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Bunny soup without bunny

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...I'd like to see the recipe require a Bunny just because of the appearance and because my sense of humor is hecking broken and I love that we're basically eating a bunny whole I mean because that's how it works in Terraria, but uh...
This actually seems like a big buff to easy early game foods, rather than a nerf to Meatballs.

A lot of new players lack healing in their diets, if my public server misadventures are any indication.

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ignore meatballs and recipes, just eat raw monster meat, webber supremacy.

But really, meatballs are not bad because they don't restore sanity or health. What if I just don't need any of those two stats? Maybe I want to get some nightmare fuel and I don't need health since I'm full. It's still dirty cheap hunger, yeah Honey Ham or Bacon & Eggs give more overall stats, but if you don't need more isn't just more efficient to make Meatballs?

You guys are debating over this like if you can only make one of them while playing, just make the one that applies better to what you need right now.

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"Bunny soup without bunny"

Klei forums: "Ah yes, the meatball nerf thread"

Yeah sure, losing out 25 hunger seems like a big deal, but you get an additional 17 health left which is actually quite good. In fact, this is a really good Winter healing food option imo, as some other healing options like chili spicy, froggy bunwich, even pierogi can be hard to access for some people.

I used to cook meatballs often, but once I learnt other better, much more filling recipes I pretty much never cook meatballs again. Man, imagine if Klei nerfs Pierogi heal from 40 to 20, people would go... "insane".:ambivalence:

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Is this really a nerf? Think about it here.


Getting food is super easy now right? Most new players can learn how to sustain themselves far easier than ever before. 


What is NOT easy for new players is healing, and now you have a super duper easy recipe that most players who still think catching rabbits in traps is a good way to get food can easily make for healing...it even still heals 36 hunger.


Dying to enemies is a far bigger threat than starving, so this is kind of a buff to new players healing potential if you ask me. When I was really new one of the only things I knew that healed were spider glands and fish sticks, and fish sticks were kind of a pain to get and took forever to make. If this recipe existed when I was new I would have survived much longer.

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Meatballs are one of those things where its probably more efficient if you add up the hunger values of what you put in compared to what you get out - but I think its funny arguing for meatballs when playing solo when the game throws so much meat at you.  There is no reason to be so stingy.

imo meaty stews are efficient in that you can eat 1 every 2 days.  Who cares about freshness when we have bundle wraps?  I have like 40 meaty stews and a stack of ropes bundled in my inventory.  When my hunger drops below 30~ I open it up, eat 1 stew immediately, leave 1 out, and wrap the rest.  Basically I consider food once every 4 days in game.  I could literally play for over a year in game without picking up or cooking any food right now.  What's really crazy is the game throws food at you so much, I don't even open it every time I'm hungry because after a hound wave, boss kill, or really any fight I've got even more MEAT so I might as well cook up ANOTHER meaty stew while I'm sorting junk in base before I leave again...

If you're not solo, and depending on your character, other recipes make sense - even sometimes meatballs.  But its not like meatballs were actually OP or anything, that was always just a meme / newbie thing.

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7 hours ago, SinancoTheBest said:

Gotta wonder how little it goes, can you still make it with 1 barnacle + 3 ice?

Yes. Bunny Stew has no lower limit on meat value, only an upper one.


1 hour ago, Shosuko said:

imo meaty stews are efficient in that you can eat 1 every 2 days.

They're also efficient cause they can basically double the amount of hunger you get from its ingredients (3 meats + 1 filler is around 75 hunger).

Whereas 9 out of 10 Meatballs recipes give rather miniscule stat upgrades over eating the ingredients raw. And the 1 out of 10 recipe requires way more Ice than I am comfortable using, given that Ice can only be farmed manually and could be used in a bunch of way better recipes.

Also, fun fact: Bunny Stew replenishes more Eye Mask/Shield of Terror durability than Meatballs.

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Since it became another meatball thread I would like to note that efficiency of some recipe consists from at least 3 things:

- profit hunger points percentage regarding sum of ingredients hunger points (or health/sanity points for both);

- flat number of gained hunger points per items looted (or health/hunger points);

- availability of ingredients and time one has to put to collect them.

