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So instead of making a bunch of threads for each individual character, I decided just to make a long one to not spam. Note that some of these are not my ideas, and will credit in the section used and in a separate "Credit" when using these. Also note that these ideas are my opinions, and thus it can, and maybe should be, debated. Finally, the sections will be segmented by character and then by perk to reduce scrolling if you revisit, quickly find parts to debate, and to just take in each one of these individually. I also apologize for any misspellings or something not clearly explained as I will eventually get tired and not catch them when writing (fixed somewhat). So without further ado, lets start.




Wilson is bland. He is a perfect for new players but besides that, he is pretty boring. However, the dilemma is to find the perfect balance between being interesting and being simple for new players, and I have a idea of how to do it, maybe, hopefully. 



-Add 2 additional stages, occurring on days 25 and 32 if it hasn't been shaven since day one.

-Stage 4 Beard: 175 insulation , -5% speed, 12 beard hair from shaving

-Stage 5 Beard: 225 insulation, -10% speed, 15 beard hair from shaving

-Add the ability to trim your beard. You hover the razor over Wilson, and you will lose a beard tier but you will gain beard hair equal to the beard level before the trimming (trimming at stage 5=5 bead hair, trimming at stage 3=3 beard hair, etc.). You can't trim at stage 1. This will not get rid of shaving.

-Add a item called "Beard Grower". Using one will instantly grow your beard one stage. Can also be used by Webber for his beard and can be used on shave Beefalo to regrow their fur. Crafted at an Alchemy Engine for 3x Slurtle Slime, 1x Beard Hair, 1x Gold. This is so that you can control your face mane more, so that you can reach the higher tiers faster.

You see, the beard had to be improved. It would just feel weird to add new stuff to Wilson without improving his current and only perk. It also made it little better and adds some more beard control. 

Excels at Medicine and Science:


-Doubles the healing by Mosquito Sacks, Spider Glands, Healing Salve, and Honey Poultices. Can be applied to other characters for the same benefit.

-Increases range of research stations. Will also have all players be able to gain knowledge from multiple research stations, as well as having the multiple crafting menu at the bottom from single player.

-Double Sanity regain by using blueprints or prototyping stuff.

With the Forge and his quote for the Peg Leg "I can preform amputations if anyone'd like to wear it for real." shows that he is somewhat adept at healing others. With that I assumed that he can figure out how to apply it better then other people, assuming that he can amputate a limb with no complications. His love of science also helps with his endeavors by getting more excited by learning new things then other characters. This also helps new players survive because when they start out, they will be using prototyping as source of sanity and healing with things like glands, thus adding this change helps them by making it so that they can get more out of these things and allow them to survive longer.

Can Summon Shadow Wilson:


-Can use one Nightmare Fuel to summon Shadow Wilson for a day.

-S. Wilson will mimic you to the way you dot your T's and I's. Will mimic your equipment and stats. Will so the exact actions that you do. Will closely follow you.

-Can be interacted with to be able to put 4 items in him, as well as a unique slot for nightmare fuel so you can keep him for multiple days.

-When He dies, He will drop his stuff into a shadow wrap, like a bundled supplies package, but you can't pick it up and will have spoilage in it. 

-Can give the puppet to any other character and will be theirs until it dies. Maxwell will not accept the puppet due to it not really being his. 

Long ago, in the days of no dlc and no together, there would be a shadow Wilson which would tell you when the next update would be. I thought "why don't we implement them into the game?" and thus I did. Besides that, I added him so that Wilson can have a late game but simple perk. This would give you a perk that helps you in every season that is not winter. For a lorical reason, It can assumed that like with Maxwell, he was on the throne long enough that he got some power imprinted on him.

I reworked Wilson like I did because I wanted to see him be a bit more useful to new players and the team as a whole. He can heal everyone after fights and give characters puppets to assist them, this gives benefits to the team and make Wilson less of a Single character.

Wilson's New Perk List:

-Can Grow a Magnificent, Luxurious Beard

-Excels at Medicine and Science

-Can summon a Shadow Copy




His Mightiness:


-Restrict his damage boost to only 2x so we can't have 600 damage per blow dart.

-Removes Speed Boost, but will remove up to 50% of a speed reduction.

-Reduces Max. Max. Hp to 250, instead of 300

-Even Higher Hunger Drain

While it maybe simple, it reduces the mighty form as at straight up upgrade for every occasion to a form where you activate for damage only and maybe statue moving. I just tried to limit his power so that he can't deal 600 damage with a single attack. This also makes so that with any new content that adds a way to get even more powerful. The statue thing was because one of his main draws was his constant speed boost. So I decided to instead shift that power to his back and muscles then his legs.

His Wimpyness:


-Restricts the damage reduction to 75% to match Wes and Wendy.

-Adds a 10% speed reduction to all armors and backpacks.

-Increases Min. Max. Hp to 150

-Even lower hunger drain

Just making it less potent so you will be screwed over less by not having food. It should still be a punishment, but not to such a ridiculous degree. Also the armor and backpack thing was added to show that he truely is getting weaker without just making him slower.

-Has a bunch of Phobias, panics when scared.


-Sanity drain increased to 1.5 for a more significant effect.

-When Sanity reaches the Insanity cap, Wolfgang will start panicking. While panicking, he will turn out of his mighty form and will lose hunger and will gain a 10% speed boost when running away from monsters, but a -10% from going to monsters.

-Wearing a nightmare amulet or bone helm will not activate the panic effect unless worn for a min. straight.

The effect we have now is a bit lackluster. The one that I suggested actually gives him a noticeable downside that you have to play around.

-Can Carry Buildings While Mighty


-While Mighty, Wolfgang can carry any craftable building on his back with the same weight slowdown as a marble sculpture.

-Wolfgang must tie a rope around storage containers to carry them.

-Wolfgang can offer to carry other players. If they go up to him and right click on him, he will piggyback them. Will slowdown -1% for each item in their inventory. Will also slowdown for backpacks and armor.

-Can carry Chester and Hutch.

-Can't carry the Werebeaver, Pigs, and Bunnymen.

With Wolfgang's new found strength in his spine, I figured that allowing him to carry buildings could allow you to be proactive in the team by allowing you to move structures around to new places which can lead to a more nomadic play styles. Allowing to Piggyback player also helps by him being able to reduce the time that everybody has to walk there.   

Overall, Wolfgang is a bit to powerful as is, even further with a Warly, so I think its only reasonable to limit him, but to keep his original intention alive. I believe that he is should be less powerful and I think this maybe put his down a peg but also makes him a bit more involved.

Wolfgang's New Perk List:

-Gets Mighty with Food

-Can Carry a Structure while Mighty

-Is plagued with phobias.




Wendy is a little girl with the amount of edge that would make a double edged sword jealous. Wendy relies on Abigail to both protect her and thus the majority of her rework should be focused on her. There will be a few more things, but Abigail will be the main focus.



-Increases Hp to 900 from 600, this makes her not die as often.

-Wendy will gain a new structure to the magic tab, a sacrificial alter. By placing Abigail's flower on the pedestal and inserting a gem into the pedestal, you will be prepared for a sacrifice. By killing something near the alter, or by having Wortox give a soul to the alter, the power of the gem will be inserted into the flower. There can only be 6 upgrades given to the flower before it becomes overloaded and burns away. The effects will also only be applied to the flower until Abigail dies again. The following will be the effects from the gems inserted.

-Red Gem: Further increases Hp by 100 Hp per gem. Max is +600 Hp or 1,500 Hp Max.

-Blue Gem: Reduces time between attacks by 0.1 seconds per gem. Attacks twice per second when fully implemented.

-Purple Gem: Increases Damage by 3 per gem. Gives a sanity drain of 1.5 per gem. The drain will always be applied to Wendy. At max. Abigail will do 28 damage at day, 38 during dusk, and 68 during the night.

-Yellow Gem: Increases Light Range. Abigail will still somewhat avoid Wendy but the range might be enough to avoid death by darkness.

