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you know what grinds my gears thread

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Random dude joins the game: "Where is base?".


Sure mate hold on a second to check my map, I also left a bunch of torches near the portal just to make sure you have enough to burn everything I've worked on for the last 4 hours.

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You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone takes make gears from a chest and grinds them

No but really, hate people who expect you togo to their death point, wait for them to grab everything, die, and want you to make a heart for them

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I honestly just don't like people who just chill at base and expect me to gather them supplies for them.


"Hey can we get more wood? We need wood!"

"Hey we're low on food, wheres the food?!"

"Man I need this super easy obtainable item but I dont want to leave base! Can you give it to me?"


Uh why don't you leave base dude...?


"Uh, its too dangerous DUH!"


Then I'm at the point whether I should kick him or not. And then I don't because Im a damn softy.


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-When someone joins as WX and eats all the stockpiled gears, leaves, and never comes back


-When a wolfgang decides he needs to be in the mighty form all the time and wastes all the food


-When somebody does nothing but sit at the base (Seriously, how is the game even fun at that point?)


-When someone decides to "brb" then rages because they died to something and everybody didn't drop everything to save them


-When someone steals the thing I just made in the crockpot


-When someone harvests all the farms/drying racks and keeps it to themselves


-When someone disconnects and they have something super important


-When a new person joins and expects everyone to bend over backwards for them


This list actually goes on for quite a while....

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I like making things look a little pretty in DST. What really grinds my gears? When someone picks all my flowers I placed around the beehive :( sure if they are insane it saves their life but I just planted those, plus I just said after I offered to show you where I put the bees, "please don't pick the flowers. Kthx!" ...after they pick the flowers:   "oh, i didn't hear that part..." Those were for the preciouse bebabies....  


I don't mind directing the new people to base. A 'Hi' first would be nice tho.


However,I don't like people who:


-spam 'Where's the base?' even if they added a plz. 


-need directions this seccond 'or else.'


What also bothers me is people who don't know that planting trees really close together and chopping them spawns treeguards. Like, 99.9% of the time they all plant trees packed close together in a clump. It's very reasonable that nobody know this though, and it's not that big of a deal unless we're all 30 health or less, have no armor, ect.


Brave people who decide to attack things early game without armor and who can't kite and die before we can even find spiders. I guess when you are new it's a time of exploration and they don't know about armor, but Please don't play the hero and run in axe a-flailing. I guess when they are new they don't notice how much health they are losing from that tallbird per hit when they are too busy smacking it.

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Rude people.

I am usually not a mean person in-game. Because of that, I sometimes end up having to baby-sit (lmao) noobs at my base which is seriously more challenging than surviving on your own. Holy crap though, the attitudes I've gotten from some of these people once in a while. They can be so ungrateful.

Also, as people have mentioned before, "WHERE IS BASE?????" Unless I know the people on the server, I never ask this because it comes off as being noob-ish. In my opinion, it's best to explore the map and gather supplies first so that you can prove to others that you aren't just a leech when you get to their base.

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What really grinds my gears:


When devs make all the giant mechanics completely different from each other (some spawning during intended seasons, some don't; some have one base, some have more bases, some have none; one has x10 health while others have x2 health; one sheds pieces of a specific item, others don't, meaning that we will in the end have more Thick furs relatively than other giants' special items). But then again, I am making a mod that will rebalance them for this. :3


And it's like 50% done now.

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Wow, i could make a book with what really grinds my gears in Dst, but here are the main ones for me:


When the servers with the lower ping here all have mods, especially the backpack mod. It completely takes away the problem of inventory management (which i consider a quite big part of the challenge). Come on people, you don't have to carry all the possible tools and resources all the time.


As others said, when someone just stay in the base all day long wasting food and supplies and doing absolutely nothing.


When i join a server and get insta-banned for no reason. If you don't want strange people in the server, put a f-ing password in it. Or check the option "friends only".

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When people can't navigate well enough to take simple cardinal directions after joining. 

"Walk directly East until you see the path, follow it South until you see the base" etc shouldn't be too hard. It is a waste of my time and sometimes risky to drop what I'm doing and waste half the day going to get you. 

Then, when I do go to get you, you make walking there take forever by stopping to pick up every bit of grass on the way home.

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I only really play with friends at this point, basically because of everything listed in this topic.


But you know what grinds my gears? 


No mushtree #bringonthemushtrees #Clownbabyneedshismushtrees


(No really though, I can't think of anything :razz:)

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Structures being set alight by greifers.

People purposely dying and staying on to eventually kill us all.

No mushtrees. 

People asking where the base is when they have just got on.

I'm not annoyed by the asking for flint bit since a good portion of the time there's either very few bits left scattered at places nobody goes to or there is just none left at all, so join a server that is less then 20 days old at the most if not earlier.

People joining up at winter and expecting someone to come over and help them.

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I got another one. How about when clay (Klei) will not implement locked boxes and instead watches over us like a god in amusement as we squabble over resources stolen and plundered . lol.  Do I have to sacrifice more volt goats upon the stone just to make you happy and bring upon us the technology of locked boxes.  I have been forced to turn to black magic (aka mods) to prevent chaos and keep DST out of the dark ages.  What kind of gaming god would turn his back on his people like this?  

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I remember when I first started and everyone was dumb, we died and I enjoyed myself so much.


Now a thousand hours into DS/DST I just cant abide stupid mistakes, and cant tolerate playing with randoms any longer, but cant find anyone to play with :(


Life was so much better when I sucked.

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did you expect all of them to just be a reskinned Deerclops?


It would be pretty dull that way, though since deerclops goes after structures and bearger goes after food, in a way they are both similar since you will most likely have those in the vicinity of a camp.

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Guys! Guess what I've just found out; Gmoose spawns in every single nest that is in the world! There's 3 of them in the game right now, so you'll always get 3 Gmooses in total in the game! I already killed 2 Gmooses and 12 Mosslings, which overall gave be 30 feathers. Hoping to kill that third one, and I must say, Gmoose and Mosslings really need to be buffed! They're very easy to kill! Gmoose is easy to kite and Mosslings, I can just tank with enough armour and they'll be dead in seconds! Also, because Mosslings won't go in rage mode until Gmoose is dead, that makes things very easy for me!

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Gmoose and Mosslings really need to be buffed
that's not really new. I have little to no knowledge about how the new giants work, but, assuming you have to go there and kill the Goose, then it should be expected to be made harder(unlike in DS, which is kinda okay, because he goes after you in an easy season, but not really) 
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