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What are your fav. characters (most to least)

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Here I go:

1. Wilson: the main focus of the story, first character ever (the oldest one). I like the difficulty when playing as him, it's balanced.

2. Maxwell: another relevant character to the story. I like his detailed past.

3. Winona: is quite relevant too. After her revamp I like her even more.

4. Wendy, Woodie, WX-78, Wickerbottom: I like their personalities, relevance and/or interesting abilities.

5. Willow, Wolfgang, Wes, Wigfrid, Webber: they are either not really interesting/relevant and/or I don't really consider their abilities usefull/practical.

6. Wortox: he is not cannon, is incredibly OP and is visibly made for quick money.


I just shared my opinion, don't make me regret being honest and staying on-topic.

Please don't give me any reprimends for possibly thinking in a different way.


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15 minutes ago, Wilson_pl said:

Here I go:

1. Wilson: the main focus of the story, first character ever (the oldest one). I like the difficulty when playing as him, it's balanced.

2. Maxwell: another relevant character to the story. I like his detailed past.

3. Winona: is quite relevant too. After her revamp I like her even more.

4. Wendy, Woodie, WX-78, Wickerbottom: I like their personalities, relevance and/or interesting abilities.

5. Willow, Wolfgang, Wes, Wigfrid, Webber: they are either not really interesting/relevant and/or I don't really consider their abilities usefull/practical.

6. Wortox: he is not cannon, is incredibly OP and is visibly made for quick money.

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I just shared my opinion, don't make me regret being honest and staying on-topic.

Please don't give me any reprimends for possibly thinking in a different way.


Wilson reigns


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14 hours ago, Canis said:

*hyperventilating intensifies*

Rather the other one:

16 hours ago, Wilson_pl said:

Here I go:

5. Wolfgang: they are either not really interesting/relevant (For ME, MY opinion) and/OR I don't really consider their abilities usefull/practical.


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1. Wendy - Cute and because she's most of the time very mature thinking and is aware how life works. When I feel like it I can summon Abigail to deal with small mobs.

2. Wigfrid - Because I like being thirsty for blood and devour my enemies!

3. Maxwell - I like his personality and his reign in the original Don't Starve. And because I can summon minions to do my job.

4. Wolfgang - Is a decent fighter and sometimes I find his quotes funny.

5. WX-78 - Murderous robot on a rampage.

6. Winona - Her tape seals and repairs! Also gotta love that free Charlie hit.

7. Wilson - Because science rules.

8. Wickerbottom - Good base builder and books.

9. Willow

10. Webber, Wes, Woodie and Wortox - I dislike their personalities and abilities. 

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1. Wigfrid/Webber

I love being able to make the helms and spears early game as wig, and the damage absorption/damage buff is great early game. (Especially the absorption because I tend to lag a lot.) Webber is on the same tier as Wigfrid because if you manage to find a spider quarry/ area with tons of spiders you can basically just live off of monster meat alone. Unless you're playing with others, of course.  Plus he's adorable. 

2. WX-78 

I used to think he was ok, but since I began playing him recently, he's now one of my favorites. If you can just get tons of gears, you're pretty much set.

3. Wendy

I'll admit, she's a bit too depressing for me,(wow) but she's pretty good in caves.  Plus Abigail is great for farming spiders. 

4. Maxwell

I don't play him too often, but when I do, he's pretty great to play as. Resource gathering is pretty much a joke. Insanity? wHat? The sanity regen can be kinda annoying when you're trying to go insane, though.  

5. Wilson

Well, he's pretty much the mascot of Don't Starve. How could I hate him? He has good (although painfully average) stats.

6. Wickerbottom

She's got absolutely 0 personality. Although, she's pretty op, so that kinda makes up for it. 

7. Everyone else. Some honorable mentions are Wortox (who I currently don't have, but seems cool) and Wolfgang. 

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1. Wolfgang. By far my favorite, can smash through everything and anything really quick, love his mechanics, and i like rushing bosses or ruins.

