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Problem With Hamlet...

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I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous! Did we learn nothing from Shipwrecked!?! 

Firstly, making new shard world is not what we want. Shipwrecked was pretty, but it was just hollow compared to ROG. Why do you keep building things from scratch?!? JUST ADD TO ROG AS A NEW BIOME, THAT'S WHAT EVERYONE WANTS.

Secondly, are you expecting us to buy DLC for single-player game that  you refuse to update with the stuff from Together. Nobody plays Singleplayer anymore because it's outdated...and now you are adding DLC for it. 

Are the people who make Together and Singleplayer different departments that don't speak to each other?!? Get your damn crap together guys (literally, STICK EVERYTHING TOGETHER INTO ONE GAME AND STOP SEGREGATING CONTENT)

Image result for get your shit together gif


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Isn't the game kind of already exceeding ram limiations for 32 bit programs once you've been playing a world for a long time? The game with RoG as is has a lot of stutter issues in developed worlds with lots of things, and Shipwrecked is a bigger stuttery mess, separating things into portals and different worlds is most likely a technical decision. 

Also, while I would want some things from DST (like fence gates, or UI improvements), most of the content there simply isn't meant for single player. Not to mention it wouldn't make much sense in the lore to have Charlie's stuff in Maxwell's world before she was Queen. DST is meant to be "a sequal of sorts" with its own unique content, adding stuff exclusively made for it in regular DS doesn't make much sense.

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6 minutes ago, oCrapaCreeper said:

Isn't the game kind of getting close to its RAM limitation for 32 bit programs once you've been playing a world for a long time? The game with RoG as is has a lot of stutter issues in developed worlds with lots of thigns, and Shipwrecked is a bigger stuttery mess, I'm legit not sure if the game can handle so much stuff in one world, which is probably why things are being split into portals.

Mhhh, I've never experienced that, but valid point.

6 minutes ago, oCrapaCreeper said:

Also, while I would want some things from DST (like fence gates, or UI improvements), most of the content there simply isn't meant for single player. Not to mention it wouldn't make much sense in the lore to have Charlie's stuff in Maxwell's world before she was Queen.

I would say that there's only a very few things that can't be balanced or passed on directly from multiplayer to sp without any issues.

In terms of lore, I don't really care about Charlie stuff. Just give me fences, beefalo riding, doors, new mobs, etc. 

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Just came here saying it's not everyone. I'm really happy with another shard world than just a DST New Reign to be applied to Don't Starve. 
Sure would be great to get some quirks from new Reign, but if you checked a few Hamlet things we goign to get a whole different style of Gameplay, something you didnt get much with New Reign in DST.

Best Regards,



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I'm totally supporting Klei having two differents games. I don't have time to explain yet  but seeing you making the same thread twice makes me wants to reply.


l'll develop if you ask but to be simple : different contents, different ways to work, different objectives = different games. 


And don't tell us it's expensive, DS and DST have a very good ratio cost/time spent

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Hamlet is looking like a big twist on the DS formula, with towns and shops and such. I don't think it's something that will necessarily mesh well with the regular Don't Starve world. 

I personally like the idea of having a different way to play the game rather than just mesh all the content together. 

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I think it's going to get a lot darker after a while.

It could be that Wilson see how the pigmen in the video/screenshots turned into the pigmen we all know and love or it's the future(I think it's probably the past and not the future, it could also be an alternative timeline/universe and maybe with a different Wilson.)

I don't have a problem at all with Hamlet being a DLC or that DS and DST have different stuff. Sure it would be nice to see a few things from DST on DS but I don't think they need to add DST stuff to DS.

I think the only mistake with SW was that it didn't have more stuff from the beginning but I'm happy to see that Klei now has added more stuff and might add more things.

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I don't play DST. Too much lag, the servers suck for me. I like the Shipwrecked Beta concept, haven't played it yet though. I wouldn't mind a new DLC if they fixed the bigger bugs in ROG/SW with their caves/volcano timers and their caves/seaworthy destroying entire saves.

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Well, I guess I'm nobody, then ;) .  While my playing has slowed way down, I still occasionally pop open the game to poke around.  Also, no, I do NOT want this as just an added biome to RoG.  The single-player game does need some fresh content and Hamlet looks like it should provide that.  I had given up seeing any kind of update again, so I'm pretty excited that not only is Shipwrecked getting some new (free) content but that a whole DLC is coming!

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For the moment I have crappy internet so I don't play much DST but I'm glad they haven't finished with DS just yet (though I was hoping for a sky or dream world) Hamlet looks like it will be loads of fun I'm assuming it's not an ROG add on because they are adding a whole new world and new lore and it makes sense pigmen are iconic in DS and I like that they are getting so much love in the DLC.

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