-Green Gem: Increases Drop Chance by 5% for each non-boss drop for each enemy. If it goes over 100%, it will give a chance to drop a additional one of the item. The Krampus Sack will only gain 1% drop chance for each gem.

-Orange Gem: Increase Range of the Attack. 

-Iridescent Gem: Gains Damage boost based on the moon. +150% during a full moon, -50% during a new moon, waxing and waning will be gaining and draining between the two, respectively. Only one be applied.

Abigail needs some sort of upgrade to her, and adding a upgrade system seems like a decent way to implement that. While Wendy making a alter might be bit more ridiculous, it fits her character gimmick fine. Using souls to power up a spirit is somewhat common troupe and it is a good way to interweave this into Abigail.



-Wendy gains 2 different commands for Abigail, Banish and Retreat

-Banish: Abigail goes back into her flower, this won't get rid of the upgrades. Will remove the sanity drain from the purple gems. Must kill something else to re summon Abigail.

-Retreat: Abigail will go back to Wendy immediately.

-Wendy will be neutral to ghosts. They don't hate her due to her having a ghost near her a lot.

-Wendy will not lose sanity from dead players, as she is comfortable with ghosts.

-Wendy will now apathetic to everything. Shes will only lose and drain sanity at 65%.

-Wendy will not regain sanity from resurrecting someone .

Just some simple tweaks to make Wendy a bit more of this sister of a ghost related character. I got the apathetic nature from her based on the edge of her quotes, also the amount of suicidal quotes makes her seem like she really doesn't care about dying.

Wendy isn't someone who needs a bunch of attention when it comes to reworking, so I didn't spend that much time on her. I do think that these quality of life changes could work but its up for you to decide.

Wendy's New Perk List:

-Can summon her twin sister, Abigail

-Has the arms of a child, because she is one

-Is apathetic to everything




Wx is a character that is very simple to play with, but the problem is that his upgrading makes him a bit too boring as having 400 health makes bosses a bit too easy. His gear munching makes him a sort of a pariah in pubs, so why don't we fix it?

-Repaired by Gears


-Can not eat gears anymore, instead he will be repaired.

-Repairing recovers 90 Hp

-Repairing takes 5 seconds per gear.

This stops gear munching by making it so that you can only healed by it, not filled with hunger and sanity. This might give you a chance for ice box in pubs!

-Can be Upgraded with Kits


-Wx will get a new tab called "Robotics", this will be the tab for all of our new craftables. The tab will show up near a alchemy engine to be prototyped.

-Wx will have his stats turned back to 100 in each stat initially. He will also start with 3 gears.

-Wx can make kits with 1x Gear, 5x Gold, and a specific material for the upgrade. Wx can only take 6 upgrades before becoming too full to add more. Following will be the kits along with their materials. 

-Interior Protection Kit: +67 Hp per kit. Requires 5x Glands. Max. is 500 Hp.

-Motherboard Expansion Kit: +67 Sanity per kit. Requires 15x flowers. Max. is 500 Sanity.

-Energy Storage Expansion Kit: +67 Hunger per kit. Requires 5x cooked meat. Max. is 500 hunger.

-Leg Output Kit: +4% speed per kit. Requires 10x of any man made turf. Max. is 24% speed. 

-Energy Efficiency Kit: -5% hunger drain per kit. Requires 5x Slurtle Slime. Max. is -30% drain. 

-Plating Replacement Kit: +10% damage reduction and wetness resistance. Requires 3x Cut Stone. Can't gain the effect from Warly's garlic powder with a single upgrade. Max. is 60% innate damage and wetness resistance.

-Electrical Surge Kit: +5% damage at -3 Hp per hit. Further Boosts the power of electrical weapons (1.1 with electrical weapons, still maxes at 2x). Surge adds the electrical bonus to all other weapons. Makes you unable to gain benefits of chili powder and goat jelly. Damage also increases with each kit. Requires 1x Volt Goat Horn. Max. is +30% damage for -18 Hp per hit, with 100 Hp. 

-Surge Efficiency Kit: +1 min. per lightning strike. Requires 5x gold.

-Insulation Interior Kit: +30 Insulation per kit. Requires 5 Beefalo Fur.

-Ventilation Kit: +30 Coolness per kit. Requires 1 Twirly Fan

I tried to make these upgrades balanced. With only 6 upgrades, this means that you can't get all of these benefits to their max, only a bunch with small benefits or one with a big benefit. The way I see it is that if you say maxed out speed, you would only have 100 in each stat, but if you max out a stat, then the other are still at 100. It's sort of a weird balancing act with the way I made it. This also allows you to experiment and make Wx truly yours with the customization.

-Can have a Gem Docketed in him


This idea was siphoned from @DarkPulse91

-Wx can dock a gem into his chest and will gain benefits based on the gem.

-Each Gem will make a meter underneath your Hp to represent how long you have left of the gem. Each Gem lasts 4 min. After 4 min. the gem will turn colorless, making it actually useless.

-One Gem at a time. Upon using a gem, you will not be able to use another one for 8 min. or 1 full day.

-Red Gem: Gives +2 Hp per second. Increases regen of Life Giving Amulet and Bat Bat

-Blue Gem: Turns his Inventory into a Ice Box. Adds the chance to freeze non-boss enemies.

-Purple Gem: +20% Damage. Prevents you from gaining sanity from any source.

-Yellow Gem: +15% Speed. Gives 2.2 sanity regen.

-Green Gem: +1 to all harvested resources. Picking and Picking up speed increased by 15%.

-Orange Gem: Allows to Teleport for 10 damage per port. Allows for the first 15 items you come across to be instantly teleported into your inventory. Allows you to teleport to the closest Lazy Deserter with a Desert Stone.

-Iridescent Gem: Swaps Sanity and Enlightenment. Shows the stage of the moon at all times.

This idea was good, and I fleshed it out. For a reason why this could be added, then it could be rooted back into Wagstaff. He could have added a gem compartment that would have allowed a gem to be in his chest for some elegance, but when Wx was transported to the constant and met with Wickerbottom or Wilson, they decided to make it useful. Besides that, he should have this because the 7 gems don't really need to have a bunch of their amulets and tools. The only exception maybe orange gems for lazy explorers, green gems for green gem screwery, and red gems for life giving amulets but besides those, they don't really need a lot of them made into staffs and amulets thus leading to a collection of them. This would allow them to be used by a character to give them boosts at the cost of drying them up. 

-Has No Soul


-Can't be revived via normal means.

-Can make a Robot Gurney. A structure to make a duplicate of Wx. You use gears on the structure and make the duplicate. You can use it to swap out the duplicates for a new Wx. They will have no memory of prototyping and your map. They will also have new upgrade slots.

-When you die, your control will immediately be transferred to the next available Wx.

-When you die, your gears from the kits will be dropped with no skeleton.

-When you die with no spare Wx, you will be forced to the character screen if with other people, if alone, the you will be forced to roll back or regenerate the world.

Wx doesn't have a soul and thus he shouldn't have a ghost as you need a soul to have a ghost. I intend for this make player have a more cautious play style, but to also have the ability to make a verity of Wx's for a verity of situations like having one for speed or having one for tanking, it just depends on how many gears you can make.



Swiped from @Canis

-At 25% wetness, your UI will start glitching

-At 50% Wetness, Your stats can't be seen, except wetness.

-At 75% You will start rusting, slowly slowing you down.

-At 100% You rust solid. You will still move super slowly. You can remove rust with Slurtle Slime,

It makes it interesting and combining the it will make more of a threat. It can make sure that if you get wet then it makes it annoying but not cripple you.

Overall, my ideas makes Wx one of the most complex characters in the game, and he should. Robotics isn't easy you know? Besides that, I consider this one my favorite because of the customization potential with the other characters. Also my soulless punishment may seem tough, but I think that these should both make sense and makes you have a different mindset while playing, both of which applys. 

