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Post your Wickerbottom book ideas

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Wickerbottom yields fascinating magic that adds on to that chaos in the constant, be it summoning multiple tentacles anywhere from the ground, or summoning a lightning storm. I think it'll be pretty fun to brainstorm ideas on other kinds of powers that you'd wish to see her perform.
You can simply describe an effect below. Book names and crafting recipes are optional, but are encouraged too.

For example, I'd love to see her being able to combine 2 Papyrus with a Deerclops Eyeball to craft a book called "Advanced Meteorology", which summons rain for one or two days, that can be incredibly helpful for passive gardening and summers. Or a book called "Controversial Magazine", crafted with a beefalo horn, to temporarily cause uncontrollable aggression in mobs, which forces them to attack anyone in sight, especially their own kind.

What kind of new magic books would you like to see from Wickerbottom?


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I think a polymorphing book (enemies into frogs) would be fun because its such a big witch trope, though idk how it would be implemented or how useful it would be. 

A petrification book could also be nice i think. trees into stone and smaller mobs like hounds etc into moon stone statues like the moon callers staff event. tbh i would love the petri book with the circle targeting system and everything from the forge but i dont think that is likely to happen. 

id also like to see 'the end is nigh' be made useful for something other than charging WX... 

I really really like ur aggression book idea too. i can already imagine using it in the ruins to make the clockworks fight each other. i would absolutely love this 


aside from possible new books im also hoping Wickerbottom will get an interesting gameplay defining downside but idk if thats likely since refreshes just add new perks. even though to this day, if im not mistaken (and aside from wes) Wickerbottom IS the only character to get a nerf lol (to applied horticulture) even before her refresh.  

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Return of Them/Reworks clearly show she knows how to do & create bizarre stuff, she helped Woodie understand, & manipulate his curse to his own advantage after all, so I would prefer to be like the “Merlin/Witch of the group”

When Wanda’s abilities were revealed “can transcend time & space” people ASSUMED this meant she can manipulate the WORLD AROUND HER- as we all know, this was not the case.. but cool ideas like being able to change the season or time of day in a specific area was brought up (for example being able to turn a melted glacier puddle back to fully iced or a frozen pond back to autumn variant) I think considering Wicker always had bizarre spells & books anyway, and quite literally helped woodie unlock the full potential of his curse- that this would be a good direction to take her rework in.

However great power, should also require a good bit of build up to achieve that power- so maybe make some of her crafts require more obscure/harder to get ingredients that will make Wicker Nerf to go to different places and interact with different biomes/mobs or newer content.

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4 hours ago, Ohan said:

aside from possible new books im also hoping Wickerbottom will get an interesting gameplay defining downside

May not be interesting but since reading books costs sanity I think just making her unable to read when below 50 sanity (or whatever the amount drained by reading) would be a sufficient downside for her. In her current state she can just spam reading books and raise her sanity when she is done.

As for new books, I don't have any interesting ideas but I bet there will be at least one moon related.

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2 minutes ago, Geo95 said:


ive seen something like that mentioned before but i think it would make using her books a lot more cumbersome and less fun. I was thinking more in terms of what Wormwood and wanda have, an innate downside that makes their character fundamentally unique and shapes their gameplay regardless of any additional crafts or abilities. 

Idk what that would look like precisely but expanding on her picky eater and insomniac downsides seems like a good direction to go in. and maybe address her old age too in some way. 

But we'll have to wait and see, i doubt they'll change her much fundamentally, judging from past refreshes. 

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8 hours ago, Ohan said:

Idk what that would look like precisely but expanding on her picky eater and insomniac downsides seems like a good direction to go in. and maybe address her old age too in some way.

Wicker now suffers from diabetes, high cholesterol and occasionally low blood pressure. She cant eat anything sweet (including recipes that use honey), anything containing eggs and she has to consume salt to raise her blood pressure every 10-15 days.

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I'll throw in a couple of more ideas:

Transmutation Manual (2 Papyrus + 5 Moon Rocks + 3 Gold)
Transforms up to 10 items nearby into different ones that are in same category, which includes vegetables, tools, minerals, etc.
For example: 4 berries, 1 flint axe, 2 red gems, 1 yellow gem, 2 cut stones will transform into 4 juicy berries, 1 flint pickaxe, 2 blue gems, 1 orange gem, 2 boards.

Novice's Guide to Terraforming (2 Papyrus + 1 Clean Sweeper)
Regrows turf that was dug up with pitchfork or is barren in 2 tiles around Wickerbottom, also forcing flowers, grass tufts, saplings, and berry bushes to pop out. Turf that is regrown depends on the nearest biome to Wickerbottom.

