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Data Mining, Theorizing, Art Assets, Sprite Sheets, & More! (SPOILERS!)

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38 minutes ago, MF99K said:

What is/was this supposed to be for?

24 minutes ago, Bizzum22 said:

maybe it was or is going to be used to tie up mad dups that would brake buildings so they can calm down

Yeah, it's for what I assume restraining dupes that are having a stress breakdown.

...that or kinky bondage.


Which reminds me...it's completely unrelated but I gotta find out what those tools were for.

40 minutes ago, MF99K said:


And that? That's just the rinse cycle.


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On 11/28/2018 at 9:10 PM, watermelen671 said:

animations you wish for me to find and post here?

Is it possible to get animations of all the different dupes? {ex. Joshua, Max, Abe}
Have you found shivering / sneezing / extreme excitement?

And Devi is so cute. <3  {*cough*Devi Mae Cry*cough*}

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2 hours ago, zergologist said:

repost, then repeat


You learn quickly.

42 minutes ago, TurtleKitty said:

Is it possible to get animations of all the different dupes? {ex. Joshua, Max, Abe}
Have you found shivering / sneezing / extreme excitement?

And Devi is so cute. <3  {*cough*Devi Mae Cry*cough*}

Uh...in a very roundabout way. The easiest way for me to do it is with Devi Mae.

Most of the time it doesn't really work, because Spriter is really weird. The only way I've been able to do it is to simply replace the Mae hair with another dupe's hair. Most of the time it doesn't work, due to it being out of place, and most of the time it just causes weird things like this to happen:



And there's nothing I can really do except remove it individually frame by frame, which for some odd reason is made even more tedious due to the fact that the same sprite is spammed in the frame MULTIPLE TIMES.


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3 hours ago, nvzboy said:

So anyone get to the new log entries? We have otto's story now as well as some other stuff.

This should be all of them. I hope I didn't forget any.

I got them from the strings file, so they're not in the best readable format. Sorry about that. I did my best cleaning them up.

Personal Journal, B327 (Otto)



Personal Journal: B327

I'm starting my new job at Gravitas today. I'm... nervous.
It turns out they hired a bunch of new people - I guess they're expanding - and most of them are about my age, but I'm the only one that hasn't done my doctorate. They all call me "Mister" Kraus and it's the <i>worst</i>. I have no idea where I'll find the time to do my PhD while working a full time job.

<i>I screwed up so much today.</i>
At one point I spaced on the formula for calculating the volume of a cone, they must have thought I was completely useless.
The only time I knew what I was doing was when I helped an older coworker figure out her dumb old email.
People say education isn't so important as long as you've got the skills, but there's things my colleagues know that I just <i>don't</i>. They're not mean about it or anything but it's so frustrating. I just feel dumb when I talk to them!
I bet they're gonna realize soon that I don't belong here, and then I'll be fired for sure. Man... I'm still paying off my student loans (WITH international fees) and I <i>can't</i> lose this income.

Dr. Sklodowska's been really nice and welcoming since I started working here. Sometimes she comes and sits with me in the cafeteria. The food she brings from home smells like old feet but she chats with me about what new research papers we're each reading and it's very kind.
She tells me the fact I got hired without a doctorate means I must be very smart, and management must see something in me.
I'm not sure I believe her but it's nice to hear something that counters little voice in my head anyway.

It's been about a week and a half and I think I'm finally starting to settle in. I'm feeling a lot better about my position - some of the senior scientists have even started using my ideas in the lab.
Dr. Sklodowska might have been right, my anxiety was just growing pains. This is my first real job and I guess afraid to let myself believe I could really, actually do it, just in case it went wrong.
I think I want to buy Dr. Sklowdoska a digital reader for her books and papers as a thank-you one day, if I ever pay off my student loans.
ONCE I pay off my student loans.



Personal Journal, B556, probably Dr. Holland



Personal Journal: B556

I've been so tired lately. I've probably spent the last 3 nights sleeping at my desk, and I've used the lab's safety shower to bathe twice this month.
There isn't even an approaching deadline, but we're doing such amazing things here, I can't stop myself.
I just feel... driven, I suppose.

