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How about a (slight) cooking rework?

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35 minutes ago, Zeklo said:

I've always liked the idea of having ingredients impact the final products' stats. Something like ice or twigs would work for the creation of the dish, but negatively impact its stats unless required. On the contrary, using bigger portions of meat when unnecessary would buff the stats of the meal. In a similar manner, the freshness of ingredients would also impact the final product. 

This would do a handful of things:

  • Cheap filler loses its value in comparison
  • Food preservation becomes even more important
  • You won't really be able to 'waste' better ingredients
  • Jerky would be [marginally] more useful since Crock Pot dishes won't stack
  • Healing items would be [marginally] more useful since Crock Pot dishes won't stack

I like the idea of minimizing the value of typical filler ingredients so that there's actually an incentive to use strong ingredients like crops in the crockpot. Though, doesn't freshness already impact the final product with the current cooking system?

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1 minute ago, Rinkusan said:

I like the idea of minimizing the value of typical filler ingredients so that there's actually an incentive to use strong ingredients like crops in the crockpot. Though, doesn't freshness already impact the final product with the current cooking system?

Yes, in terms of spoilage.

I more so meant that using stale ingredients would negatively affect the stats of the dish.

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Just now, Zeklo said:

Yes, in terms of spoilage.

I more so meant that using stale ingredients would negatively affect the stats of the dish.

Oh I see. I'm a bit indifferent to this specific mechanic; like there's enough punishment when you put rotting food in the crock pot and get back a stale dish that has negatively-affected stats, right?

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21 minutes ago, stranger again said:

debunking?is that really the correct word to use there?also im gonna guess you're talking about me here but thats alright 

I wasn't referring to you at all. All I'm telling him to do is focus on explaining why he disagrees with certain points (i.e. "debunking" whatever points we make) and why we shouldn't get a cooking rework INSTEAD of sassing people in bad faith and derailing the convo with the "lol triggered" card. My particular "jab" was meant to be a critical "here's why you're being disrespectful" explanation and a word of caution to everyone else not to fall for the derailing trick so that this thread doesn't get locked.

It's not hard to be simultaneously respectful of someone while adamantly disagreeing with every word that comes out of their mouth, and unfortunately, the former was not the case here; that's all I'm saying. 

Regarding what I think is a misunderstanding, were you assuming I was disagreeing with something you said about a potential cooking rework? 


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Yes. Also I always wanted different meat drop from different animals and adding recipes by it. For example pig will drop pig meat, beefalo will drop steak etc. Food will evolve in this way and some meat will specially have different foods like Pork Chop from pig or Real Turkey dinner from gobbler.

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6 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

Regarding what I think is a misunderstanding, were you assuming I was disagreeing with something you said about a potential cooking rework? 

well heres what you said 

6 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

I'd appreciate it if you stuck to debunking what people are saying

and i thought you were talking about me because x0-versus-1y recently(a day or two days ago)kinda did the same thing to me with a less and being less rude but instead of saying i need to learn english or something.he told the words that i like to say(POG,POGCHAMP and POGGERS)are very annoying and unfunny and that i should stop saying them.and from what you said it sounded like you were talking about me because you agreed with him so yeah its just a misunderstanding oh yeah also should do this 


6 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

I still don't see how the dragonfly fight and lack of pierogi knowledge is relevant to this thread let alone the comment he was responding to; could you explain its relevance more clearly? 

ok so mike said that there are a lot of recipes in DST and that he barely knows 15% and he mentioned that he only recently figured out pierogi(the best healing food in peoples opinion)existed which would have made his life a whole lot easier especially with his dragonfly fight and then arubarobeefalo said that they complained about their dragonfly fight for like 10 pages(which is kinda true)for it being too difficult.hope that answers your question

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1 hour ago, stranger again said:

and from what you said it sounded like you were talking about me because you agreed with him so yeah its just a misunderstanding oh yeah also should do this

Oh I see; sorry for the confusion then. I wasn't implying that the stuff he disagrees with are easily debunkable at all, and I personally believe the exact opposite for the record. 

1 hour ago, stranger again said:

hope that answers your question

Kind of. It sounds like a tangent about a dragonfly fight that sorta tries to justify NOT having a recipe rework purely because there's too many recipes to memorize like pierogies; hope I got that right. 