2. Wigfrid. A lesser wolfgang, but i like her alot too, i generally enjoy killing creatures around anyway.

3. Wortox. Hella fun, love to hop new worlds and quick explore them too

4. Wx. Having 300 health is fine.

5. Wicker. Great for a head start and can be quite op if played properly i think.

6-10. Webber, Woodie, Winona and Wes. I like all of em in their of ways, ofc Wes more for the lols than anything

11. Wilson. He's allright.

12. really don't get Wendy and Willow mains. 


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1. Wilson - His hair is a solid 100/10 for one and his personality is adorable with the puns and science. Can't help but root for him. Incredible character.

2. Webber - Adorable and cute spider boy. He gets stomped by Wilson cause I finally "solo'd" some bosses with the help of bunnies and pigs. So I can't really do that with Webber.

3. Wortox - I honestly haven't played too much recently, but what I have played of Wortox I do quite enjoy. Being able to hop those small fractures in land is very useful and time saving. Not sure if this will be where he remains as I play him more.

4. Wes - The mime being the frail weakling nobody expects to live makes him endearing to me.

5. Wendy - Depressed ghost girl is a good personality and she's cute. Abigail antics in front of a crock pot has caused issues though with unhappy, hungry friends wanting in it.

6. Wickerbottom - Love the old lady librarian being a all powerful mage. I like the power feeling of her books.

7. Wolfgang - I find the big guy pretty cool and have played him to be the soldier when my friends use to play the game since most of them didn't care for the combat mechanics. I like him... though I hate being in is wimpy form and will overeat to avoid it.

8. WX - Boring character to play but incredible personality and good skins. I just find him way too one note in game play.

9. Woodie - Love chopping the trees fast and he's overall a neat character. But Lucy... SHUT UP LUCY. 

10. Maxwell - Part of me feels this is unfair since I barely played him. But I'll place him here simply cause I never been that compelled to play him. I guess I like him better as the villain? Idk.

11. Wigfrid - Find her voice a bit grating. I'm also a tad jaded with her cause of random Wigfrids that decide to kill my pet Koalaphants at my base. Without my jaded outlook on Wigfrid players, I'd probably bump her up to around WX and Woodie level. I do think her character is interesting and fun.

12. Winona - Never found her that interesting, the rework helped her though.

13. Willow - Very rude character with little redeeming facts in her personality. She's cute though. But her perks and fire starter occupation has never been something you want to welcome.

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1. Woodie - Yeah, I've sort of dedicated myself to playing Wortox basically non-stop, but I will always hold a torch for a Woodie refresh. Woodie has been my main in DST ever since he found his way through the Florid Postern. (Or was it the Rigged Portal at the time? I can't recall.)

I love his personality, his beard, his skins (Survivor, GoH, and Victorian are my favorites!), Lucy, and the fact that he calls Wendy and Webber "little buddy!" 

2. Wortox - A charming and devilish little imp, I can't say I'll ever outgrow that mischievous prankster vibe! While sure, he's considered "non canon", I find Wortox to be the absolute perfect side character to any base and household alike. He doesn't even need to open the community icebox once! (Unless you're dropping off food for the mortals!)

To me, Wortox will always be fun to play, because I take pride in playing supportive characters. :wilson_dorky:

3. Maxwell - What can I say? I'm a sucker for tragic villains turned playable. (And I love those sassy quotes he has.)

4. Willow - Originally, Willow gave me the "female version of the male character" option that many games seem to have. (mostly games with the choice between a male protagonist or female protagonist) However, I've come to appreciate our little Pyromaniac and her scorched, stuffed bear!

5. Wolfgang - I personally don't play much of Wolfgang, but that doesn't stop me from loving his personality and instrument!

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I must say, all these are very interesting to read. I like seeing everyone's different views on the characters and what they like/ dislike about them.

Personally, my list is as follows;

1) Woodie- I just really like everything about him. His gameplay is very fun to me, i love werebeaver, i love lucy (*wink*) and i also like his design. Lumberjack for the win.

2) Wigfrid- Love her as a fighter. I think her character design is fantastic. The idea that she is acting out a role fills me with joy. Is useful when playing with others and by herself. No complaints here.

