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Year of the beefalo ideas

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In my opinion I think that they should add these ideas to the year of the beefalo update to make it more realistic

  • They should add different genders like male or female which can be distinguished easily like the males are bigger give more drops and have longer horns
  • they should make the females neutral but the males aggressive if you come too close to the females
  • you should be able to milk the females to make cheese and butter
  • 1 male should have a pack of about 4-6 females
  • territory clashes with males by smashing into each other with horns until one gives up and walks a different way
  • different colors and different coats for different males
  • females have small horns and do not drop beefalo horn
  • males only drop beefalo horn and deal more damage as well as faster
  • males are like guardians and naturally aggressive to hostile mobs 

Let me hear your ideas and thoughts about this post


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What is with you people and obsession with gendered mobs. 

There is 0 need for that. None of the other mobs have these dynamics, and beefalos don't as well, because it is unneeded. 

Even more so, your ideas render beefalos pretty much useless. What's the point of me going to slaughter a bunch of them in my first year if only killing males is going to matter? Why should I notoriously keep tracks of the herds to check if they killed each other and if they can reproduce, risking extinction by simply not checking in on them? They happen to work pretty well right now. Genderless mobs spawning kids from time to time until herd limit is reached. Connect herds if there's space, break into separate ones at random. From their behavior, beefalos are not territorial at all, why should they be? They are themed after cattle, a group of species that live off traveling, because they have to change location after eating all the food from one. 

The forced behavior of males is like something you just want to watch happen, when you pass them without any care because even if you make them so much more complicated still not a lot of people actually use them as food or manure source. 

Beefalo milk- why?! Aside from the fact diary tastes awful, right after adding new farming methods, you want a whole new concept that works only in specific timing, with specific tools, in a complicated way to be introduced, when it's not needed in the slightest? Excuse me if I'm wrong, there already is milk, without having to introduce this crazy dynamic of reproducing and timing, it can be forced, and has a nice touch of that Don't Starve feel. I'd be 300 times more happy to kill charged volt goats daily than wait until female beefalo has a baby, kill off the male so it won't bother me, then milk it. All for what? For another genre of food I will not use anyway, because it's too much trouble to use as general source of hunger points and I have other ways of acquiring food already. If you just want more dairy in game, why not focus on volt goats? It's much more fun anyway, and you'd have to change the properties of electric milk if normal milk was added. 

The thing is, beefalos don't need a rework, other than some taming tune ins, and even that is arguable, just because a lunar event is coming doesn't mean we need them to be changed. Carrats were not changed, vargs were not changed, pigs were not changed. Why beefalos would? The lunar event is about having more fun with the mob, introduce a mechanic that is at it's core fun, like racing, wrestling, and finding a variation that is fun to fight or just leave as decoration. 


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My idea is a sort of belt that is placed after the saddle. There would be 3 tiers and each tier would have 1 extra slot. They can only hold beefalo items (brush, saddles, etc.) and would work like a chest. As well as adding these items:

1. Their own life giving amulet. It would require 2-3 life giving amulets in the recipe because they're chunky.

2. A blind fold that keeps them from attacking everything in sight. But you cant ride it and attacking it makes it come off immediately (he still attacks). Only works on 30%+ domesticated beef)

3. A jaw breaker (3 day durability) made of salt/nitre. Keeps the beefalo from Wondering off/stays in place (super annoying/dangerous). It also always keeps the obedience above 50 (always rideable) but only works on tamed beefalo.

4. A poop bag that keeps me from getting off every 10 seconds to pick up its poo. Holds a stack and then the bag is ejected and can be unwrapped to drop the 20 manure.

5. A tag that keeps others from riding it. You write a name on it and inspecting the beef lets you call it towards you (has a range).

6. A Leash+Pole. Has durability and untamed beefs lose obedience faster. 

If the saddle is shaken off then the belt is too. Everything will fall on the floor. They are mostly qol stuff that I hope get added eventually.