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Maybe not full rework, but some fillers rework, to make it a little more "important" if you're making meatballs from little piece of meat and 3X ice or you're using any weggies and biggier piece of meat. For some reason I dont wanna make of it another minigame, as there are many time-consuming things in game.

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18 hours ago, Sunset Skye said:

If most everyone else has issues with the rude (and sometimes more than borderline bigoted) way that you act here on the forums, is it possible that maybe you're the problem, rather than every other person?

Likewise it might be possible that a certain group of the-same-"sensibilities" people prone to exaggerations and bombastic allegations, group that might also be constituted of Steam friends, time-and-again "dunk" on other certain people (yours truly much included) for not having their "sensibilities" and only find.. bombastic excuse allegations to do so. Like the "bigot" one. In the realm of possibilities that's also a fair chance to be the case. And in such situations better use PM, right?! For not going into further off-topic. Have a wonderful multi-colored and fine-smelling of cherry flowers day!

From my Romanian hardcover dictionary - "Bigot: adj., s.m. & f.: [person] that conforms in an exaggerated manner to religious perceptions. figuratively: [person] who manifests a rigid, intolerant attitude in certain matters.".

Do kindly and tolerantly of course point my exact "exaggerated rigid, intolerant attitude" from my previous comments in this thread, that would warrant the use of your particular term, and not make it seem purely bombastic for the sake of it.


17 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

Was the condescending sass and emphasis on improper English necessary? Your attempted passive-aggressive insult that you're trying to excuse as banter doesn't come off friendly in the slightest and is a bit hypocritical when the same insult is riddled with grammatical errors themselves, mostly but not limited to verb-tense and clause mistakes. I'd appreciate it if you stuck to debunking what people are saying rather than going after the people themselves, even if your intention is to rile people up in order to get this thread locked. Also, I still don't see how the dragonfly fight and lack of pierogi knowledge is relevant to this thread let alone the comment he was responding to; could you explain its relevance more clearly?

You see it as "condescending sass". I envision it as light "fuzzy-wuzzy" joking and healthy banter between me and Arubaro. You can beg to disagree. Is ok. Likewise is more than ok with me for other people to "taking their own small little jabs" at my online persona here, I don't mind. It's just "stuff happening on the web" not to be taken seriously - you laugh at it, shrug and go merry on your irl way, an attitude I encourage everyone to have - is likewise healthy. I don't see any insult per se there - and you perceiving something maybe points more at yourself and how you internalize things, or rather seeing more than is actually there. Calling him "lil padawan" is both a clear jesting cultural reference and a subtle pointing at one's lack of diverse experience: mostly the pubs experience. More so as most people on this thread advocating for complex mechanics regarding everything (farming, cooking, fighting from past topics) are people that themselves repeatedly admitted in recent and past polls to play DST "99% alone or totally alone" - yet they consider their de facto limited experience sufficient enough to speak for bulk player-base in relation to general game balance. Not so long ago I remember Arubaro writing something along the lines of "this new plot-farming mechanic is so easy I have fridges full of seeds, thus clearly is easy" - a valid observation in solo advanced-player context; while in pubs is a far-cry from the multiplayer truth. I see time-and-again same solo-world-solo-players advocating for harsher default DST settings, yet from their very own print-screens posted in these forums one can notice they don't play: Cave-Only, Lights-out, scarcity to max (no Saplings, no Grass Tufts, no rabbits, no birds etc), no micro worlds, no Winter-only, no Summer-only, no combinations between these mentioned setups, and a lot of game-modes plus options that would certainly make their game experience a lot harder. Still they directly go at KLei to demand upping default game difficulty while they already have tools to do so themselves, once more: as they play alone all times. All this while game is obviously balanced around a 2-6/2-8 people pubs, intuitive and taking into account the performance of a mid-experienced group of people when talking about fight mechanics tweaking. Sure, if knowledgeable and experienced enough, one can go alone well against DST default settings, thriving in end-game after conquering the world - but keep in mind that's a personal preference, one leaning into "I play it the hard way"; if you are good in said context, it doesn't mean game needs in general to be harder. And if, knowing all this, you still chose to ignore bulk player-base at large and demand your way to be mainstreamed, then that in my book calls for at least some light jesting and banter. Because you yourself are dismissing bulk player-base experience even if you do so with the excuse "they don't know better, like me, so they don't count and KLei shouldn't take their experience to heart when doing re-balances" ("try-hard" elitism).

