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What does the community think of the state of dst?

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For the people who aren’t aware sinkholes start at 2-3, but the longer you DONT deal with that problem you can end up having 7-9 of them in one attack instance.

when I first played the game I assumed this was just some cool summer only gameplay mechanic where the ground was getting so hot it was literally collapsing in on itself beneath my feet.


Completely unaware it would later be tied to some completely optional easy to appease boss >:( 

I WANT a Summer Rework... Winter is cool with Icebergs, Penguins, Mactusks (the deadliest foe in all of DS for me.. haha) Krampii, Klaus, No-Eyed Deer etc...

Summer is MEH- and it’s been MEH for years... Why can’t sinkhole collapses start to steam up and then erupt into mini-volcanoes spewing lava everywhere (potentially spawning Larvae or Magma Golems in the Process)

Bottom Line: Summer needs to be More like Winter, Theres cool Winter Themed content.. but Summer just feels like Winter but with less interesting unique to that season stuff.

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2 hours ago, Scrimbles said:

And of course people are liking your post because its a bunch of people who recognize me and are okay with the game no matter where its headed, because they don't care.

um, i dont even know who you are and i don't think i am alone. please try not to let your ego overtake you, dude. there are actually people who DO like where the game is going because they actually do like what is being done and not because they wish to spite you through general apathy

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6 hours ago, Scrimbles said:

And the Gmoose doesn't land near players bases, instead they have fixed spots

I actually like the new moose. Works better to have access to more feathers making WP a not that expensive item, makes the world more alive (a boss that have egging season in the main island only in spring), less repetitive than rog with the 4 bosses having the same spawn mechanic and also you need more experience to kill all of the moose over the map than having to defend a place for just 1


I hop klei stops adding ingredients to cookpot like batilisk wings or lure plants. Lure plants are cool but bats are meatballs (sometimes 2 per batilisl) for 1 single hit

And characters with interesting downsides. Walter, wormwood and interesting. Meanwhile wendy can be boring because of how easy makes most of the fights, woodie having only downside when transformed or wortox having an imbalance between the possitive perks and his downside

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Well aside from knowing you are like the largest advocate for your Uncompromising Mode Mod, I don’t know who you are, and don’t care to really find out either..

But as for my opinion of what an uncompromising mode is/Should be I want something that is NOT inspired by a Mod, Created officially from Klei staff themselves and draws its inspiration from DS single players Adventures Mode/DLC additional difficulties stuff.

Unless your like really really good at DST you will still screw up, you will still make mistakes and you will most certainly still die, lose progress or come close to it.

But DST doesn’t need to be this agonizing uncompromising torture session unless players OPT into that content.

I don’t know why you want more bosses to come wreck the base I spent hours if not actual days or months or an entire real year on.. Some of that content is even built during limited time events and won’t be able to be built again until those events are back in season.

But I guess whatever gets your jolly’s off on entertainment right? you do You... but don’t try to force what YOU like on the entire community who may not actually want bosses destroying the GingerPig villages they can only replace every WinterFeast season.

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Oi! Keep it on topic. @Scrimbles @gaymime go to your DMs if yall want to argue 


It's interesting to see that some people would like more difficulty or progression into the game.

I, for one, would like more forced content but definitely not in a form of a giant or hounds attacks.

And @Zeklo's idea of game hinting at unexplored content and said content being unlocked later on in the game is interesting

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I really liked the change from Grotto and lunar-shadow war. While I'm not into forced things (like Aporkalypse) I really liked that change. If in game were more content like that, probably we could get both: harder and easier content.

Just be careful about touching unknown things...

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I am cautiously happy with where the game is at.

The jury is still out on the ocean. I like the sailing well enough, but the ocean has a long way to go before it becomes a place I'd want to explore fully. Right now, most of the ocean content (islands aside) is either spread evenly throughout the sea or just spawns randomly near the player wherever they may be, so if you've seen one "slice" of it, you've seen it all.

Aside from that, progress has been going slower than I'd like and farming is still as tedious and joyless as it always has been. But base building has been improved significantly by the addition of new turfs and the Terra Firma Tamper, the Insulated Pack has become a straight upgrade to the Backpack and even rivals the Krampus Sack in utility thanks to its newly added synergies, we have a reliable source of living logs and even an entire biome's worth of content that could prove very interesting in a ruins rush.

And did I mention the Bulbous Lightbugs. They are amazing. I've pretty much ditched my lantern and miner hat since I abducted befriended those little guys. Or the Scorching Sunfish and Ice Breams? It's so good to not have to constantly stop and burn trees in winter or make endothermic fires in summer (not that you'll spend much time on the surface). Plus, the Sunfish can be dropped on the ground to quickly dry you off.

P.S. I'm very satisfied with the game's difficulty. I'd hate to see the game turn into a never-ending list of tedious chores, which is what most difficulty-increasing suggestions seem to entail.

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7 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

I WANT a Summer Rework... Winter is cool with Icebergs, Penguins, Mactusks (the deadliest foe in all of DS for me.. haha) Krampii, Klaus, No-Eyed Deer etc...

Summer is MEH- and it’s been MEH for years... Why can’t sinkhole collapses start to steam up and then erupt into mini-volcanoes spewing lava everywhere (potentially spawning Larvae or Magma Golems in the Process)

Bottom Line: Summer needs to be More like Winter, Theres cool Winter Themed content.. but Summer just feels like Winter but with less interesting unique to that season stuff.

Outside from Cactus Flowers and seasonal fish, I do feel that the summer season is mostly just cranking up the heat and little else. Antlion is more of an annoyance to deal with rather than something to look forward to killing like Klaus or Deerclops. It's the only season that players just avoid outright by going into the caves.

