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What's the current skins strategy? Few questions

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I wasn't playing this game for quite a while and a lot has changed. I see you can weave skins now and also combine them in trade inn.

Is it wise to combine skins in trade inn? Or perhaps should I weave them? Or maybe the best way is to sell them?

What gives the best value?

I also see they changed how often we get skins now. Anyone knows exact numbers? Like, how many hours do I have to wait to get maximum amount?

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Skins (and other collectibles) have 5 Rarities: Common, Classy, Spiffy, Distinguished, and Elegant. You can Weave them for  15/50/150/450/1350 Spools, and unravel for 1/3rd (5/15/50/150/450). 

You get 1 per day, the clock resets sometime around 5PM Eastern/2PM Pacific. You get up to 8 Additional per day for playing, ~1 per hour.

You can only weave (and sell) certain things. And most of the common skins go for pennies on the market. 

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3 hours ago, FTR said:

So is it generally a good idea to unravel skins I don't want?


Instead of selling or using them in trade inn?

U need 10 skins of the same rarity to get 1 skin with 1 rarity higher so 10 common skins is 50 weave but o get to choose what classy to weave or keep the spools if u unravel them.Check them on the market if u want to sell them some are expensive and is better to sell it and buy the one u want from the market.U can also just take the gift and unravel or sell it without playing.

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10 hours ago, FTR said:

So is it generally a good idea to unravel skins I don't want?


Instead of selling or using them in trade inn?

it depends on the skin. you have elegant skins which are always worth 450spools but on the market they have a big difference between their pizes.

if you want to play the game then i would recommend you to keep all skins for now and later when you know more about skins then decide what you do with them

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12 hours ago, ap95 said:

Skins (and other collectibles) have 5 Rarities: Common, Classy, Spiffy, Distinguished, and Elegant. You can Weave them for  15/50/150/450/1350 Spools, and unravel for 1/3rd (5/15/50/150/450). 

You get 1 per day, the clock resets sometime around 5PM Eastern/2PM Pacific. You get up to 8 Additional per day for playing, ~1 per hour.

You can only weave (and sell) certain things. And most of the common skins go for pennies on the market. 

You can get a total of 15 skins a week?? Or am I just misreading this? (7 daily gifts + 8 gameplay)

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I weave duplicates but overall keep most, and weave the ones i never use when im aiming to get a certain amount of spools for something I do care about. If im lucky enough to get an elegant or above that has a decent price on the market I sell it.

I do gamble on the trade in, but as often as twice a year or even less, and never got anything interesting there. Sorry @minespatch your buddy there is not very generous.

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1 minute ago, reverentsatyr said:

From my experience, the trade inn isn't really worth it. I usually just keep everything and unweave all the duplicates for spools.

Yup, I do that too. They should revamp inn keeper for chests. I really like that leaked idea and hope the devs return to it.

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I personally feel the Trade Inn has become obsolete. The 9 commons are now more valuable as spool than they are as a random classy item, which is what you're going to get most of the time. And this trend holds true going all the way up to distinguished. The 9 items you need to combine are almost always going to be more valuable as spool than the 1 item you get as a result of the Trade Inn. This is just my opinion of course.

As for strategy, that's going to vary from person to person. I myself unravel almost everything I get. Some people only unravel duplicates and some unravel literally everything. It's less strategy and more preference.

In the Wardrobe, I have one outfit I really like that I use for all of my characters and I unravel the rest. There's an argument to be made for a different outfit for every character or a different outfit for only the characters you regularly play. My personal philosophy is anything my characters aren't wearing is better off as spool.

In my Belongings, I keep all of these skins and unravel the duplicates. If you're not too particular, you can simply keep your favorites for any one kind of item and unravel the rest. For example, keeping your favorite backpack skin and getting rid of the others you don't use. Like, I finally got an elegant backpack skin (the Back Bat) and until I find other elegant versions, will never likely craft any other version of the backpack myself, but I like to keep all of these that I find regardless. Maybe I'll play with someone that wants a more traditional look and I have the skin they like.

Emotes and Emoticons, I get rid of every single one of them. I never use them in game and the way I figure it, the emotes that are available to everyone already are plenty as it is.

Portrait Frames and portrait Icons, I again get rid of them all. I have a nice collection of Loyal versions of both that can't be unraveled and they look great anyway, so I simply use them and unravel the rest.

Vignettes I'm kind of up in the air about. At the moment, I'm keeping them all and unraveling the duplicates but I've been entertaining the idea of unraveling the ones I don't use, which is a fair few. For the moment, I'm going to keep them but if it comes down to me needing more spool to weave something I actually want, I won't hesitate to get rid of them.

The only other exceptions I'm making right now is I'm keeping every elegant I find (unraveling or selling the duplicates). So for instance, I have an elegant skin for Wes even though I never play him. Again, if it comes down to me needing spool for something I want though, I won't hesitate to get rid of any skins that never see play, such as that Wes skin in order to get the spools I need.

That's just my take on it though, everyone's different. You do you.

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