I don't know if you were around here when certain people - same ones like always, that I dub "try-hards" - recurrently asked for Warly to be added for various personal reasons, citing he would make game more interesting, offer more variety and so on. In return Warly was added, and look how popular he is now in bulk player-base: constantly 4th or 3rd place at bottom of list, with last 3 being Wormwood, Wurt (payed characters) and Wes (default "challenge character"). Go pubs and you barely see any Warly, and if present, chances are overwhelmingly player will die of hunger. You can blame people (newbies/noobs/casuals/mid-experienced) once more not being versed enough, that Warly is also a "challenge character" too and that he shines late-game. But you know what: he adds "complexity" relatively (accent on "relatively") in same vein new plot-farms mechanics does now. And maybe, if enough of the same 10-20 people here ask for complex cooking, such complexity will be again pushed on bulk player-base in future for the sake of satisfying a small-but-vocal minority's demands posted on these forums again-and-again. Persistence does bare fruits. Ones bulk player-base doesn't seem to stomach well though.


17 hours ago, Rinkusan said:

..I don't agree with the idea that complexity makes a game less fun; otherwise, games like Oxygen Not Included would be extremely unpopular. I don't understand why you're continuing to double down on this idea that the RWYS update "punishes" people who take a passive approach to farming when it's been explained in other threads that you can still "set and forget" by just checking the crops you planted every 4-ish days; the crops will still grow without a single drop of water or a single ounce of fertilizer.

"Checking the crops every 4-ish days" isn't "set and forget". Current plot-farms in main branch is a proper "set-and-forget" mechanic. New plot-farming from beta is more Survival oriented, punishing total indolence - from lore and progression standpoint I find it an auspicious change. From what I've seen in many-many pub sessions and personal servers over the years I reckon will be a bad change for bulk player-base. You can accuse me of Hasty Generalization fallacy from limited personal experience. Time will tell. Akin Warly's popularity with general populace.

(If I remember well I believe you asked me in a past thread for some hard statistics regarding how small of a sample is the "tiny vocal minority" demanding complex farming and all the "harder, engaging settings" on these forums; I don't have it, hard numbers strictly around it. But you can look broadly on a popular topic from General Discussions how many views has, what is the number of people engaging via comments and how that relates to total number of daily or weekly DST players to get an interesting picture about who and how actively engages in re-balance discussions, and their probable bias - aka the advanced players well versed in game mechanics that.. sadly, mostly play alone; also another thing to keep to mind, and this was from KLei very-own statistics on Forge 1: only around 2% of players manage to beat Boarrior - perhaps someone can link this to original KLei post, I can't seem to find it via search. Late game content and how bulk player-base relates to it, or rather doesn't. Plus Pareto principle considerations taken into account as well.)


Lastly I assure you am not some "mustache twirling villain" here going via any "bad faith" thoughts to "derail tricking" people and locking the thread. I'm neither into "gotcha" stuff - but yes, I find it amusing when happens. If anything I want more visibility for this subject and bulk-players engagement. Still I can see same-certain people bent on "mind reading" their interlocutors' intentions and am smiling some more. They're projecting perhaps?!


PS: if you see me making blatant spelling and grammar mistakes, point them - directly in comments (can help other people too) or, even better, PMs to not clutter threads and to better detail on said mistakes. English is my 3rd language learned from 90s cartoons, movies and internet (growing in a Communist country, English was forbidden even in particular; only after fall of Iron Curtain we had access to Western culture). Still I consider myself capable enough into making my sentences quite understandable. Crux of matter regarding Make's and Arubaro's misunderstanding was Aru-lad's problems with English, and you can see that pretty obviously here and in past topics. On this train of thoughts, "I still don't see how the dragonfly fight and lack of pierogi knowledge is relevant to this thread let alone the comment he was responding to; could you explain its relevance more clearly" - take it with Aru and Mike, is not I who brought that up; I merely expanded on it.