There are also things like available alternatives to raise/slow down depletion of stat in question, time needed to cook particular dish (relevant in early game, until multi-pot cooking station is built), time needed to consume dish (for stat restoration in fights), additional effects applied to character or to other stats, but for simplicity I'm going to consider only profit points, flat points per item collected and availability; all regarding hunger restoration.

So the most profitable recipe for meatballs in terms of profit hunger points percentage is morsel + 3 ice, but monster meat + 3 ice is also a common option. Total hunger points profit is +222% and +144% respectively. For meaty stew it's monster meat + wobster + 2 morsels, and more common recipe is monster meat + 2 meat + ice with +167% and 111% bonus hunger points respectively. But percents are calculated from flat hunger points ingredients have, so even though 222-144 seems better than 167-111, in reality it's 43.1-36.85 for meatball and 93.75-78.95 for meaty stew. Also meaty stew needs 4 items per 2 days, while meatballs - 10 on average per same 2 days. There is no option to cut large meat into 2 morsels or monster/leafy morsels, as well as no option to cook dish with less than 4 ingredients.

For meatballs one has to use a lot of filler and not too much meat, for meaty stew it's vice versa. Ice filler is available in winter, much less convenient to collect and essentially non-renewable in spring and autumn, so there meaty stew has advantage (can be cooked without filler, and even if filler changes to non-ice meaty stew profit percentage/flat gain remain substantial unlike in case of meatballs (profit persentage drops to 25-11%)).

In terms of availability one needs to either collect a lot of ice or a lot of meat (including full-sized non-monster meat in case meaty stew), and both take time, but the difference here is what else player can do while also collecting food. If one collects ice in rocky biome or from  pengull nests, but nothing else, that means a lot of time just running. In case meaty stew one needs to hunt more and either refine monster meat through pigs, or hunt mobs relatively harder to find/kill/relocate spawner; however, in this case one also collects other useful materials like: pig skin, volt goat horns, electric milk, down feathers (and boss loot in general), tusks and blue gems, beefalo wool and horns, koalefant trunks, tallbird eggs, etc., as well as silk, glands, glow berries, hound teeth, blue and red gems, bat wings, tentacle spots in much larger quantities than meatball consumers. And both parties can collect materials not related to hunt along the way, but hunters collect extra resources + cook more filling dish. So for meatball diet and meaty stew diet to be equally efficient time-wise meatball-eater needs to collect much more resources not related to hunt than meaty stew-eater, and do that during the whole period of time both diets are compared. That is why I think meaty stew is a winner here since ability to collect non-hunt resources doesn't depend on diet, it's equal.

But a lot also depends on whether one tries to fill a bundle/feed a lot of players or just survive during exploration.

On the surface there are a lot more filler sources than large meat sources in grasslands, decidious forest, lunar island, triple mac tusk savannah, Dragonfly desert, but much more large meat sources in other savannahs, evergreen forests, swamp, oasis desert. In the caves there are less sources of large meat overall, but at the same time no ice and much lesser amount of renewable filler, + big clusters of the latter are located in dangerous areas (lichen, monkeys and banana trees). Bunnymen nerf lessened amount of large meat available in the caves by a lot too, so overall caves became less meaty stew-friendly. In that case a lot depends of what is available to player, e.i. after initially exploring caves it probably would be monster meat, morsels and filler, so meatballs win, same for lunar island, ocean biomes unless one has drying rack on boat, surface biomes where large meat is rare; after savannah, swamp, oasis desert, evergreen forest player will probably have materials for more meaty stews one can eat before they spoil.

One more thing to consider is that acquiring meat in large quantities can be sped up via auto-farms, filler collecting can be sped up via lureplants and/or Wickerbottom books, but there is limited amount of berry bushes, kelp and cacti in the world, essentially limited amount of stone fruits, no way to speed up mini-glaciers regrowth and there is limited amount of them (30 per winter around pengull nests as far as I know, rocky biome is optional biome to spawn, and amount of mini-glaciers in mosac is too much RNG, I once got 1), majority of filler farms stop produce in winter too while meat farms work just fine. For one player mining 30 glaciers may be enough, but the more people are on the server, the more filler farms inability to scale infinitely is pronounced and affects food situation. There are RWYS farms, but they are not a filler, at this point it's better to eat those veggies raw/cooked. Bunnymen were nerfed to oblivion in terms of food, and even though they scale, due to carrot and large meat drop chance being both 37.5% it still makes sence to cook meaty stews and eat extra carrots.

