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What do you think of DST's difficulty?

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6 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

to dont be stunlocked. My friends and i get a hound wave when we just arrive the moon island, i bringed with me shadow gear to drop my sanity but we didnt get enough time so i needed to teleport to kite (which was fun and i need to waste half wasted lazy explorers) or die by stunlock because gestals dont do damage but slows you down. Maybe we should bring bone helm, raw cactis or what ever but we didnt take it in count  "Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer." but that makes it more difficult if you take it in count in comparation with a regular hound wave

i like new things and more if they have good desing. Idk what is about meatballs but ok. Another can say that you do boo boo for using star caller when he has torches

totally. isnt worth discuss with you, treating me like an idiot to make your argument right when you didnt even understand what i said or maybe you just have a lot of troubles getting lazy explorers

ok so first off, the telepoofing, i guess i can see why you'd not want to get stunlocked by the hounds on the moon, and if you did get stunned by a gestalt to teleport away, but, if you're going to the moon, shouldn't you have something to lower your sanity there so gestalts don't appear? something, anything? oh you didn't take it into acount? well that doesn't justify your 500 iq play of telepoofing for kiting, you weren't prepared and you got punished, that's just how it goes, next up, that argument for the saladmanders and glass statues, i wouldn't really say they have good design, they're tough to kill for very bad loot, and what do you mean you don't know what is about meatballs? they're the most used hunger dish in the game, and about the making you sound like and idiot, look, its just kinda hard to believe you were forced to telepoof away because you forgot to bring sanity damaging foods to the lunar island, which requires you to be at low sanity so you don't get harassed by gestalts, its just, about the main argument, why making the sea harder is unfair because it just isn't fun and limits vets to an area no one likes, look, a lot of people hate sailing, and sure there are mods that make it better, but the very fact that you need like 7 mods to make it fun goes to show that the mechanic itself isn't very fun, the land part is where you spend the most time and is where most of the fun is, so why make it just for newer players, it just doesn't really make much sense to reserve such a large area to them, even more when the sea isn't even all that challenging as you can easily skip most seafaring, and it isn't rewarding enough for you to go into it.

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2 minutes ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:


thanks for explaining

i will try a easier way to explain you

more preparation requiered=more difficult

that is all i have to say

when you stop being like that ;)

Ok so... If "more preparation required = more difficult" why are you getting the bone helmet.... To keep your sanity low. 

Getting the bone helmet is a MILLION times more difficult than getting green caps and seaweed garlands.


1 minute ago, Hornete said:

Please don't twist people's words like that.

They said that land is for newer players and that better players can get ocean content


4 hours ago, AlternateMew said:

Agreed that I'm okay with the balance, but more on how I see it heading.

I think separating the difficulty by land and sea is a good idea. Keep it how it is on land so the newbies can learn. Land is mandatory. You start on land.

Let the sea be treacherous, dangerous territory that newbies shouldn't dare go unless they have a really good guide. It's already starting to imply a mastery of sanity, with Lunar Island making insanity preferred and Wavey Jones messing you up if you're not really sane. This is a good start. Forcing you to be able to switch from completely nuts to completely calm in an instant. Something experienced players should be able to do.

All I did was add a jokey spin to it. \o /

But in the true context of it, they suggest we separate the game so that newer players get land and better players get the all glorious ocean content.

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I think you miss understand- There’s the starting area and all it’s biomes connected to the starting area (for simplicity sake let’s just call this the Beginners Islands) and THEN you can hop on a boat, travel across the Sea and go to a territory with higher damaging, higher health enemy mobs, (shattered Spiders now have an AoE attack for example) The Lunar Island Biomes would be considered “Advanced Islands” they can add a third additional set of Islands that are “Veteran Islands” and probably even a Fourth “End Game Content” Set of Islands.

Now... the Beginner Islands should remain mostly untouched, the game doesn’t need to get any harder for people picking it up and trying to learn But those OTHER ISLANDS.. the ones out across Water requiring you to build a boat and sail into.. those Islands should have harder content.

