much if you are telling stories at a campfire.
  • Companion perks:
    • Has a chester/beefalo hybrid as a companion (Woby). Not the worst, but unlike Bernie or Abigail, she does not add anything inherently new. She just makes 2 already existing features much more readily available and without fighting with other characters.

I would honestly thin out his perks a bit and make them more related to each other. The following is just my opinion on how to make him more of his own character rather than an amalgamation of several characters:

  • General perks:
    • Has a ranged weapon (slingshot).
    • Does not lose sanity from darkness or monsters (fearless).
    • Has many allergies. Specifically, pollen (includes flowers and butterflies and their moon variants), spores, nuts, bees and cats (includes antlion). Loses sanity from being close to, or holding, anything he is allergic to, loses health and sanity from eating things he is allergic to, and takes more damage from mobs he is allergic to (this damage is not affected by armor or damage reduction on enemies). Of course, due to his allergy to nuts, his favorite food should no longer be the trail mix, instead should be kabobs as it is feasible to cook over a campfire.
  • Boy scout perks:
    • Cooks faster over a campfire.
    • Loves campfire food. Campfire cooked food is twice as effective for him.
    • Can tell stories over a campfire.
    • Fire safety. Fire spreads more slowly around him.
  • Companion perks:
    • Has a chester/beefalo hybrid as a companion (Woby). Apart from her original function, Woby can also tell you what are you going to find when inspecting suspicious dirt piles (she will make a happy face if it is a koalephant, an angry face if it is a varg, or a disgusted face if it is an ewecus).
    • Woby can bark at enemies. While Walter is fighting, she can bark and growl at the enemy scaring them into doing slightly less damage.

This way he is a bit more cohesive while keeping his overall theme intact. And yes, I would remove his portable tent because 2 kinds of bedrolls exist already, I would maybe keep it as a skin for the tent though.

Then, his "has no interest in fashion" perk would be given to Winona, and his "likes trees" perk would be given to Woody, and Wormwood would have a version that includes any kind of vegetation (not just trees). And his "sleeps better" perk would be used on a character based on the sleep mechanic.

Another thing that makes him feel like a mod character (to me) is his hopeful and cheerful personality. Most of the original characters are pessimistic, arrogant or quite cynical. But this guy is very nice and maybe even "heroic" (specially considering how he befriended Woby), but this has been the norm more or less since Winona, with only 2 characters being the exception (to some extent): Wagstaff and The Retired.

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