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Pressure > 1800 with normal vent?

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Disclamer: just back from no internet/phone/computer holidays, and 5 minutes into my game after a long time, so I may overlooked something obvious here.


This time the oxygen factory is away from my base (= not producing O2 directely in it, straight from electrolysers, but cooled down and distributed with pipes and normal vent).

So I was sure not to have ear poping.


Some places inside my base are at a pressure (P) at 4000 and more ?!?


Somewhere else, in gas storage chambers (too much natural gas :) ) no way I get more than P=1800.


(I do not have the tech for high pressure vent, nor want to use a trick.)

So two questions:

* why do I have P>1800 with normal vents (in my base)

* why do I not have P>1800 in my storage chamber !! It would be convenient.

If you could enlight me, it could be use as a easy trick to get massive storage of gas.

And my stressed dupes will thanks you too. :)



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I think vents are only checking the content of the tile they are placed on. So if there is a stray pocket of co2 with <1800g, it will always pass the pressure check. The oxygen will then go to the adjacent tiles of oxygen, resulting in pressure >1800g.

This effect should only be notable in places where you have more than 1 gas element floating around.

Can any of the game-mechanic-wiz-guys confirm this?


The easy trick: You can also trick vents by placing small amounts of liquid onto the tile they are on to completely remove the pressure check.

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If you're right, @blash365that means I would have to completely clean my base of gas other than O2, or distribute O2 only from the top, where O2 is likely to be, so that vent are always in an high pressure (P=1800) environement.

So, by trying better (even distribution instead of just at the top) I end up doing badely :)


l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions... un traducteur de dictons ici ? :)


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no, just hang the o2 vents by the ceiling of lower floors and by the floor of upper ones, and put airflow tiles above/below as necessary

also vent pressure limit is 2k

the algae oxidizers and electrolyzers are the ones the overpessure at 1800

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Why 2k ?

I've only seen max pressure of 1800 in my gas storage.

Beside wiki states:


Gas vents can not release gas when the outside gas pressure is too high (1800g).

Any reason why you want to do a sandwitch of O2 in the base with O2 vent on lower and upper floors? better spreading?

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The reason you have 4k pressure in an enclosed space is The 3 wheezeworts.

They hide 5kg gas each, enabling your vent to add gas, then The gas pressure equalizes above 2k evenly.

Then wheezes hide 15kg gas again and eventually you get overpressure.

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1 hour ago, Argelle said:

So two questions:

* why do I have P>1800 with normal vents (in my base)

* why do I not have P>1800 in my storage chamber !! It would be convenient.

If you could enlight me, it could be use as a easy trick to get massive storage of gas.

And my stressed dupes will thanks you too. :)



You have wheezewarts that pull in air and blow up.  SOmetimes you can have them creating a temperature differential in the area around them that can be quite impressive.


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2 hours ago, Carnis said:

The reason you have 4k pressure in an enclosed space is The 3 wheezeworts.

They hide 5kg gas each, enabling your vent to add gas, then The gas pressure equalizes above 2k evenly.

Then wheezes hide 15kg gas again and eventually you get overpressure.

That would let an extra 15kg of air into the room one time, then even when the wheezes hide 15kg again, the room is still over pressure so won't vent.

1 hour ago, Kabrute said:

so i'd say the game is probably right and the wiki is probably wrong

I'm pretty sure the in game help file is wrong because they do not let the pressure reach 2000.


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1 hour ago, Kabrute said:

is the code also wrong?

if you have an instance where your air vents are not venting in sub 2k atmosphere please share the save so that we can troubleshoot and possibly file a bug report

It's all games ever.  I'm guessing the code checks if the current pressure + the full packet of gas in the pipe is > 2000, then don't vent, thus right around 1800 is where it normally decides to stop.

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9 hours ago, psusi said:

It's all games ever.  I'm guessing the code checks if the current pressure + the full packet of gas in the pipe is > 2000, then don't vent, thus right around 1800 is where it normally decides to stop.

As long as the vent detects it it less than 2k it will pump more gas, I have had rooms that go slightly above 2k as the gas moves about.

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I refer to the map I play as LC, the seed I use for ONI.

Like I say it was inadvertent, I didn't mean to suffocate them. It was an accident! ;p

It's just a matter of creating an eddy with an irregular interior.

But simply, it was a container, I don't exactly recall if it was regular or oblong, but it was incomplete is all. Likely it was 2x3, or so. The tile where the pipe was to enter was not finished as I waited for the vent to be completed. I added a tile making the inside irregular, where eddy's could form. I left the tile out of the wall. The pump continued to function. A small eddy of co2 got wound up tightly, then oxygen started getting in and then the race was on. It's a recreatable situation. I don't have a save relating to that specific incident, but, it's just a matter of trying it out. Start with a 2x2 box with an extra tile inside and an incomplete wall, presto, vortex box for lack of a better word. Phrase, or terminology.

Also for whatever reason I suppose the soil formation above this oxy machine may, or may not, be doing what I think. At certain times the chamber has become highly oxygenated. To the point it popped eardrums, I'm pretty sure. It created conditions for the oxy to get to like 2.4k.


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