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This game seems to be unfair?

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At this moment this game seems to be very broken in so many aspects and so unfair to me. Especialy without mods.
The only oneThe only way to survive is to quickly set up a base in savannah - near rabbit holes. Wich means build science machine, fire pit, ice box and set a lot of traps. Then you can start gathering resources, and when you back to base, take rabbits, coock them, ad reapet. But this is possible only in Autumnn, because if you start atspring, rabbit holes are colapsed - game over.
Every way to try don't starve is uneffected. Fishing take a lot of time, gathering berries? Waste of time...
If you don't have a perfect start, you can delete save and start again. It's nonsense for me but seems be sad but true.
You go insane? Shadow creatures start attack you all time, and even if you can fight them, you don't have time to do anything else. Game over.

This game seems to be full co-op oriented, when everythig have sense if you play with someone. Plying alone is very, very annoying and hard.

What do you think?
Do you have any ideas, how to survive without this obvious way (autumnn + Savanna + rabbits)?

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I can't imagine play in Don't Starve without mods. this game is too broken for play without any mods.


Shipwrecked is unplayable. My first map have only 1 flint. I use it for make axe, but had to spend some logs for fire camp. And I lost my axe trying defend from 10 snakes at once... After that I don't have anything for build a boat. 


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Tbh, I don't know where you are getting this "only way to survive" mindset from. If anything, surviving with rabbits is much harder than conventional methods. I would recommend collecting berries and carrots as you collect your base materials, and digging bushes, saplings, and grass tufts as you progress. Farms are a reliable source of food, especially if you have a Wickerbottom. You can also try to fight your way to survival, by living off Pig meat. It all really comes down to what character you're playing. I would suggest looking up some guides, and yes, this game is meant to be co-op it's called Don't Starve Together. Like I said in response to your other post, I would strongly recommend joining a steam group, to get help and find a good community to play with.

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Spend the first 5 days circumnavigating the very edge map, keeping an eye open for gold rocks, rocks, berries, carrots, and swamps. When you've found a swamp, set up a camp that is near some merm houses (they should be off screen by a couple paces). Watch out for tenticles. Merms typically fight tenticles and lose, dropping fish and frog legs at a relatively consistent rate. This will help make the beginning easier in either spring or autumn. Next, build a science machine and then an alchemy machine immediately afterwards. Lastly, build a spear and a shovel. The shovel will be your best friend for the next couple days as you use it to dig up any berry bushes, grass, and twigs, and then proceed to plant them beside your base. This should all take about 10 days.

Extra things to keep in the back of your mind:

1. Harvest silk to build bug nets, which can be used to catch bees. bees can be used to build bee boxes, which provide honey in spring, summer, and fall.

2. Burn trees far from your base and then chop them down for charcoal. This is used to make drying racks that make the aforementioned fish and frogs legs into jerky (one of the best food items in the game and provides sanity)

3. 1 fish, 1 twig, and 2 monster meat in a crock pot make fish sticks, which is a great food item and is something to use monster meat for

This strategy should give you a solid start and let you survive long enough to learn the rest of this awesome game's mechanics. Good luck

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Dont Starve is the type of game that throws you in there.

You have no idea what to do, and I’m result you will die a lot 

but that’s what makes don’t starve, dying and learning from mistakes, you have to go through many trials of life and death to find out “Hey this is better than this and so and so...”

Yes the game seems difficult, but you have to explore out of the idea that “this is the only way to do this so therefore everything else is invalid” kind of idea. Soon you will see that this game isn’t that hard at all

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17 minutes ago, ImDaMisterL said:

Moved to DST General Discussion as that's the game OP seems to be referring to (do tell me if I'm wrong and I'll move it back).

I legitimately thought Wilkinson's first post was trolling until seeing you moved the thread. (Since he was commenting about DST being a separate game and not having the funds to purchase it until a future sale...yet this thread is in the DST section of the forums.) To avoid confusion would you consider moving it back to the Don't Starve section? I don't think discussing Don't Starve (single players) balance in relation to multiplayer/co-op is too off topic for that section.


1 hour ago, Wilkinson said:

Do you have any ideas, how to survive without this obvious way (autumnn + Savanna + rabbits)?

If you don't have one yet a crockpot is a great way to get more value out of your food.

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You are outlining what makes this game so amazing, it takes enormous effort at first to survive and you never think you'll make it through winter..until you do.   Then the hounds come and getting to 100 days is almost impossible, then one day you make it to 150 days and avoiding death is no longer hard.

