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Show Off Your Boats!

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Building a high tech boat can sometimes be difficult. And because of this, some people can be quite proud of the boats they have made!
So I decided to make this thread so people can post screenshots of their own boats for the world to see!

It can really be any boat! One's you live on, one's only for moving large amounts of items, or ones you used just to make it to lunar island!

I'll start with my boat here!
Comes equipped with everything you need to survive. A crock pot, fire... and a lightning rod!
With a few chests for storage of tools and food as well.

Also you can use this thread as a boating help thread and ask any sailing/fishing/boat building questions here if you have any!

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Here is my boring boat:


It doesn't have very much and for some reason I can't place a lightning rod! but it does have a sail, steering wheel, food, food storage, fire, and a chest of stuff.

I love how from this angle, it almost looks like the cat is at the wheel.  XD  Also, the juxtaposition of the Healing Garland from the Forge...with a massive spiked weapon.  ("COME ON OVER HERE!  WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?  I WANT TO HEAL YOUUUU!!")  I specially wove that the other day, 'cos Healer was always my role in the Forge, and my favourite.  Also I've always kinda wanted a garland of just one colour.

(I'd Sweep the sail into the new one, but...nah, red fits Willow better.)

Here's what's in the chest:


Spear, logsuit, thermal stone, earmuffs, football helmet, rain hat, umbrella and a lot of firewood.  I think that's good to be starting with.


And here I am finally remembering to read the name sign in a picture, and also there's an oar but it's currently in Chester.  The S. S. "Blaze of Glory".  : P


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I have a few “survival rafts” that follow the same general principal- birdcage in the centre (so the eggs don’t fall overboard) lightning rod and flingo opposite each other at the end of the boat, crockpot and fridge, as well as both fire pits and a crock pot with at least two storage containers filled with wood and charcoal. The idea is to make them self sustaining out on extended solo voyages regardless of season. 

The “Fire Scythe”, one of the first iterations of this concept, where the steering wheel is close to the endothermic fire to avoid overheating in summer being next to the furnace-



The “Saoirse” (pronounced Ser-sha) a similar design but primarily a fishing raft, has two fishing bins obscured by the flingo in this screenshot and unfortunately the server reset -F998E90F0BC58D60EC45A5CD16C356F4D75A14F0


And a slightly more practical one for the early game using different Geometric Placement settings (hexagonal) and structures and a carrat mascot, the “Unnamed Raft #3” - 

The sails were retrofitted after a... "confrontation" with the Malbatross.

I sure do love hunting the Malbatross.

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Thanks for these ideas ~ I don't have a boat to show off at the moment as I just finished burning my world down...  I just can't seem to stick with this game passed a year or two before I reset.  I'm getting into first spring though, and setting up a boat is my next goal so I'll come back and share a pic once I can!

@DarkPulse91 I like the way you put the sails, steering, and anchor all to one part so there was room for more structures.  I'm gonna try that out.  II feel I can never fit structures on my boat, but that should help a lot.

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I've seen many boats on public Klei servers made by other players so I'll share some, perhaps that could inspire new designs. 

First we have a typical multi-sail boat, and the sails are placed perfectly in line. The lightning rod is aligned to the sail too. Creator unknown. 


Next we have an interesting boat from Abyss that uses compact chests. This greatly increases a boat's storage capacity. Steering wheel is placed far away from scaled furnace to prevent overheating too. It seems that some chests fell out when the boat went too fast. No idea how the structures fit so tightly between sails.


Zauberkunst boat design. Beautiful, functional and compact. 


A boat with 2 sails placed near the plank. Looks similar to Zauberkunst design but different structure skins, not sure who created it.   


For this boat, I like how the food related structures are in the same area. Nice alignment of lightning rod to Winged Sail too. Creator unknown.


CorsairEdge's boat. 2 Winged Sails directly in the center with a bird cage in between. 


Fast & Furious 3 Winged Sails boat. Creator unknown. 


Lastly, my own crappy boat. I place stuff badly but in a circle and accidentally kidnapped Gnarwail. Also accidentally discovered magnetic powers. 


Sorry for the long post and thanks for your time reading. 


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14 hours ago, Shosuko said:

@DarkPulse91 I like the way you put the sails, steering, and anchor all to one part so there was room for more structures.  I'm gonna try that out.  II feel I can never fit structures on my boat, but that should help a lot.

Yeah, i usually build my boats starting with a lighting rod, and then a crock pot, so i can still have room to make that.
But the main reason i build my "controls" so close together like that tho, is so i dont need to run across my boat to lower the sails or anchor. I just need to turn around. Of course this is mostly for solo sailing. you can put the sails and anchors off to the side if you have a small crew with you

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       Here is my most recent boat design. Its an all year boat! The mushlight is for constant light without any temperature fluctuation/ Along with that, it has the usual crock pot with fridge and lightning rod.
       But on top of that... I made 3 tin fishin bins. 1 has normal fish i catch. but the other two have the winter and summer fish! that way I am able to survive winter and summer without needing to worry about heat!
       The other chests are all skinned to show what they have. One is for weapons, one is for tools, one is for fishing, one is for repair kits and other things used to fix stuff, one is for resources, and the rest are for stuff I find in the ocean.
        Hope you like this one and I hope it brings new ideas!20200428195228_1.thumb.jpg.9a0ae4e435cbe0a943149bb2a3fa0b70.jpg

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50 minutes ago, Xenologist said:

How long could you survive on a boat that's fully loaded like one of these? Like. how long before firewood runs out? Or do crockpots get you through the night?