Global Freezing (2 Papyrus + 1 Blue Gem)
Performs Klaus's freezing attack on 3 nearby enemies, completely encasing mobs in ice should they stand in the freezing circles for too long. Doesn't target players in non-PvP environment, but they will be affected by freezing too should they stand in it.

Morphology, Convoluted (2 Papyrus + 1 Lunar Moth)
Up to 3 items on the ground transform into monsters that can drop it. For example: normal meat will become a Pigman, a carrot will either become a Carrat or a Bunnyman, a living log will transform into Treeguard. Does not affect bosses.

Advanced Physics, Volume Eight (2 Papyrus + 1 Purple Gem)
Slows down movement and attack speed of nearby monsters by 1/3 for a few minutes in a range similar to Sleepytime Stories. Bosses stats instead get reduced by 1/4.

Rude Awakening (2 Papyrus + 1 Telltale Heart)
Causes up to 10 mob spawn points to summon respective mobs. For example, a moleworm hole will instantly summon a mole outside, a vacant pig house will instantly summon a pig outside, a pond will summon 3 frogs. If mobs that occupy such spawn points are alive, the spawners will not summon any more.

Keep in mind those are incredibly raw ideas, very likely they can be unbalanced in some way.

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The majority of the ideas Suggested here just Dont seem very “Multiplayer Friendly” the entire point behind these character reworks were to make them Multiplayer friendly.

Hound wave summoning, turning people into frogs.. I mean even though people don’t play PvP much it’s still a thing and needs to be considered.

Webbers rework allows him to now shave down/upgrade/ or even contain spider nests- They took one of the least multiplayer friendly characters and made him more enjoyable and manageable around others.

Wendy who used to “hit weaker than others” and thus completely waste resources- Now provides everyone a Petal Buff to Assist in battles.

Wes who used to be 100% expendable- now attracts enemy aggro onto himself, is more likely to be struck by lightning, can grant players speed perks, sanity perks, and wetness resistance perks.

You can’t rework Wickerbottom and just say “hehehe let her summon her own hound waves” that’s how you end up with a server full of trolls.

being able to Unfreeze a pond in Winter however (even if temporarily) will allow the Wurts to gather fish from the safety of ponds, and turn melted summer glaciers back into Ice for Fistful of Jam dishes to help her hunger on hot summers.

What Klei aims for with reworks is not “Nerf into the ground” they aim for interesting, unique & beneficial to a TEAM

And I feel like they’ve nailed that approach with every single reworked character so far.

here’s hoping they show the same love to Wolfgang next month.

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I think information perks make a lot of sense for her. Knowing exactly when things are going to happen, such as: when hound waves are coming, when bosses are going to respawn, when it's going to rain (and for how long), when a frog rain is going to happen (and for how long), how long the current ruins' phase will last, how long until the next relevant moon phase (full or new), how long the current season is going to last, when the next deerclops/bearger is going to come, and probably more that I'm forgetting. I don't know how to implement that though, maybe a study table?

Wickerbottom strikes me as someone who would watch out for patterns in the environment, and try to predict them to make plans more efficiently. In trailers and in the voicelines she strikes me as kind of the "leader" of the group, with everyone looking up to her.

Since she is librarian, it would make sense she would organize her books in bookshelves, they'd have to be able to hold a considerable amount of books to be more useful than just dropping hundreds of books at the same spot though.

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- Seasonal books, each book will chsnge the season for 1-3 days (if not just a rain calling book -.-)

- AoE sanity book. Kinda like walter's stories 


I know a lot of following suggestions are niche, redundant or evem useless but i just had fun looking for perks from classic books



- farenheit 451: set enemies on fire

- the old man and the sea: summons a lot of shoals arround the player

- steppenwolf/the call of the wild (love both T.T): summons a friendly hound

- treasure island: an exoensive one that will create a treasure mark in the map

- moby ****(lol, the forum hides it): calls a friendly gnarwale

- jaws: calls a rockjaw

- Don Quixote de la Mancha: aoe damage buff that lowers sanity over time. Also is so fat this book that every character can use it as a reskin from the corkbat

- evening star (world record longest poem if someone is interested): summons a dwarf star

- the plague: creates spore clowds arround the player that stunlocks and deals moderate damage to enemies, any food drop by the enemies become rot or mushrooms instanly

- I, robot: summons a random friendly clockwork

- Dracula: gives life leech only in darkness

- the metarmophosis: change things to their moon variants

- animal farm: force reproduce to near herds

- the hobbit: loses enemy aggro

- the time machine: rollback,  since wanda didnt get it...

