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Cat drawings! (among other things)


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14 minutes ago, minespatch said:

I can just see Gizmo and Chip having a staring contest.:wilson_ecstatic:

sounds funny, but he actually really hates other cats and will fight with them a ton. he's usually pretty lax, but should another cat annoy him enough, an his pent-up aggression could turn into a really nasty fight.

he's also a big sissy and sometimes runs and hides when another cat proves too strong. i've seen it happen, i swear to god. my aunt brought in one of her older cats so we could keep watch over her while she was away. chip was hiding under the bed the entire time. only wnet out to eat and use the litterbox.

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13 minutes ago, mewthemew said:

sounds funny, but he actually really hates other cats and will fight with them a ton.

Sounds like my Gizmo. She picks fights if she sees any of her siblings that live outside our house. Poor kitty forgets her tons of brothers and sisters live inside.

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10 minutes ago, minespatch said:

Sounds like my Gizmo. She picks fights if she sees any of her siblings that live outside our house. Poor kitty forgets her tons of brothers and sisters live inside.

considering your gizmo kitty is female, i'd say chip would probably hide. allegedly, female cats in a group are usually the most dominant. not sure why, but i've seen it happen.

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