I remember the early days of my experience in this game, running around picking food up and not giving a whit about the future and dying within 10 days or less.    Stage two was farming rabbits and placing backpacks at touchstones for resurrection only to get scared by Krampus or finding out my gear in the backpack was inadequate for winter.   By stage three I had learned to use crock pots, make farms, and elaborate stone defenses with tooth traps for the dreaded hound wave attacks.   At the time I was terrified of caves.    My first experience in the ruins was total madness, being chased by shadow monkeys and monsters who were incredibly fast, just getting to a science machine was a fantastic feat, it was like climbing to the top of a mountain, you could only stay for a few minutes before rushing back lest you die.

Enjoy the experience because a day will come when the game is much too easy for you, at least you have countless hours of discovery ahead.   Don't use mods to make it easier, you're just ruining it by accelerating the narrative.



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As PillsStealer said above, this game is supposed to kill you a lot of times. There are many ways of getting food, go ahead and look our for them ;)

What I can recommend is to go and experiment with what you see and find. Invent new stuff, explore the world, be careful around monsters... and you'll be always better and better at the game, you'll learn new ways to get food, resources, building materials. 

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2 hours ago, Wilkinson said:

At this moment this game seems to be very broken in so many aspects and so unfair to me. Especialy without mods.
The only oneThe only way to survive is to quickly set up a base in savannah - near rabbit holes. Wich means build science machine, fire pit, ice box and set a lot of traps. Then you can start gathering resources, and when you back to base, take rabbits, coock them, ad reapet. But this is possible only in Autumnn, because if you start atspring, rabbit holes are colapsed - game over.
Every way to try don't starve is uneffected. Fishing take a lot of time, gathering berries? Waste of time...
If you don't have a perfect start, you can delete save and start again. It's nonsense for me but seems be sad but true.
You go insane? Shadow creatures start attack you all time, and even if you can fight them, you don't have time to do anything else. Game over.

This game seems to be full co-op oriented, when everythig have sense if you play with someone. Plying alone is very, very annoying and hard.

What do you think?
Do you have any ideas, how to survive without this obvious way (autumnn + Savanna + rabbits)?


1 hour ago, Wilkinson said:

I can't imagine play in Don't Starve without mods. this game is too broken for play without any mods.


Shipwrecked is unplayable. My first map have only 1 flint. I use it for make axe, but had to spend some logs for fire camp. And I lost my axe trying defend from 10 snakes at once... After that I don't have anything for build a boat. 


Im playing without mods, day 300+
The game is not unfair.


The game gives you everything you need to survive.

You probably just don't know how to play. Sorry man.

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Death is a failure state. This is true. But it is also the best learning experience. No one is good before they are bad. As a new player you don't know how to survive yet. And that is fine. You don't need to be good at the game to have fun playing it yet. 

As others have suggested. You have too much down time where you are skipping the basics. Forget rabbits. Go find some berry bushes and carrots. As long as you keep exploring you will have plenty of food for quite awhile. Plenty of time to get your self started. My biggest tip for new players is to never be doing nothing. Especially at night.

Don't starve is a perma death game. And death is part of the game play. But it is also quite fair. You never truly feel like a death was the game's fault but instead your own. Everything has a warning. And the more dangerous it is the bigger the warning. There is no need to cheat your self out of the experience by modding away all the hardships. Don't get your self caught thinking a problem only has 1 solution when there are actually many solutions to be found. 

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I'm not a fan of building near beefalo or using the savannah/rabbit strat, for exactly the reasons you note - other seasons come and you can't use it, and/or beefalo herds grow out of control and overrun your base. You gotta train yourself on other more uncertain, but sustainable, strats.


  • Pick up every seed you see - you'd be amazed how long you can survive on seeds, cooked or otherwise.  
  • Only pick berries at dusk or night (so you don't have to deal with gobblers). Don't go out of your way for them, just grab what you see as you're walking around.   
  • Don't chase after meat sources until you have an established base - pick up free meat you find from things fighting each other, but you don't actually need meat yourself until you have crockpots and drying racks.  
  • Pick up carrots from the ground. I used to get stuck in this mindset of "those are for winter!", and then found myself never actually using them because I had enough of an established base and fillers already. So just collect and eat them early.  
  • Punch butterflies (literally, no weapon, use your hands) - good health and hunger regen, and you may even get butter sometimes.
  • Fishing is a waste of time, literally the only time I've ever fished is while playing Adventure Mode. The time and resources are better spent on other things.