- the golem: summons a golem like the forge ones

- the call of cthulhu: tentacles but in water

- frankenstein or the necronomicon (cant decide): revives allies

- faust: summons Mr Skits allowing you to craft ruins gear at the cost of sanity and health

- book of imaginary beings: a bestiary with all kind of info

- mistery island: a portable alchemy engine (this might sound weird but mistery island was a book wrotr by jules verne very similar to dst, a bunch of people lost in an island that survive using their knowledge in different sciences)

- someone flew over the cuckoo's nest: aoe insanity

- the pied piper of hamelin/fight club: same effect as one-man-band

- alice in wonderland: idk, something related to barnacles perhabs?

- the picture of dorian gray: some kind of portable meat effigie

- typhoon: wind caller book to increase boat speed 

- the colour of magic: chester loves it!



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42 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

- alice in wonderland: idk, something related to barnacles perhabs?

Summons a cookie or a butter muffin that makes you huge for a few seconds? Maybe increased damage, speed and max HP. But when the effect is gone you become tiny (the opposite).

43 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

the picture of dorian gray: some kind of portable meat effigie

Maybe a special attack instead, that curses a non-boss enemy, transferring a part of the damage you take from that point in to it, for a duration of X time.

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I think that instead of adding more books, Wicker could modify the existing ones. She has her own crafting table where the book is placed and then she edits those books with one of two quills. These books need to be preped ahead of time and the quills are made from different feathers (blue or red). Red quills create an advanced version of the books giving them more power at the cost of less uses. Blue quills shorten the books to a simpler version with less power and more uses. 

Abridged versions also cost less sanity to use and advanced versions cost more. Wicker should also be unable to use the books if she doesn't have the necessary sanity to justify their power.

Birds of the world, Abridged- Summons far less birds but they leave feathers when they fly off.

Birds of the world, Advanced- Birds fly in a circle around Wicker causing enemies to attack them instead of her. Acts as 1 free hit for Wicker and her allies at least until night time or a bird dies in which case they'll all fly away (doesn't work underground). Each ally gets their own separate shield.

Sleepy time stories, Abridged- Enemies are made groggy, which essentially just means they are greatly slowed down. The effect is greater at dawn and night.

Sleepy time stories, Advanced- Faster casting and the enemy is placed into a far deeper sleep (one full day). Will only affect a single target and it will not be woken up when allies are hit. The mob also takes exactly 5 seconds to wake up after being hit for bosses and 10 for anything else, allowing for extra hits. Bosses become more resistant over time.

On tentacles, Abridged- tentacles in range of wicker will be healed rather than sprout new ones.

On tentacles, Advanced- Spawns one tentacle but wicker can choose its spawning place.

The end is nigh, Abridged- Lightning will only strike mobs and not set them on fire (hits all mobs on screen). Deals 30 damage per lightning bolt and hitting a mob more than once requires a separate read.

The end is nigh, Advanced- All 16 Lightning strikes are condensed in one location and deal 30 damage per lightning bolt. One time use book -250 sanity. Can combo with sleepy time stories, advanced.

Horticulture, Abridge is renamed to applied horticulture.

Applied horticulture, Abridged- tends to all plants on screen.

Applied horticulture, Advanced- Grows one plant to its giant version. One time use book and drains -100 sanity.

Applied silviculture, Abridged- All non-edible plants are protected from weather effects (Not growing in Winter/Burning and withering in summer). They'll have a small golden aura.

Applied silviculture, Advanced- All non-edible plants on screen are grown and then harvested.

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Here are my ideas:

-Geological formations (2 papyrus + 1 gold + 1 nitre), 5 uses: spawns 2-3 boulders on the ground around the caster, but the type of boulder would depend on the biome. Rocky biomes wold spawn a mix of regular and gold vine boulders, desert biome would only spawn rock boulders, moon island could spawn moon glass boulders and been in the open sea would spawn sea stacks. Also, reading it around trees in the Forrest would petrify them. Maybe even petrify mobs like in the forge.

-Winter wonderland ( 2 papyrus + 1 blue gem + 10 ice), 5 uses: will cool you and the area around it to 0 °C instantly, the area will remain at that temperature for 10 seconds, so you cold freeze if you remain on it for too long, can freeze water around. If cast near the water it will create an ice plataform allowing you to walk over it (good for crossing gaps between biomes)

-The power of eye (2 papyrus + 1 dearclops eye + 1 thick fur), 5 uses (10 if Wickerbottom or Maxwell): this book can be read by every character, it will give you a damage boost of x1,25, that will last until you loose a total of half your health (if your health is 200, when you lose a total of 100 health the effect will disappear, healing doesn't change the total lost health) or when you are frozen or put to sleep. Not good for tanking, but amazing if you are a master kitter.

