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Wilson Rework?

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I think Wilson is charming and I absolutely LOVE his personality but i have to agree that he is an extremely boring character to play as who brings very little to a team. No one i play with bothers with him which is sad imo becuz i feel like he has so much potential.


As for Wendy she is lowkey (highkey) the new beginner character. Lets not act like picking her up as a new player will make you braindead at DST in the long term. I played her a lot pre- and post-rework and believe me, there is still a lot of basics you can learn while playing her.

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4 hours ago, Baark0 said:

The argument that Wilson is the base character is dumb, imo every character should be interesting and fun to play as


8 hours ago, JosePapp said:

Wilson has my some of my favorite lines and design in the game (his skins, his voice) but he's pretty bland to play as. I started to play with 4 friends who were new to the game and I could not convince a single one of them to play as Wilson. I myself don't play as Wilson simply because his charm isn't enough to compensate being boring to play as.

I don't really understand the argument of keeping him bland and generic for being the mascot, I really don't get why those two things would be related.

nice points, you changed my mind!

wait, let me try something:

The argument that Wilson should get a character refresh is dumb, imo not every character should be filled with perks

I don't really understand the argument of refreshing him because all the rest of the characters are being refreshed, I really don't get why those two things would be related.

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1 hour ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:


nice points, you changed my mind!

wait, let me try something:

The argument that Wilson should get a character refresh is dumb, imo not every character should be filled with perks

I don't really understand the argument of refreshing him because all the rest of the characters are being refreshed, I really don't get why those two things would be related.

I'm sorry if I sounded rude, I'm not going to get into it. I just legitimately don't understand why Wilson would have to be kept bland just because someone has to be bland. Most other games with multiple characters give their average Joe a little thing to give them some edge,  even singleplayer don't starve did with the beard, but now that the characters have all been considerably changed and that downsides are more minor in a lot lot cases, Wilson's no downside shtick doesn't really work anymore. If he at least had one fun little minor perk (like a version of the alchemy table) I feel like he would be at least considered more. 

If Wilson was a widely beloved and picked character I'd see no harm in keeping him bland, but since he tends to be sidelined I feel that a minuscule perk could really help him out.

People are not asking to make Wilson the best at anything, we're just asking for him to be mildly competent at something, why keep him stale?

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10 minutes ago, JosePapp said:

I'm sorry if I sounded rude,

nah, i just wrote it because you didnt explain why

i get that he could be more interesting but i think the problem with Wilson is that there is too much 'wilsons+X boring perk" so, instead of picking wilson, you pick wicker or wx which gameplays are so similar but have an extra thing

i would like to see how klei reworks every character before getting into wilson. In a game like DST a default character might sound fun if being default is unique, the problem right now is that only few character really have game changing perks


and again, when i say default i mean default gameplay. Having expanded science tab or an unique station might not change that much it and would be fun. Just make it so doesn't confuse noobs

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Instead of arguing with people, I’m just going to use common sense logic, if they had no plans at all to change Wilson in anyway he would’ve been the first rework and that be that- an animated short, all his skins weaveable- Completion.

BUT.. that’s not the case now is it? No- instead he’s one of the final few reworks.. getting his rework after- Winona, Willow, Warly (who was counted as a Rework and not a new character..) Wendy, Webber, Wigfrid, Woodie, WES, and come December- Wolfgang.

Now use your Own common sense and ask yourself why Wilson would be with Maxwell, Wickerbottom, & WX78 in the “Yet to be Reworked” Category?

He WILL get changes- and after traveling through 5 randomly generated worlds and canonically overthrowing the Nightmare King- He deserves something unique.

Also fun fact- BECAUSE Every character is unlocked from the very start: Out of all the people I’ve bought this game for NONE of them have picked Wilson as their starting character- nope in actuality the one most commonly picked by them is oddly… Woodie.

but I guess noobs are going to gravitate towards faster chomping speed and free infinite durability Axe that THEY think also is useful as a weapon.

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Not to disagree but they didn't start with Wilson because he wasn't a fundamentally broken character in DST. Woodie and Willow were. Their main core abilities were too grief focused so they had to change them in the early days of the game when PVP was still considered and new players who didn't want to play as a dude picked Willow and started burning bases down on accident(to be clear, they had no intention of griefing, but the ability caused them to grief against their will and caused new players to be ridiculed and kicked from servers, sometimes on sight). Woodie lost the life-giving-amulet effect his wereform had, it's damage lowered, and reduced to non-permanence and Willow lost her fire immunity and random fires and had really shoe-horned in abilities(bernie). 

Woodie suuuuucked at cutting trees which was his core focus, because he couldn't chop them as a human without turning into wereform and losing inventory slots, all UI, and had to eat part of his output to maintain beaver form which turned him insane and didn't let him fight off any threats that would arise due to it making him one of the slowest wood gatherers.  Willow was Wilson with a cooking station and a droppable item that drew shadow creature aggro, they had no identity.

Wendy was reworked, I would assume because she is the most popular character in the game, and her main purpose was basically creating infinite evil flowers which made her more of an exploit character before it.