Now that you're not gonna starve, explore! Be a nomad for at least 10 days, I go more like 15 when possible. A base can be set up overnight, but your map isn't gonna reveal itself. I try to walk around the edges of the map, rather than on roads, so I can get an outline of all the biomes, even if I don't always know exactly what's in them. Always keep torches on you so you can explore at night and discover more of your map instead of sitting still and watching the clock tick down. My key resources to find are: Pig King, Swamp, Beefalo, Desert (if playing RoG), and one or more Walrus Camps. The sooner you find Chester, the better, so you can stockpile resources for base-building. I often find him off the cobblestone road, either in a bee biome or a frog pond biome. If he's not there, he's probably in the swamp.


For sanity restoration early on, you really only need 2 things: cooked green mushrooms and cooked cactus (if playing RoG). Mushrooms are abundant in the swamp during dusk, and/or the deciduous biome (if playing RoG).  Don't be afraid to pick some flowers when needed and craft a garland though - it's not much, but it does help in the early days before you have established constant means of sanity repair. 


To ease your base-building later, as soon as you have resources for a science machine, make it. Just drop it anywhere, make a fire pit next to it, and use that as a mini-hub while you're exploring and gathering resources. Use that science machine to craft and pre-build your main survival  materials, so as soon as you find an ideal base location, you just drop all that pre-built stuff and off you go. By "pre-build", in case you don't know, I mean craft the item but don't place it down. You right-click to cancel placing the item. The crafted item remains in your crafting tabs, ready to drop down when needed. I craft/pre-build: log suit, spear, shovel, backpack, fire pit, alchemy engine, drying rack, crockpot, lightning rod, chest. Also, crafting new items will give you a sanity boost, so use that to your advantage as well.


And finally, my final suggestion would be... if you're really struggling with RoG content (just wait until you hit Spring and Summer!), turn RoG off and play vanilla singleplayer DS. There's no shame in that, many many of us started this game before all the DLC came out, and struggled our way through the content as well. My rule of thumb is once you can reliably survive through 2 game years of vanilla (Summer-Winter-Summer-Winter), then you're ready for RoG. At the very least, you should be able to survive 1 game year (Summer-Winter) without being on the brink of collapse by the time the 2nd game year comes around. Don't play SW until you can easily survive in RoG for 2 game years, minimum. SW is much more difficult, and requires you know how to navigate the unforgiving nature and nuances of Don't  Starve already.

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On 2/26/2018 at 11:55 PM, Wilkinson said:

gathering berries? Waste of time...

There's your first problem to solve.

I don't have much too add as I don't want to spoil the experience. You just don't have enough experience and information about the game. Your approach to the game may be wrong just like mine was when I started. The first thing I tried to do in don't starve was look for anything moving and kill it. Obviously backfired. 

10 out of 10 rog worlds generated are fine. 9 out 0f 10 shipwrecked worlds are fine.

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On 27.02.2018 at 2:09 AM, Corazon said:


On 26.02.2018 at 11:55 PM, Wilkinson said:

At this moment this game seems to be very broken in so many aspects and so unfair to me. Especialy without mods.
The only oneThe only way to survive is to quickly set up a base in savannah - near rabbit holes. Wich means build science machine, fire pit, ice box and set a lot of traps. Then you can start gathering resources, and when you back to base, take rabbits, coock them, ad reapet. But this is possible only in Autumnn, because if you start atspring, rabbit holes are colapsed - game over.
Every way to try don't starve is uneffected. Fishing take a lot of time, gathering berries? Waste of time...
If you don't have a perfect start, you can delete save and start again. It's nonsense for me but seems be sad but true.
You go insane? Shadow creatures start attack you all time, and even if you can fight them, you don't have time to do anything else. Game over.

This game seems to be full co-op oriented, when everythig have sense if you play with someone. Plying alone is very, very annoying and hard.

What do you think?
Do you have any ideas, how to survive without this obvious way (autumnn + Savanna + rabbits)?


On 27.02.2018 at 12:38 AM, Wilkinson said:

I can't imagine play in Don't Starve without mods. this game is too broken for play without any mods.


Shipwrecked is unplayable. My first map have only 1 flint. I use it for make axe, but had to spend some logs for fire camp. And I lost my axe trying defend from 10 snakes at once... After that I don't have anything for build a boat. 


Im playing without mods, day 300+
The game is not unfair.


The game gives you everything you need to survive.

You probably just don't know how to play. Sorry man.



I'm playing without computer. 5.000 day!

Empty words are sempty,and weak troll is weak.

Next time I suggest to you using a lot of "XD" what a every weak troll doing constantly.



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3 hours ago, Wilkinson said:


I'm playing without computer. 5.000 day!

