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Which of the following items should be renewable?

Which of the following items should be renewable?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these items should be renewable?

    • Fossils
    • Stalagmites
    • Reeds (the plant, not the item)
    • Anenemies
    • Sea Sprout Starters / Sea Weed
    • Sea Stacks
    • Ancient Stonework
    • Hollow Stumps / Catcoons
    • Cactus plants
    • Cave Lichen
    • Hound Mounds
    • Wobster Mounds
    • Tallbird Nests
    • Spilagmites
    • Grass Tufts in survival mode
    • Living Mandrakes
    • Beefalo
    • None of the above

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I do think that every item should be renewable in some way so aren't gatelocked out of it if you play in a world for a long time. That being said, some resources could/should be harder to get than other. I'm also surprised you didn't add beefalo herds to the list as they could very easily go extinct by some tryhardy players or by accident.

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I think Klei should add some very late game item (requiring both bone helm and enlightened crown shard) that'd allow players to essentially enter true sandbox. You get to craft (yes, you'd need proper ingredients) every mob spawner in the game (for example slurtles mound on the surface), every plant (juicy berry bushes in a regular berries world), every structure (pig heads, obelisks, sea stacks, ancient statue). Of course some things such as ancient gateway, pig king or moonstone would not be craftable.

As for ancient turfs, they should be available at the terra tamper.

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For endless mode? Maybe everything, For Survival Mode? Only the essentials- Because having to properly maintain your worlds to ensure resources and mobs don’t go fully extinct should play a large part in that.

Think about it: Your not going to CARE if Deerclops, Bearger, Wildfire, Meteor Shower or a grieving player comes in and destroys everything if it’s ALL RENEWABLE- You guys are essentially asking to take all the survival out of survival.

In Endless Mode that’s fine I guess, but in Survival how you treat your world and it’s inhabitants should ultimately determine how long you get to remain living.

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9 minutes ago, ShadowDuelist said:

I was under the impression beefalos did respawn if they got exterminated, eventually.

You can create your own herd now- anywhere you want with a Beefalo Bell. Including down in caves: Do with that information what you want…

Because I’ve used just mass reproduced Beefalo to kill Deerclops, Bearger and I’m currently attempting Dragonfly.

Be warned though: this method will kill lots and lots of poor Beefalo, so Beefalo were harmed in the creation of this film.

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30 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Think about it: Your not going to CARE if Deerclops, Bearger, Wildfire, Meteor Shower or a grieving player comes in and destroys everything if it’s ALL RENEWABLE- You guys are essentially asking to take all the survival out of survival.

nobody is talking about making them regrow super fast or having access to them easily

if i lose few cacti in a build i wont lose the game, if a wildfire burn all my berry bushes that are only decorative wont make me lose the world, etc to affect survival you would need to try hard since destroying all twigs, grass, berry bushes, etc will be a hard work but some world last a lot and these resources disappear little by little which not only could affect on how grindy can become the game (imagine starting a world with only 35 reeds and after 6k days you only have 25). The example of the reeds arent exactly the best because i also like having to take care of resources and protect them but we are talking about long term

for example, i have a 7k wold without any catcoon since 2k days. I like a lot that world but i had the bad luck of only having 3 dens by start and after klaus, bearger, lighting, wildfires, etc they disappear which make me feel dismotivated to keep playing that wold knowing that i have any legit way of having kitties ever again


if we are worried about the survival aspect of the game we can change a lot of things before

15 minutes ago, Bugsworth said:

pretty sure catcoons already respawn 

the den recovers after being empty but if the den is destroyed it wont come back ever again

23 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Because I’ve used just mass reproduced Beefalo to kill Deerclops, Bearger and I’m currently attempting Dragonfly.


this doesnt kills the survival aspect, it only keeps the game mechanic of "if you work hard (grind) you can make things easier" which is what duplicating beefalos to kill bosses is aswell as using tons of bunnymens or going to the fight with 20 football helmets and 80 pierogies

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2 hours ago, Erineyes7 said:

I just don't understand what on earth you people need all these fossils for, I agree they should be renewable, but for an item that you're just abusing as an unbreakable wall, Idk.

