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Winter's Feast???

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Well, this year my DST Valentine's Day celebration included swooning over a bunch of flowers growing on the ground, putting a telltale heart next to it, and holding my lighter (did I mention I was Willow?)  The caption said:  "You set my heart on fire!"  Because of COURSE it did.  (I had tried to use the ring of roses from the now-wandered-off Stagehand before, but this is oldschool Willow and since she was a bit insane, she kept BURNING THE ROSES.  Took me a while to find some decent flowers that _stayed_ there until I was done posing the picture.) 

That was it. That was my Official Valentine's Picture.  : P  (And actually, now that I remember, I was doing the _kiss_ animation not the swoon, and it was a normal telltale heart, because I did this first thing in the morning, before the official Valentine's stuff was released.) 

And I _could_ get into all the stuff about how the Christmas tree is clearly from a PAGAN tradition to begin with, but let's just call it a Winter's Feast tree because that's what it is in the game.  (shrug)  I mean, obviously the devs picked that name BECAUSE it's as general as possible. 

Anyway, whatever you call 'em, I got 'em!


COME ON DOWN to Winona's Tree Emporium!  We gotcha big trees.  We gotcha little trees.  We got--wait, what do you mean why is there cactus?  Jesus lived in a desert!  It's TOTALLY appropriate!  XD

(This picture was taken on a mostly-desert world, with only little oases here and there of other biomes, so the trees started off rare and I _always_ replanted rather than using the seeds as fuel/eating them.  So yeah, be kind and rewindplant, or Winona and Fluffbut will...be sad.)


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22 hours ago, Sinister_Fang said:

No, it's a Winter's Feast tree. Get it right or you might trigger all those easily offended people who don't celebrate Christmas.

(It's a joke, don't shoot me)

Do these people actually exist? I’ve never encountered any. It seems like there are tons more people who get enraged if you *don’t* say Christmas.

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4 minutes ago, Rellimarual said:

Do these people actually exist? I’ve never encountered any. It seems like there are tons more people who get enraged if you *don’t* say Christmas.


Social Justice Keyboard Warriors. :3

Also, on the internet you must always be either completely politically correct, or completely politically ignant. Just how it is.

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2 hours ago, Rellimarual said:

Do these people actually exist?


2 hours ago, Rellimarual said:

I’ve never encountered any.

Consider yourself lucky. They're irritating to listen to...

2 hours ago, Rellimarual said:

It seems like there are tons more people who get enraged if you *don’t* say Christmas.

These people are also irritating to listen to...

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Oh, like the lady who PUNCHED a Salvation Army bellringer (of all people) because they said "Happy Holidays".  "You're SUPPOSED to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" she snarled, completely missing the ten-ton Irony Plane going by right over her head.

Happy Holidays is the INCLUSIVE one!  And that's just some people's problems:  "What?!  How DARE you mention that other cultures and religions exist, even vaguely!  WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONLY ONE!  ARGLEFLARGLEBLARGLE!"

Hate.  People.  Like that.  HATE them.  "Oh no, it's not _completely_ about us anymore!  We no longer have a stranglehold on the culture, YOU'RE KILLING CHRISTMAS!!!!"  Just for even _hinting_ that things like Hannukah and Kwanza and Yule exist.  Not to mention Happy Holidays also includes New Year's and, if you say it early enough, (American) Thanksgiving.

As for the other people...I just say "Happy Holidays" in its original intention and hope one of the other types isn't also in the room.  (shrug)

On a lighter note..."Fluffbutt" is one the silly nicknames I give my real-life cats, so now my Don't Starve kitties get saddled with it too.  Well, except for Jesus Cat, who got _that_ name by walking (and sleeping) on water.  Pets mod + Shipwrecked = hilarity, put it that way.  : P


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I suspect that Klei’s developers are kicking themselves for giving us all the free seasonal content last year, when they were also rolling out ANR updates, because it has created the expectation that we’ll get something new and awesome every holiday. And that expectation is probably not reasonable.

Still, I can’t see them not at least turning on the same version of Winter’s Eve that we had last year, since they did give us a replay of Hallowed Nights. Almost all the work on it is already done.

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32 minutes ago, Rellimarual said:

I suspect that Klei’s developers are kicking themselves for giving us all the free seasonal content last year, when they were also rolling out ANR updates, because it has created the expectation that we’ll get something new and awesome every holiday. And that expectation is probably not reasonable.

I never got that from the events. I just figured they would roll out the same event around the same time each year. The Chinese new year seems like the only event that would need some tweaking each year. When I saw the new trinkets, candy and skins in Hallowed Nights I was actually surprised. I personally wasn't expecting anything new added onto it.

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