Wx's New Perk List:

-Can be Upgraded with Gems and Kits

-Can Charged with Lightning, Ignores Spoilage

-Despises Rain, Has No Soul




Time to make the Empress into a peasant. Maybe a princess, she still can be powerful but not as powerful/



-Applied Horticulture: Only grows 30 plants on screen. I did this so that

-On Tentacles: Grows 5 baby tentacles. The baby tentacles will have 100 Hp, lasts until killed, and have a 40% tentacle spot drop chance. Besides that, their identical to the baby tentacles spawned by the tentapiller. This was changed so you can't make these crazy farms for bee queen or splmunkey's that give you resources that would normally be difficult to obtain.

-Sleepytime Stories: Increase the Nightmare Fuel cost, from 2 to 5. It's fine just a bit too cheap.

-End of the World: get rid of it, it cause too much griefing.

New ones:

Shadow Lectern: Summons shadow hands that deal 50 damage to every creature on screen. 12 uses. Must be crafted near a broken ancient psuedo science station. I see this mainly being used to deal with mobs that bosses spawn, the larva with Dragon Fly and the the shadow things with the fuelweaver.

Vascular Resurrection:  Puts the ruins in high for the rest of the day. Allows for the shadow clockworks to be fought that day despite the moon phase. Not really that useful, but it does allow her to combo with other characters to take advantage with being able to kill shadow clockworks when ever and having the ruins on high.

Medical Operations: Heals you for 80 Hp, lose 150 sanity. 

I wanted to rebalence her books because as they are now, they are too strong. I also wanted to add a few book ideas of my own. 




-She can't eat spoiled foods.

That's it.



-Knows what animal will be spawned when hunting when examining tracks.

-Can tell when a hound, depths worm, or boss attack is going to happen a day early (will announce it). Also works with sinkholes.

-Can tell what Crock pot dish is going to be made.

-Doesn't Consume Blueprints, but instead will learn them and keep them for someone else. Will still consume exotic/boss blueprints.

-Knows how long until a plant spoils.

-Knows how long until grass turns alive.

A bunch of knowledge that Wicker should have known about with reading so much. This is also added upon when considering that she can regonize patterns and can predict when they will come.

This rework is a nerf for Wicker, and that's what I wanted. Wicker is so broken that any fun that can be driven from her books just ignoring problems like food or putting enemies asleep. I just don't like her, hate me if you want but I believe that my rework makes her a all around better character. Also the nerfing of the books.

Wick's New Perk List:

-Can Make her own Books

-Knows many things

-Can't Sleep or eat stale food.




Thanks @Canis for a majority of these ideas.

Woodie currently is honestly very bad. His perk can be ignored when not chopping and his downside makes him loses more logs then he gains. So with his rework coming up, it's about time I threw my ring into the hat (no I didn't mix that up).



-More Lucy Quotes

-Werebeaver skin compatibility

-The ability to choose Lucy's color at the start of the game. This will extend to other character to allow them to change their starting items if they have skins for the items.

-175 Max. Hp

-Can't craft any axes

-Beaverness will act like it does in DS and have the same penalties, except for dropping everything upon turning.

-Ability to make a Lucy holster, a slot to have Lucy on you constantly and doesn't get in the way of any other slots.

-Wood can be eaten to gain beaverness when not near trees.

-Boards give more beaverness.

-Living logs reduce Sanity but will heal 50 Hp

-Wormwood will lose sanity near the Werebeaver.

-Lucy is immortal



Lucy is almost useless. It leaves much to be desired. So weak, so single focused, it leaves a hollow version of what it could be. Also she sucks. The main problem with Lucy is that she is a axe, and that's it. She excels at chopping, but she is entirely useless besides that. So my idea is to make her a multi tool. If she were made into a multi tool, that would solve the problems of her being useful for a single task. Tools can be replaced by putting the attachment over Lucy and putting it on her. Swapping works the same way. Woodie can craft the parts by being near a alchemy engine for additional tool heads. Axe Blades replace actual Axes. Tool Handles just have the the parts with no middle man. Additional Heads will have infinite durability but not the efficiency bonus.

Axe Blades:

Flint Blade: Standard Blade.

Golden Blade: Reduces Beaverness per Chop.

Thulucite Blade: Lucy's main head now can mine, Lucy's other heads gain a 25% efficiency boost. Can instantly complete a Task by consuming 5 Nightmare Fuel.

Moon Glass Blade: Even Further Increased Chopping Efficiency. Breaks after 100 chops.

Additional Heads:

Pickaxe Head

Shovel Head

Depthed Pickaxe Head: Shovel+Pickaxe

Hamaxe Head: Hammer

Pitchfork Head

Waraxe Blade. Increase Lucy's damage to 45 damage. Made with a spear, axe blade, and living log. Doesn't increase axe efficiency

Tool Handles:

Walking Cane: 25% speed

Living Log Handle: Heavy sanity drain, increased treeguard chance, increased beaverness per chop, doubles drops when harvesting.

I think upgrading Lucy would the best course of action because it would make her interesting and useful and would make more then a axe.



The beaver is kinda of bland and doesn't give many benefits, do lets fix that.

-Increasing damage to 45, increases damage by 300% for fighting treeguards (135 damage per hit).

-Reducing beaverness faster when biting rocks.

-Increased speed from 1.1 to 1.35

-Damage reduction of 80%

-Beaver retains health from Woodie.

-Beaverness was going to perpetually grow until the beaver turns back.

-The Beaver slams down his tail to uproot stumps and scares mobs away. Can only happen every 15 sec.

Yeah this was mostly @Canis's ideas. The reason for buffing the werebeaver was to make him stronger, because his potential currently is kinda crappy.

I think Woodie should be less of a supreme gatherer and more of a mix of a gatherer and fighter, a contrast of Maxwell who excels at gathering but sucks at fighting. While some may argue that Woodie is suppose to stay as a Lumberjack, I argue that he while that can be the primary focus of his character, I think that having have a wider range of tasks that he can be proficient in would help people choose him more.I hope that at least some of my ideas and Canis's ideas are made into fruition in some form.

Woodies Perk List stays the same.




The man, the myth, the puppetmaster, ladies and gentlemen welcome, William Maxwell Carter. Maxwell currently is the second best gatherer in the entire game (Bearger is actually absurd if used correctly) and he fills his role quite nicely. I think he may need a little bit more fire but he doesn't really need a rework.



-Maxwell can use gold version of tools to satisfy the summoning requirement. Wigfrid's battle spear counts as the gold version of the spear.

-Wearing a nightmare amulet or Bone Helm will boost puppet efficiency by 25% each. 50% when wearing both. Damage puppets gain damage then efficiency.

-Puppets have 3 new commands (available above equipment). Free, Close, and Codex.

-Free: How they act now

Close: Will stick to your sides and won't do their actions without you also preforming them.

Codex: Puppets will go to the nearest Codex Umbra and will stay there and preform their actions within 3 tiles of the Codex.

-Duelists reduces damage by 60%

-Workers have 40 Hp.

-All puppets have uniqe hats (cosmetic).

-Can make 4 new puppets

-Picker: Picks up a material you want within 2 tiles and will pick them up and give them to you. Requires 2 berries.

-Porter: Has 4 more Inventory Slots. Requires 2 Rope.

-Knight: Deals 68 damage and 95% damage reduction. Requires a Dark Sword.

Rower: Rows in the same direction you set. Requires 1 Oar.

Mostly just simple tweakings and QoL.




Maxwell's suit starts off ripped, giving 6.67 sanity per min. He can repair the suit for 20 sanity per min. for 3 days. This timer drains faster when wet. Maxwell can't repair his suit with tape.

This part is meant to help him have even more sanity escapades and to put his original sanity regen back in the game some way and this was good way to do it. It also doesn't make sense how in between Ds and Dst he somehow lost some dapperness, and I think my idea explains it.



While everyone may say that having him having all 1 tier magic recipes unlocked may be good, it is also a tad bit broken. You have access to things like ice staffs, fire staffs, pan flutes, and meat effigies right off the bat. My solution is too instead increase his magic abilities then to have him know about them.

