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Requesting a pic of the Noise Overlay.

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I'm watching last night's Rhymes with Play stream and the guys were asked what concept they most regretted having to abandon.  @jambell says his was a noise system, which frankly sounds awesome, but II can understand why it was scrapped.  He goes on to say the overlay for the system looked great, so I hereby request a pic of said overlay, if one exists. 

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I think, it was because performance. They already have so many things effecting other things, effecting dupes... Everything eats CPU-Power in huge amounts. Now imagine an additional system, emitting sound waves from every thing in the game that makes a noise, effecting the surrounding. 

In terms of executable code, its a mess and a horror for performance.

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1 hour ago, SharraShimada said:

I think, it was because performance. They already have so many things effecting other things, effecting dupes... Everything eats CPU-Power in huge amounts. Now imagine an additional system, emitting sound waves from every thing in the game that makes a noise, effecting the surrounding. 

@jambell said it was scrapped because it was another layer of complication new players had to contend with.


1 hour ago, SharraShimada said:

In terms of executable code, its a mess and a horror for performance.

IIRC he said enough of the code might still be in there for a modder to do something with it.

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There's definitely at least a limited noise system still in place. Snores and sneezes make enough of a racket to disturb sleeping dupes, although the Loud Sleeper trait also confers immunity to most sleep disturbances.

In Dwarf Fortress when last I looked the noise system completely disregards intervening objects. Constructing and deconstructing buildings makes noise as does the operation of a number of buildings, and harvesting lumber in particular raises a truly appalling racket.

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