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If cooking were to add more severe punishments, it would need to add bigger benefits too. If you needed to babysit 1 single crock dish in the time it takes to cook 6, that 1 crock dish better be on steroids with it's stat modifiers or bonus effects. 

Cooking is probably the most utilized way of keeping fed in this game. I'd bet money in saying that it is the most popular way to get food. I wouldn't try to fix what's not broken. 

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35 minutes ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:


I will not read that bible but if i dont call you 'mr. Confort place' why you call me tryhard? You seem to pay a lot of attention to what i said but you forget the amount of times that i said i play with noob friends (real life friends) and i didnt born knowing all of this game so im aware of  how hard could be this game. And for things like that, when i called for a high difficulty, always was in long term worlds to witness a evolution. For playing with my friends i know how hard are things like the cooking system and for that i dont want more complexity on it but seems like you only remember whay you want

Maybe im tryhard or maybe i want some difficulty progression in a survival game famous for being hard, thing that is what my noobs friends love even when they die by deerclops in seconds (and they didnt cry, they laugh)

Online games always have that bulk player base that you always defend, and expecting people to know the game in the right moment they log is a mistake and more when is a game that has that appealing graphics that might attract people that doesnt want to """"tryhard"""" (i guess you hate hollow knight, dark souls and company)

The new farming system is as easy as the old one just to get food (nobody needs giant crops), the cooking system, since the addition of the cooking book, is good and more noob friendly with kinda complex ingredients maths

I never wanted an harder early game, i have witness how hard is surviving autumn for a new player (not to talk about winter or summer) but you irrational hate cant understand it

About mike, you didnt even try to understand what i wanted to say with that comment but you use the mininal opportunity to atack me from your imaginarium ethical throne

I dont censore him, actually i wish more people play like him. He will enjoy the game for longer and he will be excited for every discover not like most of advanced player which spoils the game

This is the last time i waste my time with a person who makes transphobic comments (im aware that my english isnt perfect(i dont live in a country where cartoons are in english like yours), is one of the reasons of using this forum but you should learn about how the brain works before talking instead of repeat **** that you read in twitter), sends virtual slaps  in the face to an user for saying POG (what a brave right winged warrior) and thinks superior for having another way of playing with a clearly obsession with people that doesnt share his opinion (i dont know for what is a forum then)

So mulțumesc for wasting my time and la revedere.

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2 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

I will not read that bible but if i dont call you 'mr. Confort place' why you call me tryhard?

When argues in detail one's opinions, is a Bible. When one doesn't, is misleading, wrong, or unsubstantiated. Got it. No in between. Yes, you can call me "Mr. Comfort Place", wouldn't be accurate yet you can certainly do so, am ok with it. Why "try-hard"? Perhaps because "trying too hard" to make the game harder than already is over repeated threads time-and-again till I remembered you as doing such? Over time you popped into my mind as a proponent of harder setups all-around. Maybe rightfully so, maybe not.


2 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

Online games always have that bulk player base that you always defend, and expecting people to know the game in the right moment they log is a mistake and more when is a game that has that appealing graphics that might attract people that doesnt want to """"tryhard"""" (i guess you hate hollow knight, dark souls and company)

I don't expect people to know the game, but to go with the trial&error approach it's based upon. Reading guides/watching videos just spoils the fun, and makes certain people going straight to end-content on its Survival side (if enough experience is accumulated, and not the one via God or Creative Mode that's not desired but still, an alternative), getting bored afterwards and demanding harder settings on said Survival mode, all the while ignoring the Sandbox facet. Also I don't "hate" those games (what is with people these days to make such heavy exaggerations, hatred is a strong feeling and has nothing to do with - most-cases - disinterest, apathy or annoyance related to what someone may not like - and yes, I don't fancy those games; not liking =/= hate).