-All sanity drain from using magic is cut 1/2'd

-All equipment drains 1/2 as fast (doesn't apply to Dark Sword and Night Armor).

-Refueling something with Nightmare Fuel refuels it 1.5 times faster

-Amulets drain slower

This change may seems somewhat unnecessary but this adds character to this character and adds a brand character that specializes in something that nobody else does.

While Maxwell maybe fine already, he should have a bit more to it just to have more. All the character are suppose to be reworked but Maxwell is can really only go up from where he is because you can't really make him worse.


And that's all of my ideas. While I do believe that this collection maybe too long and maybe some parts need a bit more fleshing out or explaining, I'm too tired to say anything else and thus I will answer/fix anything that is requested. If you want to argue about my ideas, please do, criticism is the breaker of spirits but is also the way to figure out what you suck at. And to everybody out there, thank you for reading, have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night. 






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Just now, __IvoCZE__ said:

Shadow wilson hand is a crappy au

Eh. I just though that wilson puppet might be fun and might show the concequrnce of the throne. If enough people say its bad, I can remove that part but Im keeping the idea there.

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41 minutes ago, Frashaw27 said:

So instead of making a bunch of threads for each individual character, I decided just to make a long one to not spam.

These ideas feel like they were quickly rushed without including arguments why the characters should have abilities like these, and some of these will ruin gameplay for sure.

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Just now, Viktor234 said:

These ideas feel like they were quickly rushed without including arguments why the characters should have abilities like these, and some of these will ruin gameplay for sure.

Good idea aill be be sure to add that in when I wake up. But could you point out a few that could ruin gameplay so that I know what to look for?

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i prefer summon or build clockworks and little robots to shadow wilson and he need play around gears and science maybe wilson can craft very different items or  eguiple items from boss items + gears and these items gives players to new abbilities or buffs but wx gets infinity buff and this stiuation makes first duo chars  also i would like to see wx like wormwood spend health and make gear (of course wx need different play style too but ) give wilson your gears and let him craft for you to upgradeble items 

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If I am not mistaken, Klei said that they didn't pretend to nerf any characters. Also, I remember they saying somewhere that Wolfgang isn't dumb but just doesn't knows english properly (mighty boi is just doin his bes). 

I agree with Klei's standpoint of not nerfing characters, that said, I really like the WX rework ideas as from my point of view they aren't nerfing them, but just making them interesting in other ways (even though the numbers may need some adjustments).

PS: I think there's a typo in the WX upgrades section, at the start it says they can get 8 upgrades max, but at the end it says 6.

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26 minutes ago, Paddlefruit said:

End of the World book idea came to fruition, there would be no more Willow griefers and only Wickerbottom griefers.

Well you see, I wanted the book to make sense but yeah it seems to bad. Thr problem is that the book should be bad in some sort but that means that all variations whould be used in griefing.

17 minutes ago, Pruinae said:

If I am not mistaken, Klei said that they didn't pretend to nerf any characters. Also, I remember they saying somewhere that Wolfgang isn't dumb but just doesn't knows english properly

Well you see with Wickerbottom that I though I need to make her worse necause she her books are so strong that she negates hunger by making so much food, kill absurd amount of birds for food, feathers, and naughtiness, and can kill bosses and grief with tentacles. She just seemed a bit to strong. Wolfgang was a bit better, he didnt need to be nerf in every area, more like limit the potential so that you can't kill misery in a min. Under any circumstances. I didn't know they considered him having broken english. I have also read his cabinet description and had kust decided to increase the rate and be done with it.


6 hours ago, Remps said:

summon or build clockworks and little robots to shadow wilson and he need play around gears and science

Ypu see their is one glaring issue and that is, you already can. Go into the ruins and use gears on a robot pile and you will get a robot companion. Sure it can be tweak so that it plays nice with other companions but besides that, they are fine. Robotic things are more of Wx's thing and it doesn't really make sense to have multiple characters have a focus around robots (I consider Wagstaffs things be more inventions then robotics).

6 hours ago, Remps said:

wx like wormwood spend health and make gear (

The issie with this os that it means that he can repair him self with said gears. This can make a loop where you either make the cost so asurd that it can't be healed easily or you get the scenario where he can infinately create gears and thus can repaired and upgraded to no end. It just seems a bit too broken for me.

Thank you to everyone for responding, I'll be making the edit soon.

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8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

So instead of making a bunch of threads for each individual character, I decided just to make a long one to not spam. Note that some of these are not my ideas, and will credit in the section used and in a separate "Credit" when using these. Also note that these ideas are my opinions, and thus it can, and maybe should be, debated. Finally, the sections will be segmented by character and then by perk to reduce scrolling if you revisit, quickly find parts to debate, and to just take in each one of these individually. I also apologize for any misspellings or something not clearly explained as I will eventually get tired and not catch them when writing. So without further ado, lets start.


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Wilson is bland. He is a perfect for new players but besides that, he is pretty boring. However, the dilemma is to find the perfect balance between being interesting and being simple for new players, and I have a idea of how to do it, maybe, hopefully. 


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-Add 2 additional stages, occurring on days 25 and 32 if it hasn't been shaven since day one.

-Stage 4 Beard: 240 insulation (same as a Beefalo hat), -5% speed, 12 beard hair from shaving

-Stage 5 Beard: 300 insulation (Beefalo hat and breezy vest), -10% speed, 15 beard hair from shaving

-Add the ability to trim your beard. You hover the razor over Wilson, and you will lose a beard tier but you will gain beard hair equal to the beard level before the trimming (trimming at stage 5=5 bead hair, trimming at stage 3=3 beard hair, etc.). You can't trim at stage 1.

-Add a item called "Beard Grower". Using one will instantly grow your beard one stage. Can also be used by Webber for his beard and can be used on shave Beefalo to regrow their fur. Crafted at an Alchemy Engine for 3x Slurtle Slime, 1x Beard Hair, 1x Gold.

You see, the beard had to be improved. It would just feel weird to add new stuff to Wilson without improving his current and only perk. It also made it little better and adds some more beard control. 


Excels at Medicine and Science:

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-Doubles the healing by Mosquito Sacks, Spider Glands, Healing Salve, and Honey Poultices. Can be applied to other characters for the same benefit.

-Increases range of research stations. Will also have all players be able to gain knowledge from multiple research stations, as well as having the multiple crafting menu at the bottom from single player.

-Double Sanity regain by using blueprints or prototyping stuff.

Not the most interesting but still helps new players at the game.


Can Summon Shadow Wilson:

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-Can use one Nightmare Fuel to summon Shadow Wilson for a day.

-S. Wilson will mimic you to the way you dot your T's and I's. Will mimic your equipment and stats. Will so the exact actions that you do. Will closely follow you.

-Can be interacted with to be able to put 4 items in him, as well as a unique slot for nightmare fuel so you can keep him for multiple days.

-When He dies, He will drop his stuff into a shadow wrap, like a bundled supplies package, but you can't pick it up and will have spoilage in it. 

-Can give the puppet to any other character and will be theirs until it dies. Maxwell will not accept the puppet due to it not really being his. 

-When summoned, Wilson can't use his left arm. Which means you can't hold something with your cursor without a empty hand slot. Will not stop you from immediately swapping a item from your inventory into something.

Long ago, in the days of no dlc and no together, there would be a shadow Wilson which would tell you when the next update would be. I thought "why don't we implement them into the game?" and thus I did. Besides that, I added him so that Wilson can have a late game but simple perk. This would give you a perk that helps you in every season that is not winter. The arm thing was made from deviantart user ZombiDJ. Will make a link to a their tumbler page at the end.


I reworked Wilson like I did because I wanted to see him as less boring but to also make him still easy for new players.

New Perk List:

-Can Grow a Magnificent, Luxurious Beard

-Excels at Medicine and Science

-Can summon a Shadow Copy




Wilson's perks are good overall. As for shadow Wilson... I suppose it's possible that he still have some of the throne's power with him. Even though Charlie gave him the succ (I'm not sorry).