Decoration- I don’t care WHAT these things actual purpose are: If I want my worlds to look like the Bone Graveyard level from the classic Lion King Video game then IT WILL and I don’t care who it offends because it’s awesome that’s why.




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4 hours ago, Szczuku said:

I think Klei should add some very late game item (requiring both bone helm and enlightened crown shard) that'd allow players to essentially enter true sandbox. You get to craft (yes, you'd need proper ingredients) every mob spawner in the game (for example slurtles mound on the surface), every plant (juicy berry bushes in a regular berries world), every structure (pig heads, obelisks, sea stacks, ancient statue). Of course some things such as ancient gateway, pig king or moonstone would not be craftable.

As for ancient turfs, they should be available at the terra tamper.

This isnt really a good idea

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4 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

You can create your own herd now- anywhere you want with a Beefalo Bell. Including down in caves: Do with that information what you want…

Yea I was aware of that, but that’s beefalo reproduction. I think they meant the world regen re-spawning beefalos after they no longer exist (which can happen, in several pubs I played, people overhunted them and got them extinct).

If beefalos do not exist anywhere in the map I believe (code savvy’s please confirm) the world regen recovers them, although it may take hundreds of days for one to pop somewhere. Our world existed like 300 days before we saw one… and people took bearger to it and got them extinct again…:sad:

It was an endless world so perhaps it is an endless thing too. I’m not sure.

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1 hour ago, ShadowDuelist said:

It was an endless world so perhaps it is an endless thing too. I’m not sure.

I think that’s everyone’s problem here, they’re wanting infinitely renewable resources in Survival Mode, those things (mostly) exist on Endless- but to Me,

My understanding of Survival (at least for a game like Dont Starve) was for your worlds to have a definitive “death date” as in: Your not supposed to just live on forever- something like Aporkolaypse or the now removed from the game Disease mechanic- Features that pretty much GUARANTEED your world would end in one way or another with little you can do to prevent it.

you ever played that old fable game where “Corruption” takes over the map slowly one location at a time until game over? I picture that’s about what Klei had in mind when making Survival, Endless on the other hand- Clearly labeled as ENDLESS, has these features renewed Because your not playing a game mode where the developers intend for your world to have a definitive “death date” one way or another.

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38 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

I think that’s everyone’s problem here, they’re wanting infinitely renewable resources in Survival Mode, those things (mostly) exist on Endless- but to Me,

My understanding of Survival (at least for a game like Dont Starve) was for your worlds to have a definitive “death date” as in: Your not supposed to just live on forever- something like Aporkolaypse or the now removed from the game Disease mechanic- Features that pretty much GUARANTEED your world would end in one way or another with little you can do to prevent it.

you ever played that old fable game where “Corruption” takes over the map slowly one location at a time until game over? I picture that’s about what Klei had in mind when making Survival, Endless on the other hand- Clearly labeled as ENDLESS, has these features renewed Because your not playing a game mode where the developers intend for your world to have a definitive “death date” one way or another.

The thing is that ds isnt only a survival game, for that green hell and other exist, is also a crafting sand box game and, since you cant virtualy lose a world if you have life giving amulets plus a meat effigie in both shards plus a prebuild meat effigie (or just dont die), there should be an incentive to dont throw old worlds.

As you can see for how klei targets their updates and which skins design, megabases world are a very popular thing and their players are very profiteable for klei so better start learning that survival != limited resources (than you dont even need to beat the game...)

If you need to survive a catcoon or a berry on day 5000 you are doing something wrong so i dont see why having access to ways to recover them is bad

Dont worry, i know i have throw my time to the bin because in the next topic about resources you will repeat your comment...

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I would love if we can use recipes/knowledge from the Archives to make some stuffs renewable. Imagine you learn the knowledge to create something to slowly regrow stalagmites, that would be awesome.

Also, by doing this it gives you an incentive to return to Archives every now and then, because once you grab 3 blueprints there you pretty much never return.

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I'm seeing a lot of "fossil cages" being brought up.
If this is the concern I don't get why they can't make them have no mob collision. 
Fossils should be renewable. Stuff that isn't, and isn't intentionally designed to be able to go extinct (DoyDoys) are odd game design choices.
Out of principal they ought to be renewable, it sucks having someone disconnect with your only fossils and never coming back.

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