2 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

The new farming system is as easy as the old one just to get food (nobody needs giant crops), the cooking system, since the addition of the cooking book, is good and more noob friendly with kinda complex ingredients maths

I never wanted an harder early game, i have witness how hard is surviving autumn for a new player (not to talk about winter or summer) but you irrational hate cant understand it

No, the new plot-farming system isn't mechanically as easy as the old one. Is it easy if you know what to do and/or willing to invest time into learning it? Relatively so. Needs you to take care of at least 2 stressors to have sustenance (seeds and produce) - not even talking about giant crops. The totally "setup-once-and-forget" from past farming plots is out. And in is punishing for ignorance (rot, weeds and fruitflies). Once more: we will see how this mechanic will fare 1 week to 1 month after release in general populace.

And is no "irrational hate" anywhere in my assessment, you can let go of this exaggeration. Irrational = there is no rationality for disliking it. I just gave my rationality into not fancying this new plot-farming system. Perhaps its final iteration when released to main DST branch will change my view.


2 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

About mike, you didnt even try to understand what i wanted to say with that comment but you use the mininal opportunity to atack me from your imaginarium ethical throne

I dont censore him, actually i wish more people play like him. He will enjoy the game for longer and he will be excited for every discover not like most of advanced player which spoils the game

I did understand, you were making light fun of him for his lack of knowledge, yet persistence in his sub-par strategies. And when kinda the same was served to you for your own deficiencies, fun was off the table. Hmm...


2 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

This is the last time i waste my time with a person who makes transphobic comments (im aware that my english isnt perfect(i dont live in a country where cartoons are in english like yours), is one of the reasons of using this forum but you should learn about how the brain works before talking instead of repeat **** that you read in twitter), sends virtual slaps  in the face to an user for saying POG (what a brave right winged warrior) and thinks superior for having another way of playing with a clearly obsession with people that doesnt share his opinion (i dont know for what is a forum then)

So mulțumesc for wasting my time and la revedere.

I have no idea from where that nonsense popped into your comment, but you're entitled to your own opinions whatever those might be (I suppose more "mind reading" was at hand, still I think your Cerebro device might be broken). Yes, that - regarding to the "POG" affair - is slapstick humor, seems nowadays all comedy needs an explanation asterix. And is not "thinks superior for having another way of playing with a clearly obsession with people that doesnt share his opinion", rather being bothered when certain people push again-and-again the same "try-hard" approach to all things (farming, cooking, fighting, enemies, character re-balances), same people playing alone but thinking they know better for multiplayer settings.

Buena salud, camarada! :wickerbottomthanks:

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On-Topic & respectful guys.. don’t make JoeW stop his busy schedule to come here and warn you.

But like I said OP, you don’t want to over-complicate things just for the sake of over-complicating things. When people asked if Klei was going to add new DLC characters, Klei’s response was that it was a possibility, but they didn’t just want to add characters just for the sake of adding new characters.

I would like to imagine that they follow that same mindset with everything about their game, including cooking- They went through the trouble of adding a cookbook to the game so people who want to learn them by themselves at their own pace can figure them out and get repeat results on how to make those dishes. Of the 60+ foods in the game I’ve only learned 17.

I agree that ANYTHING combined with 3 Ice should almost always result into Wet Goop, but other then that, they shouldn’t try to fix what isn’t broken: Warly is the games designated cooking character being able to set up food grinders, spicing machines, portable crockpots, and if EVERY Character were made more like him there would be no point why Warly is even in the game.

Personally Warly is my least favorite character in the entire game, I can’t play him for Beefalo poop, I just hope Klei follows the mentality they had when players asked for more dlc characters.

You don’t want to make Warly less unique by making everyone play like him, that would be like everyone suddenly being able to commune with Pipspook and craft Ectoherbology potions.

TL:DR- it steps on their toes.

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5 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

You don’t want to make Warly less unique by making everyone play like him, that would be like everyone suddenly being able to commune with Pipspook and craft Ectoherbology potions.

..or everyone being able to mass farm crops, imagine that.......... 

