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What will happen with the combat-aspect of the game?

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Since we reached the end of the roadmap (disregarding for the sake of discussion the next Mark II update) and further updates will focus on backfilling, do you expect Combat to be fleshed-out or will it always be limited to killing off critters (with only some attack ing back)?

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Aside from dupes dealing more damage with the mining skill, there's nothing resembling combat management in this game and I hope it stays that way. Not to mention you'd have to think of combat tactics relying on guys that can get their head stuck in the floor when you're not looking.

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Certainly there shouldn`t be any demanding battles. More like hunting down agressive critters. Since we can`t manage how the dupes fight agressive critters need to be contained using doors and walls. I magine it will be just mining through biomes with dangerous critters and eliminating them one by one or just circumventing the cave and mining around it.

Maybe dupes could get n extra stat for combat but i can`t imagine anything more complex atm.

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47 minutes ago, goboking said:

I still don't understand the strong aversion some of you have towards combat in this game.

There are enough combat games out there. Take a blind pick and it would most likely be a combat game. Most of the remaining non-combat games have a completely different target audience (e.g. sims, bejeweled). ONI has the chance of becoming one of the rare challenging games that can do without mass-murdering.

And i am saying this as an avid fan of games like starcraft, diablo and the likes.

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1 hour ago, goboking said:

I still don't understand the strong aversion some of you have towards combat in this game.

The thing is it won`t be fun with the system we have now. I mean it`s ok to have a few instances where you have to fight off some criters but in the long run it`s just a repeatable task with little depth to it. If it`s added as a core game mechanic it needs some sort of twist to make it interesting. At least compared to how it works now.

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5 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

The thing is it won`t be fun with the system we have now. I mean it`s ok to have a few instances where you have to fight off some criters but in the long run it`s just a repeatable task with little depth to it. If it`s added as a core game mechanic it needs some sort of twist to make it interesting. At least compared to how it works now.

I'm not sure what you're imagining. When I think a combat aspect in this game, I just imagine a more troublesome creature added to the game, one that'll attack dupes if they get close to it, but otherwise easy enough to take down. Maybe it'll take 3-4 dupes to take it down, 1 dupe if they're specialized for combat. The real challenge will be to tame it, and then it'll be immensely useful. Like, maybe if it had the ability to eat those blasted balm lilly flowers... I wouldn't even really care what it outputs... well, it would be nice if it dropped a ton of meat.

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6 hours ago, blash365 said:

There are enough combat games out there. Take a blind pick and it would most likely be a combat game. Most of the remaining non-combat games have a completely different target audience (e.g. sims, bejeweled). ONI has the chance of becoming one of the rare challenging games that can do without mass-murdering.

And i am saying this as an avid fan of games like starcraft, diablo and the likes.

Adding combat to this game doesn't make it an action game anymore than ranching makes it a farming simulator or rockets make it a space flight simulator.


6 hours ago, Sasza22 said:

The thing is it won`t be fun with the system we have now.

You're obviously entitled to feel this way, but I disagree.  Having to solve problems like escorting pacifist miners past aggressive shockworms sounds like a lot of fun, in my humble opinion..


15 minutes ago, tove96 said:

I'm not sure what you're imagining. When I think a combat aspect in this game, I just imagine a more troublesome creature added to the game, one that'll attack dupes if they get close to it, but otherwise easy enough to take down. Maybe it'll take 3-4 dupes to take it down, 1 dupe if they're specialized for combat.

This is more or less what I'm imagining when I advocate for a more robust combat system.  Give me a new job with a spiffy new helmet, a new building or two, maybe a new room, and some hostile critters that need to be kept at bay and I'm a happy camper.  Aggressive critters are no different than germs, food, oxygen, or power in that they represent a problem for the players to solve.  Again, I'm not sure why this aspect of the game gets such a strong push back.

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12 hours ago, tove96 said:

I'm not sure what you're imagining

I`m imagining something more than just click attack at all the agressive critters nad wait for dupes to do the job.

Some sort of behaviour of the critters. Do they attack in groups? Do they prefer some sort of atmosphere? or light? Maybe they could fear light so you could just keep the area lit to avoid the fight.

Maybe their attacks have some sort of effects: poison that needs medbay treatment. Some kind of web critter that slows movement or entangles dupes so they need to be freed by others. An extremely volatile critter that explodes and damages nearby tiles and dupes.

That`s the sort of stuff i`m imagining. The current system doesn`t support complex battle management so i think there should be unique effects to what happens during the combat so it`s not just click all the enemies and stop caring about what`s happening later.

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Exploring space would be a great opportunity to play against each other,together or against some 3rd party element in space - Or to trade goods or blueprints with each other. Building a little moon landing ferry, which fits on to a rocket would be awesome.

Outsourcing these kind of activities to space ensures that people can build on their current asteroid in peace and can continue to chill out.

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I don't mind seeing some occasional combat in the game.  or a reason to have some combat to fight against something that is protecting one of the special rooms.

This game is similar to Craft the World.   I was playing that before ONI came into development.

Occasional combat now and then is okay. 

Or for some fun,  dead dupes become zombies every X cycles and attack your base so you must kill them off again.  Research some drug to ensure they don't come back.   Make sure you don't have dead dupes and you're fine.       Special room with the brain chair might have a zombie dead dupe. 


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