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:



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His Mightiness:

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-Restrict his damage boost to only 2x so we can't have 600 damage per blow dart.

-Removes Speed Boost, but will remove up to 50% of a speed reduction.

-Reduces Max. Max. Hp to 250, instead of 300

-Even Higher Hunger Drain

While it maybe simple, it reduces the mighty form as at straight up upgrade for every occasion to a form where you activate for damage only and statue moving. This maybe horrendous in some eyes, but the strength of Wolfgang must get a Nerf.


His Wimpyness:

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-Restricts the damage reduction to 75% to match Wes and Wendy.

-Adds a 10% speed reduction to all armors and backpacks.

-Increases Min. Max. Hp to 150

-Even lower hunger drain

Just making it less potent so you will be screwed over less by not having food.


-Is Simple Mined, Scared of Scary Things

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-Regains Sanity 1.5x faster from all sources

-Loses Sanity 2x faster from all sources

-Loses even more Sanity from simple creatures like spiders and darkness. 

-Has less Sanity drain from darkness when in light

-Less Sanity drain from unsimple creatures like shadow creatures and slurpers

You see from his quotes, he isn't very....smart. Thus it should be accepted that if he should be simple minded. With simple mindedness means he doesn't really know what his opponent is if it isn't very common like spiders, and thus he doesn't know he is suppose to fear it. This is dismissed when something is clearly bigger then him as bigger=stronger.


-Can Carry Buildings While Mighty

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-While Mighty, Wolfgang can carry any craftable building on his back with the same weight slowdown as a marble sculpture.

-Wolfgang must tie a rope around storage containers to carry them.

-Wolfgang can offer to carry other players. If they go up to him and right click on him, he will piggyback them. Will slowdown -1% for each item in their inventory. Will also slowdown for backpacks and armor.

-Can carry Chester and Hutch.

-Can't carry the Werebeaver, Pigs, and Bunnymen.

This is to make him less of a single player character only, as well as giving his some potential for non-fighting tasks. 


Overall, Wolfgang is a bit to powerful as is, even further with a Warly, so I think its only reasonable to nerf him, but to keep his original intention alive. I believe that he is should be less powerful and I think this maybe put his down a peg but also makes him a bit more involved.

Wolfgang's New Perk List:

-Gets Mighty with Food

-Can Carry a Structure while Mighty

-Is Simple Minded




I don't think that Wolfgang should just be simple minded, considering his quotes could just as easally be him not knowing full english (Similar to how Heavy weapons guy has broken english in his quotes, but in the comics is shown to be extreamly intellegent and even has a PHD in russian liturature). I also really dislike flat-out making him immune to another character's perk. Not only does that discourage teamplay in a team-oriented game, but it also devalues Warly as a character sense he can't give his buffs to that character. besides, by this logic, Wigfrid shouldn't be effected by Chilie flakes or garlic powder sense she has both of those perks built in, and Wortox shouldn't be able to heal Wormwood sense Healing's supposed to be a challange for the plant.

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:


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Wendy is a little girl with the amount of edge that would make a double edged sword jealous. Wendy relies on Abigail to both protect her and thus the majority of her rework should be focused on her. There will be a few more things, but Abigail will be the main focus.


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-Increases Hp to 900 from 600

-Wendy will gain a new structure to the magic tab, a sacrificial alter. By placing Abigail's flower on the pedestal and inserting a gem into the pedestal, you will be prepared for a sacrifice. By killing something near the alter, or by having Wortox give a soul to the alter, the power of the gem will be inserted into the flower. There can only be 6 upgrades given to the flower before it becomes overloaded and burns away. The effects will also only be applied to the flower until Abigail dies again. The following will be the effects from the gems inserted.

-Red Gem: Further increases Hp by 100 Hp per gem.

-Blue Gem: Reduces time between attacks by 0.5 seconds per gem.

-Purple Gem: Increases Damage by 5 per gem. Gives a sanity drain of 1.5 per gem. The drain range will always be applied to Wendy.

-Yellow Gem: Increases Light Range. Abigail will still somewhat avoid Wendy but the range might be enough to avoid death by darkness.

-Green Gem: Increases Drop Chance by 5% for each non-boss drop for each enemy. If it goes over 100%, it will give a chance to drop a additional one of the item. The Krampus Sack will only gain 1% drop chance for each gem.

-Orange Gem: Increase Range of the Attack. 

-Iridescent Gem: Gains Damage boost based on the moon. +200% during a full moon, -95% during a new moon, waxing and waning will be gaining and draining between the two, respectively. Only one be applied.

Abigail needs some sort of upgrade to her, and adding a upgrade system seems like a decent way to do it.



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-Wendy gains 2 different commands for Abigail, Banish and Retreat

-Banish: Abigail goes back into her flower, this won't get rid of the upgrades. Will remove the sanity drain from the purple gems. Must kill something else to resummon Abigail.

-Retreat: Abigail will go back to Wendy immediately.

-Wendy will be neutral to ghosts

-Wendy will not lose sanity from dead players

-Wendy will now apathetic to everything. Shes will only lose and drain sanity at 65%.

-Wendy will not regain sanity from resurrecting someone .


Wendy isn't someone who needs a bunch of attention when it comes to reworking, so I didn't spend that much time on her. I do think that these quality of life changes could work but its up for you to decide.

Wendy's New Perk List:

-Can summon her twin sister, Abigail

-Has the arms of a child, because she is one

-Is apethetic to everything




Not bad, I actually kinda like the idea of Wendy meddling with dark magic. that being said though, Abigail really, really shouldn't be a gem sponge. That would be like WX's current gear sponge, but worse. Personally, I would rather see abigail get some non-combat utility rather than become an absolute unit at fighting. Let Abigail help Wendy harvest resources by haunting them, and let wendy command her to haunt object like player ghosts. 

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:




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Wx is a character that is very simple to play with, but the problem is that his upgrading makes him a bit too boring as having 400 health makes bosses a bit too easy. His gear munching makes him a sort of a pariah in pubs, so why don't we fix it?

-Repaired by Gears

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-Can not eat gears anymore, instead he will be repaired.

-Repairing recovers 120 Hp

-Repairing takes 5 seconds per gear.

This stops gear munching by making it so that you can only healed by it, not filled with hunger and sanity. This might give you a chance for ice box!


-Can be Upgraded with Kits

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-Wx will get a new tab called "Robotics", this will be the tab for all of our new craftables. The tab will show up near a alchemy engine to be prototyped.

-Wx will have his stats turned back to 100 in each stat initially.

-Wx can make kits with 1x Gear, 10x Gold, and a specific material for the upgrade. Wx can only take 8 upgrades before becoming too full to add more. Following will be the kits along with their materials. 

-Interior Protection Kit: +67 Hp per kit. Requires 5x Glands.

-Motherboard Expansion Kit: +67 Sanity per kit. Requires 15x flowers.

-Energy Storage Expansion Kit: +67 Hunger per kit. Requires 5x cooked meat.

-Leg Output Kit: +5% speed per kit. Requires 10x of any man made turf.

-Energy Efficiency Kit: -10% hunger drain per kit. Requires 5x Slurtle Slime.

-Plating Replacement Kit: +10% damage reduction and wetness resistance. Requires 3x Cut Stone. Can't gain the effect from Warly's garlic powder with a single upgrade.

-Electrical Surge Kit: +10% damage at -3 Hp per hit. Further Boosts the power of electrical weapons (1.2 with electrical weapons, still maxes at 2x). Surge adds the electrical bonus to all other weapons. Makes you unable to gain benefits of chili powder and goat jelly. Damage also increases with each kit. Requires 1x Volt Goat Horn.

-Surge Efficiency Kit: +1 min. per lightning strike. Requires 5x gold.

-Insulation Interior Kit: +30 Insulation per kit. Requires 5 Beefalo Fur.

-Ventilation Kit: +30 Coolness per kit. Requires 1 Twirly Fan

I tried to make these upgrades balanced. With only 6 upgrades, this means that you can't get all of these benefits to their max, only a bunch with small benefits or one with a big benefit.


