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Moonstorm rant/Why I hate the moonstorm

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So today me and my friend decided we should get the materials to kill 5 celestial champions back to back, since this is pretty much the only boss you can rapid fire kill. Don't do this. This is probably one of the most boring things you can do in this game.

The least painful part is getting the glass, sure it's kinda annoying having to constantly bundle and unbundle the glass, but it's not that bad. The event itself with Wagstaff is mind numbingly boring, it doesn't help that Wagstaff as a character is boring. Sure he has lore, but frankly, I don't care about lore when I'm hearing it for the 15th time. The same goes for the birds that spawn, one bites and one spits, nothing interesting about it at all, and it really starts to show when you have to do the event 15 times in a row. The worst part about this whole experience was that towards the last half of the farming, moongleams spawnrate tanked. It took over a day to get the final 3 moongleams needed. If you were to compare the moonstorm to something like clearing the ruins, it really shows how well the ruins have aged, and how poorly the moonstorm is going to. The ruins are always fun to clear, and you get tons of helpful resources while doing it. Can you say the same about the moonstorm, when all you get from it is a downgrade to the desert goggles, 2 resources with tons of wasted potential that only have 1 use. At least the moonstorm allows for constant full moons, which is really the only positive to this whole "event".

So yeah, rant over. It'd be nice to for the moonstorm to get some content outside of literally just the materials for the CC fight. For those who also hate the moonstorm, someone made a mod that allows the CC to be refought every 40 days without having to do the event, here's the link if that interests you: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2580510781

You have to be quick with grabbing the gleams and infused glass though since they drop from the champion itself. Fun fact: lightning protection gear protects from moongleams.

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I like the moonstorm as a mechanic. Personally because Wagstaff's little minigame is really fun.

But it's when it approaches base that bugs me, so awful!
But x2, you could just move it by playing the minigame

Another thing I hate, I don't want to farm literally one potato for some goggles, and I certainly don't like going through the pain of fishing for the BP for the desert goggles.

I wish there was an option for "neutral", because I'm leaning towards that ladder

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another factor about moonstorms that most don't mention is the location that they spawn can vary from boring to extremely frustrating. if it spawns at my base i have to watch as the birds and glass spawns destroy my walls, and if it spawns in a dense forest the moonstorm is almost impossible to complete simply because you can't see anything. if you're lucky the best place it can spawn in is a savanna and frankly i only feel glad when it does so because i know i can get it over with quicker.

but yes, i dont like how they introduced all of these unique resources that are annoying to maintain and do nothing but get you champ spawns.

but hey, the full moons are wonderful, as long as the moonstorms dont spawn in a position that makes you want to immediately disconnect from the server because it's just not worth dealing with

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As someone who has farmed a considerable amount of champion kills solo (~25 or so?), I agree with a lot of the points in this post. It’s boring, incredibly dangerous to builds (as the lighting strikes can mess with walls and the moongleams can hurt mobs in the walls) and just overall is Not a good time.

11 minutes ago, Baark0 said:

The least painful part is getting the glass, sure it's kinda annoying having to constantly bundle and unbundle the glass, but it's not that bad.

You quite literally described the reason why moon glass farming is bad : P

The only realistic way of transporting the charged moonglass requires you to beat bee queen. The only other alternatives is warping yourself over with a telelocator staff, deathwarping via a meat effigy as Walter with Woby holding the glass/chesters eyebone with chester holding the glass, or having winters feast around to make gift wrap. While I get they wanted a decent use for wraps, I don’t like how they forcibly make you use them because of the 90 seconds before they revert back to moonglass. To give a comparison, infused iron from Hamlet takes 2 days to spoil and is also only used in one thing (making the living artifact).

It also doesn’t help helps that you always need to pickup 30 charged moonglass, 15 moongleams, and 3 statics per event. Every. Time. While I can understand the initial cost for the first event, every subsequent event should not have such a high cost. It just forces a player to go into the storm and farm the mats for 2-3 days, which only purpose is to summon the boss. I just don’t find it fun, and I certainly don’t find it fun with the mentioned moongleams/statics being a constant threat in areas where I have builds. 