3) Wendy- Her lore is my favorite part about her. Her sister companion and her depressing quotes made me fall in love with Wendy. 

4) Wickerbottom- Anyone that likes to read is a friend of mine. Personally find her very easy to use and is a benefit to any DST group. She also gets bonus points for being old. 

5) Maxwell- Not a huge fan of his gameplay (I don't really like the fragile gatherer aspect) but his lore/design is what i adore. Once the king of the world, he now roams free using shadows to do his bidding. I love it; his looks, his quotes, everything. If only his shadow duelists were better.

6) Wolfgang- I love to play him when I feel angry. I just destroy anything that looks at me funny. You gotta love him.

6.5) Wortox- I think his character design is very interesting. My favorite part about him is the portal jumping.

7) Webber- i think he's cute. That's it.

8) Wx- His quotes are some of the best in my opinion. Other than having gear upgrades I personally don't find him very fun tho.

9,10) Wilson, Willow- Love their character designs but their gameplay is lackluster for me currently.

11) Winona- She may be really low on my list but i actually think she is a cool character. I just have absolutely no interest in playing her.

12) Wes- Never saw the appeal of Wes. Mostly a burden when playing with others. doesn't offer me much in terms of gameplay or personality :S But i know a lot of ppl like him so plz dont hate me.

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1. Wendy. Balanced strengths and weaknesses, best quotes, great lore, fun emergent mechanical interactions with a lot of different mob AI. Still my favorite after 100 or more hours with every character.

2. Webber. Best survivor for carrying noobs IMHO since he can live really easily on his own even if someone accidentally burns the base down or lets Deerclops spawn in it. Plus he can generate infinite Telltale Hearts. Plus he has fun interactions with Wendy.

3. Wortox. Best instrument, best carol. Second-best survivor for carrying noobs. Third-best quotes. Soul Hop is also the most fun ability in the game.

4. Maxwell. Best lore. Second-best quotes. Challenging but rewarding gameplay. Great for megabasing and caving.

5. Wigfrid. Sarah Bernhardt + Valkyrie, awesome stuff. Wish she was a little harder though.

6. WX. Non-binary tanky speedy superior metal husbando-waifu. Wish they were a little harder though.

7. Winona. Good quotes, good lore. Speedcrafting useful, catapults make Misery Toadstool solo more bearable.

8. Wicker. Love her quotes, love her visual design, love her skins, but don't love her gameplay. Overloaded with OP abilities like a D&D 3.5e spellcaster. #nerfwicker2019

9. Wes. Best skins. Best survivor for mimes, memes, and flexing. Best Gorge solos. Does cheeky invisible bicycle rides in the face of Lovecraftian existential horrors. If only he was good for anything in the main game other than intangible morale benefits ;_;

10. Wolf. Most efficient user of weapons and armor. Lots of depth to his gameplay in theory, but you don't get to see a lot of that depth because it's too easy to be Mighty near-permanently. Speed boost in Mighty form is redundant strength that doesn't feel appropriate to his character. Quotes are some of the cutest and funniest in the game though.

11. Woodie. Second-best instrument. Best at gathering living logs without a weather pain. Underpowered, but not as weak as some people think. Has some inconsistencies/anachronistic references in his quotes. I get the vibe Klei takes him less seriously than the others since he is just an exercise in Canadian self-deprecation.

12. Wilson. OK lore, OK quotes, boring gameplay.

13. Willow. I like her personality in theory but her quotes can get a little one-note. It's basically the same joke over and over, e.g. "is this thing flammable? guys i like burning stuff cuz i'm a pyromaniac get it"

