Griftlands: Smith Day 3 Available Now!

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This update adds a third day to Smith's campaign!

In day three, your sister Mulifee has you working for Eden, an ambitious Admiralty officer, or Seemli, the leader of the the Pearl's small Rise contingent. Choose your alliances carefully - the choices you make will impact the finale that you will eventually face!


Day three also wraps up Tei the Luminari's arc. Depending upon how you play your cards you'll end up going toe-to-toe with one or more of these characters:

tei.gifBishop.gifshredmaw (1).gifdroad.gif

Based on playtesting and user feedback, we've done a broad pass on both Sal and Rook's combat and negotiation cards. We've also added a bunch of new cards and grafts to Smith's arsenal. 

We've also fixed a lot of bugs, improved the UI, and generally brightened the corners. You can read the full details below, or you can just jump in and play!

Happy Grifting, everyone! Smith's story is almost complete - all that's left is the climactic confrontation with his brother, Vixmalli. There will be a couple more balancing and quality-of-life updates to go before we get there, but you'll be able to see previews soon on the experimental branch. 

Please keep that feedback coming! We read and appreciate every piece of feedback that you F8 our way, and it really does help us improve the game.


Full Change List:



  • Fastest Oshnu: Fix potentially inaccurate objective text.
  • Fix actual given payment on easy merchant target not reflecting modifiers.
  • The kickback preview owned by Proposition is now owned by the player instead of the opponent, so that it doesn't preview using opponent modifiers (eg Impatience)
  • Record Checker: nil-check source to fix crash in some dailies
  • The twin bosses now default to their regular attack if their special cannot be played (e.g. if they are unable to target the player)
  • Added missing bane for the bishop 
  • Added a boon and death loot for the bishop
  • Added a negotiation behaviour for Eden 
  • Added negotiation behaviour for the Luminitiates
  • Added negotiation behaviour for Seemli 
  • Fix for receiving multiple Secret Intel rewards
  • fixing species of Hesh bishop; adding skin.
  • fix muliffe/partner death dialog flags
  • smooth over a some dialog transition when you turn in a quest to seemli
  • fix quest provider designation in side_smith_eden_deep_undercover.lua
  • Clean up the transition between smith day 2 and 3
  • fix soft lock when you fail to convince your business partner to fall into mulliffee's trap
  • Added a new negotiation behaviour for the Pearlies
  • Restore the claimed by hesh graft (it got eaten by a bad svn merge)
  • Smith's day 3 experiment now allows you to visit the bar during quests
  • spawn living_at_bar if you skip days for debug in smith's story
  • Tei Finale: Fix crash accessing quest param table.
  • Fix crash in "New Deal, ..." when cancelling the get_support objective.
  • * Fix potential crash selecting perks if that character act has never before selected perks.
  • "Nesting Cards" mutator specifies it only applies to non-Uniques. (fix crash when acquiring a Unique card)
  • Added an experiment for Smith's full 3rd day
  • muliffee/eden/seemli trap/betrayal fight gets backup
  • hooked up seemli/eden job spawns
  • Fixed crash caused by the Shredmaw's consume attack 
  • Added death loot, boon and bane for Seemli
  • Fixed crash caused by referencing the disrupt condition in grafts 
  • Fix idle not being played between hits in a multi-hit attack.  Only skip playing idle if the hit was dodged, to avoid aborting the dodge anim
  • Added basic combat behaviour for Seemli 
  • The "Not a Scratch" daily feat now requires you to be full health at the end of the challenge rather than never taking damage
  • Set up a base combat behaviour for Muliffee 
  • Slightly reduced the amount of burn applied by the automech boss (due to recent changes to burn)
  • Renamed "Snug" to "Shredmaw"
  • Whole bunch of untemped dialog
  • Slightly reduced the Composure played by Oshnus to prevent their negotiation feeling too sluggish
  • Increased both Droad and Snug's max HP
  • Getting the hesh disguise on smith day 3 unlocks it
  • Weezil's Scope and Fixed now show the correct values in their tooltips
  • The Snug now tracks any pets it consumes in the param table of the quest (so we can rub it in after)
  • Slightly reduced Tei's max HP
  • experiment_smith_day_3.lua now gives you a pet
  • Sticking your head into the beach monster's mouth during the hesh ceremony gets you "Claimed by Hesh" in all combats going forward.
  • fix crash typo in smith day 3 when talking to the bishop
  • side_smith_eden_from_the_top is done
