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  1. Past hour
  2. New mods released: - Conveyor Tile: in world conveyor belt tiles that transfer items, critters and unsuspecting dupes - Better Rebuilding: Rebuilding now keeps the settings of the building (limited to those that can be copied to other buildings) - Weeb Dupes (april fools mod): Cat ears for dupes I have also fixed up the Dupery mod until Barley returns
  3. Today
  4. This is not defense, my friend, this is a counterattack. Feel free to disagree, but don't try to tell others how to think and what to do, unless you have an authority. Oh, i'm asking you a favor, so i write please. If you think i'm defensive or offended, remember that it is only your interpretation of what you read. Try reading it with a different intonation, my friend. I want to see a good character skill trees too, but i also often have a different view on the characters, and i want to express that. Even if i know that Klei will not rework anything major. Well, enough about us, i'd like to see Winona mains sharing what they enjoy and what they would like to see changed
  5. so you want to ruin other people's fun for no reason? problem is that you might want to play as characters that aren't warly and winona for more than 10 total days during the entire late game
  6. I feel like her in game sprite could use a touch up.. It just looks off compared to her portrayal in trailers and skin art. Like maybe her hair curls need to be more emphasized cause it just looks like she has high cheekbones instead. I'd also adjust her chin so that it doesn't jut out as much Idk but her ingame sprite just falls flat for me and thats one reason i never play her
  7. Only issue with that is that Charlie is still the night creature and hasn't taken over the throne yet, meaning it would've had to be during DS
  8. Sorry, I didn't know what intelligent thing to add since your suggestions cover all the good things already. I've been thinking about similar ideas. Let's hope they will make it into the future updates!
  9. with this logic all character can be switch for any reason that let them be inferior to other characteres stuff, like i want to kill a boss why using wortox for that fight when wolfgang is better for that moment. Im not a fan of the celestial portal, i like to stay with a character till the end with all the good and bad stuff, thats why its pointless to disscus this, all character can be switch with the existence of the portal and thats why i always ask for a nerf for that thing, but now im just gonna wait in the shadows till the nerf to the portal so i can see all the cries about not having switch character anymore cause klei get ride of that silly mechanic.
  10. amount of time spent not crafting doesn't compensate the amount of time spent swapping or doing stuff without other characters' perks not having a work multiplier is much worse unless you do all work by using bearger/reanimated skeleton
  11. you wrote about not losing efficiency or fun, but in reality and objectively you do lose efficiency and personally i lose fun when not having the extra speed. this can be applied to all in this game, you want to kill bee queen easily with other character that is not wendy just rememeber the patterns of attacks and remember to bring lot of health items and armor. see things are not that simple my friend.
  12. I honestly agree with this but instead of land placement i would like to see a way to increase the radius of knobbly tree canopy (maybe upgrading the canopy would also increase the amount of fig branches???)
  13. doesn't make the game fun in any way other than making it require spending less time on a boring part you should ideally never use it unless you're doing caves with a torch/light berries just remember them
  14. Dear @Zarquan, I just wanted to tell you that if it weren't for you I wouldn't be playing this game again. There are many, many great contributors to my interest in this game, but you are the first that comes to my mind. So yeah, I'm building a geotuned niobium tamer with a Zarquan pump and the lucky builders that will have the honor of building it, also the (un)lucky scientists that will have the honor of overseeing it, are going there with a modified version of this rocket. Because.. Natural tiles mod. Thanks, again!
  15. Thats actually genius haha. They can be darker in color from tanning in the sun and drop cooked meat when killed.
  16. i asked for a favor thats why i wrote please, no need to be so defensive my friend, i just want a good winona skill tree as a Nona main, thats all. Winona has some good perks aside from catapults, she has the crafting speed that trust me when i said you can really tell the difference with a character with normal speed. the extra hit on the dark that is not that good but its something and of course the perk to see the real names of wagstaff tools during moondstorms, so she is not in blank at all.
  17. Add a rare Pig nudist beach set piece for Pearl's island.
  18. i wouldn't mind that but they're already the shortest part of the process so that wouldn't do much
  19. how about a spice that speeds up your farming actions, or have that apply to honey seasoning?
