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This is what the Moonlens do

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The moonlens place an icon on your minimap based on the current gem socket they have, they still show on fog of war when you haven't found that location.


So if you have a friend that is like exploring something if he carries a moonlens with them, they can drop it on the floor to give the location to someone else.

The Ocuvigil reveals a small area that shows on the fog of war and it also shows players around that circular area


To demonstrate this, I had my friend place an ocuvigil far away from my location where I don't have the area revealed on my map, my friend took a screenshot of their current spot which shows that the ocuvigil can not reveal mobs and other critters.

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Ah.  So like, if you wanna tell players that haven't been to a particular area yet things like--where the pig king is, the swamp, the desert, the main rocky area, and other useful spots, you can.  Good to know.

As someone who constantly has to figure out how the hell to describe directions to places for others ("You go northwestish? from the portal, until you see the big forest...no, not STRAIGHT northwest, you need to curve around a bit past the bit of coastline that sticks out--and then go until you find a road, but not the FIRST road, and follow that..."), or who sometimes even just leads them there physically to make sure it gets on their map, this actually would be pretty useful.


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Thanks for explaining this! Though to be perfectly honest, I'm kind of disappointed. Being able to share map data and such seems like it would be most useful early in the game when everyone is out exploring for places of interest. By the time you have the materials needed to make these, everyone will most likely already know where those places are... >.<

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The refined moonrock (not entirely sure how it's called), the moonlens and the ocuvigil seem like a badly-desgined and modded items/structures to me. The whole ball of moon rock... moon rock and boulder in and of themselves were something that seemed modded when they were first implemented. There's just something off about that that I can't really put my finger on, but they just look bad in comparison to the rest of the game. I think moon rocks and everything moon rock related needs to have artwork redone and have it redesigned.

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  • Developer
4 hours ago, Mudley said:

I wish they would do a little bit more than just that, acting differently depending on which gem it has, for example...

Yeap, I thought this was actually how they worked, given each of the moonlens have different examination strings, but alas, that wasn't true...

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What if you could place all the eyes on some structure (be the ocuvigil or some other one) That would work with the ia of the houndius shootius?

for example:if you place a moonlen with a blue gem it would shot projectiles that doent hurts the enemies but freeze them,if you place a red gem one it would burn them,if you place a green gem it would make them drop more loot(it would be nice for getting more krampus sacks for all the players) The orange gem would make them slower(or lazy)and the yellow gem would make it harder for them to see you because it seems to represent light.

This would be really nice if they dont add a new way to get more houndius shootius.

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Seriously, can anyone explain why the TEX of this thing lookS like THIS.

stand eye.png

Does it like....point to it's owner(less likely, I've tested) or for another Yellow Moonlens or Ocuvigil?

Also....I feel sorry for the poor soul who had to draw all these textures in full rotation, if you know what I mean

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Much wow. Devs are crazy! It seems most of them aren't even used though... So much time and effort spent into something that doesn't really work well art style wise anyway... And is unused... I pity whoever drew that :(

Oooh, actually, I think I know how they did it... There is a work around, which I've used for one of my games whilst working on it today. Basically; draw a large area of a an image/tile/texture with the type of texture that you want to apply to an object, move it into the other texture parts and crop it. Might take a while to do this many, but at least you don't have to accurately redraw every single bit of it. I bet that's how they did it anyways.

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51 minutes ago, spiderdian said:

Seriously, can anyone explain why the TEX of this thing lookS like THIS.

stand eye.png

Does it like....point to it's owner(less likely, I've tested) or for another Yellow Moonlens or Ocuvigil?

Also....I feel sorry for the poor soul who had to draw all these textures in full rotation, if you know what I mean

The moonlens spins around when the structure is hammered.

Seems like a lot of effort for such a small detail.

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50 minutes ago, Billiscool said:

The moonlens spins around when the structure is hammered.

Seems like a lot of effort for such a small detail.


Well, I love tiny details, it makes a sprite work look more...organic, I dunno

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