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Shipwreck in DST?

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Afraid that not only is there no word on this, but it would also be a hard job in terms of balancing, running servers, and a ton of other stuff. I doubt SW will ever come to DST which isn't exactly a bad thing since it keeps diversity between Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together. Each having it's own content to make neither a direct upgrade from the other and additionally keeping lore consistent.

put simply: No word on it and I doubt it will ever happen anyways.

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In the past they've said they have no plans to bring Shipwrecked to DST. IIRC main reason they didn't explicitly say "NO" is that, obviously, they gave the hard no to multiplayer quite a bit before actually doing it in the end, so, "no plans" it is!

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21 minutes ago, Tumalu said:

In the past they've said they have no plans to bring Shipwrecked to DST. IIRC main reason they didn't explicitly say "NO" is that, obviously, they gave the hard no to multiplayer quite a bit before actually doing it in the end, so, "no plans" it is!

Well they said they would never add multiplayer too DS. So they were right lol

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2 hours ago, ThemInspectors said:

Okay really guys, why can't you just bother the DS rubreddit about this?

I don't know. I'd think the official Klei forums is as good of any of a place to ask a question concerning DS/T. Although it would be nice if people used the search feature a bit more. Or if Klei put the answer to this question in the DST FAQ.

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4 hours ago, cactusarms said:

Even Island Adventures will be ROG and Shipwrecked combined because real shipwrecked would never work.

 As far as I know there will be option to pick SW, RoG or both. If picked both, there will be large RoG island in the middle and SW islands around, I believe?
 I'm not catching up with project, but I think it has good chance to get completed.

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 JoeW stated that they know there is demand for DST:SW but they don't plant it. Not now, at least. People were blindly ignoring search option and making countless threads and suggesting porting SW to DST. And yet Klei didn't change their minds. Spamming more threads won't help nor change the situation. It's not mature, for sure. If it changes anything then only will make them annoyed.

Also, I can't wait for "Are there any plans to port Hamlet to DST" wave when DLC comes out.

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