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Justice for Warbucks! A Warbucks rework idea

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No matter how you slice it, Warbucks was weird, his perks were boring, his in-game model looked off, his quotes got butchered and he had some sort of identity crisis between being a hunter or an explorer. But what really bothered me the most is that he was removed from the game without being given a chance to redeem himself.

So I'm gonna try my best to attempt to make him more interesting. 



The Affluent Adventurer

"I say Ol' chap! This will be a game to remember!"

*Money hungry treasure hunter

*Grows his own economy 

*Is a cheapy cheapskate


Resultado de imagen para dont starve warbucks

There's just something wrong about his current in-game model so as seen above I did my best to remake Warbucks to better fit the way he actually looks in his character portrait.


Being an experienced treasure hunter allows him to consume only half of what normally is consumed for the Ball Pein Hammer, Magnifying Glass and Disarming Tools.
His love for money perk should totally be toned down to a maximum of 10 or 15 sanity per minute so he doesn't outpace Maxwell the OG sanity man at his own game.


This one perk was based off another similar idea by @Portmanteau on an old thread.


Warbucks comes equipped with his trusty money-powered blunderbuss the "Ol' Fortunate"
Feed it with oincs, dubloons or gold nuggets to raise the pot and increase it's power, killing creatures with this weapon will make them drop currency alongside their regular drops, the higher the pot means the bigger the rewards. 


Money shouldn't be idle and must be put to work you know?

Warbucks can craft "Golden Piggy Banks" which basically work as bundle wraps for currency and must be broken with a hammer to retrieve the money.

You may also try planting the piggy banks in an attempt to grow a money sprout to vastly increase your riches. It basically works as a gamble as there's no guarantee that the money sprout will actually bloom and even if it does bloom you may not end with the expected return.


His main downside is being stingy. Warbucks would lose sanity by anything that requires spending money such as shopping, crafting anything that requires gold or playing the slot machine. He would also have constant sanity drain anytime he lacks money in his pockets.

I can't really expect any of this to be added to the game but I just felt like sharing my thoughts and ideas now that Warbucks got Thanosed. I just hope the devs add Warbucks back into the game, I don't care if he keeps the same boring perks or that ugly in-game model, I feel bad for the Ol' Chap.

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2 hours ago, SandvichSpy said:



His main downside is being stingy. Warbucks would lose sanity by anything that requires spending money such as shopping, crafting anything that requires gold or playing the slot machine. He would also have constant sanity drain anytime he lacks money in his pockets.

i dont really like the other perks, but this is a really good/fun/interresting/whatever one

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i think this is a good idea, except for the fact that i think we need to have more stuff with pig trading and shops.


Maybe give an item the shop owner sells to increase its chance to appear when stocking


or more shops too! or maybe create your own custom shop 

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Damn, I had the same greedy cheapskate idea when I was thinking about how he could be made interesting.

I always liked the idea of him being like Clayton from Tarzan, just a smug, immoral jerk wad who only cares about money, and the challenge of a hunt.

Instead, he ended up being the other explorer, whose name I dont remember because he was boring and had no personality.



As an additonal idea for this rework, it would be cool if he got extra pig trading items from killing innocent animals like Pogs, or the Peacocks.

Maybe spider monkeys too, just to fit in even more with the Clayton idea.

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