Empty words are sempty,and weak troll is weak.

Next time I suggest to you using a lot of "XD" what a every weak troll doing constantly.



I'm not beeing a troll, Why you think that? 

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On 2/26/2018 at 5:38 PM, Wilkinson said:

I can't imagine play in Don't Starve without mods. this game is too broken for play without any mods.


Shipwrecked is unplayable. My first map have only 1 flint. I use it for make axe, but had to spend some logs for fire camp. And I lost my axe trying defend from 10 snakes at once... After that I don't have anything for build a boat. 


In Shipwrecked sometimes you do get a starting island that is low on some basic resources. The more you play the better you get at knowing what to make first. For example; if you are limited on flint make a pick ax first, then you can at least mine boulders for more rocks. You may have to get off your starting island soon if it's that bare but there are always 1 or 2 very nearby that you can find more resources on. It took me a few tries to get past day 30 but it gets easier. 

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Shipwrecked takes a bit more practice to expertise than ROG for sure, but neither of them is unfair. In fact Klei has done an excellent job balancing the game in my opinion.

I highly recommend you start with vanilla and go from there. Vanilla has a few tricks and bugs you could use to help surviving and does not have as much danger as ROG. After you could survive the winter in Vanilla, move forward to ROG. ROG is a bit more tricky since you will encounter more boss and Summer is a pain for new players. Also in the setting make sure you start in Fall rather than Spring. In ROG, Winter is more friendly than Summer, especially if you are new to the game.

Some hints for you: Try not to build your base right away. Look around, find a location where you could see beefalos. It is much easier stick with Beefalos if you want to survive the hound attacks without having to fight for it.

You mentioned that you survived five days only? Is this your first play? If so, I'm not too surprised. Dying on 5th day during first play is not worth yelling. You will encounter a lot more difficulties later on. This is not a difficult game, but it can be difficult if you are new and unfamiliar with things. I recommend you utilize Wiki pages wisely. Make sure you know what each thing does before you starting cooking/eating/hitting or, more generally, doing anything.

As for Shipwrecked, there is not a lot I can help you with. Shipwrecked a indeed more difficult than ROG and take even more time to expertise. Considering both of the DLCs, it will take you several tens even over a hundred hour to be proficient at the game. At that time, you can start saying it's easy. Because, it will be if you know enough tricks.

Here is one that many do not know: You can make meet ball with 3 ice + any meat. It is extremely useful for Shipwrecked and for ROG/Vanilla if you find it difficult to acquire sufficient food.

Also, you can do it without mods. I highly recommend you watch a video or two to get more familiar with the game before starting playing it. I understand how frustrating it could be. Hopefully this helps you.

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On 3/1/2018 at 6:43 AM, Wilkinson said:


I'm playing without computer. 5.000 day!

Empty words are sempty,and weak troll is weak.

Next time I suggest to you using a lot of "XD" what a every weak troll doing constantly.



If you spent less time being snarky and more time figuring out what you doing wrong, you wouldn't be here complaining about a game you know nothing about being broken.




This game isn't just fair, it's easy to cheese. The "uncompromising" bit in the title is a lie. These videos involve a guy basically tieing is hands behind his back (metaphorically) and still surviving until he got bored of it. Watch some of the stuff he does if you really want to learn how to play this game. Any given video on his channel will teach you a lot about the game.

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On 2/26/2018 at 5:55 PM, Wilkinson said:

At this moment this game seems to be very broken in so many aspects and so unfair to me. Especialy without mods.
The only oneThe only way to survive is to quickly set up a base in savannah - near rabbit holes. Wich means build science machine, fire pit, ice box and set a lot of traps. Then you can start gathering resources, and when you back to base, take rabbits, coock them, ad reapet. But this is possible only in Autumnn, because if you start atspring, rabbit holes are colapsed - game over.
Every way to try don't starve is uneffected. Fishing take a lot of time, gathering berries? Waste of time...
If you don't have a perfect start, you can delete save and start again. It's nonsense for me but seems be sad but true.
You go insane? Shadow creatures start attack you all time, and even if you can fight them, you don't have time to do anything else. Game over.

This game seems to be full co-op oriented, when everythig have sense if you play with someone. Plying alone is very, very annoying and hard.

What do you think?
Do you have any ideas, how to survive without this obvious way (autumnn + Savanna + rabbits)?

You sound like a player in the very early stages of learning the game.   I was at that point as well until I discovered crock pots, ice, boomerangs (unlimited bird food) etc.   Once you learn enough it's extremely easy to survive and even clear the ruins solo by day 20.

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