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Chat Topic: What's on your mind?


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14 minutes ago, DragonMage156 said:

Where did these go again? Eh, can't remember. Have some more sexy shipwrecked hair whips :D :



OMG Wickerbottom looks like Olivia Gladstone!! XD *theories pop into mind*


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Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes!

I'm actually going to be celebrating my birthday Saturday, as my grandparents are coming over tomorrow and my dad will have Saturday off, of course. We'll be going to a Red Robin for lunch; bottomless fries and rootbear floats for everyone! Oh, and burgers. But no one cares about the burgers.

We're actually going to have three cakes. Mine and my dad's birthdays are three days apart, so we usually just celebrate them and the same time. We got the ingredients for two cakes, one for each of us, and then a friend of my dad's told us just recently that he was going to back him a cake for his birthday. We just decided to have all the cakes.

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So i made some Chiapudding today and it was pretty good. In general i start to really enjoy cooking Vegetarian or Vegan because it's actually a lot more convenient to make then most meatdishes.

Like some meatdishes i made years ago i had to properly prepare the meat season it yadda yadda yadda what can end up at about 1 maybe 1 and a half hours of work. Now with Vegetarian or Vegan dishes i need at max maybe 30-45 minutes for them an hour for the really complicated stuff.

Still though i still enjoy some Ham or bacon on my Sandwich that's something you can never take away from me but i don't need to eat a Steak if I can dazzle something just as delicious without the need of meat.

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Ok, I finally created the image I want to use for my signature but it says it doesn't meet the requirements. Ok it may need some resizing (even that didn't work when I tried it) but how does this not meet the requirements of the Klei forums??

I also wanted to include a couple links underneath (cos self advertisment :p ) but it only too up an extra line so...

Wait, could this have gone in a better place?

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14 minutes ago, Adura said:

They breed these things or did they just capture it in the wild?

I'm not sure actually. I'm pretty sure it wasn't captured from the wild, but the bread hasn't really been domesticated yet. She's still really skittish and gets startled by sudden movements and loud noises.

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