Wigfrid and Webber were reworked probably because it would fit in a content drought and they wouldn't really require much work since the characters were mostly fine before their reworks.

Sad to say that I assume Wolfgang will also be in this category, he barely needs any changes so I don't forsee a major change to him and he'll just be the next target to help with content drought but that's just a prediction on my part.


Although I think Wilson needs a rework he's definitely a low priority target, I would say Maxwell is the one who should be the focus of a big refresh next along with some Wurt QoL fixes, a minor refresh for WX and Wicker, and then a minor refresh for Wilson. A big issue with giving Maxwell, or theoretically Wilson any ''mega shadow magic mastery' perks is that Wanda already was given a perk related to this so Wilson shouldn't have anything related to that at all, and I have no idea what could be done with Maxwell now since I figured his rework would involve giving him better stats with shadow items.

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If they don't rework Wilson, how else are we going to get the weavable version of the skins that every reworked character got :wilson_cry:

On 11/24/2021 at 12:16 AM, minespatch said:

Just a animated short, to be honest.

Wilson actually has his own animated short in the compendium (so does Maxwell).

I definitely think Wilson should get some new tools to play with (he's going to get a crafting tab and everyone knows it), but it should be more fun and in-line with Wilson. I like how they did Webber's rework where he got new tools to play with that suited his playstyle well as he's incredibly fun to play. I hope they do something similar with Wilson.

My bold idea is that since Wilson and Maxwell already have their shorts, maybe they can do a big update where they both get reworked together that also ties in with a major update involving the story they have going. It'd probably be hard to pull off though.

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2 hours ago, JosePapp said:

but now that the characters have all been considerably changed and that downsides are more minor in a lot lot cases, Wilson's no downside shtick doesn't really work anymore.

Maybe you just got better at the game, you know, think about the new players too, for them, any downside will end their playthrough 

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51 minutes ago, Capybara007 said:

Maybe you just got better at the game, you know, think about the new players too, for them, any downside will end their playthrough 

You must have completely skipped my post where I said since all characters are unlocked from the beginning of the game (unlike DS solo where you start as Wilson) less NEW players actually pick Wilson. Why would they? There’s an entire roster of playable choices to select with a nice little Description between them- Try it, find a group of players who have never played the game at all and let’s actually see who all picks Wilson.

My point? Wilson WAS the default starter character- But he’s NOT Anymore, there’s no flashing arrow that says “Hey pick me first” the game doesn’t AUTO-Select him for you when you first play- no.. you have an entire roster to choose from- And your going to gravitate to whichever one looks most appealing to you-

NOT Their pro’s and con’s

Skins those newer players will periodically start earning may ALSO effect who they play as- “Hey cool I just unlocked this new thing let me go put it on, aww man it’s not for Wilson it’s a Mandrake head for Wes, Well guess I’m picking him for a bit.”

And they will do so not knowing any of Wes’s downsides or that he’s intentionally designed to be the hard mode character.

Don’t Starve Together is structured differently from DS BECAUSE everyone’s unlocked and there for the picking… So Wilson as the default starter character- Unless the game FORCES you to pick him first- is actually a false statement.

And can be proven by gathering a group of 20 new players to the game- let’s just watch who all they actually pick to start as.


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10 hours ago, Baark0 said:

The argument that Wilson is the base character is dumb, imo every character should be interesting and fun to play as

i disagree

ok say they did a rework

think of a newbie starting the game they will probably will pick wilson and try to survive with that 

and probably discover all his perks within a month and just starts using the potions like insane 

when they need to they will not be able to change characters well because guess what? 

they are only surviving by the potions thats the only thing keeping them alive

so they will be afraid to play with another character because they will think they are going to die (which they will)

and keeping playing one character they obviously will get bored eventually 

and what comes after? not playing the game as much because you are bored 

that happened to me i got so used to maxwells perks i tought i wouldnt be able to play another character without required wood in my solo world

it was difficult leaving maxwell and i only did that because i knew other characters were interesting too thanks to the dst players in youtube

trust me a newbie who didnt hear about youtube would drop the game after a while 


this doesnt happen because original wilson does not have a perk and he never should have one


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On 11/24/2021 at 9:34 AM, Eughstein said:

Wilson rework:

Now Wilson can get to 4 stage of growing beard

It gives you also +10% protection (because why not), but at the same time it's so heavy that it gives you -10% speed debuff


Also animated short and skins 


New Wilson rework crating tab! Wilson is now able to craft beard armor!

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I think it’s important to note- that while yes every character rework so far has technically gotten a crafting tab- Klei has ALSO reworked the way they play WITHOUT ever touching their crafting tab, if only by a tiny margin.

Take Wes as an example not only did his rework give him a Balloon’o’mancy crafting tab- but it also reduced his over all health, hunger & sanity stats, made him more likely to be hit by lightning or attacked by enemies first, slower wake up from being Groggy.. etc.

Wilsons Rework will happen (and I get it some of you are absolutely horrified of what changes they’ll do to him..) 

But look at Wendy- her original rework turned from being a generally easy character into being one you could only get the most use out of if you were on the brink of death, this mechanic did not fit Wendy and all the Wendy Mains made sure Klei knew it- NOW her rework encourages team work and for Wendy to work together WITH Abigail.