Meatballs are good emergency food, situationally they can be a favourable choice - when there is no option to cook other dishes (like when there is 60+ monster meat in ice box on boat after cookie cutter hunt, birdcage and nothing else for food refinement) or player does very specific task which produces ingredients in a ratio closer to meatballs than to other dishes (when I rush ruins as Warly and 3 debth worms give me exact amount of ingredients I need - for 4 surf'n'turfs, 4 meatballs, as well as 3 glow berries for crafting and refueling moggles, and there is a lot of lichen closely spawned to use as a filler), but these cases are not 100% of playtime.

Edit: I would like crock pot to accept live bunnies too, that way recipe it would be possible to cook "bunny stew" with bunny.

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1 hour ago, Dr.Medic said:

you know, my ideas where way better, like actualy needing carrots and other vegetabels whit a morsel, like 1 morsel 1 carrot and 1 onion, and then a veggie filler, makes way more sense whit the name of "bunny stew" then 3 ice

the thing is that the dish was added to help new players...

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14 hours ago, HowlVoid said:

I wanted to see a bunny paw coming out pf the middle of the stew to imply you cooked it alive, so I'm a little disappointed. 

Then I could have made an Anakin Skywalker joke about the player having the high ground, but oh well.

that would also mean going the extra mile to cook the pelt in the stew

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11 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

the thing is that the dish was added to help new players...

I have this crazy feeling Klei is fully aware of everything they are doing- easy battle mount, easy healing, Reworked Gardens that can be placed anywhere and grown in Winter, new portable minion to do your bidding against the constants biggest and baddest, ridiculously overpowered character reworks like Wendy and Arguably you could even say Wes..

I just have this unshakeable feeling they're luring us onto a blanket of false security before snatching it out from under our feet with future updates.

The game has been getting Easier & Harder content, so the two can co-exist & I think there’s still a lot more to come.. JoeW will probably tease in the Roadmap for 2022, something he said about players & the dev team feeling fatigue from how the current roadmap has been structured- it’s not much to go on I know.. but it makes me wonder what on earth they’re up to?

Bunny Stew not needing actual Bunnies is really weird though- it should’ve probably at least needed bunny tuft in the recipe.

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1 hour ago, Mike23Ua said:

Arguably you could even say Wes..

men, i couldnt continue. the previous words had little sense like beefalos making fighting easier when they have many downsides but saying that wes refresh is, not only useful, but op...is actually the most underwhelming refresh in terms of perks (but i like the nerfs applied to him so i kinda liked the rework)

1 hour ago, Mike23Ua said:

Bunny Stew not needing actual Bunnies is really weird though- it should’ve probably at least needed bunny tuft in the recipe

what is really weird is to see people (not only you but many for some reason) not getting that they wanted to add an easy healing recipe that also nerfs the icy meatball . For whatever reason some people uses ice to cook meatballs and other people think that this is op.. i mean, is ridiculous but not op

the game isnt noob friendly so if klei wanna open the sales range they are going to keep adding this little things to help newbies which is fair, they already take a lot of care of their veterans so giving some love to newcomers doesnt hurt. So digging into the sense of a recipe asking to complicate the recipe is pointless because the whole point of the recipes is being simple.

so dont expect animal restriction, no bunnypuffs neither any other complication

personally im not fan but i like the chang



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My assumption is Bunny Stew is just for the Terraria event (Bunny Stew is food in Terraria).

The recipe 1 small meat + 2 ice + filler.
Was a good choice to get people to accidently craft it and see the new content.

 I do kinda hope it sticks around though.
Putting in a bit more thought when using the crockpot has been fun for me.
And I think it's better for newbies, newbies don't understand all the ways they can heal in the game and this is a good beginner recipe.

But yea, making bunny stew out of chicken drum sticks, frog legs and moles is a bit weird. Should maybe just be morsels instead of all small meat.
You'll still have situations where you'll make a bunny stew out of a mole morsel … but people are more forgiving on that kind of thing in videogames.

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