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What do you guys think of a level up mode?

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Example every character starts off with only 25 hp 25 sanity and 25 hunger but for every 10 days you survive you gain 5 points and you choose where they go? and if you die, well you start all over.

As for damage you start off with fishing rod strength but for every enemy(only monster types or giants) you slay your attack increases by 0.1% 

eventually you become OP but at the beginning its hard mode basically, its basically adding small rpg elements

might be fun

yay or nay?

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The general idea sounds interesting for a mod...

But these stats are definitely terrible. 25 sanity, which means in one day or two you go insane. Then you can kill the shadows with a fishing rod's damage (4.25 as to the wikia). With such stats you would kill spiders most likely for dmg increase, but after a few you're insane again (if you happened to be sane before), so shadows come again. After killing 1000 monsters you have doubled your damage. 9.5, yay. Less then 1/3 what you could deal with a spear. After 6000 monsters you reached the spear! 


The problem with this in my opinion is that fighting would take forever and players had no time to do anything else. Otherwise they would stay at that minimal damage. 

About the other stats, one would need 425 points to reach a regular character's stats. That is 4250 in-game days. Oh, and if you die even once, you can start it over. Well... I think it show's why nobody (or just a very few people) would play this mod. Not even my solo world reached that day count.

So all together, basically the idea is nice and interesting, but it really needs a very very strong buff to make people play on such a server. 

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In don’t starve you level up by gaining access to better loot, there have been mods to add more RPGesque skill levels but I’m mostly happy with the default progression system. If you want a character who can level stats you can always play WX.

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Oh, you mean DSMMO by Jodio?  This already exists. :)   KINDA...the stats start off normal rather than terrible.  I think something in between would be better; lower than normal to give the beginning more of a difficulty curve/really make you feel like you're _earning_ those early levels; but not only 25 of everything.

But yeah!--you don't just earn up XP by combat, but by doing almost EVERY SINGLE THING.  Even really mundane things--like, you can eventually get better at picking grass and pick it super-fast.  The mod also gives you a cute little message on-screen whenever you level up.  I don't use it regularly but I did try it for like, a few seasons at least, and it was pretty fun if you're in the mood for that.

Also (a) you can learn actual new things to do in-game once you hit certain levels, and (b) you lose half your experience whenever you die, meaning it's not TOTAL easymode.  I'd reccommend you try it out...unless of course you're playing on console.  But if you do and don't like it, you can just not use it on your next world.  (shrug)


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I once played a game where we had some mod that added an experience and leveling system to the game. It was really broken to be honest, as once you got to a certain middling level you got like a special ability and it was OP, so that got thrown out. Not to mention it really, really didn't feel right in the game.


With that being said, while I'm not 100% opposed to adding a leveling system, I'd strongly advise against it due to having to balance every intricacy to be fair and not break the game, yet also be rewarding and fulfilling to the player's effort. This is a fine line to walk to say the least.

11 hours ago, minespatch said:

There should be a different way of leveling. The leveling system worked great in the forge but this seems a tad complicated. There should be a better way to level up and earn items to get spools.

I like the idea of a leveling system integrated with the spool system/items a lot more (as opposed to actual qualities in game), to be honest. It'd be cool if there was an experience system which would improve your drop quality chances, or just follow the forge as you suggested. The only challenge I see with this is perhaps figuring out a way to stop people from godmoding for experience, which I wouldn't even know if it's possible.

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That would be too hard for the new players and too easy for the old players. Already I struggle bringing friends to the game because they feel it is too hard and there is too much stuff to remember. I get it, the learning curve is violent in this game. Add the leveling up and it becomes impossible. 

As for the old players, I can imagine that after 400 days, your stats are easily at 300 everywhere and there is no point anymore to bother with anything.

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9 hours ago, Mr.Mulk said:

I like the idea of a leveling system integrated with the spool system/items a lot more (as opposed to actual qualities in game), to be honest. It'd be cool if there was an experience system which would improve your drop quality chances, or just follow the forge as you suggested. The only challenge I see with this is perhaps figuring out a way to stop people from godmoding for experience, which I wouldn't even know if it's possible.

Yeah, exactly. I'd just like to earn my chests instead of waiting and randomly getting them. I like earning stuff.

14 hours ago, ImDaMisterL said:

This is more of a General Discussion thread to me, OP is not suggesting that change to the devs but to the community to discuss and see what they think

Sorry for the confusion.

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47 minutes ago, minespatch said:

Yeah, exactly. I'd just like to earn my chests instead of waiting and randomly getting them. I like earning stuff.


1 minute ago, DarithD said:

Yeah i agree on this, this one keep me motivate more than the rng drop, because atleast you have a reason to reach day 72

I was thinking about the issue of people using godmode to get experience but then it occurred to me there's the potential of (much like the Forge) a Klei hosted system which could be implemented. This would unfortunately only really be applicable for an event, unless they attached it to their official public servers, but then they'd always be flooded. It's a bit of a conundrum to say the least, but I'd guess there's a solution. If only there was an ethical way to determine if the host of a server and any admins on it was using console to cheat, and invalidate the server, but I can't think of any way that wouldn't be dangerously close to spying or just simply not work.

Perhaps they could set up something where the experience system would only apply if the console was disabled entirely (via the lua), I'd hazard there's a way for them to know that isn't too obtrusive. It would obviously also have to be modless unfortunately, unless they decided to make a list of approved mods (but that's a whole lot of effort).

As a final note, it would be really awesome if the players were rewarded with drops or better drops for achieving certain in-game goals ranging from beginner (surviving a whole year) to difficult (defeating dragonfly).

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52 minutes ago, Mr.Mulk said:

achieving certain in-game goals

I don't care much about achievements(Forge was fine for the context) but earning items and being able to spool to earn items I really wanted is what made leveling worth it. Actual items to earn for leveling.

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Fantastic idea, with some tweaking to optimize it will make the game more enduring.    Once you survive a complete rotation and kill all the bosses what’s left to do other than accumulate?    Slowing it down to get to that point and making it harder would make it more satisfying.

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