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What I think we NEED in the QoL update

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I will keep it short.

1) New animations for certain actions like using the crockpot, the icebox; searching through the chests, etc. 

Normally, the only animation we have for them is the open animation (ex. a chest's lid is open when you are using it). 

If there was to be added new animations, it would really help in crowded servers (especially popular nowadays) and on top of that it would look sick.

2) The Ancient Guardian rework.

3) Ability to see where your tamed beefalo(s) are in the map. This should also apply to Eyebone after you find it once. 

Again, multiplayer servers would benefit from it the most but an option to disable it would do fine.

4) Ability to see what the actual problem is when you are lagging. The little symbol that doesn't look like anything is not helping. Clicking ESC doesn't really help either in multiplayer servers. 

A new icon in the scoreboard that shows your FPS, ping, and connection all together would change things a lot. I can see this causing lag, so why not an option that disables it?


5) Ding Ding controversial alert. Some balance changes to Walter and Wurt. Please reduce Walter's shooting cooldown as it reduces the DPS a lot, and rework merms so that they do not get lost forever when they unload.

6) Some balance changes to some tools. A rework to Pick/Axe, a golden pitchwork, better (or different) salt licks would change late game and base building a lot in a good way.

7) A loading bar in the loading screen please. We never know when we will load in the world so we have to base sit in real life.

8) Options to remove the leaves under the Waterlogged trees as the best use for them is to plant next to your base, and it is really annoying to not be able to see 15% of your screen (around 30% with hud) all times. Same goes for snow and rain particles, freezing, heating, starving, toadstool spore effect on the screen, etc.

9) The ability to disable/enable telepoof and soul hop actions.

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13 minutes ago, douan33 said:

Ability to see where your tamed beefalo(s) are in the map. This should also apply to Eyebone after you find it once. 

the beefalo is already shown in the map but im totally in with showing chester (im tired of wasting one slot for the celestial orb

13 minutes ago, douan33 said:

Ability to see what the actual problem is when you are lagging. The little symbol that doesn't look like anything is not helping. Clicking ESC doesn't really help either in multiplayer servers. 

should be more intuitive but if you press the backspace key it will show in the right up corner your fps and in the down right corner your ping

13 minutes ago, douan33 said:

better (or different) salt licks

actually sea salt licks. Make salt licks reparaible and reduce their hitbox when you want to place them would be also nice



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1 minute ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

the beefalo is already shown in the map but im totally in with showing chester (im tired of wasting one slot for the celestial orb

I was actually also talking about seeing the beefalos name, kind, and owner. But I didn't know we could see them on the map as I always skip taming a beefalo.


2 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

should be more intuitive but if you press the backspace key it will show in the right up corner your fps and in the down right corner your ping

The FPS and ping information is only limited to you yourself. I was talking about everyone being able to see it on the scoreboard :afro:

4 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

actually sea salt licks. Make salt licks reparaible and reduce their hitbox when you want to place them would be also nice

100% Agreed.

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8 minutes ago, douan33 said:

But I didn't know we could see them on the map as I always skip taming a beefalo.

i think it only shows the beefalo if has a bell linked to him but yeah, it was part of the QoL from the beefalo event

9 minutes ago, douan33 said:

But I didn't know we could see them on the map as I always skip taming a beefalo.

oh, i see. It would be so nice

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21 minutes ago, DaZoul said:

I find it funny that you wrote a few suggestions at every point except for the arguably biggest, the Guardian rework. But I do agree with these, especially with the latter (which is somewhat confirmed to be in the works, I guess?)

I didn't write anything about the Ancient Guardian rework as it is confirmed and I have no new suggestions about it.

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9 is a hard no.. you would effectively make Wortox Useless.

Some of the others are a hard no too, but 9 was the one I had to speak on.

As far as my own list- they should continue to do what the other previous 3 QoL updates did: And that is to provide players more control and utility within that lovely little Menu full of things they can toggle on and off, more and less over..

And I don’t just mean how much or how little mobs spawn, or resources spawn..