If anyone has played ATLAS yet (Ark Survival Evolved but with Pirate Stuff instead of Dinosaurs) You start at the Port- A place that’s peaceful to noobs, you can do easy quests, buy a boat then venture out into more dangerous territory.

Pearls Hermit Island.. there is nothing dangerous there at all save for a few mysteriously plugged Sinkholes that I’m willing to bet money will someday serve a purpose.. but for the most part- this place is the most noob friendly area in the entire game to be... no Bearger, no Deerclops, the only real threat are Hound waves (which the island is so tiny I wish even hounds couldn’t spawn here)

THAT is what DST needs... It needs these areas noobs can go to peacefully fish and do quests for an NPC that THEY can find enjoyable, Meanwhile... The experts are off on a distant land filled to the brim with all sorts of hostile dangerous stuff that wants them dead.

You guys hear the word “Island” and you instantly think tiny little plots of land that you can barely move around on.

When in actuality any landmass (regardless of size) can be considered an Island as long as it’s completely surrounded by a body of Water.

So The entire United States of America’s an Island.

The “Beginner Island” is the area you spawn in at the start of the game and it includes all that areas Biomes as part of that Island.

Now Imagine if Lunar was just as big with just as many biomes.. and so on and so on.

Klei is on the right track by NOT making the beginning area any more difficult then it already was.. But once you hop a boat and start sailing to new areas your practically asking for more experienced content.

And I for one would like areas that demand very specific resources to even step foot into- For example.. a forge themed biome that’s mostly fire and magma that would require extremely heat resistant clothing to survive and explore in.

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1 minute ago, WheatleyBr said:

ok so first off, the telepoofing, i guess i can see why you'd not want to get stunlocked by the hounds on the moon, and if you did get stunned by a gestalt to teleport away, but, if you're going to the moon, shouldn't you have something to lower your sanity there so gestalts don't appear? something, anything? oh you didn't take it into acount? well that doesn't justify your 500 iq play of telepoofing for kiting, you weren't prepared and you got punished, that's just how it goes, next up, that argument for the saladmanders and glass statues, i wouldn't really say they have good design, they're tough to kill for very bad loot, and what do you mean you don't know what is about meatballs? they're the most used hunger dish in the game, and about the making you sound like and idiot, look, its just kinda hard to believe you were forced to telepoof away because you forgot to bring sanity damaging foods to the lunar island, which requires you to be at low sanity so you don't get harassed by gestalts, its just, about the main argument, why making the sea harder is unfair because it just isn't fun and limits vets to an area no one likes, look, a lot of people hate sailing, and sure there are mods that make it better, but the very fact that you need like 7 mods to make it fun goes to show that the mechanic itself isn't very fun, the land part is where you spend the most time and is where most of the fun is, so why make it just for newer players, it just doesn't really make much sense to reserve such a large area to them, even more when the sea isn't even all that challenging as you can easily skip most seafaring, and it isn't rewarding enough for you to go into it.

i dont use mods to make it funier, i like the way it is. I didnt say that i want a harder sea but i can be ok with the idea of more difficult areas in the sea along with easier. i even think that klei has change the sea way to difficult for new players with rockjaws and shadow claws making that damage but for me is fun that risk but i dont thing is good if they plan to add newfriends areas because idk how a noob can fight a rockjaw without diying making the experience frustrating for some

about the telepuff was just an example. I was playing with friends in a chill way and wanted to show them the new contend so focusing in what is needed can be hard if you are talking and doing fun things, i didnt though that hounds will come that soon so i didnt pay attention to evade the gestals (was a new thing so i wanted to feel it too). But then we get the growls when all of us where in that state. The example was about that you can kite hounds in land with what ever sanity but in moon island you will need the gear to fight hounds + something that drops you sanity. We forget it like we forget to bring silk to catch moths. We only had with us dark swords and maybe me a night armor too. Ofc since then i always have gloomers goop in a chest in the boat, a bundle of raw cactis or bone helm when i get it

10 minutes ago, Nikki Darks said:

Ok so... If "more preparation required = more difficult" why are you getting the bone helmet.... To keep your sanity low. 

