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On 1/11/2022 at 3:18 AM, DelroyBM said:

"Vegan" merm caught in 4K eating meat.


Speaking of creatures going against their expected diet, I almost forgot I had this picture:


I dropped a blueberry on the ground to get some inventory space, and the SECOND I did, two vultures started fighting over it.



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I decided that last picture looked lonely all by itself, so here we are.


Hadn't done a nice "everybody just chilln' out together at night" picture for a while, so yeah.  This one's at the Summer Lounge, aka my (main) secondary base. I've left at least firepits + crockpot + lightning rod combos around the world in several places.  This is the main world I built things in for that one Architect Challenges thread we had back in 2020? and since each one took a long time to make, each one of those has a minimalist camp, alone.  (Funkyton (the pig village), the Mystery Ruins Heritage Site, and the Azymandias Memorial Museum.  The "Viking Longhouse" was built in Wendy's world.  If this thread sounds like it was a good time, it was.)


A pyromaniac, her furry fiend (aka a cat), and a chest animated by unholy magics stare comtemplatively into the abyss of a blood red sea.  #justgirlythings

(I'm not COMPLAINING about this, mind you--there's something wonderfully Don't Starvian about the fact that one of the cutest, prettiest mods on the workshop has the side effect of turning the ocean BLOOD RED when its turf borders the sea.  It's SO appropriate.  XD)


I'm sure this weird stone(?) cherry tree that looks like a portal to another world is TOTALLY safe and NOTHING bad will happen if I stand directly in its eerie glow.
(I love how the cat just doesn't give a crap.  Very accurate to real cats, that is.  When I camped for the night, Charmander here just went to sleep on one of those as-big-as-her flowers.  :P)


...why is my rock now pink and flying after me like a damn Pokemon?
(Wait--I just realised from this still shot it looks like it's just lying on the path.  It's not, it's flying through the air--and is pink,not orange.  That's the summer lighting effects.)

MEANWHILE, over at Winona's world, "Terrarforming" (guess which event I made it during : P)




Winona is the character with which I first started seeing all the new changes to the Cherry Forest mod (and there are a lot of them). At first, I thought this was a flower vine being like "I WUV YOU BEES" (there's even a little heart shape!)  Turns out apparently it's a whole other type of beehive.  I...haven't messed with it yet, and am not going to anytime soon because Winter is Coming--and my camp is _so_ basic, it's about to start wearing Ugg boots and ordering frappucinos.


Here I am, participating in the Year of the Catcoon--hanging out with the kitties and giving them stuff so they'll give me stuff.  Also I just thought this was a pretty shot.  (And I would've hung out with the kitties anyway.)




...I got a kitcoon!  I found her behind a flower and her name is Rosie.  ;)


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I SEE YOU!  Man, is that cat hiding behind _bones_ in the desert?  That's pretty hardcore!  :D


Willow and her TWO cats!  I'm so happy I found one on this world too, in time, and that it's a different kind from the other one Winona already got (a meadow cat in that case).  Welcome to the family, little...Name Pending!

Possible name ideas include: 

--Bones (because it was found behind one, and also because Dr. McCoy from Star Trek.  I've been a Trekkie all my life.)
--Sandy (the placeholder name), because desert, sand, get it, ha ha
--Espeon (to continue the Pokemon theme I started by naming the black cat "Charmander")
--Naming it after a real-life desert.  Get this--the desert closest to me has a part called (I swear I'm not making this up) LITTLE SAHARA.  XD
--Last but not least, "Champagne Supernova" because I found it right smack next to the OASIS.  ;)  ("Wonderwall" would've been more obvious, but "Champagne" starts with the same letters as "Charmander"--and "Supernova"?  Space is awesome!)

I'm KINDA leaning towards "Little Sahara" because it's deserty AND adorable, but if you have any ideas feel free to vote.  :)


Darker shot, but I think it still works.


Follow me, kitties! (and Chester, who is hiding behind the backpack inventory)  To ADVENTURE!


Here we are, at....where is this?  Oh yeah, this is the camplet I made while building the Azymandias Memorial Museum.


(which was built in the desert, so that all around it, the low and level sands could stretch away.)


Here we are roughing it on our way back home.  Li'l Sahara (?) is apparently REALLY determined to stay warm.  : P
(also featuring:  Random Mole!  Hello, mole.)


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12 minutes ago, Spino43 said:

Little did the Spider Queen knows...

The most horrifying monsters in the constant are hiding in those carrots, waiting to turn her into 4 monster meat...




Me, I've had some more Adventures in Catsitting.  I've been going through all my older worlds to see if they still work and/or if I can get everyone a kitcoon before the event is over.  Next up was (My Steam Name)'s Funtime Wilderness Adventure!, aka the server where I had Walani make this:


...back in 2020, although the Shipwrecked Turfs mod I used to make the sand garden look, well, sandy, appears to have gone splat and NOW this just looks like a bunch of random water chunks in the ground.  The server didn't crash though, thankfully.

So, staying away from the glitchfest (that I'm REALLY glad I took screenshots of back when it was still pretty) as much as possible, I sent Walani on an adventure.  After almost dying of thirst ('cos I have THAT mod going on here too) several times, on the night of the full moon...


...I found this!  A rock cat. (Aka a baby mountain lion.  Did I ever tell you guys about the time we had SUCH a dry, harsh summer, an actual goddamn mountain lion came down right smack into my town and was phone-filmed walking down freaking Center Street?)  Because I am FULL of originality and it was found behind that rock, his name is Rocky.  (Also named after the mountain range I'm technically in.)

Speaking of dry, harsh summers...