If for example you could disable things like: Being able to use a Razor to shave a Beefalo, then instead of safely shaving him for Wool passively, you would have to kite one away from its heard and fight & kill it for its wool- its a small change but one that makes getting things like Winter Hats, Beefalo Hats & Bernie Dolls a little more challenging.

note: I did not say an option to disable crafting Razor, because Wilson and Webber need that to remove their own beards, I very specifically said add an option that lets us disable the ability to passively shave the Beefalo with it.

If you had the option to disable the ability to build & place a BIRD CAGE then uh-oh you pierogi lovers: It means your going to have to get your eggs from mobs that will aggressively try to protect them (Tallbirds, Pengull etc..)

Another great example is how fast fires burn when something is set on fire in DS solo vs DST.. in DST you can pretty much live through most “short” nights by burning a single isolated blade of grass/sapling, but in for example DS Hamlet, that fire burned for significantly less duration & having options added to this menu that let us choose if things that are set on fire (Sapling, Grass) burn for long DST durations, or shorter DS Hamlet durations could be added to this menu. 

Those are ideas on how to make things harder: But..

Being able to do things like toggle off Winter/Spring Freezing and Summer Overheating (you can actually turn these both off in Solo Dont Starve) would also help the Casual players who just want to experience Winter content without the whole freezing to death part.

Personally I would like a way to get the “Winter” versions of Birchnut trees where all their leaves have died, But without it actually being Winter just for spooky grave yard base designs.

These are all examples of where Klei doesn’t really need to add exciting brand new content but to rather, give us new ways of interacting with what’s already in the game to help shake things up a bit.

And even though I appreciate all the time and work they have already put into these Menu’s with each QoL they do.. I still personally feel as if they are over looking the fullest potential in this Menu.. but I hope some of my examples here can at least spark their own creativity to focus more on this then they have been in the past QoL’s.

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40 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

9 is a hard no.. you would effectively make Wortox Useless.

Some of the others are a hard no too, but 9 was the one I had to speak on.

As far as my own list- they should continue to do what the other previous 3 QoL updates did: And that is to provide players more control and utility within that lovely little Menu full of things they can toggle on and off, more and less over..

And I don’t just mean how much or how little mobs spawn, or resources spawn..

If for example you could disable things like: Being able to use a Razor to shave a Beefalo, then instead of safely shaving him for Wool passively, you would have to kite one away from its heard and fight & kill it for its wool- its a small change but one that makes getting things like Winter Hats, Beefalo Hats & Bernie Dolls a little more challenging.

note: I did not say an option to disable crafting Razor, because Wilson and Webber need that to remove their own beards, I very specifically said add an option that lets us disable the ability to passively shave the Beefalo with it.

If you had the option to disable the ability to build & place a BIRD CAGE then uh-oh you pierogi lovers: It means your going to have to get your eggs from mobs that will aggressively try to protect them (Tallbirds, Pengull etc..)

Another great example is how fast fires burn when something is set on fire in DS solo vs DST.. in DST you can pretty much live through most “short” nights by burning a single isolated blade of grass/sapling, but in for example DS Hamlet, that fire burned for significantly less duration & having options added to this menu that let us choose if things that are set on fire (Sapling, Grass) burn for long DST durations, or shorter DS Hamlet durations could be added to this menu. 

Those are ideas on how to make things harder: But..

Being able to do things like toggle off Winter/Spring Freezing and Summer Overheating (you can actually turn these both off in Solo Dont Starve) would also help the Casual players who just want to experience Winter content without the whole freezing to death part.

Personally I would like a way to get the “Winter” versions of Birchnut trees where all their leaves have died, But without it actually being Winter just for spooky grave yard base designs.

These are all examples of where Klei doesn’t really need to add exciting brand new content but to rather, give us new ways of interacting with what’s already in the game to help shake things up a bit.