  • New Day 3 boss experiment for Smith! Fight monsters!
  • Updates to the combat behaviours of the droad and the snug
  • Added death loot for both the snug and the droad
  • Clobbers' Shield Bash now gets reset from being hit OR taking damage. This means it can be reset by things like ricochet and burn
  • Updated combat behaviour for the Snug
  • WIP quest side_smith_eden_from_the_top
  • Slight boost to 'bog healing' event.
  • Fix for auction not ending if an auction item is destroyed as a starting or ending turn effect.
  • remove jeol's plot armour
  • Moreef's jobs are both spawned, rather than spawned in an inactive state.  This prevents them from trying to cast the same Agent, which can cause a crash if the user chooses one, then declines it (which will spawn it via StateGraphUtil.PresentQuestOffer), and then chooses the other option.  Therefore, I am removing the 'spawn_as_inactive' flag entirely since it is unsafe.
  • fix crash if the person you made a deal with in side_smith_sponsorship_deal dies before your deal executes.
  • Sal Day 3 - remove the 'Decline' option after choosing a quest, because showing the quest popup will activate the quest as a side effect.  Showing the other quest after this happens potentially will attempt to 
  • Found by Lumicyte: Fix crash if lumicyte flees before you win battle.
  • Fix potential crash destroying helper drones if Andwanette dies from counter attack.
  • New smith quest: side_smith_seemli_new_deal (some placeholder dialog)
  • give the priest some money to steal in the healing_priest event
  • partner in crime shows up as a disabled option for people who love you but are busy doing something else
  • give rook a second campsite recovery chance before the bosses on days 3 and 4 of the brawl
  • reduce the max number of robberies in side_at_the_crossroad.lua, and make the admiralty more likely to show up early.
  • WIP new smith quest (not complete or enabled yet)
  • Soluble Fish now calculates total Doubt across multiple arguments.
  • Smith Meets Sal: Fix crash if Sal's pet flees after you win the battle.
  • Private Security: Bribed patrons will stick around for the battle.
  • add plot armour to some early-spawned characters in smith's story
  • Re-balance the card pack unlocks to be a proper exponential curve, rather than the ad-hoc step curve we had before. You'll unlock the earlier packs more quickly, and the latter packs a little more slowly.
  • Promoted Bandit Goon: reduce number of Shredded cards to 1 at most.  Shredded is not given for hits that are defended.
  • Delicate Negotiations: fix crash if the rival is killed in battle
  • use proper balanced team generator for SPARK_BARON_BACKUP, rather than a hard coded table
  • Survivalist perk shows the health gain in the loot screen.
  • Fix Mettle bonus that yields health after negotiation.
  • Fix description of Rival's Hilt Bash.
  • Resolve location content during GetWorkData, in case WorkPosition:Load is called before its parent.
  • Unique faction card offer is now seeded.
  • Found by lumicyte: Add missing failed negotiation dialog.
  • Disable mettle grafts when on Prestige 7.
  • Tweak the costs/points in the mettle shop slightly.
  • Do some defensive access of flourish tables in the game profile, mostly due to weird modding configurations.  GetUsableFlourishes should access the specified character def, not the player agent.
  • Fix crash accessing SIDEQUEST_REWARD
  • Fixed bug where the twin bosses' RETRIBUTION would trigger even if the owner was no longer active
  • Added max health and morale for the Droad
  • Reduced the Snug's max health since it has thick_shell. Increased thick_shell stacks
  • Snug's taunt now applies a percent morale damage instead of flat numbers
  • Added base_damage tables to the Snug's attacks
  • Fix crash if the player fills flourish when sustaining a killing blow.
  • Enable smith day 3 ( the bosses mostly just stand there and take hits at the moment, and the quest variety is not fleshed out, but it's playable).
  • Added prestige 7: No more mettle
  • Add Counterplay, Total Upgrades achievements (not yet achieveable)
  • Fix re-rolling follower options in the Daily Boss Negotiation whenever you return to the options.
  • Do some old-save fixups for the removed objectives in sal day 2/3
  • fix sequencing of sal day 3 night market
  • Updated the Precision mutator to include negotiations
  • Added an experiment for Smith's day 3 bosses. (dev only until both behaviours are ready)
  • Added the new nesting_cards mutator 
  • Fix upgraded erchin not getting some base erchin qualities, like support_negotiation.
  • Added a basic combat behaviour for the Snug 
  • Added death loot for NPC_SMITH
  • Hooked up the anim, build and boss slide for the Snug 