*sad Wormwood noises*

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I thoroughly support the idea of a cooking rework, I understand as to why people dislike the idea. I do not want the rework to be insanely difficult, maybe have a crock pot set over a fire and watching it's temperature or anything. Something simple can make a huge impact. The reason why I'm in favor for an idea such as this is because cooking in this game is extremely powerful. (Duh.) But, I mean certain recipes makes boss fights such a push over. "Oh no, I've been hit by deerclops I better heal" *eats a single pierogi and heals for double the amount of damage they took* "Much better." While this is definitely more of an issue with certain foods in the game, but instead of nerfing the foods we abuse so much, we can make cooking slightly involving just like gardening, and we can keep this food but with ever so slight work to receive the same benefits. I don't necessarily like the idea of the mentality of "set it and forget" when it comes to crafting items that have a ridiculous benefit with a very simple recipe. Again, this is more of an issue with food in the game, but instead of nerfing it and making a lot of people angry, they can just make it engaging and entertaining. 

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13 minutes ago, Majestic_Herman said:

I thoroughly support the idea of a cooking rework, I understand as to why people dislike the idea. I do not want the rework to be insanely difficult, maybe have a crock pot set over a fire and watching it's temperature or anything. Something simple can make a huge impact. The reason why I'm in favor for an idea such as this is because cooking in this game is extremely powerful. (Duh.) But, I mean certain recipes makes boss fights such a push over. "Oh no, I've been hit by deerclops I better heal" *eats a single pierogi and heals for double the amount of damage they took* "Much better." While this is definitely more of an issue with certain foods in the game, but instead of nerfing the foods we abuse so much, we can make cooking slightly involving just like gardening, and we can keep this food but with ever so slight work to receive the same benefits. I don't necessarily like the idea of the mentality of "set it and forget" when it comes to crafting items that have a ridiculous benefit with a very simple recipe. Again, this is more of an issue with food in the game, but instead of nerfing it and making a lot of people angry, they can just make it engaging and entertaining. 

with the new farming, cooking has become, imo, a less powerful tool. A lot of veggies that can heal for 20 i will feel so lazy to cook pierogies

also noobs have already problems cooking other than meatballs and wet goop

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8 hours ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:


Please send me a DM, and I'll be more than happy to thoroughly explain the grammatical errors, logical inconsistencies, and hubris with every single sentence you typed here per your request. Otherwise, I ask that you stop derailing the thread. 

9 hours ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:

"Checking the crops every 4-ish days" isn't "set and forget". Current plot-farms in main branch is a proper "set-and-forget" mechanic. New plot-farming from beta is more Survival oriented, punishing total indolence - from lore and progression standpoint I find it an auspicious change. From what I've seen in many-many pub sessions and personal servers over the years I reckon will be a bad change for bulk player-base

Do you mean that it isn't "set and forget" purely because the crops don't last forever when they're grown? It's still a low-effort way to get plenty of crops, and I don't understand why you want a "total indolence" system. Would you rather that the crock pot dishes last forever as long as they're sitting on the crockpot? 

9 hours ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:

(If I remember well I believe you asked me in a past thread for some hard statistics regarding how small of a sample is the "tiny vocal minority" demanding complex farming and all the "harder, engaging settings" on these forums; I don't have it, hard numbers strictly around it. But you can look broadly on a popular topic from General Discussions how many views has, what is the number of people engaging via comments and how that relates to total number of daily or weekly DST players to get an interesting picture about who and how actively engages in re-balance discussions, and their probable bias - aka the advanced players well versed in game mechanics that.. sadly, mostly play alone; also another thing to keep to mind, and this was from KLei very-own statistics on Forge 1: only around 2% of players manage to beat Boarrior - perhaps someone can link this to original KLei post, I can't seem to find it via search. Late game content and how bulk player-base relates to it, or rather doesn't. Plus Pareto principle considerations taken into account as well.)

It seems like you're trying to downplay the entirety of the forums as "the vocal minority" to advance your unsubstantiated claim that only a minority of players actually want a farming or cooking rework. It's kind of ironic since by that same logic, your feedback as a forumgoer against the reworks is the feedback of "the vocal minority". Do the forums not necessarily represent the entire playerbase? Sure; it's not like the forums are exclusive and the forumgoers were hand-picked for the sake of random selection to get a sample size that represents the playerbase. Do the forums represent the minority by default, and therefore what the forumgoers want is what the majority don't want? Not in the slightest.