And even though I appreciate all the time and work they have already put into these Menu’s with each QoL they do.. I still personally feel as if they are over looking the fullest potential in this Menu.. but I hope some of my examples here can at least spark their own creativity to focus more on this then they have been in the past QoL’s.

You got everything so wrong that I won't reply everything you said individually.

Wortox wouldn't be useless. I didn't say remove Wortox' soul hop, just let us bind a button to make it temporarily unavailable so that we don't waste sould or lose durability to our Lazy Explorers.You don't know how much of a problem is teleporting accidentally on PC.

I also didn't say let us remove freeze/overheat etc. Just an option to remove the effect on our screen. We REALLY need to be able to disable insanity effects in vanilla DST.

Those will be my only answers because I didn't understand 90% of what you said.

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18 minutes ago, douan33 said:

I didn't say remove Wortox' soul hop, just let us bind a button to make it temporarily unavailable

In this case: Yes I fully and 100% agree an option to “temporarily” disable it but not fully disable it for the entire duration of the game (your wording made it sound this way) then yes being able to toggle it at will would be lovely (because trust me accidental soul hopping is 100x Worse on Xbox because the B Button is Also used to do other things lots and lots of other things..)

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16 hours ago, douan33 said:

1) New animations for certain actions like using the crockpot, the icebox; searching through the chests, etc. 

Normally, the only animation we have for them is the open animation (ex. a chest's lid is open when you are using it). 

If there was to be added new animations, it would really help in crowded servers (especially popular nowadays) and on top of that it would look sick.

If Klei were to spend their time on animation work, far more then "open chest" animations, I would much prefer they work on making the characters more expressive. It's quite noticeable in the gameplay trailers: the characters go from extremely expressive in the animated sections to emotionless cyphers in actual gameplay footage, except for when one of them is playing one of the pre-scripted emotes.

I would love to see fear when bosses and hounds are on approach, anger during a fight, panic if the whole base is on fire, satisfaction when harvesting crops, eagerness when a crockpot finishes cooking, grossed out when picking up manure, and so on.

Bringing the game's facial expressions in line with the animated shorts would undoubtedly be a lot of work, but it would also go a long way towards into breathing new life into the in-game characters.

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7 hours ago, Cheggf said:

How would there be an animation for you looking in chests & crock pots when they made it so multiple people can do that at the same time? 

It would look better? It is better than the lid of crockpot disappearing under 0.1 seconds. It is much better to see people crouching around a chest and looking inside than seeing them stand still in an idle position, no? 

Plus in a kitchen/chest area where multiple players are using we would see who is using which one.

It doesn't even need a useful function but it would have functions on top of looking really good and being a good QoL addition.

7 hours ago, Captain_Rage said:

All these requests are far beyond the scope of "quality of life changes", lol. You are asking for additional content. The exception is the last point.

What else do you want from a QoL update, can you link if you made a comment that you stated your opinion? Is an update that doesn't add additional content possible? Was there any updates that didn't add additional content?

4 hours ago, Jabarbieri said:

I will be the one this post: PLEASE add randomness to world gen. More set pieces and alike. All worlds start the same -> look for biome -> look for chester ponds/gloomer forest and pig king -> look for moon island dent on main land -> have fun

I enjoy the default world gen (with no wildfires and frog rain on and starting resources default) but I agree that even more world options would be really good. But I don't have any new ideas for it.

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7 hours ago, Captain_Rage said:

All these requests are far beyond the scope of "quality of life changes", lol. You are asking for additional content. The exception is the last point.

I think people forget what a QoL update even is.. it’s not adding Any new content (such as a million new animations for characters) it’s taking what is already in the game and improving upon it- for example..

Klei reduced crafting costs of things like Marble Armor & Rabbit Ear Muffs in past QoL’s and removed the Ear Muffs from needing to learn at a crafting station so the player always starts with this craftable known- They did this to make joining a server in the middle of Winter a little easier for you to stay alive long enough to gather resources you need to stay alive better.