I keep finding myself staring at my computer screen, totally unable to remember what it was I was doing.
I try to force myself to type up some notes or analyze my data but it's like my brain is paralyzed, I can't get anything done.
I'll have to stay late to make up for all this time I've wasted staying late.

Dr. McClintock told me I looked half dead and sent me home today. I don't think she even has the authority to do that, but I did as I was told. She wasn't messing around if you know what I mean.
I can probably get a head start on my paper from home today, anyway.
I think I have an idea for a circuit configuration that will improve the battery life of all our technologies by a whole 2.3%.

I got home yesterday fully intending to work on my paper after McClintock sent me home, but the second I walked in the door I hit the pillow and didn't get back up. I slept for <i>12 straight hours</i>.
I had no idea I needed that. When I got into the lab this morning I looked over my work from the past few weeks, and it's completely useless.
It'll take me hours to correct all the mistakes I made these past few months. Is this what I was killing myself for? I'm such a rube, I owe McClintock a huge thanks.
I'll start keeping more regular hours from now on... Also, I was considering maybe getting a dog.



Genetists' notes



Agricultural Notes

[Log fragmentation detected]
[Voice Recognition unavailable]
...The Mealwood's hardiness will make it a potential contingency crop should Bristle Blossoms be unable to sustain sizable populations.
If pursued, design should focus on longterm viability and solving the psychological repercussions of prolonged Mealwood grain ingestion...

...Selected in response to concerns about colony psychological well-being.
While design should focus on attributing mood-enhancing effects to natural Briar pheromone emissions, the project has been moved to the lowest priority level beneath more life-sustaining designs...

...It is yet unknown if we can surmount the obstacles that stand in the way of engineering a root capable of reproduction in the more uninhabitable situations we anticipate for our colonies, or whether it is even worth the effort...

...The gene sequences within the common Dusk Cap allow it to grow in low light environments.
These genes should be sampled, with the hope that we can splice them into other plant designs....

...The Thimble Reed will be used as a contingency for textile production in the event that printed materials not be sufficient.
Design should focus on the yield frequency of the plant, as well as... erm... softness.

...Balm Lily is a reliable all-purpose medicinal plant.
Very little need be altered, save for assurances that it will survive wherever it may be planted...

Geneticist: We've engineered crops to be rotated as needed depending on environmental situation. While a variety of plants would be ideal to supplement any remaining nutritional needs, any one of our designs would be enough to sustain a colony indefinitely without adverse effects on physical health.
Geneticist: Some environmental survival issues still remain. Differing temperatures, light availability and last pass changes to nutrient levels take top priority, particularly for food and oxygen producing plants.


Husbandry Notes

[Log fragmentation detected]
[Voice Recognition unavailable]
...The Hatch has been selected for development due to its naturally wide range of potential food sources.
Energy production is our primary goal, but augmentation to allow for the consumption of non-organic materials is a more attainable first step, and will have additional uses for waste disposal...

...The Morb has been selected for development based on its ability to perform a multitude of the waste breakdown functions typical for a healthy ecosystem.
Design should focus on eliminating the disease risks posed by a fully matured Morb specimen...

...The Puft may be suited for serving a sustainable decontamination role.
Potential design must focus on the efficiency of these processes...

...Wheezeworts are an ideal selection due to their low nutrient requirements and natural terraforming capabilities.
Design of these creatures should focus on enhancing their natural influence on ambient temperatures...

...The introduction of Hatch genes was successful.
The prolific mucus excretions that are typical of the species are now producing hydrocarbons at an incredible pace.
The creature has essentially become a free source of burnable oil...

[LOG BEGINS]...Bioluminescence is always a novelty, but little time should be spent on perfecting these insects from here on out.The project has more pressing concerns than light sources, particularly now that the low light vegetation issue has been solved...[LOG ENDS]

Geneticist: The primary concern raised by this project is the variability of environments that colonies may be forced to deal with. The creatures we send with the settlement party will not have the time to evolve and adapt to a new environment, yet each creature has been chosen to play a vital role in colony sustainability and is thus too precious to risk loss.
Geneticist: It follows that each organism we design must be equipped with the tools to survive in as many volatile environments as we are capable of planning for. We cannot rely on the Pod alone to replenish creature populations.



