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Animal Husbandry / Breeding / Early Trap Tech

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Hi klei! I so enjoy this game and have gotten many hours of gameplay!

The latest patch/occupational upgrade has been a true challenge to master. 

I wanted to share my first genuine idea for future iterations of the game. 

I wish you could introduce a occupation or interest for dupes in animal husbandry. they would feed / trap and relocate animals. and BREED them!

Also hopefully they would have a low tech trap to move say basic critters without using plastic, like hatches for instance, and then in between learn breeding and then on our usual high end plastic trapping of flying and oil creatures. 

Anyone else like this?


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I, too, would like an earlier option to trap/relocate animals ... I always end up killing the hatches just because their sound get on my nerves, poor things. you could make it a little harder by making them aggressive/destructive when they're not fed enough ...

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We all want this believe me, Morbs are easy to move because they move constantly in one direction until they hit an obstacle they cannot move over, then they will move in the other etc, so you can lure them easily.

Mesh Doors can also be used to trap creatures, unfrotunately transporting them after that requires you to build a path essentially.

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18 hours ago, daedelusikarius said:

I wish you could introduce a occupation or interest for dupes in animal husbandry. they would feed / trap and relocate animals. and BREED them!

I wouldn't mind some way to bring back the ones that just up and disappear. Those shine bugs are always around and flying through the base but when your ready to use them on gristle berries. They are all gone. You can never find a puft nearby when when you want to suck up some polluted O2.
Need some way to trap them and move them somewhere decent long before plastic.

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10 minutes ago, DraconicSiege said:

Maybe a creature printer like the one for dupes? It might require a source of genetic ooze as the material the new creature is made out of.

Whatever its I need it I killed some of the pufts and few Hatches suicide jumped into the water

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On 16/02/2018 at 5:54 AM, el_fidel said:

I, too, would like an earlier option to trap/relocate animals ... I always end up killing the hatches just because their sound get on my nerves, poor things. you could make it a little harder by making them aggressive/destructive when they're not fed enough ...

Hey @el_fidel!

Could you expand a bit on "their sound gets on my nerves"? Which sound do you mean - their idle sounds or when they wake up/go to sleep? Thanks for mentioning this, I will take a look at it :)

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Breeding would be interesting, but I think would make more sense for endgame, esp with the meat food.

However, early/mid game critters seem fairly worthless, to the point of being a trap.

It isn't that they don't do "things" but not only are the only early traps/containment buggy (doors and I have lots in the tracker) but with the actions you need to take to both keep them alive, and move them to where they are useful in the early/mid game then most are useless. Or worse, a trap for the player.

The reason is not that "you can't do it" but opportunity cost of doing it. All the critter controls require lots of building, well-timed and dupes to do that. With the jobs update the opportunity cost of building and sending a Tidy-Dupe to flip the door, are huge now. Supply steps matter, the 10 times you sent the dupe to flip the door state matters, the building a hatch ladder vs building to explore matters. The cost of that is what else they could have been doing instead. Critters not worth it.

I still try to trap a hatch or two since they are everywhere early in a bathroom. It is easy since hatches are common early and you haven't dug out enough for the trap/build steps to be far, so a low opportunity cost. The first builds toward a better cooling system are far more valuable than the effort it takes to trap a glowbug for heat free light. Which is a pity, as that was fun.

Once you have half the starting biome dug out it is probably too expensive in opportunity cost to mess with them. Which is sad, since I think they could offer some really nice mid-game (lights/morbs/pufts/hatches) and wobbly-asteroid saves (morbs) game play.

I'd like to see easier relocation early/mid game, maybe as part of a mid-tier job? Researchers seem useless post mid-game, maybe have something they can build to trap or tranquilize. Then they or a supply/tidy dupe can relocate by carry before it wears off? Maybe need a med station for it?

And maybe breeding as a late game thing.

Right now, anything other than hatches herded in the first 50 or so cycles *are* the trap.


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You can easially relocate hatches - just make a one-way door to place where you want them, then build a way to there. Hatches can easially climb 2 tiles height - so you can make a lift for them. I personally usually trap them in medbay in places where i cannot put much decor and put a feeder compactor there - so some sick dupe will have fun wtching hatches and how they eat and poo. Morbs are killed on sight - i can spawn CLEAN polluted oxygen using polluted water or anything else, pufts are movable using.. corridors and hatch lift + some pre-building, shinebugs are a bit trickier and require some dedicated watch and high priority on doors to move through corridor. And all moving can be done without interrupting colony work.