-Can have a Gem Docketed in him

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This idea was siphoned from @DarkPulse91

-Wx can dock a gem into his chest and will gain benefits based on the gem.

-Each Gem will make a meter underneath your Hp to represent how long you have left of the gem. Each Gem lasts 4 min. 

-One Gem at a time.

-Red Gem: Gives +2 Hp per second. Increases regen of Life Giving Amulet and Bat Bat

-Blue Gem: Turns his Inventory into a Ice Box. Adds the chance to freeze non-boss enemies.

-Purple Gem: +40% Damage. Prevents you from gaining sanity from any source.

-Yellow Gem: +30% Speed. Gives 2.2 sanity regen.

-Green Gem: +1 to all harvested resources. Picking and Picking up speed increased by 15%.

-Orange Gem: Allows to Teleport for 10 damage per port. Allows for the first 15 items you come across to be instantly teleported into your inventory. Allows you to teleport to the closest Lazy Deserter with a Desert Stone.

-Iridescent Gem: Swaps Sanity and Enlightenment. Shows the stage of the moon at all times.

This idea was good, and I fleshed it out.


-Has No Soul

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-Can't be revived via normal means.

-Can make a Robot Gurney. A structure to make a duplicate of Wx. You use gears on the structure and make the duplicate. You can use it to swap out the duplicates for a new Wx. They will have no memory of prototyping and your map. They will also have new upgrade slots.

-When you die, your control will immediately be transferred to the next available Wx.

-When you die, your gears from the kits will be dropped with no skeleton.

-When you die with no spare Wx, you will be forced to the character screen if with other people, if alone, the you will be forced to roll back or regenerate the world.

I though Rain wasn't a good downside, so I made this for the Soulless Automaton.



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Swiped from @Canis

-At 25% wetness, your UI will start glitching

-At 50% Wetness, Your stats can't be seen, except wetness.

-At 75% You will start rusting, slowly slowing you down.

-At 100% You rust solid. If with other people, you will stay in place or have the option to go to a spare Wx if they exist. If you are alone and no other Wx's are around you will not fully rust solid, but you will still move soooooooooooooo sssssssllllllllllooooooowwwllllllllyyyy. You can remove rust with Slurtle Slime,

It makes it interesting.


Overall, my ideas makes Wx one of the most complex characters in the game, and he should. Robotics isn't easy you know? Besides that, I consider this one my favorite because of the customization potential with the other characters. Also my soulless punishment may seem tough, but I think that these should both make sense and makes you have a different mindset while playing, both of which applys. 

Wx's New Perk List:

-Can be Upgraded with Gems and Kits

-Can Charged with Lightning, Ignores Spoilage

-Despises Rain, Has No Soul




As with Wendy, Making WX-78 gems would just make him a gem sponge instead of a gear sponge. The recipes for the upgrades also need looked at. 10 gold is an absolutly absurd ammount of gold. For reference, the only things that come close to needing that ammount are the scaled chest, which is a boss item, The acomploshrine, which is a joke item, and the year of the gobbler/varg/pig king shrines, which are event exclusive. And assuming you can either swap them out, or just loose them on death. Then we're now turning WX-78 from a geap sponge into a gear, gold, and gem sponge.


The soulless perk also doesn't work. for starters, The player ghosts and there actual souls seem to be two seperate things. we know this because when a player dies near Wortox they drop a soul. However, WX doesn't drop a soul, yet still has a ghost, and Webber drops 2 souls, but only has 1 ghost. And Second, we're now just taking his gear current gear sponge trait and putting it onto his ressurection. and in addition, by the way you described it, there would be nothing preventing a WX on a multiplayer server from just picking WX again, which would have the exact same effect of the spare body. meaning you don't even have a good reason to build the body on a multiplayer server.

And as with Wolfgang, we shouldn't devalue Warly just for a spesific character.

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:


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Time to make the Empress into a peasant. Maybe a princess, she still can be powerful but not as powerful/


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-Applied Horticulture: Only grows 30 plants on screen.

-Birds of the World: Lessen Bird spawns. Returns to "normal" when near a scarecrow.

-On Tentacles: Grows 5 baby tentacles. The baby tentacles will have 100 Hp, lasts until killed, and have a 40% tentacle spot drop chance. Besides that, their identical to the baby tentacles spawned by the tentapiller.

-Sleepytime Stories: Increase the Nightmare Fuel cost, from 2 to 5.

-End of the World: Starts a aporkylpse like event for 5 days. Every day, hound attacks and depth worms attack. Everyday, metors fall. Constant full moon. The ruins are stuck on high (the gateway won't be blocked). During this event, bosses will deal but also take 1.5x damage. This is not advised to be made if not prepared.


Her books needed to be nerfed.


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-She can't eat spoiled foods.

That's it.



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-Knows what animal will be spawned when hunting when examining tracks.

-Can tell when a hound, depths worm, or boss attack is going to happen a day early (will announce it). Also works with sinkholes.

-Can tell what Crock pot dish is going to be made.

-Doesn't Consume Blueprints, but instead will learn them and keep them for someone else. Will still consume exotic/boss blueprints.

-Knows how long until a plant spoils.

-Knows how long until grass turns alive.

A bunch of knowledge that Wicker should have known about with reading so much.


This rework is a nerf for Wicker, and that's what I wanted. Wicker is so broken that any fun that can be driven from her books just ignoring problems like food or putting enemies asleep. I just don't like her, hate me if you want but I believe that my rework makes her a all around better character. Also the nerfing of the books.

Wick's New Perk List:

-Can Make her own Books

-Knows many things

-Can't Sleep or eat stale food.




>Plant limit on applied horticulture should only apply too food produceing crops. While convinient, infinite grass or twigs isn't really OP.

>What? this change makes no sense. you're spending resources to remove a source of food, feathers and seeds. This change would somehow make the book even more useless than Wes

>while I agree that on tentecles needs nerfed, I have absolutly no idea what you would use this for, other than farming tentecle spots.

>this is a good change.

>While I'm generally against balancing characters around Greifing, mostly because that's what killed Willow and Woodie, I feel that there's a difference between having a slightly easier time burning the base down, and causing the LITTERAL END OF TIMES. seriously though, in SP this could work, but in MP... just no. A much better change would be to make it function like the volcano staff from SW, but for lightning. That way you can actually make the lightning hit where you want it, and potentally even use it offencingly or defencivly.


As for the knowledge thing, I feel like some of that should be put on Lucy, for reasons that I'll cover with Woodie, though also becuase I don't see how pure knowledge can let you tell the future.

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:


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Thanks @Canis for a majority of these ideas.

Woodie currently is honestly very bad. His perk can be ignored when not chopping and his downside makes him loses more logs then he gains. So with his rework coming up, it's about time I threw my ring into the hat (no I didn't mix that up).


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-More Lucy Quotes

-Werebeaver skin compatibility

-The ability to choose Lucy's color at the start of the game. This will extend to other character to allow them to change their starting items if they have skins for the items.

-175 Max. Hp

-Can't craft any axes

-Beaverness will act like it does in DS and have the same penalties, except for dropping everything upon turning.

-Ability to make a Lucy holster, a slot to have Lucy on you constantly and doesn't get in the way of any other slots.

-Wood can be eaten to gain beaverness when not near trees.

-Boards give more beaverness.

-Living logs reduce Sanity but will heal 50 Hp

-Wormwood will lose sanity near the Werebeaver.

-Lucy is immortal



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Lucy is almost useless. It leaves much to be desired. So weak, so single focused, it leaves a hollow version of what it could be. Also she sucks. The main problem with Lucy is that she is a axe, and that's it. She excels at chopping, but she is entirely useless besides that. So my idea is to make her a multi tool. If she were made into a multi tool, that would solve the problems of her being useful for a single task. Tools can be replaced by putting the attachment over Lucy and putting it on her. Swapping works the same way. Woodie can craft the parts by being near a alchemy engine for additional tool heads. Axe Blades replace actual Axes. Tool Handles just have the the parts with no middle man. Additional Heads will have infinite durability but not the efficiency bonus.