  • Update to Smith FE music. 
  • Making the social graft screen content wider. Before it showed the newly acquired social boon/bane too narrow
  • Remapping the Flourish gamepad button so it doesn't collide with the others. Changed the Battle fighter/card focus toggle button from being LB and RB to only being LB, freeing up RB for flourishes on negotiation and battle
  • Hiding the main overlay icons when the Flourish popup opens, so its contents don't collide with them, even in small-screen mode
  • Amend End Turn confirmation dialog for accuracy.
  • apply math.ceil to the morale delta floater so it matches the surrender health differential.
  • Fixed bug where gaining defend while the defend icon was still fading out from losing defend would cause the icon to disappear
  • Damage previews on the healthbar are now laid out to the left of the defend bar. This fixes a previous issue where damage previews were sometimes inaccurate 
  • Fix being able to choose a flourish card before it has finished animating.
  • Fix helper pets not triggering negotiation quips.
  • Button size-to-text now sets the button size correctly to the text width
  • Adding End-Turn confirmation dialog when there are still playable cards. Adding an option to the options screen to change that
  • Fixing the bug where the floating cards are hidden after looking at the flourishes
  • Fix ui refresh crash if the leaderboard query arrives but the screen has already been closed
  • Fixing the character positioning on the Social Graft screen, independently of the UI scaling mode
  • No longer fading out top bar on map screen
  • Fix another daily challenge ui crash, happens on the refresh if you wait on the screen for 15 seconds.
  • Fix leaderboard ui crash
  • brawlprogress now previews bosses with their icons (if they have one)
  • Speed up compendium loading a bunch.
  • Restring flourish confirm button so it's clear that choosing the selected flourish will play it immediately.
  • fix crash if you quit to menu while using the pick coin screen as a part of rook's flourish.
  • fix the return to menu/exit button when drafting in daily
  • Fix status widget positioning for Luminious Tripod
  • Locking the compendium filters for locked playable characters
  • Use GameStats to check whether bosses are defeated, since GameProfile:HasKilledAgent only literally checks whether you 'murdered' them.
  • Remove clickability from individual relationship icons in the MainOverlay topbar so that you don't need to cycle through them all in controller mode.
  • Making it possible to switch between argument-focus and card-focus in the Negotiation screen with controller again. Now uses the LB to go from card-focus to argument-focus and also to switch between the various argument/intent wheels. B is then used to go back to card-focus
  • Tweak position on the bounty widget label on the DraftChoicePopup
  • When trying to navigate in a direction and there are no widgets to move focus to, the focused widget animates to show input happened
  • Making the main overlay not scale up as much in small-screen UI mode
  • Displaying the Mettle currency text in the default text color
  • Displaying boss-prestige info on the Boss Compendium. Now it's possible to know what prestige level a boss has been beaten at. Also changed the alignment of the character anim on that popup screen, since some characters overlapped the UI content
  • Fix missing string format argument for agents that are neutral to you, but have a social history.
  • Improving the info text on the Mettle and Flourish screens. Fixing the Mettle vendor's shop text lines
  • Chain cards now preview the cards they transform into
  • Making the New Game Screen perks sidebar have a listing of the slots and all the perks, allowing one to unlock new perks/tiers/slots without using the Unlock Perks Screen
  • Preventing left and right-clicks on the Game Over screen from skipping the screen altogether
  • Lower Droad's healthbar and status widgets
  • Fix incorrect usages in the card compendium and Content.GetAllBattleFlourishes / Content.GetAllNegotiationFlourishes that attempt to use a character ID in place of a series id.
  • Fix 'undefeated boss' compendium string from showing 'nil' for bosses with no names (Eg. Snug).  Should use "who".
  • ImproviseCards() now passes a source to the choosecardspopup - Added explanation text for the improvise from Master Chip