Jackie's Research Notes




Director's Notes

When we discuss Time as a concrete aspect of the universe, not seconds on a clock or perceptions of the mind, it is important first of all to establish that we are talking about a unique dimension that layers into the three physical dimensions of space; width, length, depth.
We conceive of Real Time as a straight line, one dimensional, uncurved and stretching forward infinitely. This is referred to as the "Arrow of Time".
Logically this Arrow can move only forward and can never be reversed, as such a reversal would break the natural laws of the universe. Effect would precede cause and universal entropy would be undone in a blatant violation of the Second Law.
Still, one can't help but be curious; what if the Arrow's trajectory could be curved? What if it could be redirected, guided, or loosed? What if we could create Time's Bow?



Time's Arrow Thoughts

I've been unable to shake the notion of the Bow.
The thought of its mechanics are intriguing to me, and I can only dream of the mark such a device would make upon the world -- imagine, a source of inexhaustible energy!
So many of humanity's problems could be solved with this one invention - domestic energy, environmental pollution, <i>the fuel wars</i>.
I have to pursue this dream, no matter what.


Encouraging Results

We've succeeded compressing and expanding small portions of time under .03 milliseconds. This proves that time is something that can be physically acted upon, suggesting that our vision is attainable.
An unintentional consequence of both the expansion and condensation of time is the "vacuum" that is created in the space between the affected portion of time and the much more expansive unaffected portions.
So far we are seeing that the unaffected time on either side of the affected portion will expand or contract to fill the vacuum, although we are unsure how far reaching this consequence is or what effect it has on the laws of the natural universe. At the end of all compression and expansion experiments, alterations to time are undone and leave no lasting change.


Byproduct Notes

Director: I've determined the substance to be metallic in nature. The exact cause of its formation is still unknown, though I believe it to be something of an autoimmune reaction of the natural universe, a quarantining of foreign material to prevent temporal contamination.
Director: A method has yet to be found that can successfully remove the substance from an affected object, and the larger implication that two molecularly, temporally identical objects cannot coexist at one point in time has dire implications for all time manipulation technology research, not just the Bow.
Director: For the moment I have dubbed the substance "Neutronium", and assigned it a theoretical place on the table of elements. Research continues.


Possible Applications

Director: Temporal energy can be reconfigured to vibrate the matter constituting Neutronium at just the right frequency to break it down and disperse it.
Director: However, it is difficult to stabilize and maintain this reconfigured energy long enough to effectively remove practical amounts of Neutronium in real life scenarios.
Director: I am looking into making this technology more reliable and compact - this data could potentially have uses in the development of some sort of all-purpose disintegration ray.



Magazine article



Article Excerpt

Incredible Technology From Independent Lab Harnesses Time into Energy

Scientists from the recently founded Gravitas Facility have unveiled their first technology prototype, dubbed the "Temporal Bow", a device which manipulates the 4th dimension to generate infinite, clean and renewable energy.
While it may sound like something from science fiction, facility founder Dr.Jacquelyn Stern confirms that it is very much real.
"It has already been demonstrated that Newton's Second Law of Motion can be violated by negative mass superfluids under the correct lab conditions," she says.
"If the Laws of Motion can be bent and altered, why not the Laws of Thermodynamics? That was the main intent behind this project."
The Temporal Bow works by rapidly vibrating sections of the 4th dimension to send small quantities of mass forward and backward in time, generating massive amounts of energy with virtually no waste.
"The fantastic thing about using the 4th dimension as fuel," says Stern, "is that it is really, categorically infinite".
For those eagerly awaiting the prospect of human time travel, don't get your hopes up just yet. The Facility says that although they have transported matter through time already, the technology was expressly developed for the purpose of energy generation and is ill-equipped for human transportation.