I wish they would Nerf her slightly by making Wendy players need to be within close proximity of Abigail to heal her/return to flower so when that Wendy player FAILS to protect Abigail they suffer immediate consequences but ehh.. whatever.

Point is- if the rework isn’t to the people who MAIN the characters liking: Klei will go back and tweak it till “most” (not all) but most of that characters main players are satisfied.

People wanted Wes to stay the way he Was and Klei made sure he was made more fun anyway.

Wolfgangs upcoming December rework will probably be met with a ton of controversy but- they’ll release something, gauge how players respond to it and tweak as needed.

I have no doubt in my mind that Klei will absolutely nail how they want each character to look, play and feel.

These reworks aren’t just about adding new stuff- it’s ALSO About adding a unique personality to who they are as characters.

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5 hours ago, BadScra said:

Don't buff him. He need more useful for newbie. Play Wilson will help you learn/remind the game better.

This is very subjective tho. Yes he has no downsides but has little to no upsides either. This idea that Wilson is this amazing go-to character for all new players is outdated and honestly quite silly. What kept me interested as a new player was having a roster of characters to chose from and seeing what each of them did differently, not picking Wilson cuz he would help me "learn better"

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12 hours ago, Capybara007 said:

Maybe you just got better at the game, you know, think about the new players too, for them, any downside will end their playthrough 

am thinking about them since I just saw 4 people come into dst mostly blind and they all picked other characters.  Some, like wx78, wendy, winona or Wendy have such minor downsides and such neat upsides that they're just more attractive even to newer players. 

Very few people actually start out with Wilson these days, since you have 12 options other than him to pick from.

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30 minutes ago, JosePapp said:

am thinking about them since I just saw 4 people come into dst mostly blind and they all picked other characters.  Some, like wx78, wendy, winona or Wendy have such minor downsides and such neat upsides that they're just more attractive even to newer players. 

Very few people actually start out with Wilson these days, since you have 12 options other than him to pick from.

13* (I think you forgot that Walter was changed from being paid DLC to being Free like Warly.)

But also yes your 100% correct I’ve bought this game for 15 people and of those 15, only ONE of them (My own Dad Ironically enough..) choose Wilson.

Woodie personally seems to be the most picked of the 15 people I’ve bought the game for.. why?? I haven’t got a clue- but I know at least 3 of those 15 people choose him to start with.

And with the entire cast being unlocked from the start (Including Wes) they’re going to pick whoever looks most interesting to them based on how they look or their character select description-

Now for a second pretend you’re all complete total noobs, you have NEVER played this game… you’ve NEVER heard of this Game.. you have never watched a single YouTube or Twitch Streamer playing this game your friend just randomly buys it for you and is like “hey come play this cool game with me.”

You have no idea what Odds of Survival Means OR Any of this Health, Sanity & Hunger bars even represent- your spawning into the game for the FIRST TIME EVER and picking a character based entirely on THIS-



Which one do you pick???

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Funny enough I have a friend who exclusively plays Wilson, because hes simple character with charming quotes. He just wants to hang out and cook in base without bothering with any specific perks or downsides. Just cooks food and goes to bed. Living his best life. 


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On Xbox NOBODY has their shorts in the Compendium, I kinda wish Klei would add all of that into the game itself, all right there easy to view for your eyeball viewing pleasures without needing to scour the Internet for them.

I would equally love it if all the games trailers were added to the Cinematic’s tab..

Sounds like a pretty reasonable request for a QoL.

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11 hours ago, Mike23Ua said:

Which one do you pick???

The robot with empty eyes, it speaks to the nothingness in my soul.

Woodie definitely has one of the most interesting visual designs though, out of the default characters. Also great splash art.
He's easy to stick with because he's a great generalist character...almost like Wilson with extra parts. The transformations aren't even a factor outside of Full Moons, or player choice. And when you get familiar with them, they're just extra tools in your arsenal.
Huh. It's almost like he'd be a better default selection in the character select screen.
That's weird.

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Even if we completely ignore the beginner friendly aspect which seems to be a bit divided here, having a perkless character SHOULD be a thing and I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. Want Wilson to have magic related powers because of the throne? Maxwell already exists, want Wilson to have more science based perks? They should update Winona then instead of reworking Wilson. Characters already exist for the things Wilson could be reworked into, the only possible changes I could see is something that adds to the team like the ability to upgrade characters perks as I've seen be suggested (robotic Bernie shoutout) or any other form of thing that doesn't change Wilson himself but gives him a team perk, even then that upgrade thing could still work with Winona and Maxwell so...

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On 11/25/2021 at 7:40 PM, Spirit Glow said:

This idea that Wilson is this amazing go-to character for all new players is outdated and honestly quite silly. 

this!! theres so many people i talk to just getting into the game who pick wendy and webber over wilson. "wilson is the ultimate beginner character" really only applies to solo when you have nobody unlocked. in together, when you have most of the cast unlocked at the start, most new people are going to pick characters that appeal to them on first impression, whether that be through character design or abilities. that doesn't automatically mean wilson

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