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1. Webber - Precious child who must be protected.
2. Wortox - Teleportation is amazing for getting around and a good Wortox can carry other players with soul healing and food that Wortox probably won't need to eat anyway.
3. Webber - When winter rolls around, feed an entire server with meatballs made of monster meat and ice.
4. Wickerbottom - Get ridiculous amounts of berries, grass and twigs with liberal application of Applied Horticulture.
5. Wolfgang - Go mighty and hit everything until it stops moving.
6. Webber - What's this?  A base woefully underpopulated with silk and spiders glands?  A large spider war ought to put a stop to this!
7. Winona - Catapults for farming bossed like bee queen and dragonfly, although I think it would be cool if her crafting speed bonus also applied to harvesting berry bushes and whatnot.
8. Wendy - Wendy is here because she is Webber's best friend and nobody can convince me otherwise.
9. Webber - Easy to go insane/sane super quickly due to low max sanity.
10. WX-78 - Good for ruins exploration I guess, although I'll leave that to the more adventurous types while I set up a pierogi factory or something.
11. Maxwell - Seems cool conceptually but doesn't have enough outside of the shadow clones to keep my interest.  Maybe his rework will change my opinion of him.
12. Wes - Meme pick.
13. Wigfrid - Wolfgang does more damage than her, and the helmets and spears she crafts cost a lot of gold and rocks which get harder and harder to gather as time goes on, and he diet restrictions mean she cannot partake of the glorious BUTTERFLY WINGS.
14. Willow - The fact that she isn't immune to fire anymore completely kills her for me from a character perspective.  I hope her rework gives her some more interesting mechanics based on fire and/or temperature.  Also she needs some sort of gameplay incentive to set things on fire besides regaining sanity.
15. Wilson - Being the basic starter character means that he doesn't bring anything unique to the table whatsoever.  Hoping the rework gives him some mad scientist/healing perks or something.
16. Woodie - I just can't get into the character and the werebeaver transformation just seems like an annoyance rather than something that adds gameplay value.

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Personalitty-wise: WX > Maxwell > Wolfgang > Wendy > Webber > Woddie > Wortox > Wigfrid > Wilson > Willow > Winona > Wickerbottom

Gameplay: Wolfgang > Maxwell > Wicker > WX > Wortox > Webber > Wigfrid >>  Wilson >= Wendy >> Willow => Woddie 

Wes is best girl and i haven't bothered to test Winona's rework.

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1. Webber: My main dude. I enjoy baddy aesthetics in video games, so while he's probably one of the best characters morally, his monstrous appearance made him my favorite immediately. I enjoy most aspects of his gameplay, but I hope his refresh gives him more to do with his spiders besides starting civil wars, since the text indicates he considers them friends.

2. Maxwell: I'd have switched to Maxwell permanently if his single-player version had the same mechanics as the DST version (I like to play both, so it's a bit jarring switching between them). While his low HP can be a source of grief, I found not having a huge HP cushion to fall on made me a better player. Love his appearance, love the lore, love the minions (buff duelists plz tho).

3. Wendy: I like summoners, and I like dark, macabre stuff in my fiction, so Wendy is great. Similar utility to Webber, though the reduced damage and Abigail's wonkiness prevent me from playing her much.

4. WX-78: The first character I ever achieved even the slightest bit of success with in Don't Starve. In the original game he was the only kinda edgy character I had before I got RoG. He's a bit too OP when maxed out for my liking and I feel guilty eating gears in DST

6. Wigfird/Woodie/Willow/Wickerbottom: No real interest in playing them, though I like them thematically. Maybe the coming refreshes will change my mind

7. Wolfgang: I like the character, but his mechanics can basically be summed up with "IS HONGRY, IS STRONK (sometimes)" which is really not interesting to me. 

8. Wilson: oof this hurts but he's just boring, while he has no downsides, not having an upside feels like a tremendous opportunity cost. 

9. Wes: I really hate mimes.

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Hmm... I'd love to rate them by personality, but I just don't play them all enough to have a good grasp on their characters, so... gameplay-wise it's:



1. WX-78, as I'm a WX main. I am used to playing forest-only, so rationing Gears makes it a really enjoyable experience, slowly getting OP, while the "worst-case scenario" barely renewable resource dwindles. Ruins trivializes any challenge, but it's also extremely fun to go rushing on day 1 or something.

2. Wigfrid, which I play mainly on Pubs, if there isn't one on the team. I am wayyyy to lazy and laggy to kite properly, so just holding F is a lot more feasible with the Performance Artist. I sometimes build the Celestial Portal on solo worlds, stock up on spears and helms, then switch back to WX or...

