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Winter vs Summer, what's your favorite?

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Now, people are going to shred me a new doodoo hole for saying this, but Summer is my favorite season to play. Here's why.

-The OST surrounding Summer is among the best in the whole game (especially that work theme, mmm!)

-It's similar to Winter in difficulty, if not harder due to the fact that there's no equivalent to lighting a tree on fire to stop freezing, (which I like because I can take any type of challenge I can get, because I guess I count as a DS/T vet with 2-3 actual years worth of experience under my belt.)

-You only get to Summer in like 5% of pubs so it doesn't get stale, unlike Winter.

-In Singleplayer, Dragonfly is fun to kite, and again, isn't as stale as Deerclops.

-In DST, I admittedly lack a terrific amount of experience with handling Antlion, but from the knowledge I know, I still much prefer it over sitting at base for 15 days.

-It gives me an excuse to use the floral shirt. (Criminally under-rated, stupidly easy to craft, 240 heat resistance, looks good in general.)


So, I ask y'all:

Winter or Summer?


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winter. cause of deerclops, KLAUS (i love fighting him) and walrus. also food spoils 25% slower. you can join a server in winter and still survive with burninig trees. joining a server in summer is immidiatly dead if you dont find a open sinkhole very quick.


summer is just pain. i dont like to be forced to go in caves. having icechester with 2 thermal stones is a great thing but you still cant go in swamp for example or reeds maybe start burning. 

and you are forced to kill antlion. ok maybe not but ive some lag reducing mods and all settings on low so sometimes i dont see his warning and the base get destroyed. so i am forced to kill him. his fight is pretty cool but the problem is sometimes i kill him without getting damage and thats why i started just having 1 logsuit when i fight him. yea and sometimes he gets a very very bad pattern and it happened i died :(  also his loot isnt the best. in winter you get eyebrella, tamo shanter, cane and a "big" chance for krampussack from klaus and all other bosss loot from klaus.

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I generally prefer Winter over summer due to its' work theme. It for me encapsulates the despair of being  trapped alone in the constant and forced to fight tooth and nail for your life. And there's also the fact that food spoils slower... but, pengulls are quacking annoying.

That doesn't mean i utterly despise summer or anything; I kill Antlion very early to save myself some trouble, and the boss theme in summer is my favorite. 

In the end it is the increased food spoilage time and the entire spontaneous combustion thing which makes me prefer winter over summer. Also, the inability to use the Tam for extended periods.

Though if you're asking me, my favorite challenge season overall is Dry Season.

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Can someone explain why people find pengulls annoying?  They occasionally abandon their eggs, so that’s free food on their part, but people seem to complain about how powerful they are.  I’ve never really provoked a pengull by accident in all my time of playing, and they’re pretty easy to fight too, you can tank them if you have good enough armor/weapon pretty easily.  I get that their quack can be annoying, but can someone else explain what makes them so unlikeable?

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12 minutes ago, Unn0ticedShadow said:

Can someone explain why people find pengulls annoying?  They occasionally abandon their eggs, so that’s free food on their part, but people seem to complain about how powerful they are.  I’ve never really provoked a pengull by accident in all my time of playing, and they’re pretty easy to fight too, you can tank them if you have good enough armor/weapon pretty easily.  I get that their quack can be annoying, but can someone else explain what makes them so unlikeable?

Annoying because they are loud, that can get old fast. About fighting them I guess they are a good noob trap, they seem to be as threatening as spiders and an easy meal, but in reality they are way faster than spiders, more resistant, and can quickly kill you in a group. Like you said they are not hard once you know how to handle them, but I guess many people still remembers the painful first experiences of just getting there and whacking them for the lulz.

They also get aggresive near the end of winter so they can kill you unprovoked if you happen to get distracted and walk by them.


Back on topic I like winter more, and I use summers for cave and ruins life since I find the random fires thing annoying. 

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1 hour ago, Unn0ticedShadow said:

Can someone explain why people find pengulls annoying?  They occasionally abandon their eggs, so that’s free food on their part, but people seem to complain about how powerful they are.  I’ve never really provoked a pengull by accident in all my time of playing, and they’re pretty easy to fight too, you can tank them if you have good enough armor/weapon pretty easily.  I get that their quack can be annoying, but can someone else explain what makes them so unlikeable?

Aside from the quacks, they tend to hamper construction at times if your camp is near the edge of the world. Fighting them gets pretty messy due to the number of pengulls swarming you at a time, leading players to underprepare and underestimate them or avoid engaging them at all. 

otherwise they're glorious heralds of blessed ice, and i leave them be for the most part, as i can gather eggs and meat using other sources pretty handily. There are some times, though, where i sic Abigail on them for the drumsticks.


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When you play as WX-78 together with a Wickerbottom, freezing is a non-issue. I definitely prefer winter! However, summer became a lot more interesting after the "Against the Grain" update - i love basing in the Oasis.

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4 hours ago, GetNerfedOn said:


In the end it is the increased food spoilage time and the entire spontaneous combustion thing which makes me prefer winter over summer. Also, the inability to use the Tam for extended periods of time

I would like to point out that the tam cannot make you overheat faster.