10 hours ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:

who and how actively engages in re-balance discussions, and their probable bias - aka the advanced players well versed in game mechanics that.. sadly, mostly play alone

I just remembered that there was a poll on this topic. Unless there's some miscommunication here, if you're trying to say that the people who "actively engage in re-balance discussions" (i.e. forumgoers) tend to play alone, the results of this poll suggest otherwise:



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People want cooking In DST to be like cooking in the Gorge event and because I never got to play the Gorge event I can’t accurately picture how that would work, I just know that Warly is designed to do this one specific thing and UNLIKE Wormwood who still has SOME utility in giving free living logs, easily made traps & armor outside of his “plant anywhere and grow” perk, Warly’s single claim to fame IS Cooking..

Making every character more like Warly makes Warly a wasted character slot, at that point Warly should just be a skin for Wilson.

My biggest problem with foods in DST is that they provide health buffs, I REALLY don’t get that considering that the game has an entire category designated exclusively to healing items..

Instead of a Cooking Rework I would like a proper hard nerf by completely removing their healing properties, and to dedicate healing exclusively to tents/lean-to’s and Healing tab items.

Now if you want to Rework cooking to make it more unique, more fun, more interactive, and give players more to do then just stand around after throwing ingredients in a pot to watch cook- then THAT I am all for...

The only issue I have with it is, it puts Warly in a place of effectively being Worthless.. so they would have to Rework Warly (again) entirely, probably by giving him portable fridges, his own easily craftable portable salt box, Probably even increase the amount of food supplies he can carry and keep fresh in his food pouch, perhaps make his portable skillet useable as an infinite durability melee weapon (like Woodie can use Lucy.. yeah it’s not as effective as a Spear, but it’s not wasting spear durability if you want to use it either!) and also because he is an expert food chef and all that maybe even allow ALL foods he cooks to only need to be cooked for half as long as every other character?

Either Way, if a cooking rework comes the three things i expect-

#1 food Healing Nerf.

#2 Interactive, engaging activities focused around cooking, mixing, chopping, blending, boiling, etc..

And #3 a Warly Re-Rework.

Without those three things- I feel if it ain’t broken don’t attempt to fix it.

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If you can't come to these forums without insulting others, just go post somewhere else. I have issued a couple suspensions on accounts here. 

I understand we're in weird times and people are on edge, but there is only so much "warning" I can hand out before I have to start banning people. 

Please keep ALL posts polite, on-topic and without personal attack. If you are directly calling somebody out for something, you are in violation of this. It's pretty simple. 

Sorry if I seem annoyed, but I am. This is a video game forum about a silly game with silly game stuff and not worth insulting others and being rude. Chill out. 


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5 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

with the new farming, cooking has become, imo, a less powerful tool. A lot of veggies that can heal for 20 i will feel so lazy to cook pierogies

also noobs have already problems cooking other than meatballs and wet goop

Forgive me, but I disagree with what you said. Farming just made it so much easier to have more options to make your life so much easier with cooking. Warly actually gets an incredible boost for these crops, though. I don't want to use a hypothetical Warly benefitting all these crops and ascend to Godhood. (I'm joking haha) But, I feel like the crop changes made life so much better for cooking, and as for new players messing up the recipes.... I agree. But that's only a temporary situation, then they look it up or just experiment and find the most powerful recipe to take advantage of. Then finally about the cooked vegetables being more beneficial. I personally think that's more preference or you play Wurt a lot (I do too, but I've went back to Warly) eating two cooked vegetables can take definitely be a big help, but one pierogi heals you more with one bite compared to two veggies. I understand what you mean though

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3 hours ago, wons said:

for me cooking mechanic in this game is okay, just add more vege dishes so people won't $h!t on wurt ok?

Wurt is fine, I have never personally had any problems surviving as Wurt.. Wurt has a whopping 200 health points before she enters starvation status, she can also eat Butterflies, Seeds, And even Straight Ice if she gets in a tight emergency fix.

I think that maybe in the New content biomes such as out at Sea there should be some Veggie mob for a Wurt to survive on but other then that 1 juicy berry + 3 ice and Wurts good to go.

She doesn’t really need more veggie food dishes, she can survive off a stack of butterflies alone if she has to.

And while it’s not out yet for console players I predict that the new mega RWYS giant veggie crops will make it that much easier for Wurt to survive. :) 


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