-Wind instruments (2 papyrus + 5 down feathers + 5 malbatros feathers), 5 uses: it will make wind blow towards the caster from the edges of the screen, dragging items on the ground or in the water towards the player, has a 50% chance of uprooting grass an twigs from grass tuffs and saplings (uprooted items won't move that much). Helps harvesting and puling items on the water near shore or towards the boat.

-From the moon to the earth (2 papyrus + 1 iridescent gem + 5 moon rock), 10 uses: summons a meteor on the target (can be aimed), does 500 damage, if target survives, it gets stunned for 10 seconds, requires full 1/2 of full sanity to use.

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On 11/7/2021 at 5:33 AM, Riddla said:

I'd love to see her being able to combine 2 Papyrus with a Deerclops Eyeball to craft a book called "Advanced Meteorology", which summons rain for one or two days

I don't think summoning rain should be exclusive to Wickerbottom.

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1 hour ago, Cheggf said:

I don't think summoning rain should be exclusive to Wickerbottom.

That is correct, I did not say it even should be in the first place. The book is a nice portable way to summon one, like Arubaro said as alternative, in case if the future item that would do such effect too is not available for you.

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I’m honestly surprised no one has suggested the most obvious of changes Wickerbottom should have: Wurt can read her books WHY??!! For novelty? To be cute??.. Why not give it an actual GAMEPLAY Purpose such as a book that only Wicker can craft but is only useful for Wurt such as something like “How to lead your Army into the heart of War.”

Basically- it’s just a book Wurt can get from Wickerbottom that she can give to Merms that unlocks the ability to equip them with body armor and weapons.

This would NOT work with Wilson and Pigmen because Wilson is not a Pigman, he doesn’t speak their native natural language.. But Wurt.. Wurt actually IS A MERM learning and passing that knowledge on to other Merms as she learns.

I would also love a book for Wendy that lets her command abigails ghost to well do all the cool stuff a dead ghost player can do (Aka haunt flowers to turn them to evil flower or haunt hounds to change them from red to blue etc..) “Understanding the super natural & unlocking Spiritual Guidance”

I really feel like Wickerbottom needs to do what all other reworks so far have done- give them Team based abilities that make them more useful in a team based scenario.

Walter- “Sense of Fashion & Self Improvement” read this book to actually gain a sense of fashion and get clothing buffs- 

Etc Etc Etc..

Maybe these don’t have to be different books, maybe it can all be one book that does a different “thing” for each playable character- a book titled

“There is no I in Team Work”

Which would be a One time use book- that has to be crafted per character needing to learn something.

Just give Wickerbottom something that benefits Wurt to have a less dumb Merm Army… 


Thank You, That is all.

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1 hour ago, Mike23Ua said:


I agree that she needs more books focused on her team, but literally just distributing books to every one to give them passive abilitys instead of something tangible that fulfills her witch fantasy is just dumb. That would turn her into a "pick 'n swap" character but even worse, because that would be basically a tiny rework for every character in the game, and that is for sure meta. 

Isn't it well known that Wurt just like the drawings? There's no big deal in that

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15 hours ago, xhyom said:

I agree that she needs more books focused on her team, but literally just distributing books to every one to give them passive abilitys instead of something tangible that fulfills her witch fantasy is just dumb. That would turn her into a "pick 'n swap" character but even worse, because that would be basically a tiny rework for every character in the game, and that is for sure meta. 

Isn't it well known that Wurt just like the drawings? There's no big deal in that

Well, if it’s a book that gives other players near Wicker ability Buffs when she reads it- it’s not a Pick & Swap item anymore because Wicker is required to both craft, and use it.

Picture this: Wurt can gain a temporary buff that while this buff is active makes her Merms do more damage- Omg totally sounds like Merm King right?

Yes, except that.. When Wickerbottom teaches Wurt these Arts of War, it allows Wurt to PERMANENTLY Bestow one Merm with “Combat Knowledge” allowing them to wear Head/Body Armor and be equipped with weapons- Wicker would then need to craft and read another book to permanently buff another Merm but you get the Idea..

To Clarify: Both a Wickerbottom is needed to craft and read the book & a Wurt is needed to gain the Buff from the book being read near her.

Easiest way to prevent pick in swap? Make team work Mandatory.

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