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please klei do something with griefers

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I have all the conversation with a griefer, It was a lot of time and work what other players invested there, it is not enough to put griefer spawn protection, players want to feel safe when playing and know that every time we enter the server, we will find reliable players and our bases equal or better , I have proof of what this player did and I hope he will be sanctioned, obviously in steam he will not be sanctioned, I just wanted to scare him but it did not work, I would like there to be a blacklist of players, which being there you can not enter the server of other players, maybe I'm exaggerating but this really bothers me because it's not the first time it happens, thanks for reading the post and below are the screenshots of everything.

Here is the steam profile of the griefer https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198359818518/










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There is no reasonable solution for Klei to combat griefing, it takes too much manpower to handle manual reports, and the way DST is it's almost impossible to ban people automatically.

The solution is indeed to not play on Klei pubs if you don't want any griefers, they will always come and go on those. Play your own server where you can make the rules with your friends, or play in community dedicated and regulated servers, if there are such.

Personally I still like klei pubs, I met a lot of friends and I've learned stuff there; but I'm never surprised by griefers, I live mostly nomadic and hold on to any item I'm not comfortable losing. And I don't get invested in building unless it's in a very secluded location. 

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Isn't it public shaming? I mean, yes this is bad but it's just a game and it is a sandbox after all, everyone does what one wants, if you don't want your base to be burned, play with friends or people you trust

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Sadly for you, OP (and for community at large, at least the friendly and constructive part of it), that griefer is right, "u can never stop" him. KLei has a "hands off" approach in general (interpret it as you may) and aren't banning anyone - case in point: the Clouds sock-accounts griefer that, for years now, only burns/hammers bases in-game, his "play-style". This too will pass and nothing will come out of it. Realistically, best advice for you, OP: play with friends on personal private servers or go for one of the moderated community servers out there. And if you still need/choose to play KLei official pubs or other dedicated un-moderated servers, either camp in Ruins, Cave Swamp, Labyrinth's entrance, Atrium, Pearl's island, Moon archipelago, sea-boat base or nomad.


7 hours ago, BeeClops said:

There is no reasonable solution for Klei to combat griefing,..

KLei could make a tier system, in which people playing on a server can rate the other people at end of session, when de-logging - with sole purpose of said system to weed-out "bad apples" (griefers/trolls): if a player receives during a certain amount of time a certain amount of "-" (overall negative assessments), let's say 100-300 per month (or a number per session), will be unable to join public un-moderated servers after a series of warnings at fixed thresholds. This "only rate people in current session" proposed cumulative system will severely limit "brigade false positive" reports too. DST is growing and, at least for Social and Co-Op modes, should be consequences for repeated disruptive actions.

PS edit: as for redemption of a griefer/troll wanting to better themself, proposed system could reset negative feedback once per 6 months or at 1 year intervals.

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4 hours ago, x0-VERSUS-1y said:


I second this! Many games place similar restrictions on an individual after having committed a series of "illegal actions". Smash for example, restricts entering the online random pairing mode if a person has been too idle, constantly self-destructing, etc. 

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8 minutes ago, HowlVoid said:

I second this! Many games place similar restrictions on an individual after having committed a series of "illegal actions". Smash for example, restricts entering the online random pairing mode if a person has been too idle, constantly self-destructing, etc. 

maybe for the next QoL they should put something to stop griefers,and as you say, many games have ways of sanctioning players who do illegal actions, in games like tf2 when using hacks you can no longer play on servers with vac, in cs go the same thing happens and so in many more games, I think klei should have a similar sistem

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34 minutes ago, Gods fiddler said:

maybe for the next QoL they should put something to stop griefers,and as you say, many games have ways of sanctioning players who do illegal actions, in games like tf2 when using hacks you can no longer play on servers with vac, in cs go the same thing happens and so in many more games, I think klei should have a similar sistem

What is an "illegal action" lol? You are literally comparing using detected third party software to illegally modify the game to using the game's intended functions in a way the game allows.

