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How to unlock the Tragic Torch skin! (EXPIRED) Cyclum puzzle SOLVED!

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1 minute ago, MycoLogical said:




But this leaves me with a question. Who's the Grue now if Charlie is controlling it all? Does she manifest herself on the islands to retain that whole shtick? Which I think anyone on the throne is capable of.

Or is the theory about there being more than one Grue accurate?

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Just now, Silentdarkness1 said:



But this leaves me with a question. Who's the Grue now if Charlie is controlling it all? Does she manifest herself on the islands to retain that whole shtick? Which I think anyone on the throne is capable of.

Or is the theory about there being more than one Grue accurate?

It's been three years; but we are finally getting into the meat and potatoes. 

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3 hours ago, Gyths said:

Wow mate, that's some pretty deep shnazz you went on there.

I anticipate DST Adventure mode (if it ever becomes true) as the struggle to fight Charlie (The new villain of the DS franchise, perhaps?)-- or maybe, the actually truth of the matter?


I think DST Adventure mode, or whatever the equivalent ends up being, won't be them struggling to fight Charlie. It'll be the survivors trying to break Charlie free of Their influence and then, whenever the end game happens (whether in DST or in some later expansion), it will focus on taking on Them. After all, Charlie's not the real villain any more than Maxwell was.

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There's something that doesn't add up though...

My understanding is that Maxwell was released first, and then Wilson was released by Charlie moments after that-

However, the puzzle clearly shows that Wilson had been camping a few days before Maxwell had come through the portal on the first panel. Furthermore, Maxwell should have awoken beside his Door upon being released.

On the assumption that this isn't a "time works differently here" thing, one explanation for the time gap is that the portal we see in the first frame is Maxwell reentering adventure mode- hence why we don't see the door as he appears. If we assume that a few days passed before he did so, that would also explain how Wilson managed to set himself up before Maxwell arrived. This might seem like a tiny detail, but it does raise some important points.

Firstly, why did Maxwell come back? (Charlie talks about how Maxwell "hasn't escaped it's pull" of the nightmare throne, but maybe he's trying to right what Wilson did?)

Why is Wilson still  inside Maxwells door? (Presumably Charlie intentionally left him inside adventure mode, but was that out of pity or was it because it's easier to influence things closer to the throne?)

Since the jury rigged portal is built inside Maxwells door, does that mean DST takes place inside adventure mode?


I dunno, probably doesn't matter- just seemed like an interesting idea :V

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Honestly I think Charlie IS the villain. Atleast this form of her. She didn't feel pity for Wilson like how Wilson felt for Maxwell. She wanted two things. Power and Revenge. Charlie knew she could gain this from the Nightmare Throne. She followed Wilson this entire time so he could clear the dangerous path to Maxwell and all she has to do is just wait for the perfect moment to strike. When someone inexperienced is on the throne. Wilson was just that. Notice how the shadows didn't have to force her in like how it does when a character gets to the throne, she casually made her way up. She orchestrated this entire coup.

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5 minutes ago, AquaAtia said:

Notice how the shadows didn't have to force her in like how it does when a character gets to the throne, she casually made her way up. 

I think that's because Charlie is "part shadows". So to speak.

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5 minutes ago, Zeklo said:

I think that's because Charlie is "part shadows". So to speak.

Yeah that's definitely true however she exactly knew what she was getting into yet she still did it. She didn't spare a second to think it over. 


Also now that I think about it. Did the Good version of Charlie saved Wilson by instead of flat out killing him, sent him back to the Don't Starve World. Unless in the lore, it's akin to the game where you just get sent back anyways if you die. 

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1 minute ago, Silentdarkness1 said:


She's one of THEM. They won't argue against one of their own taking the throne.

I was thinking about that. Do you think Maxwell is actually the hero by sitting on the throne instead of Them? 

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1 minute ago, Silentdarkness1 said:

There is no hero here. He's on the throne as a result of his own foolish mistakes.

Yeah you're correct. 


Anyways, new question to discuss. What will the world look like now with a member of THEM on the throne?

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Well, I think it might end up looking more 'developed', generally. Charlie seems to love neo-classical structures with vines and corruption and stuff all over it now. Something extravagant.

Although honestly, i'm not expecting too many serious in-game changes as far as gameplay is concerned, because the balance in-game is tender enough without making a hundred different changes.

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This timeline was posted by @Kevin on Sep 26 2014:

1890s - 1906
: William Carter origin story
1906: William and Charlie enter the DS world. 
1906 - 1910ish: Some crazy stuff happens that we haven't told you about yet.... 
1910ish - 1921: The various playable characters get pulled into the DS world.
1921: Wilson gets pulled in (Forbidden Knowlege trailer).
?: Wilson lives in DSworld for a while. Dies a lot, eventually finds Maxwell's door and confronts Maxwell
?: Wilson replaces Maxwell on the Nightmare Throne, Maxwell becomes Waxwell.
?: Some other crazy stuff happens that we haven't told you about yet.... 
?: The DST plotline begins

Kevin, are you planning on updating it? :wilson_love:

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I feel like around the other characters are getting pulled into the game, Wilson is slowly becoming more isolated from his family/ everybody around him, leading him to live alone in the woods. This is around the time religion and science first started having major conflicts, since Darwin's Theory of Evolution was gaining momentum, and was causing fractions between those that were and weren't religious.

Possibly why he was another good candidate for Maxwell; someone who was trying to make advancements to amend the fact that he had been neglected from everybody else in his life for what he had chosen to believe in.

Could also explain why he was so happy to see Charlie; for once, somebody was genuinely smiling and being nice to/around him.

But, ah, that's mostly what I like to imagine.

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1 hour ago, Miss said:

This timeline was posted by @Kevin on Sep 26 2014:

1890s - 1906
: William Carter origin story
1906: William and Charlie enter the DS world. 
1906 - 1910ish: Some crazy stuff happens that we haven't told you about yet.... 
1910ish - 1921: The various playable characters get pulled into the DS world.
1921: Wilson gets pulled in (Forbidden Knowlege trailer).
?: Wilson lives in DSworld for a while. Dies a lot, eventually finds Maxwell's door and confronts Maxwell
?: Wilson replaces Maxwell on the Nightmare Throne, Maxwell becomes Waxwell.
?: Charlie removes Wilson from the throne and takes her place on it.
?: The DST plotline begins

That's where I'd place these events.

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1 minute ago, AquaAtia said:

What confuses me is that wasn't there a comic (around the time DST was announced)  where Wilson built the Together Portal before Charlie took the throne, not him and Maxwell? Are we just going to disregard that one?

Actually, that comic displays exactly the same scenario.... just that Maxwell is standing slightly offscreen :p earlier in the topic, somebody posted them side by side, and you could see that it really was the exact same situation. 

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