Axe Blades:

Flint Blade: Standard Blade.

Golden Blade: Reduces Beaverness per Chop.

Thulucite Blade: Lucy's main head now can mine, Lucy's other heads gain a 25% efficiency boost. Can instantly complete a Task by consuming 5 Nightmare Fuel.

Moon Glass Blade: Even Further Increased Chopping Efficiency. Breaks after 100 chops.

Additional Heads:

Pickaxe Head

Shovel Head

Depthed Pickaxe Head: Shovel+Pickaxe

Hamaxe Head: Hammer

Pitchfork Head

Waraxe Blade. Increase Lucy's damage to 45 damage. Made with a spear, axe blade, and living log. Doesn't increase axe efficiency

Tool Handles:

Walking Cane: 25% speed

Living Log Handle: Heavy sanity drain, increased treeguard chance, increased beaverness per chop, doubles drops when harvesting.

I think upgrading Lucy would the best course of action because it would make her interesting and useful and would make more then a axe.



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The beaver is kinda of bland and doesn't give many benefits, do lets fix that.

-Increasing damage to 45, increases damage by 300% for fighting treeguards (135 damage per hit).

-Reducing beaverness faster when biting rocks.

-Increased speed from 1.1 to 1.35

-Damage reduction of 80%

-Beaver retains health from Woodie.

-Beaverness was going to perpetually grow until the beaver turns back.

-The Beaver slams down his tail to uproot stumps and scares mobs away. Can only happen every 15 sec.

Yeah this was mostly @Canis's ideas.


I think Woodie should be less of a supreme gatherer and more of a mix of a gatherer and fighter, a contrast of Maxwell who excels at gathering but sucks at fighting. I hope that at least some of my ideas and Canis's ideas are made into fruition in some form.

Woodies Perk List stays the same.




No. Woodie's a lumberjack, not a miner, a digger, a Warrior, or a Hamm-er. it doesn't make sense charcter wise for him to be able to turn lucy into all of these things. As such, Lucy should get the Clarvoyancy instead of Wickerbottom. that way she has a reason to exist while still being an axe.


everything else is pretty good though


8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:


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The man, the myth, the puppetmaster, ladies and gentlemen welcome, William Maxwell Carter. Maxwell currently is the second best gatherer in the entire game (Bearger is actually absurd if used correctly) and he fills his role quite nicely. I think he may need a little bit more fire but he doesn't really need a rework.


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-Maxwell can use gold version of tools to satisfy the summoning requirement. Wigfrid's battle spear counts as the gold version of the spear.

-Wearing a nightmare amulet or Bone Helm will boost puppet efficiency by 25% each. 50% when wearing both. Damage puppets gain damage then efficiency.

-Puppets have 3 new commands (available above equipment). Free, Close, and Codex.

-Free: How they act now

Close: Will stick to your sides and won't do their actions without you also preforming them.

Codex: Puppets will go to the nearest Codex Umbra and will stay there and preform their actions within 3 tiles of the Codex.

-Duelists reduces damage by 60%

-Workers have 40 Hp.

-All puppets have uniqe hats (cosmetic).

-Can make 5 new puppets

-Picker: Picks up a material you want within 2 tiles and will pick them up and give them to you. Requires 2 berries.

-Porter: Has 4 more Inventory Slots. Requires 2 Rope.

-Archer: Shoots out 50 damage arrow every 6 seconds. Requires 3 blow darts.

-Knight: Deals 68 damage and 95% damage reduction. Requires a Dark Sword.

Rower: Rows in the same direction you set. Requires 1 Oar.

Mostly just simple tweakings and QoL.



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Maxwell's suit starts off ripped, giving 6.67 sanity per min. He can repair the suit for 20 sanity per min. for 3 days. This timer drains faster when wet. Maxwell can't repair his suit with tape.

This part is meant to help him have even more sanity escapades and to put his original sanity regen back in the game some way and this was good way to do it.



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While everyone may say that having him having all 1 tier magic recipes unlocked may be good, it is also a tad bit broken. You have access to things like ice staffs, fire staffs, pan flutes, and meat effigies right off the bat. My solution is too instead increase his magic abilities then to have him know about them.

-All sanity drain from using magic is cut 1/2'd

-All equipment drains 1/2 as fast (doesn't apply to Dark Sword and Night Armor).

-Refueling something with Nightmare Fuel refuels it 1.5 times faster

-Amulets drain slower

This change may seems somewhat unnecessary but this adds character to this character and adds a brand character that specializes in something that nobody else does.


While Maxwell maybe fine already, he should have a bit more to it just to have more. All the character are suppose to be reworked but Maxwell is can really only go up from where he is because you can't really make him worse.



I really don't think Maxwell needs a rework, nor am I much of a fan of these changes. more efficent magic makes sense, but other than that, the only change I would add is letting him make the puppets stop working, that way he can actually use trees and marble beans as base decoration.

8 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

And that's all of my ideas. While I do believe that this collection maybe too long and maybe some parts need a bit more fleshing out or explaining, I'm too tired to say anything else and thus I will answer/fix anything that is requested. If you want to argue about my ideas, please do, criticism is the breaker of spirits but is also the way to figure out what you suck at. And to everybody out there, thank you for reading, have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night. I'm going to bed.


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https://darktwinteekoart.tumblr.com/ (ZombiDJ's Tumbler)




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30 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

No. Woodie's a lumberjack, not a miner, a digger, a Warrior, or a Hamm-er. it doesn't make sense charcter wise for him to be able to turn lucy into all of these things. As such, Lucy should get the Clarvoyancy instead of Wickerbottom. that way she has a reason to exist while still being an axe.


everything else is pretty good though


About Woodie/Lucy: I totally agree with this man!

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4 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

Not only does that discourage teamplay in a team-oriented game, but it also devalues Warly as a character sense he can't give his buffs to that character. besides, by this logic, Wigfrid shouldn't be effected by Chilie flakes or garlic powder sense she has both of those perks built in, and Wortox shouldn't be able to heal Wormwood sense Healing's supposed to be a challange for the plant.

You see the problem is that with Warly, Wolfgang was able to kill bosses too fast. His damage multipliers got ridiculous with Warly's buffs. While it may reduce the cooperation between Warly and Wolfgang, it may be necessary to not take down the highest Hp boss with in 4 min. alone. It just seems too powerful to unchecked.

10 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

Wolfgang should just be simple minded, considering his quotes could just as easally be him not knowing full english

That can be easily solved by the reasoning by I'm changing that.

12 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

Abigail really, really shouldn't be a gem sponge

It can be something else but what else is magical in this world with the exception of living logs and nightmare fuel?

13 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

I would rather see abigail get some non-combat utility rather than become an absolute unit at fighting. Let Abigail help Wendy harvest resources by haunting them, and let wendy command her to haunt object like player ghosts. 

That's a unique take, but I also feel that the amount of the stuff that a ghost can do is very situational. Sure it can save like 3 chops on a big tree, or change some mushrooms to different types, but a majority of the things that ghosts can do aren't really that useful most of the time, not that it can't just that it requires a specific use that only ghosts can provide.

18 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

Then we're now turning WX-78 from a geap sponge into a gear, gold, and gem sponge.

Valid point, maybe the amount can be tweaked but I wanted to make the point that these upgrades are expensive. 5 gold might work, but requiring a gear is essential due to Wx being a robot and thus requiring gears to make changes. Gems will also now require a day day long recharge period in between gems uses.

21 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

WX doesn't drop a soul, yet still has a ghost,

That's what I was trying to fix, removing his soul and subsequently ghost because he wasn't made with one.

22 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

his gear current gear sponge trait and putting it onto his ressurection.

Good point, but all other robots require gears to be rebuilt, and thus Wx should require them to be rebuilt. They would rebuilt with like 3 gears, but also have him start with 3 gears.

