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Wanda's Personality + Character Interactions

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So, one thing I've been excited about for Wanda is two things: 1.Wanda's personality, and 2. her impact on other characters, how would they react to her?

My theory for Wanda's personality would be that she is going to be a very nervous and impatient person, due to Wanda's circumstances. She would probably say "I don't have time for this!" when inspecting a cooking crockpot or she will get excited when she inspects a walking cane. Wanda's nervousness would probably show up in situations like hound waves, saying something like "Oh no, not now!". Additionally, I think Wanda's dialog would have a long of references to time, saying some "Time is an interesting thing" or something like that.

As for character interactions I have this so far:

Wilson: Time Puns

Wendy: Some depressing thing about time is fleeting or whatever

Maxwell: Say pal, you don't look so good.

Wormwood: Tick Tock Tick Tock

Warly: *depressed*

Wes: So horrified at Wanda's situation that he can't even talk

WX-78: HAHA! ROBOTS DON'T AGE (rusts away)

Winona: Wanna make a giant clock!

Wickerbottom: Interesting.

Other Wanda: Time loop.

Can't think of anything else. What are your opinions? What do you think her personality will be like, and how will she interact with others?

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Wendy’s better be on par with the telltale heart quote- “Why won’t it work Abigail?!”

I mean- here you have a new character capable of rolling back players from their deaths (I think Klei may have played Chronos from Smite recently :lol:) But.. this character is capable of reviving Dead ghosts…

there has Best be some sad quote from Wendy and probably Wanda herself WHY it won’t revive Abigail… or I’m not going to be happy until those sad quotes are added.

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I expect Maxwell's quote to be something bittersweet, like him wishing he could go back in time before he found the Codex. Or something relating to him losing the concept of time while being trapped on the throne.

Walter? Well, he does know a story about a clock making serial killer.

Wortox: A cool rhyme about time. (Gotcha!)

I don't expect Wigfrid to make any quotes about her past, but she might be reminded of it. After all, she was also trying to escape her future. Maybe she would reference this excerpt from a Viking poem (called Hàvamàl):

"A coward believes he will ever live,

If he keeps himself safe from strife.

But old age leaves him not long in peace,

Though spears may spare his life."

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I'm waiting to see what would she say when she meet Wagstaff, I feel like she and Wagstaff know each other 

my theory right now is their circumstances is like Simon and Betty (but reverse) form Adventure Time

but it's just a thought, can't wait to see her animation short and ingame speech

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Wanda is stated to be trying to outrun her future, so either an experiment went tragically wrong causing her thread's future to be woven exceeding fast, or the worse alternative: she is trying to stay alive longer than some incurable disease will let her, leading to her fraying her shortened thread. 

5 hours ago, Pinegrove said:

"A coward believes he will ever live,

If he keeps himself safe from strife.

But old age leaves him not long in peace,

Though spears may spare his life."

In the end, most are little more than dust in the wind. But eventually all find themselves Everywhere at the End of Time.

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1 minute ago, SolDayClash said:


WX78: (Eats watch)

Also WX78: (Proceeds to rapidly rust into dirt)

Wanda: (Scout tf2 schadenfreude)

Also Wanda: (Also proceeds to rapidly ages into dust)

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2 minutes ago, Earthyburt said:

I saw a post stating that Wanda's watches are probably gonna cost gears, so that means one thing: Wanda and WX78 are gonna fight over gears.

Hope they add something craftable with gears. It's annoying to have tons of gears with no function. 

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well i guess the most basic one to restore her young days will not cost gears like imagine that the only way to "heal" is whit gears i guess 1 of them has the cost of a gear but its totaly goin to be nitro again like all special character things seems to be because imagine using nitro for anything but makin 1 coldfirepit right? nitro totaly has not many uses alredy right?

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10 hours ago, Earthyburt said:

Wanda's personality

I believe she is gonna be apprehensive and hasty.

-I think she is gonna be apprehensive because someone gets older and have chance to die because of her age have to be worried.
-I think she is gonna be hasty because someone that control and be controlled by time that much will know the value of every seconds.

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1 hour ago, Earthyburt said:

WX78: (Eats watch)

Also WX78: (Proceeds to rapidly rust into dirt)

Wanda: (Scout tf2 schadenfreude)

Also Wanda: (Also proceeds to rapidly ages into dust)

I just imagined WX78 kneeling on the ground and turning into dirt exactly how Maxwell got freed from the throne. 

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I'm thinking.

Wilson: She must be interested in clock science, not my thing...

Willow: Are your clocks flammable?

Wolfgang: Wanda make clock!

Wendy: Sigh, I wish she could reverse my sister's death.


Wickerbottom: Maybe Wanda's pocket watches can reverse my old age.

Woodie: Can she make a grandfather clock?

Wes: ...

Maxwell: How did she get here?

Wigfrid: Ugh, I want to fight, not make clocks like a wimpy scientist...

Webber: Hey Wanda! Can we help you make a clock?

Warly: I prefer cooking.

Winona: I'll help you my friend!

Wortox: Are the pocket watches magic?

Wormwood: Tick Tock maker.

Wurt: Glurp! Make clocks!

Walter: Wow! Making clocks seems fun! It can be a new boy scout activity!

The other Wanda: Huh? Why are you here?

These are what the CHARACTERS say.... not Wanda

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