...guess what the next day was.  Yup.


Here I found out a pleasant surprise--apparently the person who made this Shipwrecked Characters mod even gave the characters special in-character quotes for holiday items!  Walani's response to a Lucky Gold Nugget:  "This funky thing's pretty lucky lookin'."

Rocky, it's summer and the thirst mod is on this server.  Go ahead and help yourself to that ice.


You can stay under my um-ba-rella (ella ella).

Cat Mission:  Success!  Now off to Wendy's world, "The Forest of Dreams", to see if that one still works.


Like Walani's world it had to retrofit and restart, but yes, after that it was okay.  Like my heirloom crops?  You may not touch.  These are now a historical exhibit.  (I mean, I do have other ways of getting food.)


I went all over the nearest dark forest, thinking that a cat from there would be perfect for Wendy.  Didn't find one yet, but I did find out that my Viking Longhouse (also built because of that architecture challenge thread from 2020) is still intact.  BRB--being chased by two huge treeguards.  Yes, I posed to take a picture during that.  Look how nicely we're all lined up!
(Any weird furniture you see in these pictures is from the "Furniture Megapack" mod and the barrels are from "Pickle It!", though here they're meant to represent barrels of mead or something.)


Well, no NEW cat yet, but I _can_ tell you that apparently our existing one is really, REALLY determined to keep warm.  XD
(The fact that this cat is making me think things like "WHAT are you DOING, you little weirdo?" shows how accurate they are.)


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1 hour ago, abrocator said:

My greatest performance


And the Tony goes to....Wigfrid, for her performance in "The Winter of Our Discontent!"  

Meanwhile, in much warmer climes...


I think this spider just legit like,_forgot_ to attack us for a bit.  He just kinda...wandered peacefully around the camp for a while.  Notice how close he is and how Abigail is NOT in hostile mode at all!


Well I literally looked ALL over the world and didn't find any little tails just swishing out in the wild, so eff it, we're hiring a professional.


(psst!  Wendy!  Stop messing with the flowers!  That grass has a TAIL!)
(lol I love how, with THREE cats here, that rabbit is getting the frick outta Dodge.  XD)


I need a better picture, as this one mainly only shows the EYES, but meet Fade, the Savannah Cat!  Named after the Moor Cat from the last Shannara books. Moor cats in general and a name like "Fade" in particular strike me as very much Wendy's style.  
Also, BOTH cats went into silly playful mode at the same time, so I HAD to take a picture of THAT.  :)

Cat Mission:  Success!  Now off to my last currently-existing world, "Nightmare Harvest Moon". I don't even remember what this one is.


Oh right.  This one.  XD  Say hello to Charlie's Hallowed Night's setpiece/camp, now sporting a spiffy new Catcoon Shrine.


Yeah the event is probably ending soon; I don't have time to fill out this entire map trying to naturally find a kitcoon.  We're hiring an expert right from the get-go this time.
Ticoon started immediately smooshing himself up against the southern coastline.  What's south?  Well, I didn't have a boat, so I had to go around, but fortunately that wasn't very far.  To the south was...


...the desert!  Meet little Antarctica, named after the coldest--and DARKEST--desert in the world.  :)

Last but not least, I finally got around to actually doing that "Tamagotchi" game earlier this week, and this is the cat I got:


Meet Tuesday,  whom I actually did get on a Tuesday.  They are a meadow cat, like Winona's cat Rosie.


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(psst--I have a really dumb question...what are those glowy crystal/diamond things in this picture and also that other one with the moleworms on the boat?)

Anyway, here's my now-outdated montage of Year of the Catcoon critters:


...because now I also have this:


Welcome to our new member of the family, Bayou!  Or possibly Marsha.  Many Ticoons died to bring us this critter. I don't want to talk about it.  Anyway, family portrait, with Willow, all three kitties, Chester AND Glommer!  Yay!

I hope to get a moon kitty before the event ends, and I'm SO gonna name it "Luna" or "Artemis" 'cos I'm a basic oldtaku beeyotch like that.


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1 hour ago, CaptainChaotica said:

(psst--I have a really dumb question...what are those glowy crystal/diamond things in this picture and also that other one with the moleworms on the boat?

Not sure where is boat, but crystals above characters heads are Celestial Crown, loot from Celestial Champion on moon island. It's a lategame bossfight.

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My now-obligatory Valentine's picture:


(I've actually done a variation of that every year since 2017) anyway next up is...


Um, kitty, you're...you're kinda in the way...what if I need to update my mods? um...cat...


(seriously props to whoever programmed that bit of behaviour--having the cat actually LIE DOWN ON THINGS YOU MIGHT NEED is so accurate)


The first night I took my new kitty, Torch Lily, home, she IMMEDIATELY asserted dominance as THE flower-related pet around here, thankyouverymuch, by going to sleep _on_ Glommer's flower.  XD
(Yes, Torch Lillies are a real flower and they're cool-looking.  A neighbor of mine has a bush of them.)


(Documentary Narrator Voice)  "And here we see the Ticoon mother in her natural habitat, leading her kits to the savannah so they can learn how to hunt."


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Got this perfect ocean gen lately with waterlogged, pearls island, and CK next to each other:


Pearl: "I know you're still out there, my dear. I won't ever give up"

CK: "God dammit women I'm right here, now could you please stop pelting me with bottles!"

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Wow, that is the purplest lighting that ever purpled.  In the history of purple.

I have a mod that makes the cursed lighter skin's purple light have a matching lighting effect...


But that is NOTHING compared to the purpleness of your pictures.  Also, "purple" now no longer sounds like a word.  : P


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