Temporal bow update




Spec Changes

To: Dr. Sklodowska <msklodowska@gravitas.nova>
From: Mr. Kraus <okraus@gravitas.nova>
Dr. Sklodowska, could I ask you to forward me the new spec changes to the Temporal Bow?
The Director completely ignored me when I asked for a project update this morning. She walked right past me in the hall - I didn't realize I was that far down on the food chain. :(
Mr. Kraus
Physics Department
The Gravitas Facility


To Otto (Spec Changes)
To: Mr. Kraus <okraus@gravitas.nova>
From: Dr. Sklodowska <msklodowska@gravitas.nova>

Try not to take it too personally, it's probably just stress.
The Facility started going through a major overhaul not long before you got here, so I imagine the Director is having quite a time getting it all sorted out.
Things will calm down once all the new departments are settled.
Dr. Sklodowska
Physics Department
The Gravitas Facility

RE: To Otto (Spec Changes)
To: Dr. Sklodowska <msklodowska@gravitas.nova>
From: Mr. Kraus <okraus@gravitas.nova>

Thanks Doctor. PS, if you hit the "Reply" button instead of composing a new e-mail it makes it easier for people to tell what you're replying to. :)
I appreciate it!
Mr. Kraus
Physics Department
The Gravitas Facility



Laws of Thermodynamics




The Laws of Thermodynamics
Subject: A Refresher

<i>Hello</i> Mr. Kraus! I was just e-mailing you after our little chat today to pass along something you might like to read - I think you'll find it super useful in your research!
Energy can neither be created or destroyed, only change forms.
Entropy in an isolated system that is not in equilibrium tends to increase over time, approaching the maximum value at equilibrium.
Entropy in a system approaches a constant minimum as temperature approaches absolute zero.
If two thermodynamic systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
If this is too complicated for you, you can come by to chat. I be <i>thrilled</i> to answer your questions. ;)

Information and Statistics Department
The Gravitas Facility"



Jodi & Jackie Prequel stuff



One intact document remains - an old yellowing newspaper clipping. It won't be of much use, but I add it to my database nonetheless.


Newspaper Article

Party Time for Local Students

Students at the Elion University of Science and Technology have held an unconventional party this weekend.
While their peers may have been out until the wee hours wearing lampshades or drawing eyebrows on sleeping colleagues, students Jackie Stern and Jodie McClintock spent the weekend in their dorm, refreshments and decorations ready, waiting for their honored guests: themselves.
The two prospective STEM students, who study theoretical physics with a focus on the workings of space time, conducted the experiment under the assumption that, were their theories about the malleability of space time to ever come to fruition, their future selves could travel back in time to greet them at the party, proving the existence of time travel.
They weren't inconsiderate of their future selves' busy schedules though; should the guests of honor be unable to attend, they were encouraged to send back a message using the codeword "Hourglass" to communicate that, while they certainly wanted to come, they were simply unable.
Sadly no one RSVP'd or arrived to the party, but that did not dishearten Jodie or Jackie.
As Jodie put it, "It just meant more snacks for us!"


A spotless desk filled with impeccably organized office supplies.
A photo peeks out from beneath the desk pad, depicting two beaming young women in caps and gowns.
The photo is quite old.


There's a handwritten note tucked in the back of the top drawer. I add it to my database.

Handwritten Note

Flip the Hourglass.

A dear friend



I've decided save all lore entries in a txt-file, because I wanted to have them available without the game running. Also, I tried to categorize the entries and bring them into some order that might make sense.  Thought I'd share it with all of you, maybe somebody else will find this useful, too.


Edited by Lepeightl
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16 hours ago, Lepeightl said:

To Otto (Spec Changes)
To: Mr. Kraus <okraus@gravitas.nova>

So Otto is Kraus then? Any ideas for anyone else?

On 11/30/2018 at 11:22 AM, watermelen671 said:



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also you think you could post the multitool sounds anytime soon?

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1 hour ago, MF99K said:

So Otto is Kraus then? Any ideas for anyone else?

Nothing really besides what's already been stated before.

I also created a little summary of all known characters from the log entries, in case that helps anybody:



A001 - Jaqueline A. Stern (Jackie)
Director and founder of the Gravitas Facility. Studied theoretical physics with a focus on the workings of space time with Jodi.  Wants to build a colony on a foreign planet for unknown reasons. (First saved the world with a new way of producing energy (Time's bow), and then probably accidetally destroyed it with the very same. UNVERIFIED) Appears to act rather rude towards her employees, and even her friend Jodi.