Maybe it feels like summer sucks because Dragonfly is available 24/7 from the start of the game. 

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12 hours ago, Zeklo said:

Let's say they add new challenges to year 2, year 3 or beyond(as many, myself included want). This would ultimately considerably push back when that other portion of the game comes into play (16+ hours).


I think it's one of the best ideas they could have. We need to feel the evolution of this world over years. Your ideas about getting access to some specific places are good.

I had mines about optionnal bosses. Like spawning mushtrees on surface, a few, then more, until we go for Toadstool. Spawning killer bees nest, until we go for the bee queen. Artic biome on 3rd winter. Spider king somewhere in caves (a new optionnal boss could be good too, especially if he takes place on a biome we use to pass for ruins for example).

I prefer to increase the difficulty over years, by seeing unexpected effects, instead of a separate hard mode.

Say NO to a separate hard mode, that could break their work. Say yes to ONE world, but with evolution.


I think I would like to know their plans after RoT. The problem is we don't know where RoT will lead us, to a kind of end game if Charlie become a real boss ? What does that mean ? Will we ever see big changes as RoT after that ? 

I heard some about the moon... Will we have a 3rd server ? Is it possible ?

Could we have a new threat after Charlie ? That could be a big and large update. Would you like it ? Because they could change and fix so many "little" things that they would spend an entire year if we add the rest of the reworks. But that would not be new content. I like the idea to have so many things, so much things to do, so many ways, that it blows your mind (hello public server). So I hope to see this world become bigger. Getting some access after few years or many actions. The "after Charlie" could be one, if you had to do all fuelweaver and Rot stuffs before that.

I would like to know their plans because I would like to know if they planned to stop after a specific content. As we come closer to Charlie, it's a legit question. (I already think about beating Charlie, make her a playable character, but will they change the cinematic introduction of the game, could we beat Charlie by playing with Charlie ? BETTER: We could change character and take Charlie only after beating her, it could makes sense)

Can't wait to discover the next update...


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13 hours ago, Zeklo said:

I've always gone on about how interesting it could be if the world was more "alive". What if the ocean wasn't sailable until part-way through spring? You're just minding your own business and then you hear a SPLOOSH as giant waves crash into the mainland. The Lunar Grotto in the caves naturally spreads (up until a point), and the Archive is only revealed after a certain earthquake. You start hearing horrible sounds coming from the Sinkholes because you haven't explored them enough yet. Maybe the bees start becoming super hostile year round, spreading quick, and attacking quicker. Lunar Mutants start reaching the mainland because you haven't done 'something' on the Lunar Island yet. Or waves begin flooding the beaches because Crab King has finally awoke from his slumber. Heck, if we're talking something new—maybe later hound waves include Vargs but there's a massive Wolf Boss that spawns somewhere which can be killed to reset the wave difficulty.

Some of these could just be one-off's while some could be every X in-game years or so (not necessarily every year). Doesn't matter either way, just something to promote & push the players into exploring more of the Don't Starve world.

Kinda like Terraria, the world not being completely still would be really cool (and the argument for it could be that Charlie put the dead world back in motion)

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22 hours ago, Hornete said:

what's wrong with it out of curiosity?

hosting a cave shard enables input delay and requires mods to have extra code to prevent from breaking and whatnot. I'm sure someone of your modding knowledge is already aware of this.

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I honestly think that Klei generally divided the community in terms what Dst actually is. 

From what I seen on the forums, a bulk of the community argues if Dst is suppose to be a survival game with each update adding something that adds to that survival experience or if it's suppose to be a sandbox/adventure game with each update adding generally what Klei is adding to the game the last few months. 

Personal rant:


I honestly only come back to this game for only Forge and forums because most of the newer content just turns me off. most of the newer content just look like reusing the idea of the ruins - spend 15-ish minutes to find the place, spend 20 min to loot everything, go back to vanilla DST and wait for something interesting to happen. If it was just the ruins, that would be fine, but for other updates to push out the same idea, it's just makes me want to put the game down.

What made Don't Starve appealing to me was because it was a survival game that actually pushed you to become better as a player, with different seasons, events, etc. But Dst just feels like it tries to be like games like terraria and tries to push adventure and boss fighting, even though don't starve never really felt like "that" type of game. It doesn't help how most of the survival mechanics are seen generally as annoyance to a good bulk of people on the forums, which makes it harder for me to believe that DST is suppose to be a survival game and not just full-on sandbox game that accidentally left some survival mechanics in it.  

I honestly wish Klei just added in a sandbox mode or a survival mode or something, since it feels impossible to pander to both sides of the community at this point. 

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25 minutes ago, Clifford W. said:

In my opinion the game needs rather QoL and Engine updates than these content ones.

I disagree, I want both- more mobs, with more unique ways of fighting, weapons with new intended designs- Take tail-o three cats as an example it’s basically a whip right? But it’s kinda.. pointless to be honest.

Now what would make it more useful? Well how about being able to spin a Mushgnome around in circles prematurely releasing its explosive spores from a safe distance away from being caught in their blast.

I just gave a mostly under used weapon a major use against a specific mob.. and THATS what DST needs, while yes I agree QoL & engine upgrades would be great...

more mobs, more mob behavior and more ways to combat those mobs go a long way beyond just “have Hambat spam attack button, dodge occasionally, Spam Attack button some more.”

being able to “Spin” Mushgnome in circles with the Whip releasing tons of spores means that you remove its biggest defense from ever being a factor & its this outside the box thinking like that that should exist more often in a SANDBOX SURVIVAL Game.

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