Getting the bone helmet is a MILLION times more difficult than getting green caps and seaweed garlands.



i will try with maths

to kill hounds in land=speed+armor+weapon

to kill hounds in moon island=speed+armor+weapon+droping sanity

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Let me turn my post into a TL:DR then- 

Theres the Beginner Islands, Theres the Ocean and Theres Lunar Island (a place beginners should never be in..)

What we need is Peaceful Island, Beginner Island, Intermediate Island, & Hard Island.

The Ocean is not content aimed at veterans.. it is (and Klei themselves even openly admitted to this) a “vessel” or in their words- The Foundation for all future content updates to DST.. Content you have to go out of your way to find rather then that content bringing itself to you making your experience more difficult by force.

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Well.. the last couple of posts sure were a fun Ego-trip Dunning-Kruger loco ride (the "you do you boo boo" bit made me genuinely laugh, for a moment I was like "Preach is playing DST" - pour les connaisseurs), but keep it nice and tidy, folks, go for the argument/idea and not for the person (a learned lesson toward integrity and good will).


DST for "veterans" and players knowing most of what they can do (regardless of play-time and/or how said knowledge came to be - video tutorials, reading Wikia, being mentored etc) is fairly easy because, Hound and Worm Waves not included, nothing else can truly challenge them aside occasional cumulative/overlapping RNG-ish detrimental factors (like Insanity Monsters + a Raid Boss + periodic mentioned waves + rain/chill/heat/etc - all at same time), yet even these can be mitigated via careful/thoughtful planning ahead. For this bracket of players some new threads/environment conditions would be welcomed to stir things up. My view for how such threads/environment elements can be ushered in revolves around a 1 player-triggered-macro-event akin 1st AFw take-down (let's say a fight vs some Moon counterpart of Fw) that kicks Constant into another, harder, mode, amping up creatures AI, causing new events, new weather, new mobs, etc - a proposal not taking into account scaling.

As for newbies/noobs/casuals (vast majority/bulk player-base) not yet learning the game, DST has a pretty steep learning curve as it is, and that's fine. They need not be burdened with further problems from start if a core-game re-work would come in future.


PS: yes, experience (repeated play sessions in various setups and with different skill-level people) from numerous and diverse scenarios also plays a big role, beside knowing how-to. Only reading/seeing tutorials won't automatically make you a good well-versed player; lot and lot of practice does that.

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The problem I have with making the entire game harder ViA “World Altering Event” is that it makes it even more difficult for me to play my worlds with my much less skilled than myself friends.

Sure I could host another save where I haven’t trigged X Event for Y entire world altering results.. But I would much rather just have different islands separated by sailing that have varying levels in difficulty.

Pearls Island is an excellent example in this: An Area with no Bearger, No Deerclops, No hostile mob of any sort (except the occasional hound wave) a peaceful place where you can go to fish and hang out with pearl..

Now let’s imagine another small peaceful island like this where another NPC has set up Carrat Racing tracks to play on. Content thats not exactly aimed towards veterans.. But at the exact same time that there’s Pearl there was also Crab King- a boss that you can adjusts difficulty based on what items you socket onto it, which obviously wouldn’t be aimed at the the peaceful fishing folks over at Pearls.

They can add harder islands like the Lunar Island, they can add a “Lunar Caves System” but those areas- should be completely obscure to noobs who struggle in the starting Area.. Areas that require experience to get to and play within.

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I have aways been wanting for the game to be more difficult .I think the game is too easy compared to DS (if you are a veteran that is) and the difficulty is what I liked about this game .

Now what I think about the difficulty - They focus too much on optional stuff and that is OK, what I don't like is this - the survival part of this game is left behind, I can go so far to say that it was thrown out of the window... Overall I played DS/DST for the survival part, now ... now I don't play DST anymore, I log in from time to time to check the updates but ... No new features, nothing big, also nothing that changes my survival tactic at all.

I can stay in my camp for the last 4-7-10 (or more) updates and nothing new will come to threaten my survival... The world will change, new stuff are added but nothing to make my survival harder !