  • Fixing the bug where the Lore tabs in the People Compendium always said No Unlockable Lore
  • Displaying Rook's Coin on the Run History screen
  • Fixing the button order on the Perk View Popup
  • hook up character-specific title screen music
  • Fixed bug where graft counters were not always shown properly in negotiations
  • Adding an Achievements screen
  • Refreshing the layout of the top bar when the player's shills change
  • In conversations, when there's a leave option and no option is focused on, the B button on the controller now allows you to leave
  • Improving the Main Menu's layout for Streamer mode
  • Making the Achievements screen adjust to Streamer mode
  • Added delays to the presentation of Delirium to make it clearer which cards are selected
  • Making the compendium's Graft Info popup adjust its layout when in streamer-mode. Also adjusting its header's width, so it fits above a single graft widget. And making the non-upgraded grafts not-clickable
  • Reorganizing the buttons on the main menu. Switching some of the regular panel buttons to icon buttons at the bottom of the screen. Also adding the Achievements button
  • Showing tooltips on the main overlay's graft icons
  • Tweak focussed card arrangement size and offset to be less obtrusive.
  • Remove tab binding for focus next/prev.
  • Showing focus/hover on graft slots everywhere
  • Add LT/RT mappings to toggle between decks and relationship screen while viewing them in controller mode.
  • Fixing a bug where activating a perk would make one of the buttons show up, despite being on gamepad mode
  • Positioning the Negotiation/Battle preview panel up or down based on the number of buttons on the current dialog
  • Only automatically restoring focus to the last selected person/boss/graft in the compendium after closing an info popup if in gamepad mode
  • Fixing the Negotiation/Battle preview panel's background overlay's color and fade animation
  • fix lumin_turret's preview anim
  • Fix MENU_CANCEL opening the Achievements screen from the main menu.
  • Adding a sorting function to the People and Bosses compendium that sorts the agents by how much they still need unlocking
  • Making the Mettle screen adapt to various aspect ratios properly
  • Adding gamepad support and fixing layout issues on the Run History screen
  • Fix font image rendering not working if there are multiple texture samplers.
  • enable controller mode debug menus (press in RS and it's like you pressed ~)
  • Adding the mettle cost to Mettle upgrades on gamepad
  • Adding gamepad support to the Mettle screen
  • Adding a screen to see one's Boons and Banes. Also made it possible to open the Relationships Screen directly on a specific agent. And fixed the bug on the graft tooltips where after showing a boon/bane/perk/mutator tooltip, it would never show any graft's rarity
  • Fix weird initial scroll position due to setting default focus prematurely, when opening battle/negotiation deck screen in gamepad mode.
  • Fix rare situation where transitioning into Gamepad mode using the directional pad to focus a card will briefly revert to M&KB due to a forced mouse position change.
  • Fix 'random' card focus after playing a card.  Now, the next card focus will always be the first one in hand.  I'd like to revisit this to make it the "card after the one you played" because I think that's preferable, but also much trickier atm.
  • Confirm card targetting in controller mode now happens on button up, so that it does not cause inadvertant card plays.
  • Expanding icon containers on the main overlay on hover/gamepad-focus
  • Showing tooltips on the main overlay's graft icons
  • Tweak focussed card arrangement size and offset to be less obtrusive.
  • Work on lazy-instantiating chunks of the Compendium, eg. until the respective tabs are actually navigated to. This should make it faster to load.
  • Fixed minor issue where the main overlay did not immediately get updated after relationship changes
  • Experiments no longer show up in run history
  • Added a mettle indicator to the top bar. Also changed the Shills indicator to use a thousands separator. The mettle updates when it changes in the Profile, and the indicator only shows if the player has unlocked mettle for that character yet.
  • Fix crash when searching People Compendium using custom strings.
  • Fix crash invoking GraftDetailsPopup