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5 minutes ago, Cheggf said:

What is an "illegal action" lol? You are literally comparing using detected third party software to illegally modify the game to using the game's intended functions in a way the game allows.

is an expression the word "ilegal",but It is a toxic behavior to go to each server and destroy what you see, there are games in which being toxic is considered enough to be sanctioned

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There could be an option for reporting the person for griefing in game maybe if that report reaches 20 or less it will say "griefing possible" on top of their heads and icons (griefer wont see this) and if they continue and get more reports they will be banned from playing online (they still own the game so i think they should be able to join games with password if they have it) for 2 months or more 

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1 minute ago, Gods fiddler said:

is an expression the word "ilegal",but It is a toxic behavior to go to each server and destroy what you see, there are games in which being toxic is considered enough to be sanctioned

So destroying things should ban you? When you upgrade the science machine to an alchemy engine it bans you?

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7 minutes ago, Cheggf said:

So destroying things should ban you? When you upgrade the science machine to an alchemy engine it bans you?

I think you confuse things, destroying things to change places is different from burning everything, also the players who are with you know if you are reliable or not and the reasons, you also have the option to talk to them and explain, it has worked for me in some days that made remodeling

12 minutes ago, HellHeater said:

There could be an option for reporting the person for griefing in game maybe if that report reaches 20 or less it will say "griefing possible" on top of their heads and icons (griefer wont see this) and if they continue and get more reports they will be banned from playing online (they still own the game so i think they should be able to join games with password if they have it) for 2 months or more 

you are my hero

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8 minutes ago, Gods fiddler said:

I think you confuse things, destroying things to change places is different from burning everything,

No it's not. If burning things banned you but not hammering things griefers would just start hammering things. They both do the same thing: make the structure unusable. Actually hammering is worse than burning since burning at least gives you half the stuff back.

8 minutes ago, Gods fiddler said:

also the players who are with you know if you are reliable or not and the reasons, you also have the option to talk to them and explain

That's right, the players know. The players. Not Klei. You're not asking the players to do something about griefers, you're asking Klei to step in and make an automated system. How could the automated system possibly have the same information the players do?

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Refer to JoeW's post here referencing CarlZalph's post: 

This topic has been discussed plenty of times and the two linked posts above are what I recommend people see. Klei can't realistically police all the public servers at all times nor implement new cost-effective systems in an attempt to "fix" the issue. But griefers will always find a way to mess with people somehow. Maybe in the future, but we will have to wait and see.

The public servers are a simple good way to find random players you click with and possibly play in a private personal server. And also like other people have mentioned, there are plenty of self-moderated steam/game groups out there that you can join.

Check out the https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/forum/80-dont-starve-together-server-bulletin/.

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I think some people are misunderstanding so Ill explain it like this:

1. Troll goes in a server and pisses everyone off netting them 3 reports.

2. Troll continues this behavior and get 5 total bad reports netting them a 24hr ban from public servers.

3. Troll gets 10 more bad reports and gets a 3 day ban and is forbidden from entering public servers that don't already have more than 2 other people (for kicking).

4. Troll gains 15 bad reports and is now banned from all public servers.

Something like this. It would last 6 months before resetting. This is just a very rough idea, I'm sure it can be further improved.

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1 hour ago, HowlVoid said:

I think some people are misunderstanding so Ill explain it like this:

1. Troll goes in a server and pisses everyone off netting them 3 reports.

2. Troll continues this behavior and get 5 total bad reports netting them a 24hr ban from public servers.

3. Troll gets 10 more bad reports and gets a 3 day ban and is forbidden from entering public servers that don't already have more than 2 other people (for kicking).

4. Troll gains 15 bad reports and is now banned from all public servers.

Something like this. It would last 6 months before resetting. This is just a very rough idea, I'm sure it can be further improved.

Witchhunting intensifies

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The problem is that you cannot fully remove griefers from the game. No matter how many metrics a game programmer puts in, there will always be a loophole for a griefer to use.

So yes, there is literally nothing to do except kick and rollback. These are the tools that Klei gives for this game.

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1 hour ago, inferjus4 said:

Witchhunting intensifies

Lol that's a valid concern but it would be very hard to obtain that many reports from 15 unique individuals. Is being banned from Klei official servers that bad of thing though? I only play solo... Also if you do manage to get that many unique votes maybe random people just don't like you and you should get actual friends lol

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