25 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

nothing preventing a WX on a multiplayer server from just picking WX again

Another good point I will add that you can't re choose Wx if sent to the character selection screen that way.

26 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

we shouldn't devalue Warly just for a spesific character

I wasn't trying to devalue Warly, just trying to remake the situations where a characters perk gets to a actually ridiculous amount. He still works the same but Wx and Wolfgang can't take that potential when they are at their max. potential. 

30 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

hat? this change makes no sense. you're spending resources to remove a source of food, feathers and seeds. This change would somehow make the book even more useless than Wes

Valid point, I will remove that change.

31 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

While I'm generally against balancing characters around Greifing, mostly because that's what killed Willow and Woodie, I feel that there's a difference between having a slightly easier time burning the base down, and causing the LITTERAL END OF TIMES. seriously though, in SP this could work, but in MP... just no. A much better change would be to make it function like the volcano staff from SW, but for lightning. That way you can actually make the lightning hit where you want it, and potentally even use it offencingly or defencivly.

I'm just removing it entirely as the griefing potential is a bit to strong.

32 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

Woodie's a lumberjack

Thats my problem I have with him. He is a excellent Lumberjack but that is literially all that he is good for. Adding a more general harvesting role makes him be more useful. While I do agree that it doesn't make sense for Lucy to spontaniously gain the ability to gain more parts, but it makes's her have more utility then just a axe. Lucy can be left on the floor for a majority of the game like a regular axe. Lucy can be ignored by Woodie like a normal Axe. Lucy can chop down trees only like a axe. The point is that Lucy isn't just a axe, she can be more then that and adding her clairvoyance doesn't fix the problem of her having the same utility to a axe but with the ability to predict.

39 minutes ago, Theukon-dos said:

I really don't think Maxwell needs a rework, nor am I much of a fan of these changes.

I honestly don't see whats wrong with them. It adds a bit more strength and utility to the shadows. It adds summoning options and summoning alternative. I do agree with the archer being removed, but besides that I don't see why the changes are bad. Please explain.

Thanks for replying.

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The vascular resurrection locks ruins on high and allows the players to summon the shadow clockworks at on any day instead of on new moons. The other books I made are ment to be helpful during boss fights (healing book might need tweaking I admit that).

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2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

You see the problem is that with Warly, Wolfgang was able to kill bosses too fast. His damage multipliers got ridiculous with Warly's buffs. While it may reduce the cooperation between Warly and Wolfgang, it may be necessary to not take down the highest Hp boss with in 4 min. alone. It just seems too powerful to unchecked.


I suppose this is true, though then I would rather just give him diminishing returns, rather than just removing it.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

That can be easily solved by the reasoning by I'm changing that.



2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

It can be something else but what else is magical in this world with the exception of living logs and nightmare fuel?


true, true. But that's still a sponge of valuable gems.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

That's a unique take, but I also feel that the amount of the stuff that a ghost can do is very situational. Sure it can save like 3 chops on a big tree, or change some mushrooms to different types, but a majority of the things that ghosts can do aren't really that useful most of the time, not that it can't just that it requires a specific use that only ghosts can provide.


change mushroom types, turn pigs into werepigs, grow crops, spawn treegaurds, there are options. and they could even add more options

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Valid point, maybe the amount can be tweaked but I wanted to make the point that these upgrades are expensive. 5 gold might work, but requiring a gear is essential due to Wx being a robot and thus requiring gears to make changes. Gems will also now require a day day long recharge period in between gems uses.


That still doesn't fix the issue of WX perpetually consuming gems and gears.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

That's what I was trying to fix, removing his soul and subsequently ghost because he wasn't made with one.


not to be rude, but did you not read what I wrote? All characters drop a soul on death in addition to there ghost (when there's a wortox around ofcourse). Webber drops two souls, as he's a boy inside of a spider, but only has 1 ghost. WX doesn't drop a soul, but still has a ghost. Therefore, we can infer that Ghost and souls are seperate, and as such WX can still have a ghost.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Good point, but all other robots require gears to be rebuilt, and thus Wx should require them to be rebuilt. They would rebuilt with like 3 gears, but also have him start with 3 gears.


Something important to keep inmind is that Gameplay>realism. Sure it's not very realistic that the robot can be revived through conventional means, but what does this methodology add to his gameplay? sure it maeks death a bit more threatening for him, but what does it really do for gameplay? Also, even after all that, this is still the constant we're talking about. S#!%'s wild here.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Another good point I will add that you can't re choose Wx if sent to the character selection screen that way.

I wasn't trying to devalue Warly, just trying to remake the situations where a characters perk gets to a actually ridiculous amount. He still works the same but Wx and Wolfgang can't take that potential when they are at their max. potential. 


I'm sure it wasn't intended, but it still devalues him. If you have 3 others on your team and 2 of them go WX and Wolfgang, then that's 2 characters who you can't use your strongest tools on. therefore making him less valuable.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Valid point, I will remove that change.


much obliged

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

I'm just removing it entirely as the griefing potential is a bit to strong.


not really. As I said, characters really shouldn't be balanced around greifing. And even then, there are 2 things that prevent it from being a decent greif option.

1. torches exist

2. Lightning rods exist. and unlike ice flingos, these are easy to mass produce and can cover massive areas.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Thats my problem I have with him. He is a excellent Lumberjack but that is literially all that he is good for. Adding a more general harvesting role makes him be more useful. While I do agree that it doesn't make sense for Lucy to spontaniously gain the ability to gain more parts, but it makes's her have more utility then just a axe. Lucy can be left on the floor for a majority of the game like a regular axe. Lucy can be ignored by Woodie like a normal Axe. Lucy can chop down trees only like a axe. The point is that Lucy isn't just a axe, she can be more then that and adding her clairvoyance doesn't fix the problem of her having the same utility to a axe but with the ability to predict.


While I agree that Woodie being just a lumberjack is his biggest problem, that doesn't mean it makes sense to also tack on other harvesting roles.he could definitly do them better, but he should still be a lumberjack at heart.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

I honestly don't see whats wrong with them. It adds a bit more strength and utility to the shadows. It adds summoning options and summoning alternative. I do agree with the archer being removed, but besides that I don't see why the changes are bad. Please explain.


there really isn't anything wrong with them. I just don't think Maxwell needs any updates, or atleast not serious ones.

2 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

Thanks for replying.

'tis my pleasure.

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10 hours ago, Frashaw27 said:

The vascular resurrection locks ruins on high and allows the players to summon the shadow clockworks at on any day instead of on new moons. The other books I made are ment to be helpful during boss fights (healing book might need tweaking I admit that).

Uh actually the other books are hella useless, you already have tentacles for damage and you can just make 50 dragonpies with the applied horticulture

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23 hours ago, Theukon-dos said:

don't think that Wolfgang should just be simple minded, considering his quotes could just as easally be him not knowing full english (Similar to how Heavy weapons guy has broken english in his quotes, but in the comics is shown to be extreamly intellegent and even has a PHD in russian liturature).


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About WX, I dont understand the complain about eating gears. Its more like a priority issue between players... 

15 gears are a lot of gears to get max. But its not 400hp or nothing. Time is one of the secrets of the game. As WX, you just have to be organized like for anything else. And when all is clear, even the ruins, you can die 3 or 4 times, max your stats 3 or 4 times, build enough iceboxes, flingomatics, change for another character like I did, then back as WX with 37 gears minus 15. So 23 left on day 950, its almost the end, but day 950, everything is built. And by killing the fuelweaver, I'll have more again.

I like the craft tab idea, but I think you go too far. Maybe WX could craft some useful tools, but replacing gears by all of this, just for himself ? Its worth than eating 15 gears. The gem idea could be something. The blue gem for exemple, if it turns the inventory iced, it must cool the body too. No need to create something more.

Why not making him craft some usefool little WX, some minions which could cut trees or break stones. Or better (robotics) tools. But I think you can mix the kit part with the gem part. It would be interesting to keep the simple gears to up stats and add some permanent perk, by crafting something with gems and more. Just one we could change whenever we want, depends on the situation.

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