I do that too, hatch and puft manipulation is easy overall, shinebugs are my nightmare to move.

3 hours ago, Hechicera said:

I still try to trap a hatch or two since they are everywhere early in a bathroom. It is easy 


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4 hours ago, jambell said:

Hey @el_fidel!

Could you expand a bit on "their sound gets on my nerves"? Which sound do you mean - their idle sounds or when they wake up/go to sleep? Thanks for mentioning this, I will take a look at it :)

I think it's their idle sound ... and only if they can't borough, so they can be heard all the time ^^. I have no problem with them when they only appear through the night. them eating is also strange, but that might just be the feeling of loss ...

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  • Developer
16 minutes ago, el_fidel said:

I think it's their idle sound ... and only if they can't borough, so they can be heard all the time ^^. I have no problem with them when they only appear through the night. them eating is also strange, but that might just be the feeling of loss ...

I spent some time on making the idle noise of the hatches less abrasive and constant this morning. Thanks for drawing this to my attention! :) should be in the next update!

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I was the confused response. I am slightly hearing-impaired. I *thought* I had the mixer on my computer mimicking my hearing aids. But ...

Hatches have an idle sound? :o I like their munch sound.

Must play at higher volume to appreciate all of Klei's talents!

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As I said in another post, a kind of "Animal Rancher" update, that adds new ways to interact with the fauna (and new fauna and fauna activities, perhaps?) is something that I'd love to see :D

A late game breeding / organic printing is something that it should be in a update of that kind: In the early game, you can use the limited fauna that you found, but in the late, you just need to know how to use it. Also, it could help to create meat farms.

A early way to trap and relocate them could be cool, but I feel that it can break the charm of struggle with them in your first steps.

Other cool things that could appear in a update of this kind:

  • Ground / Aereal Feeders: An easy way to provide food for your animals.
  • Leashes / Cages: A way to restrain the movement of your tammed animals, so you can (for exapmle), create cheap and heat-free lights with shinebugs.
  • Domestication: You can tame some critters. Once domesticated, you can asign that critter to a dupe. The critter will follow and reduce the stress of his assigned dupe, but it will need more food / special food, otherwise it will die (o become untamed again).
  • New Critters: I'm totally ok with the number and variety of creatures right now, but more variety could be cool. Right now, most creatures are totally harmless (except for hatches when fight back), so, some agressive creatures (attack on sight) and some plague creatures (eat your wires, damage your buildings, generate heat, infect your dupes, etc.) could be a good adition. Also, a new menu to deal with this with markers like "Kill", "Fight Back", "Ignore" and "Escape" could help to deal with those new agresive / harmfull creatures. And thinking about some new helpfull critters, they could provide you some resources... Like, a Spiderlike thing that create big nests, from wich you can harvest eggs to eat, or a batlike thing that poop fertilizer... or even a mothlike thing, that creates cocoons, to harvest silk for clothes. Some water based critters (like fishes) could be also a good adition.
  • Other things: Probably devs and game designers of Klei could think of more and better things than me :p
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People keep requesting animal husbandry.  Everyone seems to want to collect and breed hatches for meat.  Meep doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt.  I can't be the only one who wants aggressive critters that spawn out of nests/dens to serve as our source of renewable meat.

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If there are aggressive creatures then we need a way to have dupes go to the medbed automatically when health < 100%.  Micro-managing healing of light injuries or having dupes slowed/stressed by it is annoying.  Right now it's only an early game issue until you're uncovered all of the hatches so the micro goes away.

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12 hours ago, goboking said:

People keep requesting animal husbandry.  Everyone seems to want to collect and breed hatches for meat.  Meep doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt.  I can't be the only one who wants aggressive critters that spawn out of nests/dens to serve as our source of renewable meat.

I would like this too. It would give the game a lot of interesting new dynamics.

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21 hours ago, malloc said:

If there are aggressive creatures then we need a way to have dupes go to the medbed automatically when health < 100%.  Micro-managing healing of light injuries or having dupes slowed/stressed by it is annoying.  Right now it's only an early game issue until you're uncovered all of the hatches so the micro goes away.

I don't see any reason why they can't (and shouldn't) add health sliders to the med cot similar to the stress sliders found on massage tables.

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