  20. I've made some suggestions in the past about ocean content but seeing as we are getting an ocean based quality of life I thought I'd do another breakdown of what I think Klei would need to add in order for the ocean to offer a more rewarding experience. I doubt many of my suggestions will fall within the scope of what a QOL can add but who knows. Anyway here's what Id like to see General Ocean and Seasonal Mechanics Add rough waves to the ocean that occur during rain storms or coincide with the moon cycle. Add a way for players to cool themselves on boats. Maybe make the fire pump get players wet Or add a new sail that is essentially an umbrella for your boat and provides shade Add a wind or ocean current mechanic that the player has to account for when navigating Ocean mechanic Tweaks Buff fishing so that it is both easier and not as long and tedious of a process (theres really no reason for the oceans main source of food to be so slow to collect when berry bushes and carrots exist on land as well as how simple pond fishing is) Allow Wavey Jones to be chased off even when behind structures close to the edge Remove 50-60% of current sea stacks Nerf Rockjaw to be more manageable of a fight Increase Rockjaw spawn in deep ocean Increase skittersquid encounter chance General Ocean Content Add more general and random set-pieces to the ocean Examples could include: Rockjaw Den where multiple rockjaws spawn Skitter squid Ship wrecks with boat loot Pirate boats in distress Add more oceanic activities/unique mobs Add a hunt to the ocean (Land has koalafant, shipwrecked has whale) Add a Klaus equivalent to the ocean for overfishing Add a creature, like the dodo from shipwrecked, that can be rescued from ocean debris and then can start breeding on its own. (perhaps a manatee) Pirates and Raids Add a craft-able sail you can fly that makes pirate boats neutral to you Incorporate pirate boats in other activities other than raiding allow monkey pirates able to fish have monkey pirates be able to search for treasure they can loot from the ocean (you can interrupt and fight over) allow monkeys to do hunts (if added) monkey boats that are in trouble and sinking make pirate monkeys sing sea shanties in a series of grunts. (i just think this would be neat..) Allow a neutral flag sailing player to trade with monkeys with either bananas or gold trade while monkeys are fishing to receive fish trade boat patch to sinking monkeys to rescue them and either get a reward or have them follow the player boat allow players to recruit pirate monkeys to sail with them on their boat followers can man sails and anchors ( introduce captains whistle or something where blowing it makes pirates on board ship man any available sails or anchors, clicking on the sail or anchor while whistle is equipped allows you to tell the pirates to raise/lower) followers can manage firepits (allow them to have an inventory with 1 or 2 boards by default, can also be given resources) followers can patch boats (allow them to have an inventory with 1 or 2 boat patches by default, can also be given resources) followers can sing sea shanties to raise sanity Once followers time limit is up they abandon ship by jumping in the ocean World Generation Add an archipelago world gen option or something that breaks the mainland into seperate chunks Add sailable rivers that pass through mainland biomes Incorporate water tiles to the swamp (similar to the mangrove biome in Shipwrecked)
  21. Every time I swap my equipment using mannequin my crows opens up again. Same when I transform into Wonkey.
  22. you might not want to swap every time you want to do something and you might at least use the character's perks from time to time, winona doesn't have any perks other than catapults though so you aren't losing fun nor efficiency by not playing as her after making catapults, similarly in comparison to warly, since most people only eat crock pot stuff anyway and usually have a bundle with it so portable crock pot is pointless
  23. extremely boring, literally nothing to do after day 4 at most because waiting for seasons feels like a waste of time because there's nothing else to do because you can prepare before even the 2nd season starts and there's nothing else to do other than making a base or looking for volcano which is entirely RNG previously we just had walking with acceleration on water only if you ram into stuff i usually only either make a fire pit if i forgot to get light bulbs or put nothing there
  24. Mushroom quiche is the superior choice. Egg cracking and cooking can be automated, while the relatively small amount of waterweed needed can be wild planted and auto harvested. It also has the best Kcal density per kg, doesn't have a penalty to athletics and saves your conscience from the adverse effects of unspeakable acts of cruelty towards cute pixel animals. It also gives you a reason to ranch pufts. That alone would be enough for me: it's like mushrooms, just... Better!
  25. According to this thread the save data location is located at C:\Users\<yourprofile>\AppData\Roaming\Klei\Rotwood\steam-123456789101112\saves\cloud\slot_1
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