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There, where the darkness is deepest.

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We know that the Constant's subsoil is actually a plateau above a deeper abyss.
What lies down in the ravines?
In that abysmal darkness that not even the light of the lanterns can pierce?
Is a fund actually found? Or does it come to a dimension so dark that any light source is ineffective?
Is it at the bottom of the abyss that the shadows that come out of the cracks dwell?
Will we ever be able to go beyond the impenetrable threshold of the edges of the map?
One thing is certain: the Constant caves have several levels, of which we only know the top.



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I've heard many rumors about what lies down there...
Some are really spooky, but only one theory has actually shaken me to my core...
I've had plenty sleepless nights thinking about what really lies down there and the one theory that makes the most sense to me as to what's really down there is...


Klei HQ... where the developers reside...


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2 minutes ago, -Variant said:

I've heard many rumors about what lies down there...
Some are really spooky, but only one theory has actually shaken me to my core...
I've had plenty sleepless nights thinking about what really lies down there and the one theory that makes the most sense to me as to what's really down there is...

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Klei HQ... where the developers reside...


It would make a great Easter egg! :D
Seriously, I'd like a new location on the map that needs "unnatural light" to explore, perhaps a Thulecite + Shadow Thurible lantern.

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I truly do imagine there are horrors down there that are unimaginable. If big creatures 20x the size of the player are possible on the surface, who can even THINK of the things that lie at the bottom. Truly horrifying.


This game has such an interesting spiral of thoughts. It's like a seashell. It's spiral is virtually infinite. The thoughts just keep on coming.


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3 minutes ago, kiwikenobi said:

I haven't seen that drawing of Wilson looking down the sinkhole before. I like it. Where is it from?

From a very old short of Klei where they had just added the underground, it was quite different from today, with the walls of bare rock. It was much more claustrophobic.

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2 minutes ago, RoughCactus69 said:

I truly do imagine there are horrors down there that are unimaginable. If big creatures 20x the size of the player are possible on the surface, who can even THINK of the things that lie at the bottom. Truly horrifying.


This game has such an interesting spiral of thoughts. It's like a seashell. It's spiral is virtually infinite. The thoughts just keep on coming.


I like to think that in the bowels of the earth there is a kind of infinite ocean where true leviathans swim, creatures so HUGE that they are themselves "floating islands" to explore. Would be great.

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Yall have to remember that whatever tentacles are attached to is deep down there. And the survivors in fact go down there even if it's to just be spit back out.

So maybe not unimaginable horrors but a giant pulsating fleshy, squishy, slimy organism in the gnawing darkness.

19 minutes ago, bruhmoment23 said:

Aren't the ruins below caves in og Don't Starve? Since the entrence to ruins there is a plugged thulecite sinkhole.

They are but there are also 3 separate ruins with 3 Guardians so it's hard to tell if that layout is canon or not.

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54 minutes ago, RoughCactus69 said:

@Pop Guy

I'm going to ask this here, and it is off topic. I hope you don't mind. 


Did you change your PFP? I could've swore you had a different one. Just react with potato cup if you did.




(I believe it was a different all seeing eye before. Ok, that is all my fellow cactus.)

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34 minutes ago, Szczuku said:

Yall have to remember that whatever tentacles are attached to is deep down there.

I always imagined that the tentacles are just tentacles, based on examination quotes for tentacle spots and the fact that many of them are created as an attack by the larger ones.

34 minutes ago, Szczuku said:

And the survivors in fact go down there even if it's to just be spit back out.

If it were actually some extra cavernous area I think we would be able to explore it, and the tentapillars wouldn't be linked to only one other. 

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8 hours ago, Cheggf said:

I always imagined that the tentacles are just tentacles

Well then that's jsut your headcanon. I have mine, you have yours and everybody has their own.

Anyway here's what Wx says about the hole left behind giant tentacle.


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"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons, even death may die."

(c'mon, SOMEbody had to use that one, in _this_ thread.  : P)

I always used to think, before we met the Fuelweaver and then the moth, that the nightmare fuel was sort of the...magic aura? of this world, that the Ancients had figured out how to distill that into fuel that they used to power their society...and regretted it later...and that the source of THAT was a big, huge, so alien it's unknowable, so primal and ancient it cares about us less than we care about the bacteria on the ants we step on, being.  A Being who was so powerful, that its...very presence emanated up through the ground, and was the original source of nightmare fuel.  To combine this with the "what are the huge tentacles attached TO?" idea, I guess they would probably be its guardians/henchcreatures.  The _actual_ source of Nightmare Fuel, in my headcanon, would basically be, to us, an elemental force of nature, not a creature you could reckon with.

Basically I was thinking the Demon X(A/N)th from the "Xanth" series, only more Lovecraftian. 


In that series, a few characters eventually find out that there's more concentrated magic in this one area of the land, like, if you try to do a little spark PHWOOOSH! you get a giant fireball, that kind of thing--so they go into caverns underneath that area and eventually discover the Demon X(A/N)th, whose very...like, I guess the equivalent of naturally-emanated body heat? is what powers the (lots of) magic of the ENTIRE kingdom.  Turns out the entire reason Xanth is the way it is, being so magical that it _mutates_ species and even individuals (in rare cases) over time, is simply because the Demon X(A/N)th lost a point in this great, pointless game that he and the other Demons were playing to while away the eons...and he was in a penalty box. That's it.  For thousands of years.

(and yes, Demon does have to be capitalised, because there are also lesser, more humanoid/mortal demons who just happen to wander around the land, who AREN'T representations of entire planets or whatever.  Oh, heh, almost forgot:  There's also a Demon Earth.  :))

Tread carefully if this spoiler made you curious about a possible new-to-you series to help pass the quarantine, however.  Xanth is...you know that "What Anime Is Like Every Time My Mom Walks In" meme?  Xanth is EXACTLY that.  Action!  War!  Drama!  Character development! Worldbuilding! mixed with bouncy...bouncy...bouncy...

Oh and puns.  SO.  MANY.  PUNS. If you hate puns, stay away--it _will_ damage your sanity.

In my headcanon, little wisps of really attenuated nightmare fuel make it to the surface, as well, and that's why all even the "normal" creatures are weird hybrids. EVERYthing in the Constant is touched by this "aura" in some way or another--including people, which is why some of the survivors suddenly got their "strange new powers", that are linked to/strengthened versions of aspects of their original personalities...

Did this creature MAKE this world? Maybe? but that's not the relevant question to be asking about it.  (The _relevant_ question would be : "When is it going to wake up?" followed by "How hungry is it gonna be?") My headcanon doesn't have an answer for the "Who created the Constant?" question, except that it's definitely not Maxwell and SOMEthing was here before he got here.  Them, for one thing. Maxwell did _shape_ the world while he was on the throne, but I don't see him as a creating god.  But that's another story.


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