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How do you get gold in early game?

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So i actually have a 600 hrs in this game but there is a problem i never managed to figure out 

Getting enough gold for early game 

I main maxwell so i mine a ton of rocks but well thats not enough gold for me and it fills all the inventory spot

Keep in mind im not going to rush ruins 


My playstyle in the early game is simply having a absolute ton of everything and crafting every single building without placing them which in script saves a lot of inventory space but well it gets filled fast with everything but gold 

So please give me a way of getting simple more gold

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if you really don't want to go to ruins fishing for eel is probably your best option, you have 3-4 ponds always at the toadstool spawners and you can easily get 20 eel in half a day of fishing I'd say, which is either 80 or 100 gold don't remember exactly, decent either way.

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Earlygame, you can get a lot of gold from the pig king by trading trinkets. You can find those in graves or tumbleweeds. The disadvantage is that there are a lot of different trinkets, so they themselves take up a lot of space.

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While I'm raiding the music biome for an early alchemy engine, I typically also go violate some Graves and trade them in for gold. While not very space efficient, it can net you a lot more gold then then just focusing on mining random borders. 

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Just kill Pigmen and give the pig king their skins he gives you gold for slaughtering his own kind for some reason.

Alternatively if you don’t want to do that- you can just kill small birds or rabbits and give him morsels, he gives back golds either way.

Walter’s golden ammo rounds literally replenish themselves if your playing him just kill birds & rabbits using gold pellets, trade to PK morsels get more gold for more gold rounds.

you can achieve the same results as any other character by killing/trapping and murdering them though... just Walter does it fastest.

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If the graves & gold veins aren't enough and you don't want to go to the ruins I suppose you could hunt things. You won't get nearly as much as the infinite gold the ruins gives through frazzled wires & eels, but you could kill koalefants (9), pigs (1), werepigs (3), gobblers (2), spiders (0.5), & hounds (1) and just give their meat (or eggs, if monster meat) to the pig king.

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personally, when i need a stack or two of gold, i will usually go to the dfly desert and get trinkets from the tumble weeds there and trade them with the pig king (As i am usually on a world where other people have already cleared the ruins)

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Trinkets are best way but if u are so unlucky to find it, feed piggs with monstermeat and kill them (maybe with help of other pigs) and give all drops to the king. It should give around 5 golds per pig everytime (Werepigs drops two meat and one skin.). 9 pig will be enough which will cost 36 monster meat.

For monstermeat you can use traps or use wendy/Webber/Woodie if u have.

But like I said, not best way to get gold, it's pretty dangerous because werepigs are hard creatures if you don't know how to kite.

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