It’s a bit unfortunate, because besides the event I actually really like everything eye of the storm brought. The champion is a fun fight, the crown you get is a nice endgame luxury, and I like how repeat kills can give you 5 mushlight/glowcap lights. I just find it sad you have to go through the whole moonstorm to get there, when the event itself isn’t that fun and there’s no real incentive to farm the event apart from summoning the champion. 

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I really dislike the Moonstorm lots too, Eye of the Storm is probably my least favorite update in Return of Them, I personally enjoy even Troubled Waters more than EotS!

It's just not fun to me getting the materials for the respawn over and over. Why the forced requirement of defeating Bee Queen just to haul Infused Moon Shards reliably? What does that add to the gameplay? I do like the idea of a material that you have to escort quickly, and I did like infused iron in Hamlet, but infused moon shards have only 90 seconds of spoilage! This practically forced requirement of having to defeat Bee Queen just... doesn't really add anything. And things like Charged Glassy Rocks destroying walls... just not very fun to deal with.

I feel there's a lot of missed potential too, I mean a whole new weather event and it's just for another raid boss? But there's always the possibility for more content to be added to the moon storms, so I'll hold out.

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9 minutes ago, Hornete said:

I feel there's a lot of missed potential too, I mean a whole new weather event and it's just for another raid boss? But there's always the possibility for more content to be added to the moon storms, so I'll hold out.

You could always do suggestion threads for improvement.

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I like it. Got a 4 crowns in my last world, and every time was fun experience. Maybe cause we play in pair and one of as, who kill the birds, was on beefalo.


But I think removing crown from the craft tab was a mistake. It can be really hard and annoying to fight for every crown if you play with a lot of people, or fill lanterns from mushrooms in megabases.

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Honestly shouldn't even be a poll because this is pretty objective. To the people who like the event: enjoy it while that feeling lasts.

It is indeed fun for the first couple of times, and conceptually it is awesome, but every one I have seen doing the event after their 10th time or so just can't stand it anymore.

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Seriously, MoonStorm is a great concept, my only two complaint is that moonstorm is so too little on content, and I had hoped that Alter would make a bigger difference in the world. 


and... Why does it destroy walls and fences, and only walls and fences? And it doesn't happen in the desert? Treat this almost useless epic ornament badly again and send Baser into the desert again. I'd rather it destroy every building in every part of the world indiscriminately.

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Moonstorm is doo doo stinky.

It's been over, what, 4 months since EotS dropped and I've yet to try it out. And I'm playing on a world where I've done everything (except Misery Toad). The thought that the storm could spawn on top of one of my builds is already discouraging enough. And the CC's drops aren't really that good anyway.

The storm itself is the very definition of 'missed opportunity'. Its concept art and data-mined content looked a lot more interesting than the stuff that ended up being in-game. Not to mention that almost everyone could come up with something new to add to the moonstorm.

The entire update feels rushed, as if Tencet had told Klei, in January, that they had to finish RoT real quick and Klei spent the next 4 months trying to come up with a solution. And that's how we got EotS. But who knows, maybe it's not Tencent's fault, maybe it had nothing to do with how that update turned out and it's all Klei's fault.

It's almost laughable, really, because I remember how in Wes' rework patch notes Klei said that they were ready to finish RoT so I made a post talking about how RoT, in the grand scheme of things, didn't really fix problems dst had. Obviously forumites jumped in to defend Klei, tell me that I'm just being negative and that the roadmap had 3 content updates planned for 2021 so Klei still has time to fix the problems (Hamlet deja vu, anyone?). But then EotS happened, ended RoT and basically just gave dst one more problem to fix.

So yeah, I also dislike the Moonstorm.

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15 hours ago, splorange said:

immediately disconnect from the server because it's just not worth dealing with

bUt t3dIouS rEs0rCe GrInDiNg & rEBuILdInG mAkEs It uNcOmPr0mIsInG ur rUinInG d0Nt sTaVe.


That hurt to type. 


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Moonstorm annoys me, because it can appear in base, and I can't play Woodie and Willow like normal. It's a problem because Woodie transform every night, and Willow's BIG BERNIE don't work with gestalts that are all around. I don't care about Celestial champion, I mean the loot is "ok" but not something that I would like to do. My solution, I make a base in caves to stay until everyone in the server gets the crown.

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