3. Wickerbottom, The lovely old lady absolutely NO SERVER is complete without. It feels really good to drop in a late autumn server, drop some sick horticulture skills and suddenly, no one has to worry about basic resources going into Winter. Don't play her that much on Solo though.

4. Wolfgang, the first of the characters I don't usually play, but have an opinion nonetheless, in this case, I like him. He's strong, balanced, simple to pick up and play, really useful for a team, and has an overall pretty good late-game. I like his ups and think his downs are fitting.

5. Woodie, I honestly think a hard character is far more enticing than a plain... boring one, hence Woodie being so high, cuz boy oh boy is he hard don't get me wrong, I'm as eager for his rework as the next guy, but I think his needs are more a rebalancing issue than adding new gimmicks, like the more generic ones below.

6. Wilson, I like Wilson. He gets a pass on the "plainness" problem because of his position as the "vanilla character". I enjoy his skills, he's OK

7. Wortox, He's gimmicky, and gimmicky can be pretty good! Wortox isn't low on this list because he's plain or uninteresting, It's just a matter of personal preference: I didn't feel as hyped to play him as I did with character higher on the list. He's useful, well-rounded and unique, just not my cup of tea, really.

8. Webber, It's spideyboi, everyone loves spideyboi... except everyone else who doesn't play spideyboi. I like the "boy in the wild, friends with foes" kinda mentality, but I don't feel like he's a team-player at all, and given how EVERY SERVER HAS ONE, he has a bad rep with me.

9. Winona, She had a solid refresh, her catapults are a pretty good base defense mechanism, team-player, I liked the Refresh... but I can't help but think of her as a luxury, y'know? she's nice to have around, but not a must, so I just leave her alone.

10. Wendy, I don't see a reason to play Weaker Wilson and Ghostgirl, and her quotes remind me of the inevitability of death everytime she opens her mouth. I GET IT, YOU'RE SAD.

11. Willow, I hope this one gets refreshed so hard her name changes Somehow even less memorable than Wendy. I don't like Willow, but it feels cheap to bash on her just before the changes.

12. Wes, meme-character. I never played him and everyone says he's the best, so I rate him number 1 and 2 at the same time... that's good right?

13. Maxwell, I can't find a single redeeming quality about this man. Even when he's useful, it's bad, because he's just such an OP resource-gatherer, it feels like cheating. He can be the hardest character to play in the game, he still feels cheap.

I'm sorry if I went too hard on the last ones, hopefully their refreshes will make me look silly and completely wrong in the future. I wouldn't mind being wrong about them if that were the case.

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1 hour ago, AdventZen said:

8. Webber, It's spideyboi, everyone loves spideyboi... except everyone else who doesn't play spideyboi. I like the "boy in the wild, friends with foes" kinda mentality, but I don't feel like he's a team-player at all, and given how EVERY SERVER HAS ONE, he has a bad rep with me.

this happens because of the let's make a base at pk, maximize the amount pig houses on screen, and don't bother killing a single one people

i haven't played webber for a long time because it's annoying living with them yet boring being alone, although wortox has mildly abated it

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Okay, let's go.

1. Woodie- Obviously. He's adorable, unique and quite impossible to play. I love the littles things I know about him, and well, Lucy is heartwarming <3

2. Wes- I like him, he's so cute! <3

3. WX- He hates things, I like it! <3

4. Wolfgang- He has a great mustache, I like it! <3 

5. Wigfrid- By Odin! She's nordic, I love it! <3

6. Wickerbottom- She makes food, I like food! <3

7.  Wortox- He's good and eats souls, gureito dase! <3

8. Maxwell- I like his lore, but mate, where is the fun to play with him?? He's literally godmode, Idk, DST isn't meant to play easy mode! <3 

9. Wilson- He's a cientist, I like cientists! <3

10. Webber- He's a spider and a child, I like it! <3 

11. Winona- She makes catapult, it's nice, I like it! <3

12. Wendy- She's boring, but has a ghost, I like it! <3

13. Willow- She's a Wilson with a lighter, so.. Yeah, she's in the game! <3

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