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A necessary evil of sorts, no..? The rationale makes sense. Any indie studio could use more financial security, that's for sure. I hope that the information in the announcement in sincere and true and that Klei won't compromise when it comes to integrity and autonomy. The only concern is any future nasty surprises that might come from a huge company like Tencent, who relentlessly favors any means and dubious methods to 'create' questionable games, sacrificing creativity and risks for cookie cutter tactics. Personally I find all of their titles completely uninteresting.

That being said, I am eager to see what Klei can do with more these extra resources and added financial stability! (I believe them when they say that they have been working at 100% capacity to make more content for Don't Starve Together in the last year)

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Oh no... no, no, no, no, no....

Just as when I thought that I wouldn't see that gosh-darned company again, they'd worm themselves into Klei off all people.

Sorry Klei, I know that your original intentions are pure, but I find it very hard for me to see this as anything but a very dark path ahead.

Maybe its just me being biased, but when you have experienced having a game that you love slowly drift into nothingness while the devs were still clearly passionate about the game, but were forced to focus on a more lucrative game-mode, all while letting its community stay in the dark for most of the time, only to then kick them to the curb with lies and deceit, then you'll understand why I am quite negative about this. I really don't want this company to end up like Fortnite: Save the World.

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First, I want to say thank you for everything.

Klei entertainment has been my favorite studio for many years.

My first Klei's game is Shank. I feel so bad when I heard that Klei was belonged to Tencent.

I have not played any Klei game anymore but I always buy skin to send some love to you.

I have a best Chinese friend. But when I see what Tencent did for game they bought, that is a bad new.

You can see League of legend, Riot game say the same thing with you.

And everyone knew the result.

Thank Joew! Thank BigFoot! Thank potato cup!

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I see so many people crying in this forum, but tencent owns a lot of stuff, part of blitz, ubi, epic, riot games, ggg, discord and reddit and many more.

Let me know when you stop using all this companies above.

Also in 2019, tencent made more money than apple*2, they dominate the phone market, a strong IP.

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Honestly I’m not as worried about this announcement as some other forum members, partly because I have no idea who or what Tencent is (and don’t really care either) and partly because of after looking it up it appears this “Tencent” has been a good chunk of most every game I play already anyway, so why should I stop now?

Seriously just go look up what all Tencent actually owns/has shares into and you’ll be amazed: You’ve probably all been using their products or playing games supported by them for years and have been completely oblivious to it.

Klei could have very well done the same thing, they could’ve NOT made an Announcement and None of Us would be any wiser, instead they felt comfortable enough with this business choice that instead of being completely silent* with their fanbase they announced it in their forums.

Can We put down the Molotovs & Pitchforks and the cries of “I’m never playing anything associated with Klei again!” and at the very least... Give them That much?

I, like others will wait to see what stems from this deal, if it’s amazing good things for the games I like to play then I’ll stick around and try to actively tell everyone I know how good the game is, but if I start to see changes I DON’T like.. changes that have gotten me to quit other games, Then I will bail out before everything goes up like in flames.


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Very bad decision imho. I dont like Tencent at all. The chinese suppress minorities and dont allow free speech. They monitor their citizen and every company has to cooperate with the chinese authorities. So, will our email-adresses we gave you be shared with Tencent? I would like to point out that this would be a violation to privacy protection.

I also think its a big misfit as your games are wonderfull in that way, that they are complex. No other game company does that sort of complex game mechanics - thats why I love ONI. The games Tencent supports are from other style, you could say they are dumb or at least aimed for console or mobile audiences.

I am also sure you could get other companies throw millions on you, like Microsoft or other publishers.

So, can`t see why you did it.

You have been my favorite game company - since today. Sorry.


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The only time I saw Tencent in one of my games was Warframe and so far nothing really changed. They still produce content as they did before and I heard that they don't really care about what it's child companies do, so long it generates some profit, even if that profit is small. They are definitely the least worst company to be owned by when you compare it with EA or Ubisoft.

However, there is still that dreadful feeling that Tencent can now do whatever it feels like with Klei, even if they agreed on full autonomy there might come a situation where they will just deny that. It is also worrying that they are gaining a monopoly over video game industry... and the part that it is chinesee which afaik has some huge controversy around which I wish not to know of.

I really don't know what to think of this...

I used to buy skins from you the moment I saw the update, but now I may second thought that decision.


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35 minutes ago, Wehmut said:

So, will our email-adresses we gave you be shared with Tencent? I would like to point out that this would be a violation to privacy protection.

Honestly I believe that Tencent is just giving them money to get money and support the chinese players in the longer run.

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Like I said: Pretty much anything you’ve played- they got a stake in..

Any game with a EPIC GAMES or Ubisoft logo on it Tencent has shares into- that means Gears of War, Assassins Creed, Rainbow Siege etc....

You guys are really blowing this way out of proportion- and I expect nothing less than quality from Klei by this move.

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