A030 - Stinky Gunderson
Janitor of the Gravitas Facility. Knows a lot about what's going on regarding the (illegal) cloning, but keeps his mouth shut. Smells bad. Nice and dependable, but probably low self-esteem.

A046 - Marie Sklowdoska
Physics department. Friends with Otto. Elderly member, was there before the first product (Temporal Bow) hit the market.

A435 - ???
Technician, appears in EMPLOYEEPROCESSING and ANTS

B111 - Jodi McClintock
Works in Bioengineering. Studied Applied Physics with Jackie. Cares a lot about her dupes and colleagues (which would be the same...).

B327 - Otto Kraus
Physics department. Friends with Marie. Young employee.

B363 - ???
Genetist, working on animals

B557 - ???
Genetist, working on plants

B556 - Dr. Holland
Owns a dog. Started to set a good example about a healthy work-life balance after a little nudge from Jodi.

B835 - Bubbles
Works in Bioengineering. Friends with Banhi. Was hired fresh out of school.

???? - Banhi Ansari
Works in the Robotics lab. Friends with Bubbles. Might also be called Pipsqueak.

????  - Ellie Jones (She was identified as B111 once, but I believe that is an error.)
Information and Statistics department. Tends to gossip. (Combined with her dupe's description: Likes her glitter pens. A lot.) (Probably has a crush on Joshua. I wanna ship 'em! *___*)

???? - Joshua Summers
Information and Statistics department. The 'Sunny disposition' characteristic has his name in the files.

???? - Frankie
Has a blog, which probably contains a lot of pictures of food.

???? - Admin

???? - Personnel Coordinator


One suspicion I have: Everybody who's security code begins with an 'A' was hired before that 'major overhaul' Marie has mentioned. Everybody with a 'B', on the contrary, was hired while the facility was expanding. However, this might just be an incidental pattern, so... handle with care.

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6 minutes ago, Lepeightl said:

One suspicion I have: Everybody who's security code begins with an 'A' was hired before that 'major overhaul' Marie has mentioned. Everybody with a 'B', on the contrary, was hired while the facility was expanding. However, this might just be an incidental pattern, so... handle with care.

I definitely don't think it's coincidental. It also helps us establish a timeline.


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56 minutes ago, MF99K said:

I feel like Holland might maybe be Gossmann since I think her bio at one point said she liked dogs. could be wrong tho since I think Gossmann is a surname

Good thinking, but I'm afraid that's most likely not the case. Ellie and Joshua referred to Dr. Holland as 'he'.



dr. holland's dog

To: Dr. Summers <jsummers@gravitas.nova>
From: Dr. Jones <ejones@gravitas.nova>
OMIGOD, every time I go into the break room now I get ambushed by Dr. Holland and he traps me in a 20 minute conversation about his new dog.
Like, I GET it! Your puppy is cute! Why do you have like 400 different pictures of it on your phone, FROM THE SAME ANGLE?!
SO annoying.

Dr. Jones
Information and Statistics Department
The Gravitas Facility

To: Dr. Jones <ejones@gravitas.nova>
From: Dr. Summers <jsummers@gravitas.nova>
Haha, I think it's nice, he really loves his dog. Oh! Did I show you the thing my cat did last night? She always falls asleep on my bed but this time she sprawled out on her back and her little tongue was poking out! So cute.

-Dr. Summers
Information and Statistics Department
The Gravitas Facility



37 minutes ago, Mooagain said:

Seems like the director is the only person that wasn't cloned.

Same might go for Jodi as well. Somebody had already suspected that we're actually playing as her (was that you, watermelen?).

Though... don't forget that Jackie has a middle name. Looking at the possible options I find that rather unlikely, but still... 

Neither Ada nor Ari really fit into Jackie's characterization, but given that the originals' memories are not transferred (?) into the dupes, one of them might portray her true nature. I find it highly unlikely that Jodi and Jackie would ever have become friends if Jackie had always treated Jodi the way she does in the known lore entries. I suspect something has happened that changed parts of Jackie's character.

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