Edit: The items only work if they are in the belt. A 3 slot belt requires a bearger pelt. Skins for the belt would allow for all sorts of cool rugs that are placed on horses, alpacas, camels, etc.

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To be fair.. Pipspook have genders.


Tell me why Beefalo can’t have little pink bows in their hair to mark them as Female?

As far as the whole milking process and all that other stuff goes, I don’t really think I need all that, but what would I would like is new skins for Beefalo changeable with Clean Sweep.

And a mini game where you charge into other Beefalo or metal rooks, they have a health bar and can be knocked out.

Think of it as like Pokémon battles or more appropriately Destruction Derby- Last Beefalo left standing wins.

Beefalo Races just feels meh since that’s what carrats was about last year.

Charging into Battle on a glorious newly skinned mount.. now that’s what I expect from Year of Beefalo!

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What we really need is to be able to  own a fully domesticated beefalo so we can carry it when we leave the server, or if we go to the caves. Maybe a special item they drop (like the glommer flower) which makes the beefalo follow you and leave the shards with you.

Maybe to prevent abusing that mechanic and filling the caves with beefalos, once it has been domesticated, even if it goes feral again it shouldn’t reproduce anymore. 

And if for whatever reason it un-domesticated, it should be easier to get it fully domesticated once more (like, half the time, it makes sense if it was domestic once)

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I’m not sold on the idea of taking Beefalo into caves, that would probably require an entire cave rework.

Enemies aren’t designed down there with tamed Beefalo as even so much as a thought, so what’s meant to be challenging caves content would become a cake walk with a Beefalo involved- Which would mean Rescaling caves content because Beefalo are now involved.

I also can’t get over the fact people want to take a huge 6x the size of the hole Beefalo and fit it into that tiny spelunking hole.

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23 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

Tell me why Beefalo can’t have little pink bows in their hair to mark them as Female?

Yeah uh, chief. Thats a silly way to determine a pipspooks gender. Bows/pink don't nessacarily mean an entity/animal identifies as female. I'm a male but damnit if I dont love bows and the color pink!

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21 minutes ago, Hornete said:

Yeah uh, chief. Thats a silly way to determine a pipspooks gender. Bows/pink don't nessacarily mean an entity/animal identifies as female. I'm a male but damnit if I dont love bows and the color pink!

Blame it on 1980’s and 1990’s television- because most the cartoons I grew up with identified females as having little pink, or light blue bows in their hair.

If you like bows that good for you I guess?  Man I swear people in 2020 are just to sensitive to every little thing..

Regardless, I hope year of the Beefalo comes with a reworked taming system for Beefalo- this was the hardest most unnecessarily frustrating achievement I unlocked in the game literally being harder to do then killing Dragonfly, Ancient Guardian AND wearing Shelmet and Shell armor at the same time.



It Needs to be easier, or at least easier to UNDERSTAND, look at how much fishing and now also farming was changed to be more complex, more engaging, more fun..

Now look at Beefalo which if your lucky- Requires you to go get a ton of Twiggy Trees and plant them near the Beefalo your wanting to Tame for enough twigs to feed it, The game shows no domestication process like taming in Ark, there aren’t any visual identifications on your Beefalo’s face of if it’s getting hungry or is losing domestication- there are MODS for it probably but consider players on PS4 and Xbox then look at the spoiler image I just posted and you tell ME why taming Beefalo is the hardest achievement for a console player? 

I can provide a few ideas- Such as taking all Beefalo related items and putting them under their own easier to understand and figure out crafting tab like the Think Tank and all Seafaring related structures that fall under it.

Something like a Ranching Tab (which could also double up as a Parking spot for your Beefalo once it’s been tamed)

more facial expressions for your Beefalo, if a shaved Beefalo can look pitiful, so can an unhappy, hungry or injured one.

new craftable items to interact with Beefalo with, things like leashes, toys to play with them with, new saddles, different looks via skins etc..

Bottom Line: If Year of The Carrat could make a Carrat the best pet the game has EVER had... I expect something moderately decent from Year of the Beefalo.

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