When I ask for Palm Trees in the Oasis, those are already in the games files.. they can literally be found in Solo DS outside of the Shipwrecked DLC expansion, some people call this a glitch, but the point still stands that they’re already in the game somewhere.. Plus- Palm Trees at an Oasis and not just Birchnut tree’s just makes sense!

They also if I remember right.. release a new skin pack alongside these QoLs that add nothing “New” into the game except the new skin set itself & with the clean sweeper existing, And Palm Trees Functioning in much the same way as Birchnut trees (dropping Coconut instead of Birchnut) I really don’t understand why this can’t just be a clean sweep skin already.

That said- I would appreciate reduced costs in things like crafting boat kits costing 3 planks instead of 4, or Masts only needing 6 silk instead of 8: Rather unfortunately DST can be a MASSIVE time sink.. and when people don’t have a lot of time to play the game: They don’t want to spend all that time doing ONE THING like gathering planks and silk for a boat, the FASTER players can get the crafting stuff part done & get back to exploring the map/biomes/and fighting mobs or bosses- the Better.

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54 minutes ago, douan33 said:

It would look better? It is better than the lid of crockpot disappearing under 0.1 seconds. It is much better to see people crouching around a chest and looking inside than seeing them stand still in an idle position, no? 

Plus in a kitchen/chest area where multiple players are using we would see who is using which one.

It doesn't even need a useful function but it would have functions on top of looking really good and being a good QoL addition.

I didn't say "Why", I said "How". How is someone going to look like they're searching in the chest if multiple people are allowed to do so so they can't be synced up with the chest? Are they going to just rummage around in the dirt nowhere near the chest pretending they're looking in the chest so it looks way worse than the current version? Also, you can walk around with the chest open. How is that going to work? Are you going to slide around in the ugly animation making it doubleplus ugly, or are you going to do the opposite of QoL and restrict player controls and make kitchens entirely unusable just so they can do a bad looking animation?

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1 hour ago, Cheggf said:

I didn't say "Why", I said "How". How is someone going to look like they're searching in the chest if multiple people are allowed to do so so they can't be synced up with the chest? Are they going to just rummage around in the dirt nowhere near the chest pretending they're looking in the chest so it looks way worse than the current version? Also, you can walk around with the chest open. How is that going to work? Are you going to slide around in the ugly animation making it doubleplus ugly, or are you going to do the opposite of QoL and restrict player controls and make kitchens entirely unusable just so they can do a bad looking animation?

From what I can tell douan's idea is literally just the character leaning over and looking inside the chest, not physically getting inside and rummaging, and couldn't it simply,,, replace the idle animation??? So you're still allowed to interrupt it to move around with the walking animation, just like how Wilson stopping to kick the ground or scratch his face while idle doesn't lock you in place?? Why is it being treated as some unsolvable problem to have a different idle animation play when a player is standing with a chest open? This is a perfectly fine idea, it's baffling to me to see such an aggressive response like this.

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13 hours ago, Gi-Go said:

Why on earth would you want golden pitchforks?

meg a bas

Gold doesn't have a lot of uses late game so there's that. And golden pitchwork would really help. Especially when you didn't plan your base and you're just digging up turf with no plan in your head.


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On 9/22/2021 at 9:06 AM, douan33 said:

Some balance changes to some tools. A rework to Pick/Axe, a golden pitchwork, better (or different) salt licks would change late game and base building a lot in a good way.

I can agree on some of this. A pick/axe rework would be nice, and being able to make better salt licks would help with lategame beefalo storing. I'm unsure of a simple golden pitchfork upgrade, though, since the normal one has a lot of uses to where I never had issues using them in my lategame worlds. An issue I do have with them, though, is the fact it can only dig in a 1X1 area, which makes it slow to clear areas clean of turf. I always wanted a pitchfork variant that instead of harvesting 1 tile, it could impact a 2X2 to 3X3 area. I always wanted a moonglass equivalent to it that could accomplish that.

As for other things, I still wish you could properly dig up ruins turf. I've been making a base down there thanks to Wanda, and it's a bit sad you can't get the turf back if you decide to remove it.

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