Random pieces of boat spawn around the world constantly, and you are able to hammer them for more boards to fuel any fires. or if you use a mushlight, the skitter squids can drop lightbulbs when killed.
the only really hard limit of how long you can sail comes down to either repair kits for clothing (which isnt really needed unless its an umbrella) or maybe if you run out of fishing gear to get more fish... which is very hard to do
And summer... which is the hard one because of smouldering. Now you could of course put it out by hand, but sometimes thats just too hard to do with things in the way. So usually i just use a luxury fan each time something smoulders. But because of this, I do need to go and get moose/goose feathers to make more luxury fans every few years

Now you may ask... "well dont you need rocks for a hammer to get those boards?" well all you need to do is get rocks by mining the sea stack!
but now you may ask. "but dont you need flint or gold to get a pickaxe?" and thats where i say no! you can get gold pickaxes from the sunken chests!


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17 hours ago, Charlie Dark said:

My eyes are in pain! these boats have way too many structures on them!

I KNOW RIGHT?  I mean, I'm _impressed_, but if I tried this with mine I'm sure it'd start bugging me after a short amount of time.  The clutteryness would get to me, and I KNOW I'd keep clicking on the wrong object by mistake...  Also how're y'all getting away with putting like half your crockpot legs into the ocean?  I know _I_ couldn't do that...

However, I do want to add just _two_ more structures to my own boat:  A lightning rod and an endothermic firepit. I think those are well within the "absolute necessity" category and it shouldn't look TOO cluttered after that. 

And I figured out what to put in that last slot in the chest:  A sea fishing rod!  Duh!  :)


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1 minute ago, CaptainChaotica said:

The clutteryness would get to me, and I KNOW I'd keep clicking on the wrong object by mistake... 

Oh trust me... that happens AAAAALL the time... like constantly!.. I basically have to use a mod to be able to zoom in enough to click the right thing

2 minutes ago, CaptainChaotica said:

However, I do want to add just two more structures to my own boat:  A lightning rod and an endothermic firepit. I think those are well within the "absolute necessity" category and it shouldn't look TOO cluttered after that. 

A lightning rod is absolutely necessary. One lightning strike can ruin everything. But lightning rods also add the benefit of extra light if its charged!
As for the endothermic firepit. Its not a complete necessity. as you can use a mushlight/glowcap with either an eyebrella and luxury fans to keep cool. or with a tin fishing bin full of ice breams you can hold to keep your temp down.

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1 hour ago, DarkPulse91 said:

As for the endothermic firepit. Its not a complete necessity. as you can use a mushlight/glowcap with either an eyebrella and luxury fans to keep cool. or with a tin fishing bin full of ice breams you can hold to keep your temp down.

A fridge and one (or two) thermals stones is more than enough for staying cool.

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Well okay, if you're me and you're not good at getting stuff from the caves and/or killing Deerclops without dying... : P

Turns out I STILL can't place the lightning rod!  I'm using the Geometric Placement thingie and everything.  I don't even know.  It seems the game thinks it's an entire turf-square big and it HAS to have that ENTIRE square COMPLETELY unobstructed.  I took down the sail _and_ the steering wheel, and still no!  I...I'm at a loss. 

So I rebuilt the steering and sail, and then spent the night there since all that failing to place things had taken up most of the day.


Well at least I got a nice atmospheric picture out of it.  Heh.


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22 hours ago, JoSmoCoolStuf said:

CorsairEdge's boat. 2 Winged Sails directly in the center with a bird cage in between. 


That's fantastic! Didn't know someone had a better angle on one of my rafts! Judging by the skins and no fishing bin this is a much older raft of mine. If I remember right, the mini signs tell me this was the raft named the "Rose Witch" (though I can't quite see if the other minisign is the witch's hat)

For anyone wondering, it was really easy to pilot this one! Clear lines to the sails and anchor if you needed to make a quick stop.

1 hour ago, CaptainChaotica said:

Also how're y'all getting away with putting like half your crockpot legs into the ocean? 

I use the Geometric Placement mod (I'd recommend to set it to hexagonal alignment) to put structures on my raft- you can put 7 "large" structures in total, and they have to be placed first. So things like the crock pot, firepit and lightning rod use up about half a tile of space if you start from the centre of the raft. The rest of the things like the fridge, steering wheel and anchor are "medium" structures so they have to be put down next, while "small" structures like chests and sails can be put down last since they can be placed right next to existing structures.

A thing to note is structures like the lightning rod, fridge, chests and drying racks don't block you, so you can place them anywhere on your raft without restricting movement. The drying rack is probably the only one that does block you from clicking on smaller structures though, so while they're incredibly useful for kelp they will annoy you to no end.

29 minutes ago, Captain_Rage said:

A fridge and one (or two) thermals stones is more than enough for staying cool.

This is absolutely true, but I've found if you're sailing on your own it's more of a hassle to swap out thermals then to leave a endothermic fire going, though I guess that's a constant drain on resources. Though with the introduction of the new seasonal fish I feel like this will change all that!

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42 minutes ago, CaptainChaotica said:


I suggest practicing in another wolrd with free crafting to see how you want to arrange your boat. Often times you want to predesign your boat instead of slapping things on it as you go, since that prevents it from becoming even more clumped than it normally is.

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