  • Fixed typo in the desc of Boosted Turnabout
  • Fatigued now correctly uses the character specific art
  • Protective Procedure is now triggered at the end of your turn instead of the start
  • Added missing CanPlayCard to Levy so it can't be targeted by arguments
  • Braggart now has Expend
  • Fixed desc of Acidic Slime so it mentions that it decays by 1 stack per turn
  • Added missing anim for Fold 'em
  • Fixed the desc of Tolerance
  • Reworked Smith's "Turnabout" to affect all friendly arguments instead of a random one
  • Set up a basic combat behaviour for the Bishop of Foam
  • the CONFIDENCE argument now has a max stack of 1
  • Pearlies stop creating confidence arguments if they have 5
  • Fixed bug where Boosted Simmer could target the same card twice
  • Fixed desc of fallout
  • Fixed missing damage_mult on muliffee's multihit attack
  • Fixed desc of soothing_concoctions
  • Reduced cost of Damnation by 1
  • Added 3 new Smith battle grafts 
  • Save Face now applies composure to a chosen target instead of your renown
  • Added new Threshold cards for Smith
  • Fixed crash caused by resourceful. New cards now max out at Rare instead of trying to find unique or boss cards
  • Reduced the cost of hush_money by 1
  • Subtle Setup no longer doubles the damage it returns
  • Pursue now increases damage for the rest of the negotiation instead of until played
  • Reduced renown required for influencer by 1
  • Increased draw count on Networker by 1
  • Reduced the cost of Ransack by 1
  • Increased composure gained from Standing and lowered the Renown requirement
  • Updated the desc of Rescind to say "Spend" instead of "Remove"
  • Added a 4th chain card for Kradeshi Cup to put it on par with the other chain cards
  • Pale Domineer now requires 2 Dominance
  • Added two new uncommon negotiation grafts for Smith 
  • Fixed desc of Smith's Compel card
  • Scorched now makes Burn decay by up to 2 stacks per turn instead of 1
  • Reduced Burn applied by Guns Blazing
  • Rebuild now correctly removes, not destroys, arguments
  • Moved Domineer to Rare and increased the Dominance cost to 3
  • Increased the damage buff on Level Playing Field to 3
  • Update card text on swig upgrades for consistency.
  • Slimy cards now deal damage to you when played
  • Reworked(buffed) meditation 
  • Fixed desc of Scorched
  • Fixed draw count on direct_hit_plus2
  • fixed typo in the desc of Bolster Shot
  • Muddled is now marked as a debuff
  • inner_rage and inner_rage_ii now use the same argument
  • The inner_rage argument desc properly explains its stacks
  • Fix potential infinite loop with duplicated Inner Rages
  • Battle:
  • - Burn is now reduced by half every turn instead of being completely removed
  • - Scorched makes Burn decay by 1 stack instead of half of its stacks
  • - Boosted Accelarant now applies 3 scorched AND burn
  • - Burner now aplpies 2 burn, Enhanced burner applies 4
  • - Fixed desc formatting for Pulse
  • - Sucker Punch now gains 2 bonus damage when empty
  • - Moved Telegraph to Uncommon
  • - Arc Deflection now grafts 2 Defense and 2 Counter
  • - Bolster Shot gains bonus damage equal to the cost of your TWO most expensive cards
  • - Direct Hit now draws 2 cards isntead of 1
  • - Increased Charge gain on Fistful to 2
  • - Reduced concentration from Focused Strike by 1
  • - Mantle now applies 2 Scorched
  • - Increased Robo-kick's damage to 5
  • - Scanned now decays by 1 each turn
  • - Scanner now applies 2 Scanned
  • - learning_drone now applies 2 Scanned
  • - The Scan Codes graft now applies 3 Scanned instead of 1
  • - Amplifier now applies 2 Burn whenever you apply Scorched
  • - Reduced the cost of Loader by 1
  • Negotiation:
  • - Rig Heads and Rig Snails are no longer targetable
  • - Increased the bonus damage on Blank to 3
  • - Bluff now draws 2 cards. Upgrades now have replenish
  • - Moved Drawback to Uncommon
  • - Boosted Muck now deals 4 damage
  • - Rant is now "Discard a card, gain 1 Dominance."
  • - Reworked the upgrades for Ante (Sticky vs 0-cost)
  • - Wide Blockade has been replaced by Twisted Blockade
  • - Increased Composure on Helmet to 3
  • - Venture now rigs 3 per Influence instead of 2
  • - Final Favor applies 2 composure per influence spent instead of 1
  • rentorian_force_glaive and support_bacon now consume instead of expend
  • Added death loot, boon and bane for Eden 
  • Fix upgraded Amplify's card text
