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Long Commutes

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I'm not sure what the dev's intend with this thing, it adds a "warning" message that is always on, it's almost like the error condition should be lack of long commutes.


I try to use tubes and automation to reduce dupe travel, but I don't find it realistic to build automation ever single time I dig a tile, so that is always going to create long commutes for the dupes gathering it and putting it in storage.


The error triggers for over 40% travel time, it would have to be below 70% for it not to be always on as my "clean up" dupes is at or a little over 60%


8% is the lowest (A single dupe has this, most is way higher, I'm wondering why), average is 49%.

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I think a part of the problem is that there are dupes that are doing cleanup jobs, such as sweeping.  These particular jobs are almost entirely travel time.  Dupe runs somewhere, picks something up, runs somewhere else, puts it down.  Wash, rinse, repeat.

This artificially inflates the dupe travel time statistic, since the dupe's job IS traveling in this case.  Sweeping and similar jobs will inevitably trigger the "long travel times" warning even in  a small base -- even if their average travel distance is only 8 tiles.  For most other jobs, the dupe runs somewhere, does some work, then moves on -- such as digging a hallway, crushing rocks into sand, running on the hamster wheel.  In these cases, the travel time is not inflated, since the dupe spends a fair amount of time doing the work after traveling.

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When your base reaches space and oil biome I dont think there is a way to get rid of this message. You would need to split your base into different areas that hold x amount of dupes. All of those areas would need the basic recreational and food stuff for morale. It would just complicate too many things so I just ignore it

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a warning message should be actionable.  this is not really immediately actionable.  and as stated, you may have dups who's job it is to commute.  you should be able to permanently disable annoying messages.  maybe I want to have a base designed to max dups and max travel time? seems very narrowly focused on a specific type of game play

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6 hours ago, KittenIsAGeek said:

I think a part of the problem is that there are dupes that are doing cleanup jobs, such as sweeping.  These particular jobs are almost entirely travel time.

Those shouldn`t really count for long commutes. The commute is the job after all. If the system only counted dupes walking towards work stations, carrying nothing. That doesn`t add value. Carrying stuff does.

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