Most stuff that they add are optional and I'm here for the survival - do or die. Also the randomness of this game is ... same old same old... and even less.

TLDR:If you play it for the survival is too easy, but if you go out searching for your death and not trying to survive this world it's OK

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i'm completely in favor of cranking up the difficulty.

my main problems come from a) The characters are very strong for their environment. My thoughts on the characters we're that the all the characters would gravitate around wilson, and wilson himself would be the best for the sake of him having no downsides.

The other thing is just HOW GOOD a server of people is. the most fun servers are the ones that are where servers are nearly burnt down and every day is an actual day of survival. the most Common servers, however, are people choosing the same 5 locations before rushing every raid boss, flock the ruins, and then sit at base for the rest of the game.

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It's pretty well balanced as a whole, but at this point it needs more end game (difficult) content. Caves are just the right amount of medium difficulty but I question the recent deliberate choices Klei have made:

- New characters are affecting the game's difficulty and balance in the wrong direction. We don't need this, just new and interesting ways to play.

- You don't die when you drown

- Kelp and Stone Fruit

- Exploits deliberately left in the game

- Fuelweaver... can we really say this is an end game boss which needs groups to overcome?

I would really appreciate a update which adds no new content but purely focuses on balance. Tweaking recipes so they're situational and everyone doesn't just make meatballs and pierogi. Removing the most popular exploits which have become a crutch etc. I can kind of understand why they focused on the ocean instead of doing something with the gateway (and I suspect it's because they decided the latter would be content most people wouldn't see) but all it resulted in is content which neither new players nor old want to see.

We're in the age of rogue-likes and return to form for coin collector arcade levels of difficulty. The initial difficulty of DS is what attracted players in the first place, I don't think pandering towards a more accessible game is going to increase its long term success if I'm honest.

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7 minutes ago, CameoAppearance said:

Are you a Maxwell main, @ArubaroBeefalo? With every other character I've been able to keep my lunacy in a low to middling range without needing the bone helm or nightmare amulet, rather than being at maximum lunacy for every hound wave.

again it was a noob mistake when it was release but i though it will work as example of lunar island hounds are more difficult due of needing more preparation. Just it

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Pretty sure Klei knows how to make their own version of an Uncompromising Mode.

If you did one simple thing.. Removed the ability to make a Crockpot, it could have a massive Impact on people’s ability to “Don’t Starve.”

But- I’m completely unbiased in my opinions and I feel that something like that should be locked behind an alternate game mode, or maybe a biome across the sea that prevents crockpot placing.. What we do NOT need is the starting Area of the game getting any harder to survive in.

That should remain “mostly” untouched and the Harder content should be on distant islands, or cleverly hidden away.. 

For example: Maybe you need to craft a tool from the celestial tribute that lets you “Temporarily” Move the plugged Sinkholes at Pearls Island... which leads you to a harder underground Moon Cave, Except: This content isn’t just simply thrown into the starter area and Klei is like “Okay New players.. you die a lot already, but the veteran fans feel you should suffer even more so we’re going to make the starting area of the game even harder!”

For a million reasons I don’t care to list here- NO.

But.. What if we could build a tool from the Celestial Tribute that levitates pearls plugged sinkhole so we can enter harder content, meanwhile to the casual player.. they never know such a difficult place exists hidden beneath the surface of friendly hermit lady’s shack.

Its content that YOU have to be experienced enough with the game to get yourself to and enjoy, rather then having that content force itself upon you rather your ready for it to be or not.. 

Harder difficulty modes, harder islands, Thats all fine but to make the area you start in just trying to learn the game shouldn’t get any more difficult.

I believe that’s why most content like Bee Queen for example is Optional.. you don’t ever HAVE to trigger her, but she’s there... and waiting when your ready.

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The difficultly is fine to me. My only real complaint is the hound waves. Every friend I try to teach this game to finds them really overwhelming but at the same time anyone with a decent setup for dealing with them will probably end up complaining that they have too many teeth and nothing to do with them. Both issues could be resolved by just...not throwing a million hounds at us.

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