  • Readded Smith's Nepotism card and added it to his starting deck
  • Fixed bug where tough_and_angry_plus2 did not apply defend to the right target
  • Fixed bug in oppo_healing_spring.lua where the increase in max health was also healing the player
  • Reworked how Slimy cards work (subject to change)
  • The Chafe graft now deals piercing damage to avoid negative interactions with things like Aleternator
  • Fixed bug where Calm didn't display it's composure value if the value had modifiers applied
  • Fixed bug where the buff from feedback loop could be used up by a non-damage attack (such as Throw Dust)
  • Scorched Earth counts as an 'attack card', so that its damage is affected by Bait.
  • Power Through now fades on the owner fighter's END_TURN event, instead of END_PLAYER_TURN.
  • Fix damage preview arrows appearing when the player is afflicted with Stinging Eyes.
  • Focused Assault: shows multi-hit preview when conditions are satisfied.
  • Bully and Sparring now affect the cumulative defense applied by Bolstered Plating, not the defense for each card in hand.
  • Fix potential crash when dying with Combo and the Best Offense graft.
  • Fixed upgrade highlighting for Collected
  • Fixed desc of Tomb Relic
  • Fixed bug causing Inner Rage II to play cards more than three times
  • Fixed description of Arc Loader to match its effect
  • Fixed bug where Boosted Chafe was not applying its bonus moxie
  • Changed formatting of desc on following grafts so their tooltips display the correct values:
  •     Splinter Shot
  •     Trench Knife
  •     Study Guide
  •     Rugged Wiring 
  • update shadow mastery description to use TEMP_POWER
  • scorched earth card text reflects dominance effects.
  • Remove hi-lighting from upgraded Jarackle Free-Fighting card text.
  • Visionary Booster Clamp draws 1 card, like the other upgraded boss grafts.
  • Add three new combo ability cards that give passive benefits for carrying combo.
  • Hammer Grip and Gut Shot no longer Expend, to facilitate early deck combo generation.
  • Amnesiator has 2 charges
  • Haymaker revised.
  • mettle bounty stacks are applied during creation, not after, so that it works better with argument duplication cards
  • Gun Smoke now Expends.  Stone Smoke is now Pale Smoke.
  • Fix the calculated stat delta when calling Fighter:DeltaMaxStat when the current value is greater than the new max.  Fixes Diseased triggering the health gain fx.
  • Torpor fiend: now gains maximum experience on a random card.
  • Restring Catchpenny so it doesn't add itself as a keyword panel.
  • Arguments destroyed due to the max argument limit will properly trigger "when destroyed" effects.
  • Use per-hit damage accumulators, so that modifier sources are tracked for all hits.  Fixes Traumatized sometimes not being removed when Hurricane attacks multiple targets.
  • Fix potential crash creating a dud improvise card when the negotiation is already over.
  • Pruned is no longer triggered by execute cards
  • Fixed bug where inner_rage and wild_rant could cause an infinite loop
  • Compromise: Clarify card text
  • Fix description of Hostility cards on Rage I/II for consistency.
  • Increase morale lost from Crisis by 50%
  • Gnarled Effigy now has Burnout.
  • Torrid Clone triggers on POST_RESOLVE again, so that it can play the card with the same target that it had originally.  By END_RESOLVE, the card target has been cleared.  The original reason for changing to END_RESOLVE was not specified in r440706, but I imagine if that reason still exists, we'll find out again.
  • Stone Bulldoze: fix modifier not being added
  • Fix Hurricane, Right in the Face, Bonkers from playing twice with Torrid Clone.
  • Slight buff to Bonkers.
  • Core Collector: Fix tracking of automech codes in negotiation.
  • Added Expend flag to High Yield Lumin bomb
  • Fixed bug where the hard_knocks boon got stuck at 10 stacks
  • Amplify bonus increased to 2 and lasts for the negotiation.
  • Rename Duplicity mutator to Multicard. Animate the extra copies in the UI.
  • Reduced the cost of Shovel by 1 to make it more competitive with Blacklist
  • call_it_plus2 now has Replenish instead of gambling twice
  • Clean Slate now correctly removes arguments instead of destroying them
  • Added boons, banes and death loot for Mullifee
  • Renamed Stonewall to Refusal (to match its ID)
  • Fixed desc of the Subtle Setup card


