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Quality of Life for Builders

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One of the things I like to do most at Don't Starve/Together is base building. Certainly many people as well as I appreciate this kind of goal in game. Although we have an immense freedom to do almost anything when it comes to construction.  Some things and details would be interesting to be implemented, simple QoL changes that would make our lives much easier. I've listed some of them that I miss, but I ask that if you have any ideas that you find interesting, do not hesitate to comment. 

Potter's Wheel and Sketchs

Who ever had to destroy a Potter's Wheel to get a Sketch to make a sculpture in a distant place? I do it all the time. I think it would be really good to be able to manage the Sketch in Potter's Wheel, as if you had an inventory (similar to a chest) and could add or remove Sketchs.


Rotating walls

The possibility of rotating the walls and fences in various degrees. Before they were done there could be a shortcut where to open the possibility of rotating the walls (not only through the camera). In addition to wanting to also have a way to rotate the walls, fances and gates already built through some tool or shortcut. 


Rotating Farms

In the same way that the walls would be interesting to be able to rotate the farms before making them (in various degrees), through some shortcut too, not only through the camera. In addition to being able to rotate farms already built. 



Be able to transform the sculptures horizontally. 


Garbage can

When the world is already old it is very common to accumulate repeated items, almost breaking, which are only accumulating at the base (In general it is not worth storing. Like tools and armor 1%. This is a constant problem that degrades server performance. A structure that would delete the items would be excellent.


Flowers, Succulents and Ferns

Be possible to change the variation of flowers, succulents and ferns. Both on the floor and in pots.





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Since your post is about QoL update for base building I figured I would throw my own two cents into this, I want stackable structures that lets me place two or three things into the exact same location.. things that should stack- 

Storage Chests, Moon Dial Fountains, Tacklebox+Tin Fishing Bin. This allows me to have more storage space on my limited storage space boat cookies.

I would also like to be able to scale the SIZE of certain structures Before placing them between Small, Medium & Large sizes.

Why?? Stackable Moon Dails! 3 Moon Dails of different sizes can result in this!- 


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I would still really like to see a way of possessing infinite light without winters feast. I know you can use spores and the like for mushlights/glowcaps, but having to change them every year when you have 50+ is not ideal. The simplest solution I still think would be possible is making klaus drop an additional present bundle with 3-4 festive lights at any point during the year. There are other ways to go about this, but it just seems the easiest and would make some sense.

I also like the other suggestions. Rotating sculptures would be really nice!

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I agree with all the stuff here except the last one, about flowers. Part of the charm of megabasing is having to work around mechanics that were never intended to be used for megabasing... for example, the flowers you plant being randomized. And the rose being only a 1% chance. If you really need a specific flower, it's perfectly reasonable to grind for it imo, and that leads to some interesting gameplay (having to optimize your butterfly catching.)

3 minutes ago, Owlrus98 said:

Never fully built a mega base before but I'm curious, what do Mega-Base builders do once their base is completed anyways?

Once the actual base part is taken care of, it's time to move on to purely decorational stuff... but I've never seen anyone fully convert an entire world like that.

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13 minutes ago, Owlrus98 said:

Never fully built a mega base before but I'm curious, what do Mega-Base builders do once their base is completed anyways?

~~This response is mostly a joke~~


More seriously, it is a constant expansion. There's always more to build, always a little project you can work on.

Sometime you do duplicates of certain area (farms, bee zone, mob pen, etc.) or sometime you just try something creative! Build a cemetery, build some shrines, build a museum, a castle, a pig village, etc.


But the true answer to the question, when ever i managed to "finish" a megabase, i either rework certain zone to my current style or i just start a new world. Starting new creations is really fun imo!

Have a good day!


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I have some nitpicky concerns but over all a builders QoL update would be awesome. 

15 hours ago, Owlrus98 said:

Never fully built a mega base before but I'm curious, what do Mega-Base builders do once their base is completed anyways?

I ran into this issue when I "finished" my first megabase. If the base itself is your goal, you'll be disappointed once it's "complete". If having the the base is just a part of your gameplay goals then you'll always have something to do. 

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16 hours ago, Sunset Skye said:

I agree with all the stuff here except the last one, about flowers. Part of the charm of megabasing is having to work around mechanics that were never intended to be used for megabasing... for example, the flowers you plant being randomized. And the rose being only a 1% chance. If you really need a specific flower, it's perfectly reasonable to grind for it imo, and that leads to some interesting gameplay (having to optimize your butterfly catching.)


I've got 2 of them. There's more flowers on the left and right, but only 2 roses. Didn't know about the 1% chance.


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