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One sentence say what you want more of in DST.

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What we all really need is a new skin for chest that looks like first aid kit. Seriously. We all need to have first aid kit chest in every base to put healing salves, honey poultices, jellybeans and booster shots in a very obvious and visible place. That is a thing my worlds currently lack most.

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A new skin for the Walking cane that looks like a giant Wooden Spoon and Chef Warly will be complete =D!

Like many mention, new environmental changes to the world in each season, specially on the ocean. 
A sea cave and maybe lunar caves and of course, Lunar mini-bosses and a big bad Lunar Boss x).

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5 hours ago, Bluepufferfish said:

islands, early game stuff so beginners can see how great the game is without needing to get to late game to have fun - it's a multiplayer game afterall and most peoples friends are filthy casuals

as the filthy casual of my friend-group i take umbrage with that!

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13 hours ago, Ogrecakes said:

"An Uncompromising Survival Wilderness Game Full of Science and Magic"


A return to the games roots.

as much as i have to agree with you, klei will probably focus return of them first this year (2020). so we'll see how 2021 goes with content.

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What do you guys think of a difficulty meter by this I mean in the options you would set it to easy,medium,hard, insane etc. Once 1 year passed in the game resources would disease faster, food would rot quick and mobs would get harder. This would then bring a whole new meaning to DST and let us compete against each other to see how long we can survive. 

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i think it would be more viable if the player could choose that setting on the fly. like build something that triggers the game to be harder or something. choosing our prefab at the start only works if you have a dedicated plan on how you want to do things and are willing to drop a world once you exceed it's capacity

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