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9 hours ago, cannonball 594 said:

I would like to point out that the tam cannot make you overheat faster.

l see, thanks for clarifying... though you would still definitely leave it home in exchange for your Eyebrella or your Desert Goggles when you travel, amirite?


But, back on topic:

Another point for winter is that Thermal Stone usage while traveling is easier compared to summer. In winter one may just burn down a couple trees with a torch and you're set. In Summer, however you'll need to carry stacks of Nitre around - which takes up yet another space of inventory. In the end the only time a TS sees use for me is during the Antlion brawl.

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Winter. I like that it has upsides to it. To my knowledge summer lacks any real upsides, besides faster crop growth, which doesn’t really matter if everything is withered. Winter has slowed food spoilage, Mactusks (tusk and tam o’shanter drops for mobility and sanity management respectively), Deerclops, Klaus... Winter is what every season should be, spring and summer feel like afterthoughts in comparison.

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I agree, summer is an interesting season. It's just the fact that you can go into the caves and completely nullify the main challenge of the season that kinda ruins it for me.
I still don't understand why this is a feature, it just seems weird that we can ignore most of what a season offers just by entering an area that is accessible from the beginning of the game.

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18 minutes ago, NeddoFreddo said:

I agree, summer is an interesting season. It's just the fact that you can go into the caves and completely nullify the main challenge of the season that kinda ruins it for me.
I still don't understand why this is a feature, it just seems weird that we can ignore most of what a season offers just by entering an area that is accessible from the beginning of the game.

In my opinion, summer don't have much to offer, in Don't Starve you fuel flingo, get floral shirt and sit in your base, it wasn't fun.

In Don't Starve Together, you kill antlion, and ended up in the same situation. There's oasis, but it function like a rigged claw machine, i had to spend 15 days fishing for a hat blueprint.

So i'm glad they remove overheating in cave, i can explore more often in cave and ruin, and i can survive summer on day 1 by entering cave and survive there.

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Summer was my favorite in single player RoG, but I don't know how well that translates to DST, since I haven't played on a world that lasted that long since Against the Grain which changed it substantially. The main advantage of summer that players can take advantage of is the longer days, and retreating to the caves makes those long days pointless. I imagine that it would be pretty inconvenient to appease Antlion without goggles and almost impossible to kill her without them, so it sounds like a hell of a hassle to maintain a surface base in summer unless you're basing in the oasis. Even then, it seems it can take multiple days just to get the blueprints for the goggles... in the meantime leaving your base (say, to get cactus flowers) would slow you down substantially.

DST winters have been made more interesting with the addition of Klaus and the No-eyed deer, and generally that season has better loot tables, especially when compared to Antlion's desert stones (lol)

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1 hour ago, FloomRide said:

I imagine that it would be pretty inconvenient to appease Antlion without goggles and almost impossible to kill her without them, so it sounds like a hell of a hassle to maintain a surface base in summer unless you're basing in the oasis. Even then, it seems it can take multiple days just to get the blueprints for the goggles... in the meantime leaving your base (say, to get cactus flowers) would slow you down substantially.

Antlion is pretty weak. you can kill him solo without googles. and normally you get the blueprints from fishing very quick. its just sometimes you get incredible unlucky. also while fishing you get fish so you dont need to worry for food.

yea having a base not in oasis is a big pain if you dont spend all summer in caves. wildfire is a good mechanic for the base game. for dst its a very dumb mechanic. if you have a world 1.000+ days and you have decorated your world for example the portal then you need evrywhere flings. but it still can burn if players dont turn them on and refill them. we had a world at halloween event and we decorated the portal in halloween style and the fling ruined the whole halloween style. and yea someday someoen joined the world in summer and evrything at the portal burned down. so we now play without wildfires but we still base in oasis 

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34 minutes ago, BeliarBAD said:

Antlion is pretty weak. you can kill him solo without googles. and normally you get the blueprints from fishing very quick. its just sometimes you get incredible unlucky. also while fishing you get fish so you dont need to worry for food.

yea having a base not in oasis is a big pain if you dont spend all summer in caves. wildfire is a good mechanic for the base game. for dst its a very dumb mechanic. if you have a world 1.000+ days and you have decorated your world for example the portal then you need evrywhere flings. but it still can burn if players dont turn them on and refill them. we had a world at halloween event and we decorated the portal in halloween style and the fling ruined the whole halloween style. and yea someday someoen joined the world in summer and evrything at the portal burned down. so we now play without wildfires but we still base in oasis 

Good to know that about Antlion. And yeah, I have to agree, smouldering is really just not a fun mechanic in multiplayer, because players simply not paying attention can lead to destroyed resources or worse, structures. DST summer needs more unique events/loot (like the mactusks) to make it interesting. Currently the only unique loot from summer are the desert stones from Antlion and cactus flowers, which are only useful in that season anyway. I guess the oasis lake is great for farming trinkets but ehh I'd prefer something more unique

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