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Also, the addition of Nepotism with its guaranteed Influence rendered Consolidate obsolete (not that it was all that hot before).


Also, betraying Mullifee/Eden/Seemli doesn't earn you their hatred. Given that Tei hates you if you betray her, it seems reasonable that the other major characters should also hate you for it.

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Smith's Inner Rage II definitely needs to be nerfed, the way it works with Degrading Nepotism is clearly OP: You create 3 Hostile cards and then play each card 3 times, meaning you're playing 9 cards for 1 action point. This is enough to completely decimate negotiations, especially if you follow it up with a Bully. This will do enough damage to add significant charge for your next Flourish.

It becomes even more OP if you have abilities that create extra copies of an argument, at that point you'd be making 5 cards that are each played 5 times, meaning 25 cards played for 1 action point.

3 hours ago, ZeppMan217 said:

Also, betraying Mullifee/Eden/Seemli doesn't earn you their hatred. Given that Tei hates you if you betray her, it seems reasonable that the other major characters should also hate you for it.

I tried various permutations of this encounter, and it is actually possible to get Eden/Seemli's hatred, but only if you side with Eden/Seemli, don't kill Mullifree and then fail the ensuing Negotiation. It is weird that the penalty for siding with Eden/Seemli and then being unconvincing is worse than the penalty for actively fighting against them This seems to be the only outcome where someone hates Smith and nobody loves Smith. I'm guessing this is mostly because the devs want to punish failing a negotiation rather than punishing not executing whoever you betray.

It's also not really clear what Seemli does with Mullifree if you spare her. Maybe it'll be explained during day 4, but right now all Mullifree does is say that Smith always does things in half measures. Did Mullifree Mulliflee? Does Seemli execute her? Capture her?

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My brother found a potentially broken interaction:


I haven`t played it yet myself but apparently Seemli recreates her 4 resolve argument whenever you destroy it. With unyelding and just a bit of domination you can continously destory it which deals 1 damage to her each time (from your passive effect). This means you can finish win the discussion in one round.

Sorry if i mixed something up. Basing on what he told me.

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7 hours ago, Maniafig said:

I tried various permutations of this encounter, and it is actually possible to get Eden/Seemli's hatred, but only if you side with Eden/Seemli, don't kill Mullifree and then fail the ensuing Negotiation. It is weird that the penalty for siding with Eden/Seemli and then being unconvincing is worse than the penalty for actively fighting against them This seems to be the only outcome where someone hates Smith and nobody loves Smith. I'm guessing this is mostly because the devs want to punish failing a negotiation rather than punishing not executing whoever you betray.

That seems so unnecessarily convoluted and punishing. I feel that failing the negotiation should simply lower the relationship level by two, meaning that if Eden/Seemli liked you before, they'd dislike you after botching the chit chat. And you shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops to earn someone's hatred (looking at you, Oolo).

7 hours ago, Maniafig said:

It's also not really clear what Seemli does with Mullifree if you spare her. Maybe it'll be explained during day 4, but right now all Mullifree does is say that Smith always does things in half measures. Did Mullifree Mulliflee? Does Seemli execute her? Capture her?

Story-wise, Seemli's beef with Mullifee makes practically no sense. If anything, Seemli should be hunting Eden who, in turn, actively hunts the Rise (as we learn from her quest).

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12 minutes ago, ZeppMan217 said:

Seemli's beef with Mullifee makes practically no sense. If anything, Seemli should be hunting Eden who, in turn, actively hunts the Rise (as we learn from her quest).

After trying Seemli's side, I think I'll stick with the Eden route. Same way how I keep choosing Denikus for my route.

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1 minute ago, minespatch said:

After trying Seemli's side, I think I'll stick with the Eden route. Same way how I keep choosing Denikus for my route.

I'd stick with Denikus, too, simply because of how cool his quests are and the fact that none of em make people hate you.

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Bit of a silly situation with the new Pearlie negotiation.

They have this argument, Impartial, that removes Renown of both negotiators. Thing is though, Pearlies don't create Renown, not to mention that non-Smith characters don't have Renown either. So, what's the point of this argument?

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7 hours ago, ZeppMan217 said:

Bit of a silly situation with the new Pearlie negotiation.

They have this argument, Impartial, that removes Renown of both negotiators. Thing is though, Pearlies don't create Renown, not to mention that non-Smith characters don't have Renown either. So, what's the point of this argument?

Way ahead of you there, bud! It already got addressed in Friday's experimental build:

"Pealies now only use Impartial against Smith"

Also, have fun with the un-capped tolerance - :twisted: It's only got a stack cap in the experimental!

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